“The One’s Before”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 147
  • 12 Aug 24  
  •    ” The One’s Before “
  • Howdy,
  • Thank you  again for checking in.  This is another one off the cuff and  unscripted.  I have  said before that I  often  wrestle with the Word of God.  I believe that  God calls us sometimes  to impossible  task.  It can  be something that  might  make you feel  as if your head is about to  explode ☺️☺️. Again, I want to remind you that  God is not cruel, evil or out to somehow  get us. I believe  that  even in the worse of situations that  God is still  merciful. It may sound  something  like” things can  always be  worse,” and that’s an absolute fact. How many  times  have  you  experienced a really  bad day and  then  you see someone  else  going  through  something  much more traumatic , which  makes your situation  look like child’s play, or definitely  reshaping your  thinking as to what a bad day truly  looks like.☺️☺️ I  believe God to be extremely  personal and  close at hand. There is this huge lie that gets propagated over and over again, and that is that God will  never give us more than we can  handle.  Absolute  falsehood.  He will  Absolutely, positively bring about  things in your life that are beyond your control. So…this brings us to the question, if God is so loving, how come such  scenarios exist?
  • I have  often said that my relationship and understanding of God is enveloped primarily from the  view point of parenthood.  The things and ways I show love and concern  for  my kids gives me incredible insights into  who God is and the things that  He desires for us. God is all about wanting us to  spend time with Him, just  as we want that from our  very  own  kids. If you raised brats, well that one is all  on you☺️☺️. There  is  certainly a  time for us to be friends with  our kids, but it’s parent them properly first and the friendship  thing will fall into  place and  come together  later. I’m not saying  that  God causes  certain actions, but He  will definitely allow them  in our lives and  sometimes  in a very  painful manner. God wants us to  come to Him with  all sorts and kinds of problems , not just the  one’s that are out of our control. This is so He can  help us, but more importantly to build  depth and  trust in the relationship. When  we were kids , we had to both believe and trust that our parents  were  going to  take care of us and  provide for our needs…and  hopefully a few wants as well ☺️☺️. ,
  • I’m amazed  by myself as  well as  pretty  much  everyone else as well.  We believe  that we can  trust God with  our eternity, but He’s an incompetent goof when it comes to the day to day things of life. I’m not a Karma person and  the more I walk with God, the less things that I believe to be a coincidence. I believe that  God orchestrates every  last detail and absolutely nothing  catches Him off guard or by surprise.  How can He know the number of  hairs on your head, the number  of  heart beats allotted to you. The number of  breaths  you will take before  it’s your  last one, and He just  not know  our tomorrow and  the day after that, and the one after that, and I believe that You are getting the picture ☺️☺️.
  • And the story  continues.  Last week was  a  hellacious one for me.  If it had a sub heading, it would  probably be ” no good deed goes unpublished”.☺️. You guys are  familiar with this one where you go out of your way  for someone, or go above and beyond, and instead of  getting  that satisfactory pet on the back and  hopefully a thank you for  a job well  done or for some good deed, you are some how not celebrated, but actually somehow  in the thick of things, trying to  recover from your  own generosity ☺️☺️. Instead of  being  the hero and swooping in  and somehow  saving the  day, you end up with  egg on your face. You make that  faithful  proclamation to  yourself….never again  or next time I will  know  better. ☺️☺️. If you  are  anything  like  me, you may  want to make someone else the villain , and want to rationalize how if one little  detail  went another way, then  the outcome could have been  different.  I mean our world would  just  be unrecognizable without a  bonafide scapegoat  ☺️☺️. If I  wanted to relax and have  a  night cap, it would  be  in the form  of  a  good old fashioned pity party. Woe is me!! Poor, poor me !
  • Actions very  often  brings about  consequences. My good deed that didn’t go unpunished landed me as a captive audience with  a  fellow colleague serving the  role of  a  corporate trainer.  We don’t  work  side by side every day, but we know  one another  fairly  well, but not away from work.  He’s  been  there the entire  seven  years that I’ve been  employed there. So this begins to unravel by him taking  a  personal  phone  call from  what turned out to be one of his neighbors.  They  were pretty  comfortable talking with  one another and I couldn’t  help  but  overhear, there was no way around that.  ☺️☺️. They  both  were using expletives and talking about  how crazy this  one women in the neighborhood was.  They  were talking  about  her watching a  ten minutes  tic tok video, which  lead her to believe that  she could  completely  install a privacy fence  all by herself  in the manner of  a  couple of  hours. They  laughed and  joked about  how there was never in the history of  DIY projects that could  go so wrong.☺️☺️ The conversation lasted about  twenty minutes , and here’s the kicker. The woman that the very  berating is  my coworkers wife☺️☺️. Yep, you heard me correctly. He backed that bus up several times  over her ass☺️☺️. Well, he hung up the call and  what began  with a DIY project, quickly  turned into  some very  deep  rooted personal  and emotional  marital problems. He’s  very  close to pulling the  trigger  on  a divorce.  He has been  strategizing, and playing the what if game  from  every possible  angel.  He’s played in his head with property distribution and  what assets he is willing to  let go  of, and  if she chose to buy him out of the  house, he would  move out today, but much more like months ago ☺️☺️.
  • He tells me that  they  have  twenty five  years together  but only  sixteen actually married, and there is usually a  hiccup, and for him, that is two young  daughters. His marital  problems  ran out of him like a leaky facet with a couple of  washers missing.☺️☺️. There were pauses in the* dissertation , so  a dialog began  between the  two of us and  we began to attempt to  hash out exactly where it began  to  come off of the rails. If you still have  blanks on your  score cards, this is where it becomes about, “the one’s before “. I have been  down this road before, and I’m doing  and saying  everything to get  him to pump the breaks and to slowly  step away  from the  edge. I told him a story  that I  once heard Dick Channey tell  about going  off to war. It goes something  like  you do your scouting reports and  gather your  intelligence and  you have  a pretty  good  idea of how and where things stand, and then  when  the conflict  truly  begins its like  stepping into  a  room and then  all the lights  are shut off and  you find out pretty  quickly that  you  don’t  know  as much as  you  think  that  you  did.☺️☺️ And make no mistake about it, regardless of  how* amicable  the settlement may have been  or appear, there  was a  war that  took place, and the boundaries will  never  be the same again. Divorce is the nuclear option and there are no winners, just  those who  loose less. I have  been on the record a few times about how divorce is  not something that I would  wish  on my worse enemy.
  • It sounds  harsh or dis compassionate , but as I  listened to  a detailed  list of complaints, they were  all to familiar to me as they  were  garnished with  heavy  selfishness  with a  healthy  dose of I just  don’t  care anymore and  we do get to that point, but it’s not a healthy place to be. It’s a  proven  point that the more time  we spend  with  people, especially the one’s that we are closest to, we have a  tendency to  take them  for granted. This is one of the hardest things that we have to work at to keep  it in check and make sure that it doesn’t just  become  the  place that we find ourselves  living. He wanted me to know at how hard he had worked at trying to  save his marriage and  it’s a very  commendable list of things, but I  distinctly remember  rattling of this very same list of things,  and God telling  me that it was the bare minimums and  just  not  good enough.  I was crushed  when  God said that to me because I  thought that I  was going  above and beyond, and Him saying  nope!!, just not good enough!  See, I think as men we miss the connection between doing  chores around the  house or cooking  meals and  maybe  taking a  little extra responsibility with  the kids as bare minimums, because  first of all  it’s usually  selfishly done, hoping to  get laid, and Secondly we probably  think of it subconsciously as ” woman’s work”☺️☺️. It’s really hard to fight  against those age old stereotypical thought  processes which  takes  us back to being  hunter / gatherers☺️☺️. I’m not making a definitive statement one way or the other, I’m just  saying that  people need to find what  works for themselves☺️☺️.
  • We covered the  gambit from  counseling to  increasing his support for her love language, which  he had no idea as to what her’s is….trouble!. There is clearly something missing from the  puzzle and  I’m not sure if it’s some past trauma, which I  suspect.  He’s pretty  sure  that  there is no cheating going on.  She works from home and according to  him, she never goes anywhere or has any friends, which  is  pretty  strange for a woman  not to have  other  female friends. The one thing that I  did  pick up on is that his father in law is very  condescending and  disrespectful to  her mother and  speaks incredibly rude to  her in front  of  just about  everyone. So his wife has taken  a  page from her father’s  book and speaks to my colleague in the very same  way. He says that he walks away and  refuses to  engage with her especially  in  front of  their  daughters.  I have  to admit  that  I’ve seen this before and fairly  recently and I  believe that  she is trying  to  ensure that  she doesn’t  become  her mother and  is taking  a  preempted strike to make sure that she sets the tone. We all have  some brokenness about  us and we often  don’t  put two and two together to  see how those  things effect  other  relationships in our lives.
  • I tried to counsel him  on seeing  a therapist by himself and  see if they  had any fresh ideas about what  may possibly be going  on. I told  him how important  it  is to  give his daughters a  healthy  template to follow.  Again, his story  intersecting with  my past. She puts the children before her husband and  they  have  no one on one time together  as in date night or  anything else  in the form of intimacy which ,  is  a straight up  recipe for  disaster.  This is another  clear example as to how we get  things  out of  the  order in which  it was designed to  work, it equals failure and ruin. I think that sometimes  it’s just  good for us to be able to  get  things off of our chest with  a  neutral, none invested party and today I  got to serve that roll for him. Every family  has some sort of dysfunction, because  all families  are  made up of imperfect people.  Later in the evening when we  were both home, I got a text with  one of the most gratitude filled messages that I  had ever received.  He thank me for listening and for making  what we hope were helpful  suggestions ☺️☺️. We drew closer today  as men , as friends, because we both  chose to be vulnerable and  share our stories.  Somehow!, some of the most painful parts of my life could  bring healing into someone’s else’s life  because I was one of  “the  one’s before ” I had walked a very  painful  road and  I  was  able  to  share and hopefully encourage him  to  think  twice before  making a rash decision that will  have ramifications well beyond  what he may ever expect.  We all may have  at one time or the  other  benefited from  those who  have  gone before  us.  It may not be as traumatic as  divorce, and maybe  something  much more intense.  I recently  heard about  a  man who was  contemplating  suicide and  he  heard a song on the radio, which  had him change  his mind. Someone had gone before  him and provided  resources so that radio station  could  play encouraging life saving  music.
  • I’m not exactly  sure  why , but it reminds me of In the book of Hebrews , where it talks about  such a great crowd of witnesses look on as we run the race of life.  It’s figurative language, but it’s talking  about  all of those who have gone before  us, and blazed a trail of faith  and left incredible  stories of  faith for us to follow.  Those stories are  there to encourage us. We all run an individual race, but we can  encourage  one another to fight the good fight and sometimes  that means not to let  Satan get  a foothold in your home or marriage.  Eat that pride and swallow that indifference, and that will  be a huge step  in the right  direction. 
  • So this is my story and  I’m sticking to  it .☺️☺️ God  took my no good deed goes unpunished and  He even  mixed it with my pity  party and  used it to set the table  for me to  be a captive audience with  a  person who’s  marriage is  in shambles , and for me to  be an encouragement and a  hope  for  someone, who  has none in that particular part of his life. It’s true that  He works in mysterious ways, but we need to  look for God showing up in the places that we see brokenness and  disappointment
  • God calls us his saints, something that I so often  feel  unworthy of, but on this day, I  felt the halo sit just ever so slightly higher on my head. Yes!!, that is pride speaking, but it felt so good to be able  to  lessen someone’s else’s pain and  to be able to  offer them  hope. I’m truly nothing special, but there is something to be said for allowing God to use the broken  pieces of  our stories to benefit  others.  So the next time there is a trial or challenging day or period in your life, instead of  head first into the pity party, look around and try to  see God’s fingers prints in the confusion, because if it’s not right, then  that just  means that He’s not  finished yet with you or the situation.
  • Till Next Time, ✌️  Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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