We Don’t Know ! What, We Don’t Know !

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 66
  • 16 Feb. 23
  • We don’t know !
  •           What
  • We  don’t know!
  • Hey again  family and  thanks  once again   for being  there. I almost called this one ignorance  is bliss, but I’m saving that for another time down the road. This should probably have  been called we don’t care about what we don’t know. I  think I  have shared a time or two that I really  love history.  I  have  been  a faithful fan of some of the era’s gone by. Some of history is  just to fascinating,  not to pay homage to it. Much of romanticism with  history is surrounded  by wars, especially the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and of course the  great War to end all wars, and  that was supposed to  be  World War II ,  I didn’t  give it that great distinction and we know  that there have  been  quite a  few armed conflicts  since the war to end all wars . I’m not  offering any disrespect to  Vietnam,  but I feel  as  if  we weren’t  in that one to win it, and  much the same  could be  said to be true about  both Gulf  conflicts . It’s as if we grew a continuous,  and  by definition , War is war , and there has  always been  a loss of innocent life, collateral damage,  or the deaths of  non combatants.  In times gone by we recognized that  people on the home front,  supported the war effort and  we did  target  factories and  supply chains where civilians worked,  but somehow  now we want to  exclude them  from the  war efforts.  While  we  have  become  softer, and the media  coverage has intensified,  the enemy  has changed as well.  The war on Terror,  is an on going  thing and  will  probably  see no end to because it  is not a set country that flies a flag, or a clear recognizable uniform,  but its a war of ideologies,  that also  has different and moving thought processes depending on  who you are talking to , as well  as talking  about.  I  think that  it was Rush Limbaugh that said for most people,  history  starts on the day that they were born, and  on some level that is a true statement for many  people.  The reference here is that  most  people  remember things that happen  within  there life time, and that is not even true  some of the time. If you don’t  study or love history,  then  much  can escape our recent memory.  I  believe that I  need to beg for  forgiveness here, because I  have  gone on for a little bit , and not gotten to the subject at hand, however it is not without history of its own.  I want to  talk about our neighbors to the south of us.  No, I’m not talking about Mexico,  but our friends down in the Caribbean and that is Cuba. I  think  most people don’t give much thought to  Cuba,  much  like  myself.  If you want to  talk  about  a tangled mess that has been  going on  for over   six decades,  then this is it. I think  for myself and  probably  for a lot of you as well,  when  we think about  the  Caribbean it usually  boils down to a cruise,  or sending  money to  help  from  the latest hurricane to breeze through. Much  of what I’m going to  say is deeply  enriched in  history,  be it good or bad. You can  fact check me on Google or Wikipedia,  but I  also  bring a unique insight  from  with a personal source from  within  Cuba. Some of you may be old enough to  remember the Cuban  missiles crisis, and the whole  Bay  of pigs thing,  but most  probably not.  I  don’t  have time to go all into  it because it is a little bit more complicated than it  appears on the surface,  and to be honest,  you would have  to  go back to the second  world War, when  Russia  went  from being  an ally against the Germans and Hitler, and Germany being  divided into  East and west Germany.  I would  have  to  throw in  a  couple of  evil  dictators as well as  a revolution or two. If you think that  I’m taking this from some great novel  such as  ” War and Peace” ,you would  be incorrect,  but it would make  a  great accompanying  volume . So , how did  Russia  go from  be an ally  to becoming  what most of  us  knew as the superpower of  the  cold war for decades? . I  wish that there was one  single clear  cut answer to  that question,  but there is not. One of the biggest  reasons  is  because  during the  war to end all wars, Russia  took  very heavy  casualties to make it a two front war. This meant  that  Hitler  had to fight  the allies from  the west as well as  the Russian from the  east. At the time  Russia  was very  far behind  in  technology and  sophistication with  weaponry and  much of  their  forces were slaughtered at the hands of  the  Germans.  They felt as  if  they  weren’t  supported or respected and  much  of  this ill will, led up to what we knew as the cold war. Here we are again with  the  word tentacles,  but  probably  very  appropriate. When  we  try to figure out  how Cuba fits into  all of this, it is much  like a  tangled web of confusion.  In fact  part of  our history post civil war,  comes into play.  I  believe that the civil war ended in  or around 1865, and for more or less, there was a new sheriff in  town.  This is an extreme  readers digest version,  because we know  that  African Americans continued to  struggle for well over  the  next century and  many of  them  continued on  in the south as share croppers,  which  was just  another  form of  exploitation,  many times on the same plantations that  they  were  supposed to  be  liberated from.  America is a  capitalist country and  where ever there  is  a  buck to be made, someone will  surely  sniff it out. So, in the early  1900s, we turned our attention to  Cuba, and  it’s resources,  primarily  sugar Cane at the time,  but not solely. Many  are unaware of  this but America had a significant  interest  and presence in  Cuba  up until  the revolution of 1959 ,that brought  Fidel Castro to power.  The  U.S,  went from  a  favorable  regime to  one that was not so much! Fast forward  to a dominoes effect of debacles, one after the  other.  The U.S didn’t take  kindly to  be giving the  boot  by Fidel and  they supported an  invasion to undermine and  over throw the new dictator, as something that  became  known as  the ” Bay of Pigs”. This  was  poorly planned and  executed,  and crippled by poor intelligence work on behalf of the CIA.  When  Fidel  came to  power, his two great edits were that Cuba was  communist and  that it was Atheist.  The Bay of Pigs lead us to the Cuban missiles crisis, which  is  probably the  closest we have ever  come to  nuclear war.  The Soviets offered to  put ballistic  missiles in  Cuba as a  deterrent to  prevent America from  attempting to  invade Cuba again . This was  basically allowing them  to put nuclear  capability in  the USAs backyard and  that was unacceptable.  This  lead to the largest  naval  blockade  in recent history.  The  United States, basically surrounded Cuba,  preventing Russia from  being able set up shop and  be less than  thirty minutes from the  homeland, with a stray  ICBM . President Kennedy,  stepped up to the plate and took  full  responsibility for  the  Bay of Pigs  debacle, may have  been  one of the last few times that  a politician,  stood up and  said, hey , “this  one  is on me”.  Again!, readers digest version  . The missile crisis was averted and  cooler heads prevailed.  The  Soviets withdrew the arsenal from Cuba and  we made concessions and  removed some missiles that we had  based  in Turkey, as an equal lateral move.  Let’s   Play  Quantum Leap again and see  , where we are  today,  some sixty years later. Well on some scale I  want to  say  that  pretty much  every  administration since Kennedy has  treated Cuba as  a  political hot potato.  I  think on some level that the US has tried to  get Cuba to bend to its will , through sanctions,  travel  restrictions and  very  messy  immigration policies,  to say nothing about how hard it had been to  get a  good Cuban cigar ☺️☺️. I don’t want to  make  this  all about  politics, because there  is a neighbor to the south of us,  with  people who  have  real life challenges  each and every day,  much  like the rest of us, yet somehow  different.  We know that  there is no place,  and I  mean  absolutely no  place in the  world where communism works,  not even  China.  Most of  us  think about  the fall of communism in  the  former USSR, but truth be told both  Russia and  China are  actually more propped up by the capitalism part of country than  anything else. The governments and  the political parties wave the  banner of a  failed government system and only  maintain it through  military paralysis.  The  military is used to  keep the  people in check if and when they  demand a change and freedoms, remember  Tiananmens Square. This is  also  true in Cuba,  but on a smaller scale,  but the  shortages for  everyday household supplies and goods is on going.  We begin to  experience some of this with covid, but can  you imagine it for over  sixty years? .  Many  have  known this for their  entire life, and has just  become the  way that  things are.  Many things that we  just  take for granted such as free speech and the  ease of  free information,  just  doesn’t  exist  there. They  have  state sponsored and  state run media,  as in most  communist countries,  and  if you  think  that  propaganda is  a  thing  is a thing of the past,  then  guess again.  This is true in Cuba ,as well  as  other  countries that  hold their  people hostage. When  they  report  things from  outside  of  the  country,  such as in the US,  they put particular emphasis on  the  bad, such as  the  school  shootings, which we just  had another one of,  or they show cops  violating someone’s civil rights.  It’s almost  anything and everything that  is negative to demonstrate to them,  that their  lives aren’t  that bad. These countries model  for success resembles something like a pyramid scheme,  except the only the top peak benefits.  This is  attested to by people  willing to  sacrifice their  very lives, for a better  quality of  life. We don’t  see it as much as  we  use to, but people  still  get  on rafts and  braves the seas, with  rough weather and  shark infested waters, in hopes for a brighter tomorrow.  I know that the last  two  decades or so has been a  real  hot button for us ,when  it comes to immigration.  I  want to  correct  myself here and say that it has been  about  illegal  immigration and I’m not sure what  people don’t understand about  illegal,  that normally means it’s not permitted….right?. I  don’t  want  to  get  into  all of the ins and  outs of  that, but I  want to  share a little bit  about from  one of my favorite  peeps in  Cuba. As I  said  before, I do believe that  some of our policies when  it comes to Cuba are aimed at  punishing Cuba,  but it  is  like  so many  other things in  life,  it punishes the  people  who  are in the least position to  make changes.  I think  secretly we know this and are hoping for some kind of a  revolt, or possibly another  revolution.  Our immigration  policies are  all over the  place and  the deal with  visas and the red tape  is just  staggering. The ones who  head out on rafts are immediately deported and once upon a  time  they  could apply  for asylum , but no more,  after all  that is like  being  rewarded for  bad behavior and  it would  just  encourage others to  take the risk.  We had a convoluted policy called  wet feet/ dry  feet,  that was implemented under the  Clinton administration,  that  use to allow  Cubans  who made it to dry land  to apply  for  citizenship the following year and I believe that  policy was resend or ended under  the Obama administration.  I  think that Clinton  remember that  president  Nixon,  had tried to  reach out to  China back in the  day, to try and get something  rolling as far as  some kind of  normalcy between the  two  Nations, and  you have to  remember  for these men  who  sit in the oval office,  it’s all about  legacy,  what will  they  be  remember  for, so perhaps Clinton was thinking about  Legacy with Cuba,  or perhaps to get the people to forget the name  Monica Lewinsky☺️☺️. Change  in policy calls for a  change  in tactics.  The sea option is off of the table now, so what struggling  Cubans  are  forced to  do now is  to  travel  south into  Central and South America and work their  way up through  Mexico.  I’m not  encouraging this, but I’m  sharing what I  have  learned from my  friend  in Cuba, and  what some  family members have  felt that they  had no other  choice,  but to make this  extremely dangerous journey. I  will  add that some people or family members have  left and never  heard from again,  no closure,  what so ever  on their  fate. These people sometimes sell everything that they own to pay a coyote,  who promises a way through the  jungles and  wilderness,  just to get a glimmer at our southern border.  There is just a  plethora of horror stories about  how this turns out for many,  and  my friend in Cuba has a  twenty something  year old  daughter that she is trying  to discourage from taking the  risk.  It doesn’t  leave  much to  the immigration to see how people are  trafficked here. Almost as common as  our mass shooting,  we see tractor trailer of people  dead  in a container from heat exhaustion or near death from  dehydration and lack of medical care. And I  know that  there are hard liners out there, who think,  that is what they get for sneaking into the  country illegally,  but  my God, they  are  human beings  we are talking about,  not animals,  and  just  like George Floyd didn’t  deserve to  die the way that he did, these people don’t  deserve this either.  I don’t have a  solution to  our illegal immigration problems,  but you can’t  just  chalk it up to price of admission.  And here’s another one that surprised me a little  bit,  many Cubans  become the  victims of  kidnappings.  What??, yes, you heard me correctly.  When  crossing into  other  countries to reach Mexico,  their  identity has  to be declared or discovered and they are held for  ransom.  I  know?, who would  pay a kidnapper their  ransom.  Well  if  you have  ever  been to  South  Beach or  the Miami area, Cuban Americans  have  done  very  well  for themselves.  They  own  all kinds of  business  and  shops , anything  from  restaurants, night clubs,  limousine services,  hotels,  you name it and  Cubans  own  it. There influence is undeniable in Southern Florida and if they  have  family  members who have  attempted the trek  to  the  border,  they  could  be potential targets for  kidnappers.  I’ve never  been  to  Cuba,  only  seen  pictures or perhaps seen a  movie or two that  was shot there,  but all indications are that it’s a beautiful island of about  eleven million people or so, somewhat of a  tropical paradise,  so it begs the question,  why so many will  risk  it  all , for a better trajectory of life.  I believe that there is  just  something about the human spirit that just  yearns for  freedom.  I  know that it is  something that  we take  for granted here and  honestly don’t  give  much  thought  to, but if you  don’t  have it , it’s something that you are  keenly aware of.  So, whether you  are a  prisoner  in a Russian  prison   and  they promise you  your  freedom if you will  go fight  against the  Ukrainians,  or a black person in the south during the  Civil War and the same offer was made to you in hopes of  winning  your liberty,  there is just  no  limits that won’t be challenged to  obtain some  kind  of  tranquility and  peace of mind . As, I said at the  on set  we don’t  care about  what  we  don’t  know and all  to many times  we don’t care if it doesn’t  personally effect us.  Fidel Castro is  long gone, but   the cloud of communism still  prevails and  hangs over the  country like a dark  rain storm with  hail, in a place that  is known for  tropical  breezes and sunny days. I  believe that  we need to  do  something to encourage more  freedom and  care. Your  US  passport is  valid to go to Cuba,  but the red tape for them  to  come this way  is  not so free flowing,  after all,  they  get  here, they  may not return.  I’m a bit long as usual,  but  we need to  encourage our representatives to  become more  involved in  getting things where our policies are  not  hurting the people who  have  very  little  to  no  say as into how the country is  run. I scratched the  surface here , so now you know and now you can  care.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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2 thoughts on “We Don’t Know ! What, We Don’t Know !”

  1. Wuao gracias por hablar sobre mi país y documentarte, hay veces que no sabemos cosas hasta que alguien no lo publica y es que nos documentamos.

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