“Two Lies And A Truth”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 160
  • 05 Dec 24
  •          ” Two  Lies And  A Truth”
  • Howdy!
  • Have you ever  set down and just thought about the  number of lies that you  have  told over the course of your life time? Don’t  forget the half trues, which are actually full falsehoods. No!!, you don’t  get  to leave out the little white ones , which you considered  harmless ☺️☺️. Surely we  should get a  pass on the ones we told our kids, when they were little, and perhaps  now, when  they  aren’t so small ☺️☺️. Well, we can’t  actually put Santa Clause in the same category  with the whoppers that  politicians say….can we?. Ok, how about the  one’s we tell people to  spare their  feelings.  You weren’t  actually  not feeling  well, you just didn’t  like the whoever that was asking you to go wherever and to do whatever ☺️☺️☺️. Yeah!, hindsight wasn’t  thought out on that one to well, because they  are probably  going to  ask again, and it’s just  flat out tacky to try and use the same excuse twice, especially  back to back☺️☺️. There are just  way more scenarios for  getting ourselves into a good lie, than there are stars in the sky! Wait , just a minute, can that be true?  because  I’ve  heard that number is  up in the billions!☺️ God created the stars and knows  each one by name and  He knows the exact number, but lies continue to  build up more and more with  each passing second ☺️☺️.
  • It seems that there are just  endless possibilities for  us to tell a fabrication , but one day , that will come to pass and it will be  brought to a swift conclusion. ☺️ We also have those incidental  lies, where we are pretty  sure that something  is going to go one way, but it just hasn’t  been  finalized yet. You get suspended at work  for some reason, you know the why ☺️☺️. They  frame it as pending an investigation, but they  tell  you to clean  out your desk, well the investigation  may be pending, but you are done my friend, just straight up stick a fork in you. ☺️☺️. The incidental lie was to let you believe  that there was still a chance that you were employed  per investigation ☺️☺️You see lies are like roaches or vermin, if you see one, then  there are more.  ☺️ It’s like they  were just  never  meant to  travel  alone. The problem with  lies is that they have a tendency to  have off spring and at times resembles a great  avalanche as they  are  rolling  down  hill on you. There are  never just  two, but each sequential one becomes more elaborate than the previous  one as they  take on a life of there own. We forget that  truth  is  foundational and  is usually  anchored to  something  hard core such as facts,  history or some indisputable evidence.  This is not  true with  lies as they  are much more fluid and  unpredictable.  They can  be like a dormant sleeping  volcano and  we just never know when  it  may possibly wake up and erupt.  Sometimes it gives us rumblings that  something  is a midst and  that may very  well  be the opportunity to  try and appease it  with  a fresh  round of  newly  fabricated lies , but I  can’t  remember  who I  told what to☺️☺️☺️. Yeah!!, that’s a little  troubling. Yes, it’s true they  take on a life of their own  as they take over your life and  you find yourself  headed for some cosmic  melt down , which will  surely  expose you as a fraud of  some sort. 
  • This can’t be it, can it? Am I just  done? Oh wait, I  remember something about  taking it to the grave and that thing about  dead men tell no lies….wait ! ,  does that mean I have  to die, or just  something  close to death? ☺️☺️. Maybe the crazy part is I can’t  remember how this got started in the first place, or why I  originally told the lie, it’s like one of those old family  feuds that goes back for decades, and we just  can’t  get the facts straight  on its origin. More importantly how did I get  allllll the way over here from  there?
  • How about a couple of  extreme examples. Is it ok to lie to someone on their  death  bed or someone, let’s say a stranger that you are absolutely , a hundred billion  percent sure  that you will  never run into again, well  at least  not in this life time, but they  could  be keeping  a seat warm for you down  the road, where, let’s just  say heat isn’t  in short supply ☺️☺️. I mean  that sounds  really  tough or an impossible place to be or to answer that kind of a question.  I think maybe a parent on a death  bed and they ask you to promise them  something that might  be for the right reasons, but totally done in the wrong way.  What am I  suppose to do with that? 
  • What if it’s one of those wacky  movie scenes where someone  gets  hit by a bus and  you run to assist the situation and in there shock, they  think that  you  are  a  jilted lover and they ask you if you love them….what do you say? Is it OK to lie to them so they can have a peaceful bon voyage, or to save them  from   further  going  into  shock , It just  sounds  crazy, the one with the  parent…maybe!  It’s like  here we go  again , if I make a death  bed promise and have  absolutely zero  intentions on keeping it, it’s not really  like a lie because  they  won’t  be  here to know  it….. right? ☺️Believe it or not,  I  faced that choice and it was not an easy  call, and to be honest I  just  felt as if I  failed both them and myself and  it’s something that will  be with  me for the rest of my days.
  • Most won’t cover or find  themselves in  such a predicament and will probably have trouble  relating to the  example.   Sometimes  life  will  supply  us  with a next best option, which can be neutral or positive, but just makes so much more of a lasting impression when it’s not☺️☺️. Here’s one for you, many  years ago , I had a very  close  friend, whom I had a falling out with.  You have to  take  into consideration for me to call  someone a friend, means that we have  been  through stuff together,  and  they  for lack of a better word , have been  battle tested. They  have  my back and I  have  theirs.  It’s not someone who flees when  things get  intense, that’s a suspect, possibly an acquaintance ☺️☺️. Like  most stupid  human  beings we let it go on way to long and  it caused a rift in our friendship and  guess what happened? That’s right, they up and died on me, no way to make that one right.  Such loss and misery of our last words together.  My grandson  just went  through something  very  similar for tearing into  a  kid in his command and  then the kid got killed on his bike. We can’t  go back and call mulligan.  We have to  try and process it and learn  from it.  For me , it has become about  never missing an opportunity to let those who are closes to you to know how you feel about them and how much you  love them  because you never know when  it may be your last opportunity  to do so.
  • I don’t  know if I’ve made my case or not about us  all being liars, but we are. ☺️Sometimes we  are just  master manipulators, and  just  like we have a  tendency to  hurt the ones that we love the most…go figure, that makes absolutely  no sense whatsoever, but it’s the gospel truth☺️☺️. So lies and manipulation,   we save our best material for  ourselves.  That’s right!!, we lie to ourselves all the time, in fact we probably  lie more to ourselves  more than to anyone else, of course unless you are a Bonafide Psychopath ☺️☺️. If that sounds  strange to you , then you  are just going to  absolutely love  how we think that we can  lie to God as well, yeah…that’s a really good  one right there . I call that one the manipulation of disillusionment. ☺️☺️. I so like that we have  great variety in the  lies that we  tend to  tell  ourselves. We like to  be even handed, so sometimes we  are the greatest like Mohammed Ali, and at other times  we are the worse thing ever and should have  never lived past our toddler years, ok, that one was a little dark, but You get the point ☺️☺️. Believe it  or not I actually don’t find either of  these extremes all that odd, and it’s actually the ones who  always think that they are just fine that scares the hell out of me….talking about psychopaths ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s just  deal with us for a minute before we run of to the God area. I think that  the majority of us have a tendency to  sell ourselves  short and  perhaps it’s better  or a safer spot than  being on top waiting for  someone to  topple us an our over inflated egos. ☺️☺️On most days, the majority of us are just a bundle of  insecurities ranging from our  appearance to our abilities and the question of , if any  one truly  loves us for who we are.?  Not who we betray ourselves to be , but the real  broken , messed up me.☺️ Maybe the worst  part  is,  the just  not knowing.  It’s like people  who have a lot of  money, would  they  still  love me if I was broke and destitute, not a bum off of the street, but there are days when I’m  kind of  close☺️☺️. Maybe that’s the biggest or the king of the lies, because it’s a basic need to be excepted and  cared for by somebody or someone.  I think  far to many  of us have  traded the someone for a dog or a cat. I want to  say good  luck with that or whatever works for you, but we know at our core that it’s not the optimum and that we  have  somehow, somewhere  along the way  settled.🥲🥲. I’m not here to beat anyone up or to make us feel  guilty about doing the best that we  can, because at the end of the day life is just  hard and  the older that you  get, the harder it can  become.
  • If we can  over come our looks, our weight, and all of  the other things  that we  don’t  like about our physical appearance, then  it really  gets dicey, because it becomes about the  internal, the parts that are  hidden away .  Things about  our personalities, temperament, and possibly our belief systems, the things that act as our fail safes. The problem is actually one of Self deception . We constantly deceive ourselves about  who we are. We find it really  easy to make snap decisions about  other  people.  Sometimes  we are correct  in those assumptions, but probably  more times than not, off base☺️☺️. We are really  jaded and slanted in our estimations about ourselves and  we spend  an incredible amount of  time reinforcing those beliefs?  whether they are correct or  not  so much!!☺️. It wasn’t that long ago that I  wrote a post about how people  usually fall  into  one of two categories and they are the arts or the sciences, and yes I  know some dabble  in both.  The point was that I  had modeled my life after the  sciences, while all of my hard wiring  says arts. Basically I have  spent a  tremendous amount of time lying  to myself ☺️☺️. Might not  be  the best example, I guess you would have to  know me better, or perhaps  even  better, if you were to take a nice  hard  long look In the mirror.☺️  The Psychological over view is that we can’t  function without  knowing who we are. Some may choose to define themselves by what they  do, such as  being a mother or a student, or some other occupation.
  • Based on who we tell ourselves that we are, we either  give ourselves a  passing grade or we get caught in the recycle bin of just  not measuring up . We don’t actually have to   have other  people  kick us around, because we do a great  job of that ourselves. ☺️. Most of us have had some brokenness that still  has some residual effect, even though we survived it and  moved on. Failures in life have a way of making us feeling less than adequate, sometimes  just  down right  dumb and  maybe  even a little pathetic, as we tell  ourselves that  we  should  have  known  better, with the  echoes of  ” never again “. Our  culture or or society, or however you wish to refer to the cesspool that we live in, really  tries to  define us and to hang labels  on us. On the surface it’s simple, you are either a success or  you are not. Then  it gets to be about  sub categories, which  cause us to look around and  compare ourselves to  others. Depending on who we choose to  compare ourselves to  will determine whether  we get a thumbs up or  a thumbs down. It can  become a  never ending  tale of highs and lows depending on  if we decide to  let the world around us  to determine our value and worth.
  • Despite the  world’s estimation of us, we are so much more than what we do for a job, or even  good and bad in our behaviors .  We are  so much more than  the stuff that we  own or collect.  We are so much more than what the mirror  tells us  about  our physical appearance. We are so much more than  our greatest accomplishment or even our worse failures in life. All of these things have variables  to them  and  possibly lead us to believe  things that aren’t true….so there for a lie. The  thing we need to  remember about  lies, is  that there are never just  two of them, there are always  more.  We are not very  attractive, so no one could  ever love me or want me, so I  must not have a place or purpose  here. That’s how it goes, just  one untruth  connected to  the next one and so on it goes, a downward spiral.
  • We live in an era where everyone wants to redefine what truth is , and debate that your truth isn’t  their truth, just like we can  make it up as we go along.☺️☺️ See, that’s the thing  about truth, it’s universal and  applies to  all. We all breath in oxygen, if someone else tells you  that they  don’t  because  they  have another  truth about that, then  that’s just  them lying  to themselves.  We don’t  like the black and white examples of that one, so we muddy the waters with  areas of gray, but regardless of  how  you shade it, truth is truth and it applies to  all and when  you  step outside of  that , you are only deceiving yourself and  anyone else that you find so gullible ☺️☺️
  • The truth is that God created mankind/ you   in His image.  The truth is that God loves you more than you can  possibly imagine.  The truth is that God speaks  blessings over you and not curses. The truth is God sees you as a masterpiece, not junk, not  ugly, and definitely  not trash. The truth  is that God see immense value  in who you are, regardless of what you see and the world  says about you. The truth is that , when you are scared or afraid , or confused and feeling  all alone, God is right there with you  in whatever it is that you are going through. The truth is that you are the apple of God’s eye and the object of His affection. The truth  is that the only reason we even  know how to love, is because ,God  loved us first. The truth is that we live in a really  broken world,  and  if it says or sees anything  other than the  things that  God says about you, then  it’s a lie and should be rejected. Ok, one more lie before we go, while  we are busy lying  to ourselves, and that is that I’m  just  to broken or dysfunctional for God to love me and want me. That my friend  is a bold face lie, and its trying to  keep  you from the  goodness of  God. I’m just so grateful that the world doesn’t get  the last word, but God does and He is the voice of truth. ❤️ The truth is that God is crazy about you and to prove that point, He sent His son to make a way for you to have a  relationship with Him. Have you  taken  Him up on His offer?
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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