” Then, There were Two “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #106
  • 30 Nov. 23   
  •                    ” Then,    There were Two”
  • Howdy,
  • Welcome once  again,  and welcome to the post Thanksgiving,  pre rush to Christmas edition of the blog ☺️☺️. When I  was  a kid, I  remember  the local  weather man, and  his name was Joe Folks. He  use to do a promo spot for a local  car dealership.  He use to wear something a kin to a cowboy  hat  , and it was white. The slogan  was  something  about  the  good guys always  wear white. It was supposed to  imply  that they  were  good guys about  getting you a deal on  a  new automobile.  Now, whether  that was true or not, I don’t  know,  but I  just  remembered that  it was about  being  good and  being  connected to  wearing white hats☺️☺️. I  think  for most of  us  we decide early  in  life about what is good and  what is not .I  think that  there are  times  when  our views on certain  things  will  change  with  age and maturity,  and  we will  begin to  look at certain  things   in a different  light.  When  we  are  young  ,perhaps  it’s a free for  all  on what we  ingest in  our bodies and as we get older we may become  more  discriminating and  selective about that process. 
  • I  think at most things in life  we seek out the best, or what we would  consider  to  be  our thing. We like  champions, people  who  excel  at whatever  there thing may be. I think that I would prefer the Egyptian cotton,  with the high thread count , over just the ordinary sheets , made out of who knows what ☺️☺️.We like  it when  the super hero  prevails over the villain,  and  disrupts their evil schemes.  We rally and chant, U S A,, when  our country takes home the gold in a particular sport in the Olympics.  We both admire and relish  the  slogan of  Top Gun, being” the  best of the best”.   I  think  some how we feel  slighted when  we  watch some romantic  movie and  in the end the couple  doesn’t end up together,  if just  goes against our sense of  fair play, or the happily  ever after. We can  take a public  scandal,  or perhaps some public  tragedy,  and we have  some preconceived notion as to how that  should play  out and what would be   justice,  or a resolution for us to sleep better at night.  And whether  the good guys wear white hats or not, we like it when  good wins out over darkness and chaos.
  • We are  a nation of almost  four hundred  million people now. We are  in the top ten  of nations who produce graduate degrees,  be it masters or doctoral,  so we are pretty  educated, notice that  I said educated  and not smart, and  there is a difference ☺️☺️.  As the last remaining ” Super power”, you would  think that  we or expect that  we would  be  better educators at the lower levels.  However we  lag behind  in literacy,  in prenatal care, and  we are sideways with the  Nation’s debt, lack of affordable  housing,  and an exploding  homeless  population.  We produce  over two  hundred  new millionaires each year . By all accounts we are a prosperous  country and  plagued by many  things  that would  make  you  think,  maybe  not so much!!. We have one of the highest per capita for  lawyers,  go figure!!☺️☺️.
  • A snapshot of  the  nation would  say that we are a mixed bag, which  is  true for  most countries,  but our highs  and  lows, seems  to  have  a  great  chasm between them. No where is this more on display than  at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,  which  is  adjacent to  some of the poorest neighborhoods in  the  nation’s capital.  This brings  me to three little  requirements. Maybe  you learned this in grade school or some where else  along the way, but there are only three little requirements for being President.  This hasn’t  changed  or been  modified since our first Prez, the old cherry  tree chopper himself.  Oh ! , and by the way the cherry tree  thing is a  myth,  or just  never  happened ☺️☺️ . The first  is being  at least  thirty five years of age. You must be born in the U.S, and  been  a resident  for at least fourteen  years,  and that’s it !
  • No where  in the constitution,  the Bill of rights,  or anywhere  else  does it state that you have to have a   college degree,  have  been  a  member  of the  Armed forces, which I think  should  be  added,  and  most  significantly,  doesn’t  state  anything  about common  sense,  intelligence level , or a general Competency. In a day and age of technology,  just  so much  information,  and again  almost  four hundred  million  of us, how is it , just  a little  under a  year to go, our two leading front runners are the geriatric squad  ☺️☺️. There have  been  hundreds of studies done on wisdom, and  there is no coalition between  age and wisdom. This  means that  some very  young people can  posses  the gift of wisdom and  at the same  time,  many older adult,  can just  miss the bus in the wisdom department all together,  and oh ! boy is that ever on display right now ☺️☺️. Even if  we  throw out half  of the population base, still  a pretty  big  pool to choose from,  so again, how did we end up with  Dumb and Dumber, and they can actually take  turns  as to who leads as dumber☺️☺️.
  • What does it say about  us as a Nation,  as people  who come from  a  strong  heritage of  work hard and get it right? I  refuse to  believe  that  this is our best offering  for the highest  office in the land. I  don’t  much  care which  side of the isle you lean towards , you’ve got to  be thinking….and this is our future? This definitely  doesn’t  represent the best of the best. One of the requirements for  being  president is that  you must be  thirty-five  years old, maybe  we need  a cut off age on the other  end as well.  Old Joe,  really  doesn’t  have  it together and  there are some real concerns about  his competency and If he actually  knows what  day of the week it is and if he could  answer a multiple choice question about  what  his name is ☺️☺️. I  believe that  he maybe  the first  president to have  actually  won an election based on how much  people  just  hated the other  guy.  Ahh, yes,” The Donald”, a man so hungry for  power, that he   is willing to  do and say anything to  acquire it. Again,  I  blame us. See back in the nineties, with the constant  barrage of scandals  surrounding the  Clintons,  we argued  that character doesn’t  matter ,so why should  we be surprised that we now have a  person constantly  under scrutiny about  not just  bending  laws,  but breaking them  as if he was tearing through a  tape at the finish line of a race☺️☺️. The Donald’s  ego can  not be contained,  and many of  his supporters are  in  a cult like trance, and would  blindly  follow  him over a cliff. I  don’t want to tell you that it’s all bad, but you really have  to  search  really  hard for the good. He will  say or take certain  position , that you  think  maybe  you could  come along  side of, and  not even  thirty  seconds  later, be way off  in left  field on one of his big conspiracy theories,  once more. People have  accused him of  having a  God complex, and I  don’t know if that is true or not, but  one thing that he did steal  from  God is that,  You are  either  with  me  or  against  me,  and  while  people  may have  questions about  where they stand with  God,  or their  relationship with  God, the “Trumpster” leaves no room for ambiguity☺️☺️. I  don’t want to go off on Trump and make it sound  like Joe is just  a doodling old grandfather who  has  lost a few marbles.  He  is  just  one more  in a long  line of constitution haters,, as they  trample over personal freedoms and  rights, and the kicker is, he’s completely  oblivious to it, because  he doesn’t  even know  his name  on most days. He’s a rubber stamp President,  whatever they, “the party” tells him to do and say. Maybe  not so much a rubber stamp  president,  as much as a puppet, who knew that  Jeff Dunham got it right with  his portrayal of Walter as Biden ☺️☺️☺️,, just Google it!
  • I  honest to God, didn’t  want to make this about politics.  I  think  that  something  is  wrong with us as a Nation. Yes, we are sick and twisted.  I  mean, I get it, you would  have to  be  out of your  mind in the first place to want that job. Everyone is  always  second  guessing you, and  no matter how hard you  try,  you can  almost  always count on  half of the population  being pissed at you. The pay isn’t that good,  but the perks are over the top☺️.  We are the last and only  major  player who is not on the metric system.  Is it to hard, or do we just like the  bullseye on our backs?  We stand  alone at the top of the mountain and  we have  some straight up  haters globally who would  just  love to topple us.  The good news for them  is , all they  have  to  do is  wait  for it, because  we are doing it to ourselves,  again  , let me point you back  to  dumb and  dumber☺️☺️ Here is the  sick and  twisted part, why would anyone  in there right  mind  subject  their  family to  that kind of scrutiny.  It’s not just that they want you to  be squeaky clean, something that none of us are , but they want to hold you up to standards that they  couldn’t obtain  themselves.  Then we lie to ourselves and  tell  us that they  should be  held to a higher  standard,  because of the loftiness of the office, again  let me point you back  to  dumb and dumber☺️☺️.  And I’m convinced that  there are people out there, who’s  whole  purpose in life is to tear others down. They  want  to dig into  someone’s  past, thirty or forty years ago,  and scrutinize every word, every  thought, every  decision that they  ever made. If that is not far enough,  then they will do a deeper dive then ancestry. Com , and I’m sure that they will find that  someone in your linage owned slaves or was the grand Pooja for the Klan☺️☺️. Its just about anything to discredit people.  I never knew my great, great grandfather,  but some how,  I’m supposed to be held accountable for his choices…. both ludicrous and ridiculous!! . We grow and  mature and  sometimes  we see  things differently as we get  older,  but some how it’s important that they  choose the Fruit Loops over the more sensible Special  K or  grape nuts☺️☺️. Good grief  people, this  is why we don’t  have  good people  standing up to lead the charge for a  better  America. We want the same old,  so we get the same  old. We need to stop with the  cancel culture.  In all of our life times,  we will  do bad things,  but hopefully some good ones as well  along the way. We need to  stop with  the mentality of a bad thing,  wipes out or cancels everything else that was ever  done. I  can  piss people  off here, while, I’m not holding him up as some great  standard barrier. The  things  that  O.J. Simpson did and was accused of,  should  not  have  discredited all that he accomplished as a football player  in both  college and  professionally,  I know that is not a popular stance, but they  are  two different  segments  of  one person’s life.  God knows that I have  done things that  I’m ashamed of,  but  I’m not going to  try and make myself  feel  better about  it,  by pointing  fingers at others,  and  pretending that they are so much  worse than  myself. How would you like to be judged by a collection of your worse days all put together ?
  • The one thing that  we  desperately need  is  fresh ideas and a fresh fire of new blood in our political system. If we don’t wake up and get our heads on straight ,the  next election cycle may give us a Kardashian running for president against someone from another reality show,  like the real  housewives of  you name it, after all,  we have  already  determined that  Character doesn’t matter☺️☺️.We need statesmen once more and not career politicians . I’m not sure how out of hundreds of  millions of people,  that  we some how determined that  we would  have  two old guys play  rock em sock em robots,  when  they  should  have  both  already been down for the count☺️☺️. I  just have to  admit that I  find it  rather  humorous that this  is our best offering at this  time and place.  Like  most comedy it comes with  an element of  sadness and truth,  and we have to  laugh  just to  keep from crying  sometimes. . I remain  steadfast and  up beat , because I know  who is in control of it  all. Scripture tells us that all government is under  God’s dominion and ultimate control.  So whether it’s good government, or not so much!, God can  use it all. No !, I’m not saying,  let’s just  see how screwed up  we can get it, to see how God can  make  sense  out of nonsense,  but He does and will  continue to do so.  All powers and dominions are  under  God’s  sovereignty,  yes even dictators,  somehow they  serve a purpose for a  season,  and  then they  are toppled and replaced, and we have seen  plenty of  that in recent  history   One day God will  set all things  right again,  as they  were supposed to  be from the  beginning .
  • Before I  go, I really want you  guys to think about why we don’t  have a better  political gene pool  to which to choose from.  I  made reference as to how we just  love to tear people down and  to  focus  on  the negative or the bad, but very  little  to nurture and  foster good future leadership. I  think  it  comes down to us  wanting  to  hold people to  an incredible  standard , that we can’t  measure up to ourselves,  but not just that, but we hold them  to a standard that even  God has forgiven  us of much of the same and many times  worse things . If God can  forgive us, shouldn’t we be  forgiving others.  Remember,  we all have  crap, and just  because it’s not out in the open  for all to see…..it still  comes with a  stench ☺️☺️
  •   . Till Next Time ✌️ Peace  !
  • Sandy The Southerner
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