What is the Point/ Purpose ?

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #51
  • What is the  Point/ Purpose?
  • Hey, thanks again for  checking in. There is reality that runs along side of a casted vision.  I have often been  asked the purpose or point  of this  blog.  It may  not appear  so, but I  did  extensive research on creating a blog and building a  network  focused on acquiring  and maintaining readership.  I  was hoping to  do something  different , something a little unusual,  and maybe a little thought provoking,  beyond, just   writing about cooking,  gardening,  or something about  auto repair. In fact,  on many fronts,  I’ve done the complete opposite of  things that would  somehow increase the  odds of some kind of  success rate, and the many different  indicators as to what that is, again  success  can look differently  depending on  your  goals and objectives. I  don’t have a set schedule or approach as to how it all comes together  each week.  Honestly I  can  tell  you  that  often it’s a  God inspired thing, because I  can see things going  in  a  certain  direction when  I  sit down to write,  and then  God moves it into a completely different direction.  Sometimes it’s a battle  between what I wish to share, and  what God actually allows me to  publish.   I  think  that  sometimes in my attempt  to  appeal to  a broader audience,  I  get just  a  little  to much in one camp over the other.   I  know that I’m a moody writer and  sometimes    ,I’m drawn away   by emotions.  That in itself is  a  two edged sword and it can be either  good or bad depending on your perspective.  The  increased emotional response is  something that has come along with age, and I can honestly tell you that I’m not always crazy about  that  .I  have always tried to be honest and genuine,  and  present a perspective that  is uniquely me. This  is  not “Fox News” or ” CNN”, so there are no claims about  fair and balanced ☺️☺️. I  sometimes will do research about something,  but more so my opinion based on life experiences,  other people’s stories told in disguised, or observations on different nouns ,be it a  person ,  places or things. There are times when I  sit down and  the words just pour out of me. It can  be  like an endless  flood ,or me just  being  washed away by  a waterfall.  At other times, I  will  have something pop in my  head and I  will  write a little  here and there, because every time I  go back to  a post, I  read it from the  beginning as to get a running start at it, or to reacquaint myself with what I  had already written.  This is slightly more difficult, than it sounds,  because each time  I  read it , I’m making  revisions and  proof reading at the  same  time. There are times, when  I’m desperately and frantically just  trying to get  all of the  ideas or the main points down  before  they leak away from my brain.  Some topics are driven by passion either  for something ,or a firm against, as to what the hell were they thinking?. ☺️☺️ The post sometimes  have an odd take on my journey and  are not quite what they may appear on the surface,  such  as the ones titled ” First Responders ” and ” Pyle, USMC”.  The truth of the matter is that  ,the entire  blog has been  redefined and has had a  metamorphosis of sorts.  In the beginning the blog was birth out of a past relationship,  which  has been  a  tool in the hands of God to connect with  other people at similar intersections of life, thus the name, “Not The Only One “. I have  talked a little bit  about  the process, but let’s get to the meat and  potatoes of it all.  In the grand scheme of  things,  this blog is about the human condition.  We are all broken people on some  level.  We have  all been  hurt or some how damaged  by  others,  and whether  you  wish to admit it  or  not, you have  done the  same to someone who is or has passed through your life.  It may be a  romantic  relationship,  but don’t  discount the trauma we have  sometimes  left our finger prints on  with  our kids. It could  be  flowing in the other  direction and you have  said or done mean and harmful things to your parents.  I’m often  amazed  by  some of the  dysfunction  that  takes place in  the  work environment.  I  will  just  go a head and volunteer to  be a punching  bag here   , with the following  comment,  but why does  there have  to be so much  drama, when  you  get a bunch of  women together in an office or  some other  work setting.?  I could  expand on that,  but I’m  not going to.  ☺️☺️Back to the human  condition,  beyond  being  broken, we  have  some secret shame , regrets,  and uncertainty about the  world  at large . We compare  ourselves  to other  individuals,  as in a plus, as that we are somehow  better  than they are  , or we secretly  resent them,  by feeling that they are somehow  a head of us , and we need to  work  harder to measure  up. We often worry or fret over things  that we try to exercise  control  over, and as I  have  often said before , that  is an illusion. Depending on  where you land on the continuum,  your worry process can be anything  from hoping  for a healthy  baby  to be born to concerns and  fears over retirement,  and yes, I get that many  other  things come into  play   between  those two  points in life . There is  something known as  an  “Unfinished   Symphony”, and that  refers to  the  day that we die. We are  all making  plans  for  vacations,  birthday parties, a business  venture, and  whatever else we deem as some sort of a priority,  yet none of  us  know the day that the symphony ends. We are all the same, and yet very  different.  We all breathe air, , we all bleed  if we are cut, yet we all have  the ability to  think and feel   very  differently about  our journeys.   We all want to be distinct in some  fashion as individuals,  and we sometimes  go out of our  way to  let that be known. Whether  it’s dying our hair some out landish color or aligning ourselves with  one of the many hyphenated people groups,  we want to  be  seen  as  different as in our sometimes  search  for  significance. All through out  many  of  the  post, I have  self identified  as  being  a  believer in God. Most  people  have  no problem  with  that , because  God can  be many things to many different  people.  I  could  be a tree hugger, and  that  could be my god, however when it gets to be about  Jesus Christ,  then  the pushback is  ON! . Well  He is my God, I  believe  Him to be the one and only.  Ok, where is this going?, again I’m so glad that you asked ☺️☺️.  I  have  a  personal  relationship  with  God  and  if you  do not have  one with  Him , then  the door is wide open  for  that to happen. The main objective of  this blog  is  to  be welcomed into  my dysfunction.  I  often hear people  say or think that they have  to somehow  clean up their  acts or get their  crap together before  making a  move in God’s  direction.  I  have  my share  of  faults,  flaws, short comings,  or  however you wish to  describe them. I  am perfectly  imperfect,  and God knows that , and  He is OK with that,  and He loves me  in spite of that. He is the one who makes lasting changes in  people’s hearts and lives and in our  stories. He has  always  been  about  come as you are. We have a tendency to  dress up the outside.  We  gussy up the outside,  the parts that other people  see and look at and judge us by, this is what I  call the heart of the  masquerade.  God looks at the inside,  He knows  every heart, He knows  of its potential and He also  knows  about  every  dark place  as well. While you may not confess it or own it, but we all have  dark places.  What I have attempted to  do here is to invite you in to my world with  all of my brokenness.  I  have allowed you guys to peer into  my relationships with my kids, my siblings,  work associates, my health issues,  romantic involvements, ex wives, as in more than one ☺️☺️but most importantly is my walk with God. I  will  tell  you  that  each  and everyday I  have  my struggles with  God calling  me into  a  deeper and  closer walk with  Himself.  God is not a person with whom you can  have  pretenses about,  He sees  through all of  our hypocrisy that we are sometimes  blinded to about ourselves. If you  call yourself a  spiritual person,  as many  like to identify themselves as,  then I  respectfully ask  for  a little  clarity as to what that  means. ?I  truly want to understand , I  seek understanding as to  what and how that is quantified. I think that if you some how  connect with  all of the beauty that is in nature.  The trees, stars, the beauty of a full moon, the leaves on the trees as they change  colors,  or the morning  whistle of the  birds in the spring, to say nothing about  gorgeous  sunrises and  sunsets.  These are all things  put into  place by God for us to enjoy,  so  its the equivalent of  worshipping or communing with the created things,  opposed to the  creator Himself.  If your spirituality is based on  being  kind  to others and  following the  golden rule, then you are crossing  over into  humanism.  Yes, there is nothing  quite like the smile  on a child’s face, but it is still  something that falls under creation and  something that points back  to God. Let me back up for a second on the humanism thing.  If you are a person,  who is  banking on  your good out weighing your bad, or treating others the way you want to  be treated,  or just some how thinking that leading a good moral  life  gets you there, that’s great!, but how do you quantify that? How do you determine,  who or what is good  enough. How do  you  obtain an  objective  measurement or measurable standard. If  you  are  some how  the judge of what the standard  is and  you are measuring that against  other  imperfect people, the waters get murky, rather   quickly .  I  was recently challenged by an Indian missionary about what sin is and how its a hard concept for Hindus to grasp based on their  culture and  how some people’s  whole  profession is based on being dishonest and being  able  to con  other  people for their mere existence to be able to  eat and survive.  On the surface I want to  reject that argument,  but I’ve never   been to  India,  nor do I know the culture, so I  will leave room for me to be incorrect.  The premise with  me wanting to  reject that argument is that I believe  that  God has instilled in  all of us an innate ability  to  know  the difference  between  right  and  wrong.  Psychopaths  or other  individuals  with some  other  mental  deficiencies , may be the exception to  this,  but  in general,  I  believe  most  people  know  that  it’s wrong  to take   things that don’t  belong  to  them , we know  when we are being  less than  honest  with our words and in our conversations  with  others, and  we surely  know  that it is wrong to  take a life, without  some serious valid  reason  such  as  self defense.  We live in a very  diverse country and we are very  divided as a nation, and that will  prove true next week as we head to  the polls for the midterm elections.  I’m  not  going  to  grapple with  the political mess that has become  our process  with  all of the misinformation ,mud slinging and  sometimes  down  right out   lies. I  just  want to acknowledge that  with  all of our many  people  groups and  so many  hyphenated designations,  that  we can  be all over the map with  things. I  want  to  simplify it , and make it about  just  two groups  of  people,  and  I  want  to  say that one is not better  than the other,  but that is not exactly true, but probably  not for the reasons  that most  think. Ok, two groups are,   people  who know  God  and  those  who  don’t.  Plain and simple.  Ok, people  who  know  God  aren’t  some  how superior,  because  they  have many  of the same  complaints and  hardships as those  who don’t  know  God,  but the approach has to be or should  be different,  if they are a person  of faith.  Since I’m  simplifying things,  let’s just  get   on the  record and  say that God doesn’t  grade on a curve or  somehow categorizes sin. There are not some sins that are worse than others.  We like to think  so, because  it  makes  us  feel  better  about  ourselves.  God sees  sin as sin, so a little  white  lie  is equivalent to adultery,  and taking a  pen from  work  is the same  as murder.  If you  don’t  get that, then  something  is  missing  in your understanding  of who God is. I  will  tell  you  first hand that God’s  kids are some  of the most messed up and broken  people that you  will  find on the face of the planet.  If  my saga isn’t  proof  positive of that,  then  just  look  around.  We can’t,  or at least  we shouldn’t  be  the one’s  going around  pointing  fingers, because  we don’t  have  it all together,  but we may want you  to think  so. No one has their house in  perfect order, and never  will  be  on this  side  of eternity. This may sound  odd or perhaps a little  crazy, but  the biggest difference between those two groups is  that  , one group is  forgiven and the  other  group  has not recognized their  need for forgiveness . And  again, God’s  kids  struggle with  forgiveness, which  may seem  like  an oxymoron,  considering what they  have been  forgiven  for, or of. We are imperfect  people and we are working  out ,what God has worked  in. That last  sentence is  not a riddle,  but a reference to  salvation.  God offers  a free gift,  that many overlook,  and while  its free, He says to count the cost of following  Him. He does not  promise  a care free life without  problems,  He just  says that you don’t  have   to face them  alone,  and that He will  always  be  with you  through  it all. I’m  really not good at this putting a bow on things, but I’m going to  give it a shot. My most sincere  hope  is  that  this  blog  makes  a connection with people on some  level as to the understanding that  we are all on a journey and  that some of us are a work in progress…..aka ,under construction ☺️☺️. I  want you guys to know  that whatever  your worst failings may be, whether  its parenting,  partnering,  or some other  deficiency ,that is not who you  are, nor does it define you.  I  want you  to  know  that a poor beginning does not disqualify you  from  a fantastic  finish. I  want  you to  know that  people  who seem  the least  deserving of  grace and forgiveness , are probably the ones who  need it most. I  want  you  to  realize that  we are all broken  in some shape  form or fashion,  even  the ones whom seem to have it all together.  They  don’t,  they  are  just  better  at hiding and  disguising their  imperfections.  I  want  to  reach out and share with  all of you who are just  striving to  be the best  that you  can,  and  living  for other  people’s  approval, and  to know that God excepts  you just  as you are, and that striving is unnecessary because of  the  finished work on  the  cross.  I  can’t  even  begin  to  think  about  how many  of you out there  suffer  with  esteem  issues and  feeling as if you aren’t  enough or that you don’t  some how  measure up.  We beat ourselves  up  about  weight,  bad habits,  and  even  that  one boob is bigger  than  the other,  when  you are probably the only  person  who notices,  cut yourself some  slack and  live in the grace that God offers . My some what final narrative here  is that  God loves you,  just as you are , and He wants to connect  with  you  in a very real and  meaningful way.  I’m going to  make a  suggestion here, and  some of you will  get it while  others won’t, but in this case it’s the effort that counts.  I’m  going  to  give you  a  name and  the name of  a song and I want you to  Google it  and give it a listen.  I’m still  working  things out with  my legal team about  what I  can use and post  about  other  people’s content,  copyrights and  all, and needing  permission,  but I  can  surely encourage you  to  visit  their  site.  The gentleman’s  name is Mathew  West.  The  name of the song  is  ” Me On Your  Mind “, give it a listen and I hope that you  find the blessing tucked away  within  it. And as always  , your questions and comments are  welcomed ☺️.
  • Till  next time✌️peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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