” Wrap It Up “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #92
  • 10 Aug 23   
  •                   ”  Wrap  It up”
  • Howdy,
  • I  say  welcome again  into the unknown  crevices of my mind. I  did  a post a few weeks  back  called “The Doors ” and  this one had similar  motivations. I  have  never  been  on a Hollywood movie set,  but I  have  seen  on TV,  or In  movies the portrayal of an actual  movie set. I  think  maybe  most of  us  are familiar   with  hearing  a producer or director  screaming  “cut” , to get a  stop in the action.  We are probably  also  familiar with the  end of  a production and hearing  them say ” it’s a wrap” or ” wrap it up”. The production  maybe  finished , but it  is a far cry from  a finished  product,  as sometimes  hundreds  of  hours will  go into  editing and  trying  to  figure out what  makes  the  final  cut and  what  will  be  bonus  material  or an alternate  ending on a disk. There is  the occasional  redo of a  scene or two,  but that is a rarity with cost over runs on the  minds of many  studio executives.  I was wondering about  ourselves and what do we consider to  be  a  wrap in our own  personal  lives?. What do we deem necessary  in our lives, before  we  step out of the door. I  have   shamelessly admitted to  being  a  people  watcher and  often  people will  inspire  me  to  smile  or a hearty robust chuckle  from  within, as in my head.   As Americans we spend  millions of  dollars  on  our pets, and  perhaps  rightfully so, because  our  pets can  be more trustworthy than  people and  it is usually a  judgment  free zone.  There has been  some research done  in  the  area of pets judging  their  pet owning parents,  but we will  have to save that for some other  time☺️☺️. We  spend a  ton of  money on our pets, but it  doesn’t  even  begin to  come close to the amount of  money  we spend  on  self. Some of  the  upkeep  is necessary and some believe  mandatory,  but much  of  it  is bound up  in  vanity as it fuels the need for  us to disguise our flaws, frailties,  brokenness,  and do I  dare say many of our insecurities.  We can go from the basics of a little  eye shadow , all the way up to a  serious elective surgery for a breast augmentation , a tummy tuck, the age old face lift,  or some other  plastic  surgery to make  what we would  consider  an improvement over what  God naturally  blessed us with.  We have  artificial beliefs about  beauty and  health.  We have  to be attractive and fit, or we are somehow a social  pariah. We bend to the all to often  unspoken requirements     as to what is acceptable and  what is not when  it comes to appearance, and the standards  of beauty.  Our culture  has this polarization that you are either  put together or  one step  away from  looking as if you are  homeless, or a third  world  country.  And ,yes I  get  that  there is a  segment  of the population that  has  just  thrown in the towel ☺️☺️, like shopping  in your pajamas,  really?!, its a thing!  . Let’s just  look at some of the vanity.  In most  cases, contacts cost more than a cheap pair of  glasses , but people  don’t want to  be  known as old four eyes. I  crossed this  bridge with  my  daughter  back In the day.  She has beautiful  eyes, and for the most part  No one would  know that  she can’t  see that well.  I  will  give  her kudos for breaking  out the glasses as she recently discovered that  her six year old  needed  glasses,  and he didn’t  want to  be  the  only  one in the family to wear glasses, so  mom to the rescue,  with the  proper  support. Right  now, Beards are in fashion and  so  are tattoos . It’s a cyclical  thing, and  it will  go back and forth and in   all honesty it’s a personal preference  thing. It’s kind of  like a hairy chest , some prefer it and others will try to  wax it away ☺️☺️. They  are  in style  now, but they  also  sometimes hide or cover  up scares,  blemishes and  other  things that  people  would  prefer not  to  be  common knowledge, or public  consumption,  after all,  who wants  to  try and explain  eczema to  a four year old. There is  even this thing where tattoos become  recycled as in covering up some bad choice that you made because you and your high school  sweetheart didn’t  go the distance . ☺️☺️ . Well,  talking about  things that  are in fashion,  let’s talk  about  male pattern Baldness.  Yes,   I’ve heard all about about  bald men  being  sexy  and , that may be true,  but , it’s not a universal  thing that  everyone  can  pull off, and the same is true  of Beards.  The  old adage is, just  because you can  do a thing,  doesn’t  mean that you  should.  Some people,  just  need to  learn to say no! What about  the  other  half of  the  equation,  yes,  the dreaded  toupee,  or the even  more drastic  hair plugs….ouch,  both to you and your wallet ☺️☺️. I  know  that  for some  men Baldness is hard to accept,  they  tie it to their  vitality,  and that doesn’t  necessarily have to  be  the case.  Oh! Yes the honorable  mention in this  category has to be the wrap around, or the comb over.   We have  all seen the former commander and  chief  Trump, and  wonder what the hell was  going on  up there! ?  If you don’t  know the  answer to  that question  ,  please allow me  to help You out with  that one. It’s a desperate  cry for help☺️☺️. Trump, may be the premier one because of the spotlight ,but he is definitely  not the only one who is screaming,  please  help  me!☺️☺️. There is a reason  why  the make up industry does billions  of  dollars of business  every  year.  We just have this  desire to  hide or mask who we really  are. Here  is  one for the  books, I once knew a lady who would  put concealer on her legs to cover up varicose veins in her legs,  hmm, who knew  that legs would  require  make up?. ☺️Men don’t have  a  corner on the market  when  it comes to hair .I  think that when I  was a kid, there  were basically eight  colors,  but then somehow  magically, Crayola came up with  fifty eight  other  colors and  women  have  used  every  single  one of them in some sort of color  scheme. It’s not just  about  covering the  gray anymore , but we now have  to  be  exotic ☺️☺️. How about  the Tanning  booths? , talking about  not wanting to  be seen  for who you  really  are. I’m not going to  make any cracks here about  Casper,  but You all know who you are, and  at least  you use to be one of the basics eight  colors in  the  box ,before  someone  decided that  black and white  are no longer  colors,  but they  some how forgot  to  mention that to the people  who are  so racially  charged about non colors☺️.  And  yep, they  reclassified poor Pluto as well,  can  you  imagine just  waking up  one morning  and finding out that you loss your planet  status , talking about a  tough  morning that  would  be more than the standard one cup of  coffee  morning ☺️☺️. My daughter  once tried  one of those spray  on tans, somehow,  she became  orange,  not sure that is what she was shooting  for ☺️. I  want to say that I  get it and completely  relate to the pressures  of conformity.  I  think  that  many times we think  of peer pressure as something that is associated with  school or college, but think again.  Peer pressure can become  envy , which can  somehow  turn  into  the not so friendly  competition.  If you  are  a man  and  you are fortunate enough to  have  a  gorgeous  woman  on your arm or by your side, kudos!. However if  you  think that  she is pulling it all together  for  you,  think  again! Women  dress for other  women,  not to be somehow  judged, or to be seen as less than ☺️☺️. This is a difference in  men and women physic, basically  as men,  we really  don’t  care as much,  or sometimes very little  about how people  see us and our attire,  and  yes at times  it shows,  and shows badly ☺️☺️. Women on the other hand, give great consideration to  how they may be  perceive by others.  Somehow it plays into  their  value,  net worth,  and it can  even  come down  to  having  a  bad hair day, which  most experience at some point.  I,  myself am in no way above  the  fray. Just  a couple of  weeks  ago I   had someone,  that I  didn’t know  call me out on having  skinny legs. This  dude comes up to me , while  I  was  impersonating a greeter at church.  This dude comes up to me and says ,”hey Jim wants to talk to you”, my response  was Jim who??, he says Jim Purdue wants to talk  to  You  about  those chicken  legs of yours, yeah!, the dude had jokes, but guess what? The following week, I rethought the  process and wore long pants  the following week.  It was  a  momentary laps in judgment,  so the week  after that I returned to  my shorts, and  I  went  who cares and so what!. ☺️☺️My immediate reaction   was  to  hide and to cover up. I  acquired an injury when I  was  thirteen years old playing  football.  It went  undetected for  a while,  but it led me to  having a  noticeable  limp  do to the injury to my hip, which in turned led me to having a hip replacement very early in life . As a result of  that for years I  have worn a lift in my shoe to reduce the  effect of the limp. It has also  had the effect of a  little  more physical comfort as well, when I’m walk ,  so not only  is  it a  disguise,  but it is also  functional.  I don’t  have a  bone to pick with  anyone  about the things that  people  do to feel  more secure about  who they are, but I  think  it goes to motivation. If you are  doing  something for  yourself and  solely for you , then  good!, if you are doing it  to conform and  to impress others, then,  maybe  not so much! I  am happy with  who I am and all that makes up me, but if I have to put on a girdle to be pleasant enough to  take out in public,  then  there may be an issue there. And yes, feel  free  to  Google  girdle ☺️☺️ I believe  for most of us at our core , it comes down to  acceptance.  I  find it incredibly  remarkable that  we both  want  to fit in , but also at the same time  maintain our individuality.  So I want to  be  like  everyone else,  but at the same  time,  not to much,  I don’t want  to  get  lost in the sea of vastness and  forget who I  really am. We find ourselves in this constant  battle between  our  insecurities and wanting,  seeking, and needing  unconditional acceptance. I  also want to  caution you  before you just  forsake and dissect every little  thing about  your character and the things that  make you uniquely  you. Most times people  don’t  see us exactly as we see ourselves.  They  are not intimately familiar with  us as we are with  ourselves.  For instance the lady who use to put make up on her legs, probably  most didn’t  notice,  didn’t  care or both. People  aren’t  usually up in our personal  space enough to  notice the things about us that we pick out while  gazing into a  vanity  mirror.  Most  probably  don’t  notice the hair  growing in  and around  my ears, but if it becomes  an afro, or starts to resemble a broccoli floret , then that’s another story  in itself ☺️☺️. I want  to remind some and inform  others,  that God knows you intimately and  better  than  you know  yourself.  He knows about  all  of  your  quirks and  your sometimes  not so subtle  nuances and  He still loves you, in fact He’s crazy about you, just like  most of us are about  our kids, or any other  thing(s), that we have  created. He doesn’t  demand that you  clean up your act, or to pretend to  be  something or someone  that you are not, I mean  like what is the point? We can  fool others and even  sometimes  ourselves,  but, not an all knowing  God. And if by some  small chance  you  think  that you can fool God,  then  you really  need  to  reexamine  whom you  believe  God to be . His base go to move is love, because  that is who He is. We search  high and low for the kind of unconditional love and  acceptance that God offers,  to only find  that what we thought we had found  was full of conditions and  wanted us to jump  through  more hoops than  a trained circus animal. ☺️☺️. God has always been  about  come as you are, and  He will  do the heavy lifting for you. He will  help you with the  hard things,  but He loves you as you are. So, I  want to  challenge you to do something radical,  and everything that I  say here will  be  radical to  some. How about  instead of trying to hide and  disguise our scares,  that we wear them  boldly on the outside and show the beautiful  tapestry of all that God has knitted together in our lives.  God can  make  beauty from  our brokenness ,and the sometimes ash heaps that we turn our lives into, and  and often  does. Personally I’m drawn  to transparent people,  who aren’t  afraid to  admit to  daily  struggles and  the  fact that  they  don’t  have  it all together.  If they  can  be and show who they  honestly are, then  maybe myself  and the next person can  show  who we really are and  share in our brokenness to others as well.  There is power there, there is acceptance  there, and there is love there, and  in the midst of  all of that God is working in the details. When  we  are  vulnerable, it both  frees us from the world of make believe and  pretending to be  someone  we are not, but it also  draws others  in  ,and invites them  to a safe place to be vulnerable and  share their  brokenness and experiences as well.  That is the only way  we begin the  healing process and find security.  If the only  security that you have  in your life comes  from  ” Jake with  State Farm “, then  good luck with that !.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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