” The Seed “

  • Not The Only  One  !
  • Post #111
  • 24 Dec 23  
  •                               ” The Seed “
  • Howdy ,
  • Welcome once more as the year rapidly  comes to a close.  A couple of  post back,  I had made mention  of   a  friend  of  mine,  who’s  mother  had been  placed  on hospice.  Well  she  past, peacefully  in her sleep at  4:30 on a Saturday  morning.  She inhaled and exhaled  her last breath  upon the  earth.  We all grieve together and  at the same time,  separately.  Personally, I  am one of those people who believes  that  we are all eternal  beings and  that  we all exist  beyond  the feeble existence that we know now upon the   earth.  That being  said,  the difference  is  whether  we spend  our eternity  in  the  presence of  God,  or our existence  apart from  God. So , for my bonus  mom, she left here and was ushered into  the presence  of  Jesus,  her  Savior, and I  will see her again.
  • I  come from a  humble background and  I  grew up remembering  my grandparents  having  a  garden.  They weren’t  farmers,  but they enjoyed growing  a lot of their  own  fruits and vegetables.  I  think  that  is a time that has gone far and away  for most of us.   Now !, while I  grew up with  that, I  can  tell  you that  I’ve given  very  little  consideration to  what actually  happens  to  a seed once it is planted  into the ground. . Most of us are familiar with the  germination process, and how most things  need  an adequate  supply of sunshine and water, and  a couple of other favorable conditions, such as fertilizer to keep  off bugs  and to help  with  growth, and hopefully  Peter Cotton tail doesn’t  make to many  visits to the  garden ☺️☺️, but more so  the squirrels. The seeds that we plant must actually  die first, before  it can grow and produce into something else. It’s a metamorphosis of sort, a little  similar to  what takes place before  a caterpillar  turns into a  beautiful  butterfly.
  • There is this  beautiful  picture of  life and newness that comes from death. We catch  a glimpse  of  that with  the changing   of the seasons .  The leaves fall off of the trees  and  things die in the bitter  cold of winter.  When the seasons  change and  as winter slowly releases its grip and gives way to spring, we see the newness  of  life.  We usually  take that for granted  unless  we live  some  place  where the summers are really  short in comparison to  some places, or if we just  dread allergy season ☺️☺️, and trust me , that I  feel  your pain. This is the same  process for spiritual  human beings.  We die to  the physical body  to a physical  death and we  are  raised as spiritual  beings with  a  spiritual body, free of  decay , disease and  corruption.  The saying  is everybody  wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.☺️☺️ . We can not have  one without the  other.  As we age and grow older , we are acutely aware of the  limitations of  the  human body. Things begin  to  not work  the way that they  once did , or were designed to.  We literally begin to  fall apart.  The eyesight goes, hearing loss, joints begin to  wear out and need to  be  replaced.  The  aging process shows itself both inwardly and  externally as well.  On some level we are just  like  everything else on the planet and  we depreciate ☺️☺️. The blue book on these models never  goes up in value, even  though  they  go from  classic to  antiques  and eventually becoming   obsolete, or the thing that no one wants to  see without  clothes☺️☺️, stay away from the  beach☺️.
  • This shouldn’t be  looked upon  as dire or as some kind of a dead-end, because it is not. I  think  for most of us we are just  to connected to  the  things that  we experience with  our  senses, especially our eyes and  our hearing.  For others  it may  be about  what we can  touch and  feel or experience.  These senses drives us to indulge  heavily into the  things  of this  world.  We loose sight that we came into the  world with  nothing and  we take  nothing with us when  we leave.  We lack that eternal  focus of  what lies a head. I  also believe that  it  is  hard to connect with  things that we no so little about.  Most  of us have no expectations of  heaven  other than to just  show up.☺️☺️ How many  of us have  ever brought a house or a car , Without  some kinds of expectations of what you were hoping  to  get. ? You probably did some research to  make sure you weren’t  buying a  money pit of a house, or a lemon  automobile , yet when  it  comes to the after  life we give it very little  thought at all, if any!. Most  of us are firmly  rooted here in this lifetime .  If  You go a hundred  years here, it  only registers as a tiny tiny blip on the continuum of eternity, that’s right  a mere speck.  It’s probably  not hard to see why we invest  so heavily here, because  for most of us, that is all we know.  I  don’t  know  when  it  got to be a thing  in our culture about  paying  things  forward, but Jesus  said a lot about  this  over two thousand  years ago.  He said  to save our treasure up in heaven, where moth, rust and corruption have no place. I  know  that  there are  different  interpretations  as to what that  means, but basically  it’s  about  enriching the Kingdom of God.  Things that are  done here to show the  love of God to others.  Now, that can  take many  forms and  a lot of the  times  we want  to  think  of or view  it in grand ways, and it can  be, but Christ  said it can  be  as simple as offering a  cup of water to someone  who  is  thirsty.  Truth  be told, we never  know  how the smallest acts of kindness  can  play out and  have  the most significant  effect for the  kingdom.  A small  example, someone donates  a hundred dollars to a charity, and that charity uses that money  to dig a well , so that a village  can  have  some  clean  drinking  water, and because  one child  from  that village  didn’t  die of thirst or contaminated  drinking water, they  were  able to  continue on, go to school, become  an engineer and return to  that village and reproduce  wells  across  the  region  a hundred  times  over, so that other  kids could  grow  up and  make  a  difference.  We  take  clean drinking water for granted, but many  in the world  can  not. 
  • So, to get  back  on  topic, let’s just  call  that hundred  dollars ” seed money “, since we are talking about  seeds. So, it’s an investment, and what is the number  one thing that  we  can  invest in and get  the maximum ” ROI “, return on investment? The answer to  that  question  , should  be people.  There is nothing  more important than  people.  Jesus  always made people  His number  one priority, and so should  we.  He had an agenda and  was on mission, but He was always  interruptible.  He  would  stop and make  eye contact  and pier into  the depths of  humanity which  He came  to  save.
  • Tomorrow we celebrate the  “seed ” of a woman.  There was nothing  special  or Devine about  the  virgin Mary, other than  she was available  for  God to use. She said yes to something that  would  Ostracize her from  her culture.  Something  that  would  make  her a laughing  stock , and the whisper of  sly remarks and gossip.  She  said yes to the thing  that  would  make  her  the subject of  ridicule, and honestly something that  could  have  cost her , her very  life. She was available and made her life interruptible and  said, ” let it be”. God once again  used the ordinary to do the extraordinary.  All the way back in the beginning, in the garden, God made this promise, that from  the  seed of  a woman, would  be  one born, that would  be  King of the world.  All throughout  scripture God reaffirmed this. After four hundred  of silence, God made good on His promise , and sent forth  His Son.  His birth  changed  everything and two thousand years later is still  changing everything.  God gave us Immanuel, which is God with us.  God stepped  down  into  His creation to be with  the lost and  the broken, and those two  little  words covers all of us.
  • At some point we will  all be that perishable seed that will  be buried in  the  ground.  We will  all spend our eternity somewhere, so maybe we should  give  some thought  to  something  other than the  here and now. Christ  once described  heaven as a mansion  with  many  rooms.  If we are  going  to  have  a  new home with  Him , shouldn’t  we  show up with a house  warming  gift?.  I  think  the best  gift that you can  show  up with is  telling   as many  people as possible  about the  “Way” to follow you there, which  is  ultimately to follow Jesus  there, because He led the way. I  don’t know of any place on this side of  heaven where the streets  are  paved with  gold. I  don’t  know  of any place on this  side of  heaven where  there is no need for  the  sun or the moon.  I  don’t  know of any place  on this side of  heaven that  is  free  of pain and  suffering, no tears, no pain, no  I can’t  think  of  a single  place  like  that.  Honestly  it’s difficult  for me to  wrap my mind around that, but that  is  true about  most things  when  it comes  to  encountering  a living, loving God. Who would  send His one and only  Son, for a person  like  me, and  I  mean  someone  deeply  flawed ☺️☺️. It’s not window dressing, I just  know  who I  am.  I’m not alone, but even  if  I  was , God would  have  still  sent His Son, because  He loves extravagantly  like that.  We should all be grateful and look back  at all that God has done and  not just  big picture  stuff, but in your own  individual  lives. We should  also  be  thinking and looking a head, and giving  some thought about  eternity.  If  your  mind leads you to, or your idea of eternity  is seventy-two  virgins, well  all I can  say  about  that is, good luck  with that ☺️☺️.
  • Tomorrow is Jesus’s  birthday.  Just  for a second  stop and think  about  if it was your birthday and  people  went all out with  food and  decorations, and let’s just  call it a world  size party, because  you are just  that popular ☺️☺️. So, everything  is all set and people are giving and getting  gifts  galore, but no one  gets a gift for you. I  wonder  sometimes if  that is how  Jesus  views  Christmas at times. It’s probably a  sad indictment on some of us that we don’t  even  know  where  the whole  gift giving  thing  came  from  in the first  place.  Well, it was God’s  idea, when  He gave  us  the  gift of His Son.
  • I  have  some good  news if you don’t  have  time to bake Jesus  a birthday cake, or any idea about  how  to  get  it to Him☺️☺️. I  get  that  Jesus  could  be a  hard person to  shop for, but I  do  have a few ideas about  possible  gifts for Him, so where some may see a problem, I like to  think  of it as an opportunity for  possibilities ☺️☺️. Hmm, what to get  the person  who has everything? Maybe  that is debatable, does He have everything? How about  we give Jesus the gift of  our trust. Faith  is  a choice, God will  never force His way into  your life, so do you trust  him? How about  we give Jesus  the gift of first  place in your life? First place  is all encompassing, first  place  in your relationships, in your home, and do I dare say, in your finances, does He have  first place? He even  wants  to  have  first  place  in  your pains and  sorrows.  I  don’t  know  about  you, but that’s not always the  first  place that I  run when I  experience  difficulties in life. And here’s a  novel  idea, not to be confused with  a  novelty ☺️☺️. How about  this Christmas, you give Jesus your  heart.  Our hearts can  be  bound up into  so many  things and even  more so at Christmas.  God says that  from  the  heart flows all areas of your  life.  This Christmas!, if you are  struggling with  anything at all, and especially if  you  don’t  have  a gift for Jesus, your heart  is  a  great place to  start.
  • I’m hoping and praying that all of you  guys have the most  amazing and  wonderful Christmas ever!!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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