“The Story “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #146
  • 31 Jul 24   
  •                                   “The Story”
  • Howdy,
  • Welcome  once again  into  some of my  more interesting  8thoughts.☺️  I’ve never been  a  person  who could  get into  or follow  fantasy. When I say fantasy, I’m referring  to stuff like ” Lord of the Rings”, or maybe ” Harry Potter”, and a slew of others. .  I know  that  some of you may think  it weird  because  I’ve mentioned  several  times about  being  a science fiction  person.  I know  that  some people  just  see it as the same animal with  just  slightly  different  markings☺️☺️. I will  admit  that there is some occasional  crossover, and pictures like the Avatar franchise has strong  ties to both categories. We could  perhaps  agree that it comes  down  to  perspective and personal  opinions about  how we  think about  and see  things.
  • Most people  will  admit to  having different  moods and attitudes, based on  their surroundings and  environment, but no one really  wants  to  be  thought  of  as having  multiple  personalities. I want  us to take a look at the man or woman  in the mirror today. As we dive in, we will  see a three sided prism, that just  may resemble something  very  close to  having  multiple  personalities. ☺️ It’s almost  like having  different  realities.  This might  not be the best example, but it’s a little  bit  like looking  in the mirror and self critiquing some physical  trait, such as weight or asking  if you  look old after  running  into  someone from  high school.  Some of us know  and  will  answer honestly, some are in denial, and there’s a good percentage who just  won’t  care, and maybe  just  maybe  that’s the best  place to be☺️☺️.
  • First up is the person that  we project  outward to  the world. This is  how we want others to  see us. When  other  people  see us or think about  us, we have  a  desired  list of adjectives that we hope are synonymous with  us. You know  what those highly  coveted adjectives are because  you  spend a great  deal  of time trying  to cultivate them  in your public  life. Most of us want other’s  to see and think  of us  as pretty  good people. Keeping that in mind , we mostly  attribute  positive attributes to ourselves, like patience and  kindness.  We may go on to string other  things  together, such as generous, giving and thoughtful.  We  have  various ways  of  demonstrating this such as remembering  someone’s  birthday or anniversary and  following up with  a card and well wishes. There are many ,  who are completely comfortable with the  shallow minimum efforts. Some will go a little  further, but most are good with  the  cut out of being  a decent  person on the surface. Depending  on the who , when  and where, some may want to  be seen  the complete  opposite  of  that, and carry themselves  as some kind of bad ass. So, while  some may want  to project the warm fuzzies, others may want  to  be seen as tough and intimidating, but it’s all about  how we want others to  see us.
  • Up next is the person  that  You know  yourself  to be  or think yourself  to be because  sometimes we are ….just really  good at lying to ourselves ☺️☺️.. This is the person  behind  the  smiles.  This is the person  who is steeped in  insecurities  about  so many things  that they are barely  recognizable  from the confident  person  that  was being  projecting out to the world . They  struggle with  self perception of  their  appearance, their  weight, and why they  may be a rock star at work, it doesn’t always   carry over into  their  personal  relationships with  some,  that are closes to them. The confidence and strength that  is projected  outwardly , just isn’t  real. This is where you grapple with  not genuinely being the person that  You  want others to  think of you.  This is when  you grapple  with  the  selfish  choices that you  made in disguise.  This is when  you know that  your generosity was much more about  You  feeling  good about  yourself  then  it was the person that You were being  generous to. This is a little  bit of back pocket ammunition, so when  you  choose  not to be who ever you  project  yourself to be for whatever  reason, then  you can reach into  your back pocket to reinflate the doubts of who you really are.☺️☺️ And yes tough guys have this as well.  We are mostly  familiar  with  things like men compensating with a sports car. Sometimes  bully’s will pick on the least to reinforce their toughness.
  • Then  there is the person  that God truly  knows  us  to be without  any of the pretense or fluff☺️☺️. God sees it all,  the good ,the bad and unfortunately the  ugly. We don’t  like to think about  us having  ugliness in our lives, but we all do. We all make selfish  choices each and  every day, and we are either  clueless or  good about  justifying our choices and  thought processes.  Sometimes I  feel  as  if  it’s a complete  no brainer, that  we tell lies because  it’s just  the  little  white ones☺️, we take things  that don’t  belong to us, whether  it’s sampling the grapes at the  market  before  putting them  on  the scale  or over estimating  the  value of our goodwill  donation…..and yes I’m being  kind☺️. We look at things that we  shouldn’t, we talk about  people  behind their  backs,  and most have  some activity that boarders onto some kind weakness or    addiction, and probably a bunch  of  other  shameful  activities, that we won’t  mention  here….but God is privy to it   all. It’s a no Brainer because we know  what  they  are  and sometimes it only  between  us  and God and your subconsciousness, which can  feel  like a ton of bricks at times.  ☺️☺️
  • God doesn’t  usually call us out in public, but sometimes what is hidden in the dark, finds it’s way to the light, some like to call that Karma, but I’m not a prescriber to that.  The question still   remains in the story, just  who are we?
  • There is still  yet a further  deception here, and it’s the stories that we tell  ourselves. I don’t  believe  that  there hasn’t  ever  been a person  who hasn’t  experienced  some kind of defeat  in life. It could  be  never learning to  swim or ride a  bike, but most have  something  much more substantial, such as the loss of a job or a relationship that got sideways, broken and  maybe  not turn out with  the best outcome.  When  we have  such  things  in our lives it’s easy to build  on to them as if it’s some huge leggo project ☺️☺️. We will tell ourselves  negative   narratives about  ourselves and play them  over and over again  In our heads , like a high light  reel from a  championship game ☺️☺️. Very, very, very rarely  is there  anything  positive in nature on the play back. It gets to and gnaws at the core of who we are. It constantly and consistently tell  us lies and accuses us and make accusations that are false and damaging. Yeah, we are all human and  makes mistakes, but that’s just  part of the human  experience, but that’s  NOT  who we are. If there is such a thing as going for the jugular, then  this is it in the most classic of ways. It will  tell  us that we are stupid or not very  smart.  We are not pretty  enough.  We are not competent .It will  tell us that we should  have  known  better . It will  tell  us  that we aren’t  valuable  and worthy  of other  people’s  time. It will  tell  us that we  just don’t  matter at all. It will  tell  us that  we just  aren’t  good enough, and just  incase you aren’t  hemorrhaging  enough, they  will  tell  you  that you  are unlovable and  not worthy of being  loved.  No one’s wants to loves you and  never will….ouch!!
  • Often I will  think back  to  being a  kid and watching  the  cartoon with  the  little  angel  on one shoulder and a little  devil on the other.  We know  in our heart of hearts that  these things are  not true, but something  deep  in our core resonate with  it, and allows it to flourish, and sometimes  have  a  hay day☺️. I know  some pretty  smart people, when  it comes to academic  pedigree.  I know  engineers that can  solve  math problems in their  sleep and  they  aren’t  immune  from  feeling dumb or stupid, or less than adequate.  Even  people  who are in committed  relationships or  in loving families and  homes are not excused from the nagging doubts of not measuring  up as a partner or  parent.  Let’s not forget  that this small  but very  vocal small  voice  comes from  inside  of  us. It knows all of failures, short comings and it knows  the things that trigger us and  encourage  us towards  negative and destructive self behavior . Why is this so persistent  across the  board? Well….
  • We don’t  like  to  always   think  about  the fact that we live in a spiritual  world.  There are things  here at play beyond  what we can  see with  our eyes or touch with  our fingers. If these negative  voices can trap us into  believing  lies about  ourselves, it keeps us  from  reaching  our full potential. There is a false narrative at play here . God says that  there is no condemnation for  those who are in Christ Jesus. If that is true, then  why  do we spend  so much  time and energy living in  what is less than, what   God says is true,? You can  treat  it as a rhetorical question, but I  sincerely hope that you don’t.  ☺️I think for many  of us, we are just  so much more comfortable thinking about  God as the shame producer instead of  the shame remover.
  • Sometimes someone will  share something with  me that just  kind of blows my socks off and  this is one of those. Our sin effects  the  way that we believe  that  God sees us. Just think about that for a second  before  running  off past it. Do we have  an accurate view of  how God sees us?  I want to say that is a big fat No!   If God says that we  are  loved  with  an everlasting  love, why don’t  we run with  that as we do with  the  false things  in our heads. ? Its another  false  narrative, if God has forgiven you and no it doesn’t  matter  how many times, then you are forgiven.  God is eternal and  He says some  pretty  strong  and amazing  things about  His kids and His love for them, but somehow  the  number of  years we have  spent  on the earth  somehow  trumps that. ☺️☺️It would  really  be  laughable  if it wasn’t  so sad.
  • God wants us to live that best life, and now that is all to often  now , just a hash tag and an illusion that  we want others to  believe about  us through  our  social  media  post☺️. God  calls it an abundant life.  We usually have ideas as to how that looks and more times than  not we aren’t  on the same  page, heck, we aren’t  even  in the same  book☺️☺️. It’s very  few of us  that don’t  think  that  we know what is better or best for us, opposed to  God’s  narrow  path.
  • A lot, but not all of these negative and crippling  narratives are rooted in something  that  is  very  close to  love  and  that is trust. We need to  ask  ourselves  another  question that is not rhetorical, and that is why do we not trust God?  We  trust in   ourselves  so much , when we have a tendency  to be incorrect so  often. We  don’t  even  trust  ourselves, when  we  say that we do, or so many  things would  look so very   differently . Instead of talking about a road  littered with  detours  when we are firmly in the  drivers seat our lives. Our lives  look so much  more like a shot gun blast. It’s a scatter gun and that’s how  our lives look, we shoot and see if we hit anything.  I will  do this for a bit and if it doesn’t  Work then I will try something  else. We make plans and commitments that we have  no idea how to see them through. We find ourselves  constantly starting  over with new people and  situations that  give us a very creepy  uneasy dejavu.☺️☺️.
  • Again  excuse the analogy, but the almost  complete opposite of  a shot gun , would  be  a  sniper rifle , an instrument of precision .  I believe that  God has a  much  more focused  plans for us than  just  surviving the  highs and lows of trying to  figure it out  all on our own. There is often an internal struggle which  makes us not trust  God or to think that He doesn’t have  our best  to at heart.  It’s so much  more than  us just  wanting  different  things for our lives than maybe God does.  We have  a whole  host of accomplishments on one side of the ledger. It’s the success  in careers , perhaps  some money  in bank, or all of those cool vacation  pictures of  us on the back of a camel  some where or us scuba diving or sky diving.  Those things  are  all great, but  it’s still  God who made those things  possible and those aren’t  the  things  that  make you special, countless  individuals paint the same story over again as well.   Some have  done it a little  better  or a little  less, but it’s been done  countless  times before.  The other side of the ledger is so much more adventurous and  scarier than  jumping out of a perfectly  good airplane ☺️☺️. It’s trusting  God with the unknown and  scary future.  Only God can offset  or counter the stories that  we  tell ourselves and the voice  of  negative narratives.  I will  be one of the absolute  first  to  say that sometimes  waiting  on God and His time table , is hard and honestly  often  just sucks!☺️☺️. I will counter that with  the fact that I  have  been  blessed  way to many  times by God’s timing to  just  totally disregard it.  The waiting  is what usually  gets us  into trouble.  I don’t  see, feel  or perceive any movement in my story, so I  will  just  push the issue a little  bit. It’s my best effort  to  help  God out because  obviously He needs my help or He has forgotten about me ☺️☺️. This isn’t  new material  or ground covered.  We can  just  look back at  the  story of  Abraham and Sarah and  God’s  promise to  give them  a child.  They  helped God out and we still  see the ramifications of  that playing out today ☺️☺️ We are just  rarely  patient enough to let God’s  plan  unfold in the way that  it’s designed to .
  • We all engage in stinking- thinking, and it’s that negative thinking that draws us away from  relationships with  other  people, but also  with God. Have  You  ever had someone  invite you to something or to do something and  you declined the invite  because  you  just  didn’t  want  them  to  think  that  you didn’t  have  other  more important and valuable things to  do? , but in actuality it’s a bowl of ice cream and  Netflix ☺️☺️. That’s the  attitude  that isolate us and  allows those feelings of  defeat to  intensify and to work us over , especially late at night  or early  mornings.
  • God’s word  tells us to take captive those thoughts.  I don’t  know  how thoughts can  be  taken  captive apart from  God’s Spirit.  Basically we  need to take  inventory.  Inventory is  to balance any and all negative thoughts and  balance  it against and through the  filter which  God  see you and  the things that  He says about  you. If those thoughts  contradicts what God says about  us , then  we must reject  them  as not true and just  bold lies. God says first and  foremost that you are loved. You are chosen.  You are accepted.  You are forgiven.  You are  set apart to do good works. You are  God’s  child, but He is also a  friend.  God says that  He will  never leave or forsake you . God says that  He is your strength, when  you  are week.  He says that He fights for you.  He is your comforter during tough times . The cherry on top is , He gave His son for you , God isn’t  frivolous, so we  must be of great value to Him. If God is  for us , than who can  stand against us? Certainly  not  those  negative narratives that we like to  let have  free range in the pastures of  our  minds. God is trust worthy and He has a really, really long track record to prove it.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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