“Tread Lightly”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #53
  • ” Tread Lightly “
  • Howdy!, and thanks again for  popping in.  I’m  still  having a  few technical issues with the  site, as in I haven’t had  time to  address them,  but before I  go  to  far,  I  want to give a little  feedback to one of my readers up in Dover, Delaware.  His name is  Ted, and he thinks that the blog should  be  renamed  ” All Over The Place “. I appreciate the  suggestion,  but I  believe that  the current  title will suffice,  and I  will  admit that  his suggestion at times may be  on point☺️☺️. Ok, so here we go. This past  week  there was  another  shooting in the news at a university, involving  football players.  Some how describing it as a  sense  less tragedy just seems  so insufficient.  I  have  dealt  with  gun violence and  mental  health issues here before through several posts. I’m  not  going  to  rehash it,  after all that  is the medias job, and I’m sure that they  will beat it to death from every angle possible.  I  was  recently once again  challenged in my thought process about us describing these tragedies as sense less,  because while looking  at  it from the  outside it makes completely no sense  what so ever.  The one  person  who  does not think of it as sense less , is the person  conducting and carrying out the destruction of  lives. Now! , hold up, I’m  not  on any level  condoning their  actions,  I’m just saying, that to them,  for some  reason,  it seemed  as a viable  course of  action.  I  don’t  know  and I’m not going  to  speculate about  state of mind,  but clearly some level  of  frustration  existed for such an extreme  course of action to be taken.  I  have  also  on a  few occasions  spoken  about  road rage,  and  yes its a thing,  and from  time to time escalated to violence. Sometimes it  is  appropriate to  characterize our society as the wild wild west. We  are  all so busy and running from  one thing  to  the next, and  along the way  we have  lost the  concept of  common courtesy or  decency ,or having the ability to  think of others ahead of ourselves.  In this doggy dog world,  I don’t  believe that it is a misrepresentation,  to state that we are a much more  selfish  culture.  A word that has a lot of play in our  culture  these days is respect. Everyone  wants to be respected, but very little  consideration is  given to  respecting others.  I  think that the media has a part to play here, not necessarily the  news media,  but the things that  we let enter into our minds, be it movies, podcasts,  books that we read, and  perhaps video games,  but certainly not limited to  these few. We watch movies  and  shows where women make Stallone and   Schwarzenegger , look like a couple  of  pansies. It would be  just  great to  admit  that Laura Croft is easier on the eyes and , beats out  the Rock’s  muscles ☺️☺️. And yes ,they  are now allowed in combat zones on the front lines, right  along side men, again  I  understand the equality thing,  but  something was clearly  loss in that  exchange. War by all means is horrible and I  can’t  understand what any woman would  feel that she needed to  prove her worth in that arena,  but I  digress. I think the one thing that  I’m dancing around is  state of mind. Whether I’m talking about  a shooting that may have  only  made sense to  one person,  or a small group of people,  road rage, or a thousand other things that  has allowed us  to  loose our sensitivity towards  others.  What could  possibly  be  the state of mind for someone  to believe  that a gun and killing  someone,  while  forfeiting the rest of their   own life, in the process, is the best suitable  course of action on any given  day. I will  tell  you  that  I  have  personally  had one of those mind altering poor choice decision making days, and it has filled  me with  regret and a ton of what  if scenarios, to say nothing about  how it changed  the trajectory of my life. I can’t  honestly tell you  what  I  was thinking  at the time other  than  I was fed up,  pissed off, and I  have always had  a low tolerance for  stupidity,  whether   it be mine or someone’s else’s. I  would  love  to  know  what triggers that in us  and pushes us to a boiling point,  breaking point,  or however you  wish  describe  it ,when  our actions overrun our ability  to  think  clearly or to see past that one single solitary moment in time. Frustrations in life are real and  what I sometimes  refer to as a clear and present  danger.  We don’t  always  think or see things  clearly or in there proper  perspective and  it sometimes encourages us to make dangerous  decisions,  such as  getting  in a heated discussion with  a  police officer late at night during a routine traffic stop, not a wise choice.  The fact remains that at any given time,  we never  know  what someone else is  walking through.  Again life presents us with  highs and lows and  often without any advanced warning,  so they  just hit us out of nowhere. I’m  going to  switch gears here, and perhaps give you  a  little  taste as to what Ted was talking about when  he said all over the  place.  When I  originally approached this post with “Tread Lightly “, it was do to me running into an old love interest.  We currently don’t  live  that far apart  from  one another,  but we don’t  travel in the same  circles,  but it was a  random chance thing. We were  both  pulling  out of  the parking lot and  almost  ran into  each other.  If you have  been  keeping  your dance card up to date,  then this one is Ms. H, aka, The Ditto Queen. We visited for  about  twenty  minutes in the  parking lot,  and she was heading to a  wedding  reception or something like that.  There are  a  great many things about  this woman that  has the potential to  knock your socks off.  Every since the mother of my kids and I  went  our separate ways, my perspective has been  simple,  find that one special person to finish the  dance with.  I  think that all of the  ladies I have  dated have had  the potential to  fill the bill,  except one. Don’t  get it twisted, if you have something that works for you,  such as having a  type, then  that should  be  seen  as  you just  knowing what  works  for  you, and we all have our preferences.  So, if you  ever get the bright idea to try something  different,  then  just  know  that  sometimes  different  just means different,  and not necessarily better ☺️☺️.  That being  said,  there have  been  three strong contenders.  There have  been  various  reasons  for my failure to nail down the “One”. I   will  confess that I  have  dropped the  ball and a time of not just  being  the best me. This brings me back to the Ditto Queen. I  don’t know if this is a good thing or not,  but knock wood, I  have  never  gone backwards to  a lady or a job .I  think the only one that I would  truly  consider is  the  mother of my kids, and  that  would  simply  be because of the  kids and grandkids, and how it would  make  birthdays and  holidays flow a little  smoother, however I  could  see hell  freezing over first☺️☺️. Back  to  Treading Lightly, I  recently had  a birthday of my own and I  received a  very  nice and thought  provoking card from  the  Ditto Queen.  The irony here is that the brief two years that we spent together,  she never really  found her voice and was able  to  express her emotions  clearly.  Now!, somehow  seven  years later she has found  her  stride and  gotten  quite expressive. I  am treading lightly because she believes that we are in a better place and should try and pick up the pieces again.  I’m treading Lightly here because of  my own  recent heart pain, and  I’m aware of   the hemorrhaging one’s  heart can experience when  two are not in the same place at the same time. The difficult truth for me is that the only  conceivable way for me to journey backwards to  her is if life came with guarantees,  and  we all know  that  is just  not  a thing. We had a shot and we  blew it, I will  say we blew it,  because it  always takes two.  She was impatient with me, and  I  doubt  that she ever fully trusted me  or the patience thing  would have  not been  an issue.  As for my part, I  want to say that I  have been  a little  unforgiving,  and I’m not sure that is totally accurate.  I  just  don’t  have the willingness to  give someone  another  opportunity at crushing my heart, when  they  did such  a  bang up job the first time around.  It’s kind  of  like  an  assassination attempt, , do you really  want  to keep  letting them  try until they  get it right?☺️☺️. I don’t think so! She is quite the catch, but I’m not fishing  in that pond any longer. I  will  give her credit for always  being  open to  the  possibility and there has been a  little  pursuit on her part. It has  been  a  little  like  hide and seek, she has been  seeking me out and I’ve  been  doing  a  great  job  of  hiding until  that morning in the parking lot. She has apologized for her  quick  knee jerk  reaction , it was nice to hear,  but it doesn’t  change the  fact  that  it’s just ,  to little,  to late.   I  want to  be super sensitive here, because she has  confessed to  the shedding of  some  tears over the  missed opportunity,  but I   have  no idea of how it could ever work.  She speaks of us being  friends and hanging  out together,  but I  know  that  is not what she really wants,  it’s just  an opportunity to  get her foot in the door , and she posses a certain swagger about herself that has a magnetic pull. I have  never  mastered the ability to  do  or be casual  with  someone  , who was once so much  more in my life.  I  understand her baggage with the impatience thing. She spent many years  married to an alcoholic and  she  always  had everything on her shoulders, and  she was just  dying to  be with  someone  who didn’t  come with  a major  drinking habit, and could be a viable partner in life. I believe it to be true that God loads a lot in to small packages and  this is clearly not the time to underestimate her based on her stature.  I  don’t  believe that  either of  us  are  the same  people  that  we were seven  years ago.  We have both  grown  spiritually and  hers has been  leaps and bounds. I  can’t and won’t  take  credit  for  that  , but I  some how  feel  super proud  of  her ,that she  finally  connected all of  the  dots. They  say that there is  usually a  reason or two ,why your ex is your ex. When  I  look back,  she was probably  the  least  damaged of the people that I’ve  dated.  We are  both  born  under the same  astrological sign , in fact our birthdays  are  less than  a week  apart,  so the things that I  know  to be true of myself are  also true of her. She is not built  for anything  casual or lacking of a  commitment anymore than I  am. On the surface,  we want  very  similar things,  but I  can’t but help  feel as if our window of opportunity has closed.  She feels since we have  familiarity and  a history together that we  could  just  hit the ground  running, and  those are the very same things that points  back towards  failure for me. Have  the circumstances changed? , absolutely,  but we are still  who we  are, absolutely! The birthday  card was sweet and  full of possibilities, but  I’m going to  have  to  go with,  I appreciate the  offer,  but no thank you. She has laid her cards on the table , and for her its as simple  as we move  forward together, or move away,  as in having  nothing to do with one another,  and  because of the  way we are built and wired,  that will  probably  be  a  sad reality. I will  Tread Lightly,  because I  know the pain of rejection,  when  two people  want two different things and  choose  two different  paths. Again !, I’m not  very good with   the whole wrapping it up nice and neat with the   bow thing,  but on some level I  understand people’s  frustrations with  certain  situations and  life events,  but not to the point of gun violence and taking  the lives of  innocent  people.  Again  it goes to frame of mind. If you  are  one of those  extreme  individuals   who  believes that if you can’t  have someone,  then,  no one else should be  able  to  have  them either ,  then  your  thought process  is severely  damaged and  distorted. It is  good to  have  passion in your life but it can’t  be  misguided or harmful to  others. We may never  know all the  attributes  and makings of  a  jealous  rage, that pushes one to their  limits.   Its even  harder, at least for me especially when we compare ourselves to others,  be it their  success in life, and  it can be   a little  grotesque at times when  it comes to  mattes of the heart. I  don’t want to be  the one, trying  to  draw a correlation between a devastating  shooting and  a  missed opportunity in a relationship,  however the thought  process  of us treading lighter, when  we  are dealing with others in heated exchanges which  are often  fueled by  emotions,  could  be  a  very  wise and thoughtful choice.  If not treading  lighter, then possibly  gentler,  or something that will  increase our sensitivity to others around us, who just  may  be in need of a little extra grace.
  • Until Next Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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