While You Were Sleeping!

  • NTOO Not The Only One!

  • While You Were Sleeping!

  • Post# 64
  • 2 Feb. 23

  • Howdy!

  • Hey gang, I will go a head and put out the proper warning signs, and tell you up front that this will probably not be a happy one. So, if you are super sensitive, go a head and pull out the bubble wrap, roll around in it and get comfortable. ☺️. I don’t want you guys to start to connect my name with conspiracy nut guy, but I’m perfectly fine with being called a nut and there may be some truth to that ☺️. I have briefly mentioned about my few international readers and this morning I awoken to a video from one of my Down Under buddies. I will get back to that in a few . I think when my brain runs off to stories of big sleep and adventures, I usually think about Gulliver’s travel, or the one about Rip Van Winkle, and I’m not even sure that these are still considered as classic or are required reading in school any longer, so those two references may appear as Greek,, or some other foreign language that we are unfamiliar with. The story line is about what has occurred or taken place while in a deep slumber. It doesn’t actually have to be sleeping, but while in some alter state of our subconsciousness. Sometimes it may resemble that old shell game, where we are trying to figure out which shell the pea is under, as they rapidly slide the shells about to confuse us , and to sometimes find out that the pea isn’t actually underneath any of the shells at all. This is what is known as slight of hand. It usually has you focusing on one thing, while something else is taking place that is unbenounced to you. Sometimes we are just simply not paying attention at all, in any shape or fashion. When we are in a relaxed state or state of mind, we have our guard down and are not expecting any pending doom. Sometimes that is true and other times not so much!. Back in my thirties I spent sometime working as an area sales manager for a Miller Brewing house. This may sound unbelievable but I use to work with this guy who had five DUIs . He crashed vehicle’s and completely walked away from every accident virtualy unharmed, and remarkably never killed anyone. We always credited this to him being so relaxed as he was intoxicated, and never saw it coming, he was not a tall statured man, so perhaps he had some of that luck of the Irish thing going for him. If ever there was a person who could have been a poster child for MADD, he would have been it, and yes thank God that we have come along way in getting drunks off of the road. The point here is that there are multiple ways for us to be asleep at the wheel. I have made references before about my love for and love of history. I sometimes wonder if we had the ability to bring any one of the Founders to current times would they recognize this as the great Nation that they helped form and left behind, and yes I know that it was only colonies, that had become fledgling states. There were roughly fifty- six men who signed the Declaration of Independence and Benjamin Franklin was the only one to sign both the the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. constitution. These men signed their names to something that could have possibly meant the gallows for them, but it was something that they believed in and staked both their reputations and the their lives on. I will go on and stake what little reputation that I have that most have never read either documents and yes the language is closer to something you may find in an old King James Bible. If we don’t know what it says then we don’t know how valuable it is and how brilliant it was for the time. I believe that the Word of God is alive and active, however, I don’t believe that the same is true for those two documents and I really don’t know how the government and the Courts finds the ability to determine the validity of things that they find constitutional or unconstitutional. There is an applied clause in the constitution which would make allowances for things such as having an Airforce, when air travel didn’t exist at the time of document, but many of the things that we give a thumbs up to based on the Constitutionality is a far reach, and often is just Federalism out of control. I find it most amazing that this is another one of these things that we have turned upside down on its head. The Founders intended for the majority of the governing power to remain with the States, and for the Federal level to have limited power, so if you are paying attention, that is one of the first things that happened while we were sleeping. There use to be a cigarette add, that stated that “We Have Come along Way”, it might have been for Virginia Slims, I believe that it was targeted at getting more women to puff on the cancer stick. Well , we have come along way, but at what cost and are we better off as a Nation. I could joke about it, but sometimes it is as we take a step forward, we take two steps back. Somethings are definitely better, and at the same time, there are something that are terribly wrong. I was just talking about the Founders and they were for the most part Statesmen, which is something that is now extinct and we traded them for career politicians, which is definitely a step in the wrong direction in my humble opinion. We have so many social problems and they continue to grow and not get better. I will stir the pot here a little bit, so if you are in that bubble wrap, I’m going to pop a few. Here we go, has there ever been a time in anyone’s history of so many entitled people? Talk about epidemic proportions, you can just about name anything and you will find people who are on the entitled band wagon. Once upon a time this was reserved for people who wanted to skirt around the loop holes, and maybe defraud the government somehow, but it is now a main stream, acceptable way of getting by in life. I will draw a connection here for you, as consumers, when we purchase anything, it has hidden built-in cost to cover shop lifters, insurance cost to off set fraud, to say nothing about government waste. We have all heard of or know first hand about a five dollar screw that you could get for 12 cents at the Home Depot. Let’s look at the cost for educating a single child in the public school systems. I can scarcely get mind around the cost to house an inmate in prison, some live better than people who work a regular 9 to 5 job, but of course there is living in a confine area and that sodomy crap…NO thank you!, On that one. From a show of hands , can anyone tell me when we voted and decided that parents could shuck their responsibility to raise their kids. This goes way beyond someone calling the authorities because you spank your child in public, but yes there is definitely some of that. My mom had a solution for that and if she wasn’t allowed to discipline us, then she would just send us home with the person placing the call about child abuse . She use to tell us to just pack a bag, because it was going to be a one way trip.☺️☺️. I don’t even want to talk about discipline in my home as a child, because some of my moms tactics would have landed her under the jail ☺️☺️, but guess what? ,we got it!. When will parents realize and understand that they aren’t doing their children any favors by letting them run wild through life, it eventually catches up with them and it’s usually not pretty. I need to scoot along here. Back to the Founders, they gave us documents that were loaded with rights and freedoms, unless you were a minority or a woman, and nothing is perfect, and yes we have come a long way in both of those arenas. The point here, is many of those rights and freedoms have been infringed upon or eroded away and since we didn’t know that they were there for the taking, we never missed it or complained one iota. Now days we seem only to care, debate or fight over our right to bare arms. We mostly dislike this because we are on target to have one or two mass shooting per week this year. We pay little attention to rights that were stripped away by the ” patriot act”, all in the name of fighting terrorism. Well, I’m not a terrorist, so I have nothing to worry about…only if that were true. A mass shooting just about every week and we are numb to it, how sad, does this not cry that something is wrong with us and our culture, and oh please, this goes way beyond trying to take away guns, I have discussed this in previous post, so I’m not going down that rabbit hole, not today anyway. Since we have our hip waders on, let’s get in a little bit deeper. I once heard someone speculate on the possibility that we had aborted the child who may have come up with the cure for cancer, or Alzheimer, or one of the other hundreds of debilitating diseases and illnesses that plague mankind. We have infighting in our culture and the cops have forgotten that they are supposed to be the good guys. I know that this is an example of a few bad apples giving countless departments across the nation a black eye, and the same is true for gun owners, which I identify as one. It appears on some level the more that we become enlighten , the more it tears at the very fabric of our humanity. I could do this all day and yes, probably even in my sleep ☺️☺️, you don’t have to be brilliant or particularly astute to point out glaring problems, that I barely scratch the surface of. I would like to be seen or thought of as a Paul Revere, sounding the alarm, but instead of “the British are coming”, I’m yelling” WAKE THE HELL UP”. I could go on about injustices and poverty, less than honorable government officials, and of course racism, which is systematic and will never go away, it’s something about the human condition that we love to point out what divide us opposed to what brings us together and the things that draws us into unity. Ok, before our time gets away, let’s look at a broader scope. The U.S dollar reigns supreme through out the world, and many view us as the last remaining ” Super Power”. This is another area where we have become complacent, and Compliancy breeds contempt . We are not loved by the majority of the world, and I want to say rightfully so. We mettle into to many things that are not our business and we rarely make things better. We have many self interest , whether it is over scarce resources or wanting to strategically place a military presence somewhere in the world, where most have never heard of or can’t pronounce the name of, or point out on a globe. While many U.S citizens believe that we have military muscle to flex, we are a far cry from our glory days under the Reagan administration, or during the the two Gulf conflicts. This will probably catch many of you off guard, as it has been largely swept under the rug, but moral in the armed forces is low and it is attested to by an ever alarming suicide rate amongst our military. There was a great novel known as ” Pride and Prejudice, ” by Jane Austen , it’s from the 1800s and has been done into movie and miniseries , it is widely renowned as a classic, but how will we be remembered in two hundred years, or will there be anything to remember? Will we be known as ” Pride and Compromise “? Is this not something seen throughout our culture as well in our personal lives? We compromise with our elected officials, by not holding them accountable and allowing them to run on the same issues every two, four, or six years without any improvement, and the same old stale excuses. We should probably chalk this up to something else that has transpired while we were sleeping. I’m thinking that it is much like my old coworker from my days in the beer business, that he was behind the wheel , but not really there . I know that I will get push back from some of you guy about compromise in your personal lives and I’m not talking about trading sexual favors with the wife over the honey do list☺️☺️, oh are we not supposed to do that??, now you tell me.☺️. So what does that compromise thing look like anyway? Is this not, where you stand idly by while public school boards across the land indoctrinate your children into some new age agenda that deals with everything but teaching them the basics of reading, writing, math and science. They are doing a stellar job of teaching them how to excel in an all inclusion, everything and anything goes society. Do we not make compromise when we are out, fearing to go to a public restroom, because we never know who may pop in, as we struggle with pronouns. It use to be ,he, she, him , her, now we can’t tell, we don’t know , and can just anyone make up a new designation for themselves? None binary, hmm, sounds like when paint doesn’t stick to the primer☺️☺️, but what do I know? We have become very passive as a Nation of people, and we are right for tumbling and humbling. There has always been good people who would not run for public office, not that they aren’t qualified, but refusing to put their lives and families under such scrutiny, and that’s all fine and dandy. However, now it’s beginning to cut deeper, where people, good people are not standing up to do the jobs of police work, wear the uniform of our great Nation, or even dare to follow a calling to become a teacher. I can not say that I blame them ,with six year olds packing heat “guns “, every traffic stop is met with a video recording and a demand to speak to a supervisor., who do they think that they are? The military has become a place for social experiments and sent into harms way with no clear rules of engagement. We have lost our way and we don’t know who we are anymore. It has widely been accredited to Edmund Burke who said something close to that the only thing that evil needs to prevail is for good people to stand idly by, and to say nothing. I don’t have my A game on, so please feel free to fact check me and to make me aware of things that I have out of sorts. I believe that it was Benjamin Franklin, who said something along the lines of we have given them a Democratic Republic and let’s see if they can hang on to it. Again by a show of hands, can anyone tell me the difference between a Democratic Republic and a Democracy, which most believe that we live in, no hands!, ok, sounds like a little homework may be in order. We seem to forget that with great freedoms, comes great or greater responsibilities. We want one , without the other and we are halfway to Anarchy now. I know that the divide in the Country is significant and we have spent the better part of forty years trying to shake off that pedigree of being a Christian nation or country, and let me be the first to congratulate you…mission accomplished! We are so far removed from anything that resemble a Christian heritage. I won’t be another voice crying in the wilderness about God out of schools and guns into school, after all in our culture a G is a G , right? I won’t make this about religion, but I will point out two things real quickly, God’s hand of provision and protection is leaving this country and its very evident by all of the darkness that we see every day and every where, and my second point is about the relevance of the Bible, all you have to do is open it and read it and it is an extremely clear blueprint for where we are headed, it’s uncanny, and we have our blinders on in full effect. I think for the most part we don’t actually give a damn if the country goes to hell in a hand basket , as long as gas prices aren’t to high, and our 401ks continues to grow, so it’s about me or self, as long as it doesn’t touch my little oasis, then I can just stick my head in the sand, which ostriches actually don’t do. I’m a bit long and I need to talk about the sky is falling for just a minute. My buddy from Australia and the morning video, the video was alarming and very factual. It pointed out how we are coming up on our next world War. We have hot spots all over the world and they are getting just a little bit warmer with each passing day. We have begin to send tanks and more sophisticated weaponry to Ukraine and Hitler, oh , I’m sorry Mr. Putin is screaming foul, after all, this was supposed to be a thirty day war, well, not so much! This video has pointed out that Alliances are being formed, and you can bet some where in a dark room, plans have been drawn up with different scenarios and outcomes. And the players have changed, but when you stand alone at the top, there are always others hoping or plotting your demise. China, Pakistan and others are in waiting to be the top dog. We live in a bubble and rarely seek out things on the world stage unless it’s being spoon fed to us by the media. It would probably give you a brain cramp to think about the good old U.S.A , being carved up like Germany was post WWII, but it is possible. I need to close this out before the bubble wrap is completely gone and you won’t have a soft landing. I don’t know how long we can continue on the path that we are on with individualism being expressed at the highest level and believing that we can make a Mockery of God, without getting egg on our face. I have made mention of some of my follies, often in this blog, and there have definitely been times of when I asked myself how the hell did I get here and what the hell was I thinking? . I’m afraid that may be the dissertation of this once great country and we will be asking ourselves those very same questions , in addition to whatever happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? , oh yeah, they were fighting over who got to use which bathroom , and which pronoun were correct.

  • Till Next Time ✌️ peace!

  • Sandy The Southerner

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