“When You Get There”

  • Not The  Only One! 
  • Post #143  
  •     ” When You Get There”
  • 10 Jul 24
  • Howdy!,
  • I’m always  grateful  for  you guys being  there. I believe  it to be that most people  have hopes and dreams. We have aspirations shrouded in various  degrees of  difficulty.  I think  that  one of the most common  things  that  I  hear now days, is what is your five year plan?  It’s a great question, and I’m not saying, not to plan, because  that would  be  foolish on multiple  levels  as well. 😀😀.  This goes beyond  the  glass being  half full or empty, but a five year plan can  become a source of  much anguish.  Sometimes, depending on the person, this can  be at all Cost  or by any means necessary.  The amount  of  pressure  that  we can  apply  on ourselves  is  just  unbelievable at times.  We can  Sometimes  drive ourselves to sickness  through  added stress to succeed and to keep  the plan on course.  It’s always  great when  a plan comes to fruition , and it’s extra special if it’s pretty  stinking close to how exactly  you  thought  it  was  going  to  look. However that is not usually the  case for most people, most of the time.  Much  of life is about  balance  whether  we recognize  it or not. It was a lesson  that I learned  early in life, then forgot, and then  had to bring  it  back into  focus.  ☺️☺️ I remember  being  in  high school  and  the balancing  act was between  academics, athletics  and  a social  life. I could  always  do two  of  the  three, but never  managed to  juggle  all three, and honestly  they  would  all take turns  in the rotation ☺️☺️.
  • Plans are great  and actually  , very  necessary  in life. We are experiencing  a  wider divide  between  the  planners and none planners in life. There has seem to always  have  been, at least  for the last sixty years or so , a certain  segment of  individuals who believe that  the government should  take  care of them  from  cradle to grave, but that’s  another  story  for another  time.  It is an election  year, and I’m sure that the pan handlers with the  expensive  suits and smooth speech will  be  in full  effect ☺️☺️.
  • There is  a  new generation of  individuals  on the horizon, which  are choosing  to  disregard  the  traditional  route of pursuing the  American  dream.  They  believe  that  it is unattainable  for the most part and  they  are  choosing not to even  pick up  the  bat to take a swing.  There appears to be some kind of  disconnect, because  they  believe that  they  should  have  all of the same  things  that it took their  parents  decades to  acquire, without  putting  in any of the  effort. ☺️ I think that it’s alarming, just as many  kids on the lower end of the social economic scale , believe that there only way to  be successful  in  life was to be the next great  professional  athlete, so many  are hanging  their  hopes on becoming some sort of celebrity, or online  personality  followed by millions. 
  • There  are always  changes going  on,   and if our culture  could be represented  by any one single word  it could  be  ” change “.  There are things that  have  been  tried and  trusted over and over again, some have stood the test of time and the onslaught of  challengers and  others have faltered.  Gold has always  been a  solid  investment, but it’s being challenged  by  Bitcoin, and the jury is still  out  on that one.☺️☺️. Marriage has been  totally redefined and  is probably  down  for  the  count, because  once you start opening  and introducing different  variables, the sky’s is the  limit, so somewhere  down  the road , and someone  will  be desperately  in love with  their  pet chicken, and we should  surely  expect  to hear wedding bells☺️☺️.
  • Probably a bit of course, let’s try and  right the ship ☺️. It is a journey and  everyone  has a story.  We were talking  about  planning which  is  usually  very  strongly tied to goals, or things that  we hope to achieve.  We are all wired differently  and  variously different  things  peak and  tweak our interest . Some of us are boat people, anything  to be out on the water. Some love lavish vacations  and  adventures.  I’ve not done it, but I’ve heard it’s nothing  like  it in the world  than to be at a mountain  summit where the air is so clean  and  thin. The five year  plan  for some maybe  to settle  down and  start a family  or to buy a home. Perhaps  it’s that corner office  with  a  view or  just a  promotion and for your  employer to take note of all of the hard  work that you  put in.
  • The point is that we all have  things  that motivate us and move us forward in life. There is something known as  a  sense of  accomplishment,  and what exactly  do we do with  that?  There  is  probably  a  place in life  where  depending  on  what it is and stage of life, where we just  sit back and enjoy our accomplishments  and  perhaps  relax a little.  Probably the vast majority of  us, it’s a check In a box, a feather in our cap , and then  off to the next thing. ☺️ The  question  then  shifts to , when  is enough  , enough? . I’m not solely  talking  about  acquiring  things  and stuff, but is there a point  and place  for our weary  souls to rest.?  Maybe  it’s  not so much  weary as it is restless .☺️  I chuckle to myself  when  I  think  about  King Solomon and  how he expressed all of our toiling in life as vanity.  We acquire much in life, but we leave very  much  the  same way that we  came into  the  world.  We enter  with  a heart  beat, and we leave  with  the  very  last of a heart beat, and that’s it. Do we ever get to that point  that we feel as if we have arrived  and what does that  look like?  Is it that  big fancy  house  with  a yacht at the marina? Is that the place  of Utopia ? , or does  it look totally  different?
  • My decades  on the planet  has  me  very  carefully  considering that  it may look vastly  different from  anything  made up of glitz and glamor. Two things that are not exactly  synonymous   in life is age and wisdom.  Sometimes  they  go together and  at other  times we see people  playing  the childhood  game tag with  wisdom  and  then  saying…not it!☺️☺️. I think  that we arrive  when  we  get there. I know, I know, exactly  where is there? There is when  we stop wrestling against  the grain  and  just  say that God was right  all along. ☺️☺️
  • Wait !, wait !, Hold up! What do you  mean  by  right and all along? Well!!, I’m not somehow  implying or suggesting that God has it in for us, if we choose  to  walk our own path. One that is separate and totally  carved out by ourselves.  What I am saying is  that  there is a way that seems  right to all of us in our own understanding of  life, and then there is a better  way and a best way, that most choose not to  follow.  There are really  only  two options, but I’m going  to  work  a third one in, just  so that I  can  feel  better  about  myself ☺️☺️. We  get to , and can completely  choose to do life all on our own, completely apart from God, it’s a God given  right, which  makes it slightly  funny  to me, but it’s your call. Then,   it’s those of us who choose  to  follow  God, and then probably  a third segment who follows, but probably  just not with  a  sold out mentality  as the other  group  of followers.  There really  isn’t  a  distinction other than  these are the one’s  who  forget  their  place and probably are  a little  hard headed. Now! , when  I  say that they  forget  their  place, it’s not  like  how we usually  mean it as in a high archery of power and that someone  is  being  disrespected.  It’s more like they  are  at a poker tournament, won it all and walked away  and  left their  earnings  on the table ☺️☺️. They  just  loose momentary  prospective of all of the blessings that  have  been  laid out for them.
  •   There is a  place that many will find themselves and  it’s different for everyone.  Sadly, some get to that point  in the last minutes of life and Wishing that they  had invested their  time better, and maybe not so much time  at work.  It’s really  sad on a death bed, there is no way to take corrective actions, and their  final moments may be filled  with  regret and sorrow. 🥲🥲.  There are  others  and at other times who will  encounter the brilliance of God through  His wisdom.  The things that  God says about raising  children.  The teachings about  not being  harsh with  them and  to discipline them in love. I think that  it’s a travesty when  parents  teach their  kids that the world  evolves around them. Perhaps in their  home, but not out in the real world, and it probably  shouldn’t even  be that way in the home. I don’t know who you are or what you  know about  Jesus, it may  come as a surprise that the one  thing  that  he taught  on more than  anything  else is  money, that’s right!, money. God’s  word  says a lot about  money. When  and how to best use it. We get  so wrapped around the  axel, whenever we have a reference to  slavery . The word  of God, says that whoever  borrows money is a slave to the lender, and that is  absolutely correct.  Before  the introduction of  credit as it is currently known ,  when  people had a dream or something that  they  wished to acquire, they would  save up for it.  The instant gratification has buried that  concept  under  decades of debt and  trillions of  dollars of interest ☺️☺️ .
  • The primary reason  money  was taught  on so much is because  of  the  divisiveness of  our hearts. Money  is  neutral, it’s neither  good  nor evil, but it’s what we choose to do with  it and the motives of our hearts and our  intentions. Many will  choose to  misquote scripture as money  being  the  root of evil, but it actually  says the love of money is  the root of all kinds of  evil. What about  friendships. God’s  word says that if we hang around  foolish  people, we will  become  like them. The opposite is  true as well, keep  wise company and you will be  thought to be wise. We basically become  who we hangout with.  This doesn’t  specifically  just  apply to people, so if you  lock yourself  in a secluded  room, with  a bunch of darkness on the internet, it still  has that impact on you, you will  become that negative  energy. So, choose your friends wisely.
  • I guess the really  big one for most of us is the things about  marriage  and  those personal  relationships that we treat  like  marriage😝☺️. It speaks  of  a mutual  submission, that most of us  get completely  upside  down, myself  included.  One is not over the other  or in a position of power, but a place of shared responsibility, with  each having  separate and  extinct different  roles, but equal  in their  character.   It speaks to  each partners deepest  need, and that being  respect for  men  and love for a woman.  It even  encourages men to love as if they  are  taking  care of  their  very  own  bodies.  It speaks  of  fidelity as in always being  satisfied with  the  choice that you made in your youth  and to keep  it sacred and   just  between  the two . It actually  uses language  a little  stronger than  I’m expressing  here☺️☺️.  It’s speaks as to how  You both  are supposed to   come together and  only be separated for a time of prayer, and this is done so that other  things and people  don’t  become a  distraction  in your  marriage, again  I’m taming down  the language and I  very  much  know that  this is super challenging  in a world with  military  deployments and  other  such challenges, but it’s about the  going  above and beyond  to keep  it in the order that it was designed to  work.
  • These are just but   a  few of the things   that  God  has graciously  given  to us to ensure some level  of success  in  life.  Is it perfect,? Absolutely  not! How can  anything  be perfect  with  imperfect  people  involved? .  Please  don’t  be offended  and I  will  point  this one specifically towards  myself, but I’m mindful of  that  piece of scripture that talks  about  when  I  was  a child, that I thought  and reasoned as a child. Children  love their  independence and  freedom, which  can  occasionally land them into  hot water. Coming  along side and  viewing  things from  God’s  perspective, has been  me putting my childish  ways behind me. ☺️. It’s not always  about a  chronological number ☺️☺️. Wisdom  is not always a byproduct of years lived.
  • It’s not a Paul Harvey  moment,☺️☺️ but when  you get  there, so many  of the things  that  seemed so urgent and necessary  in life  will just  take a back seat, and some how your priorities get shifted around and things will  become clearer with  a different  more refined  focus.  I believe that  when  you  get  there, you find that balance  between  contentment and  being  OK if there somehow  turns out  to  be more, without  you being  the driving  force  behind  it.  We live  best with  our hands open, as in being  able  to  give things away, but simultaneously in a posture to receive as well.  If you are living  life  tight fisted and just  white knuckling it, there is a better  way, and yes with  less stress☺️☺️. There is  absolutely  such a thing  as saving the  best for last, or well at least  I certainly  hope so☺️☺️. The probably  best part of when  you get  there is when  you  become  like  a duck , and just  as they repel water, you will  be able to repel all of the harsh lies that are flung in your direction, about  you not being  good enough or are in someway  inadequate.  Yes, it’s true that  we all have flaws and imperfections.  That’s great  news and what makes each and  every one of us an original and beyond  that we are image bearer , because  we are all created  in the image  of  God. Don’t  ever let anyone  ever  tell  you  that you don’t  matter  or are a mistake. God sees you  for who you  are , and he says that you are enough, and not just  that, but more than enough.  So, whatever  the challenge, you are smart enough, you are pretty  enough, you are skinny enough, you are talented enough, you are strong  enough , you are more than  enough, and when  you  get  there, you will  supremely realize  that being  loved by God is enough.  The perfect  love of God , for imperfect  people is always  enough.  When  you  get  there, you will  find out that God has  been  patiently  waiting  for  your arrival.  He put out some pretty  big bread crumbs in the form  of  a  death, and then  a burial and  the biggest  bread crumb of all….a glorious Resurrection!!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace !
  • Sandy The Southerner
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