” The Hardest Thing”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 122
  • 29 Feb 24   
  •                 ” The Hardest Thing”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks  for doing  the weekly  check-in  thing.. I  believe  that most of us have  encountered  something  that  we thought  was hard, difficult  , or experienced  something  that we wished could  have  been  above  our pay grade.☺️☺️ We can  be honest  here and say that we wished it on someone else.  We may believe  that  they are some  how more equipped or accustomed to some of life’s more difficult  transitions. If we are being  completely  honest, then  we  may  want to  admit  that  there was a time  or two that  we wished something  bad on someone, even  if we framed  it  as them getting  a taste of their  own  medicine ☺️☺️.
  • Going  in , I  know that  we all have different  temperaments.  Temperaments  will  determine  what we consider and  determine  is specifically hard for each of us. Some people face everything  in  life  head on and  the things that they seem  to  navigate  so seamlessly  , would  make others  crumble.  Yeah!, it kind of  starts in our brains, and all to often  we discount  the  things  that  we talk ourselves  into or out of ☺️☺️. If we tell  ourselves that  its more than  we can handle, than it usually  is.  The mind is a battlefield, that we again, all to often are willing to  give into  self doubt and fear. If we  think  of it in terms of  athleticism, we have  seen  certain  QBs make certain  throws that only  a select few can  make.  Perhaps it’s  a  receiver or a basketball  player who will  contort their bodies in  ways that  leads  to shear amazement. Everyone  is  not capable of  doing this, and that’s why  many of them  garner such  large  paychecks to amaze the  masses☺️☺️. Again  for them, a gift or talent and for the rest of us, hard to difficult  to the seemingly impossible. A gymnast would  stick a landing after  a  routine , that for me might  lead to broken  bones or just to confirm  that  gravity  is real  and is in full effect ☺️☺️.
  • So let’s talk about  some hard things  in life. At the top of the list for me is the loss of loved ones.  This doesn’t have  to  apply only to  death, but primarily.  If you have  never  ended  a close  relationship for whatever reason, then  consider yourself  blessed and lucky, if it applies in your world ☺️☺️. Most have experienced the  ravaging of  divorce or a friendship, or maybe it was a job that you had  worked for  many years and  now they  have  decided to  move on  from  You, for whatever reason….hard right?  Sometimes  it’s in the simplest of  things that we find difficult to digest. Here is one for me .I  was recently on the beach one morning, observing the  most beautiful of sunrises.  I  mean they  are  all just  amazing and  full of splendor, if we will  just take the time to notice.  So, this  particular morning, there was this woman  on the beach, who was taking in all of its fullness and glory and she began  to  sing the praises of  the  sunrise , as if it had  appointed itself  a time to  rise and  shine. ☺️☺️ As she went  on and on about the  sunrise, it reminded me  of  how the Egyptians  use to worship the  sun, and saw it as a god. Her reverence was correct, but misplaced.  It made me think  of  all of the things in life that we are amazed by and heap praises to or on and just  completely  miss the  big picture.  We worship the sun and  things like it opposed to the person who hung the sun there in the first place. I think it’s  a  contextual  viewpoint that keeps us from  realizing how small  and  insignificant  we truly are. Maybe the sun isn’t  the best example, but while it’s  amazing and  beautiful, it doesn’t  require anything  from us ,  other  than  remembering to bring  a rain jacket or  to apply  sun screen☺️☺️. However  it is  no less a thing, much  like  an automobile or a house, it’s usually  something that we have  dominion over much like a  pet. If we have  dominion, then  we  exercise  control over and is therefore the  master of it or in the driver’s seat, perse. As I carried  on a brief  conversation with  this person  on the beach, in the back  of  my mind, I’m thinking that surely  she knows  better  than  to worship the sunrise  or any other  created thing, but perhaps  not so much!
  • Ok, many of you are thinking, no harm, no foul, she isn’t  hurting  anyone or anything and just  leave the poor woman  be!. That my friend,  is the nail on the head and the hardest  thing.  How do we go through life and watch  people  go down  certain  roads in life  and not tell  them  that  there is a bridge out , just a head. How do we sleep with ourselves? I’m afraid that the answer to  that question  is  all to easily. First up, none of us were born as believers, actually the complete opposite of that. We were all born  into  sin, which  makes us  all sinners. I  think another’s  hard thing is  that the longer we walk with  God, the harder it becomes to  remember what it was like  before we allowed God into  our life. He cleans us up and transforms our lives and we look totally  different  from  the  person  we were when we first encountered  God. We  all had similar  beginnings, we may not have  been on a beach  worshipping the sun, but we were all doing  our own thing, whatever that  was  , without  reverence or Respect towards God.  It may be hard  to  remember  that  once  upon a time,  we were exactly  where  they  find themselves.  So incase I’m not being  clear, the hardest  thing is to leave  people where we find them. Let’s just  put some feet  to this, so that I  don’t  have  to  walk it alone ☺️. If  any  of  you  guys  out there have  kids, then  this will  probably  hit home. I have a  son who is a “tester”. He has to test things out  for  himself.  Oh yes! , he’s one of those  it may be true for others, but I  am somehow  exempt or an exception. ☺️☺️ Depending on  what it is, that may  be  true or not so much!☺️. I’m going to  be broad and vague, so that you can  customize it  for Yourself and your situation.  You have  a child, adult  or otherwise, and you see them  making  what you believe  or know to be a critical  laps in judgment.  Maybe they  are  taking a  career path, or surrounding  themselves  with  a  friend  group , that you could  see as being problematic  for whatever  reason, just knowing your own offspring ☺️☺️. Perhaps it’s a relationship where you can  clearly  see that they  aren’t  being  treated well, based on how the person  speaks  to them, behaves or treats them, and you know  in your heart  of hearts that this  isn’t  going to get  better or end well .☺️ You know that  they  are selling themselves  short and they  are  just  happy  that  someone  is saying  those three little  magic words, and down  the  road they  will  ring so hallow. You are aware of the possible pain that they may be setting themselves up for and you just wish that they just didn’t already have all of the incorrect answers☺️☺️. Ok, so I’m by myself  here? Your  kid is with  someone  and all you can  pray for is that they  don’t  reproduce together ☺️. I’m not going  further  in on that one☺️☺️.
  • Perhaps  it’s  some lifestyle  choice of smoking and  drinking, or recreational  drugs.  There  is a season  for everything, so maybe, just  maybe  there is a season  for partying ☺️☺️. You may  have  to  stand idly by  while  they  figure  it  out or be a ” tester”   for themselves and  maybe  you have  weighed in  or maybe  just  dodged the bullet. Love  says that we don’t  avoid the hard things, but we  need to be on the record, and  not just  so down  the  road we can  say  I told  you  so…..please don’t  do that one…not helpful  in the least ☺️☺️. I know that  these are   the conversations  that sometimes leads to family  splits. Again another  hard thing, but while  we  often  seek the path  of  least  resistance, we never  take  the  the time to extrapolate the ripple  effects  years down the  road from here. It’s truly  hard to watch our kids  go  their  own way. And when I  talk about  them  being with  the wrong  person, job , or friendships, it’s not about  someone  or thing not being  good enough for your precious little one, but just  the wrong  fit based on you sometimes  knowing them  better than they  know  themselves ☺️☺️
  • I’m by know  means  suggesting that you throw  a  live grenade in what is already often  a volatile situation.☺️ Another  hard thing and  that  is  you need to respect  other  people’s  choices.  If someone  tells you that  they  want to go live  under a  bridge, well  that’s there right  and option. When  it comes to  loving  people, you can’t  circumvent the  respect.  Love  is  bound  up in Respect. You can respect  someone  without  loving  them, but You can’t  love, truly  love someone  without  respecting them.
  • I wish that I could  tell  you  that the  further  we go along that things  get  somehow  easier or less hard, but that’s just  not the way life usually  works.  Next up hard thing  is  learning to  hold your tongue and not letting it  get  the best of you ☺️☺️. Oh!,  how I  have  wished that there was a way to retrieve those words once they  come out of your mouth, but no magic  pill for that one☺️☺️. Sometimes  it  is as easy  as state your case, Respect  their  choices and  shut the hell up☺️☺️. Doing  more than  this can  lead  to something more catastrophic,  and  the live grenade might  seem like child’s  play☺️☺️. I  remember  when  my ex and I  got together and  to say that her mother  was  not in favor  of  having  biracial  grandchildren was an understatement , that perspective  cut her out from  being  a  grandparent all together , she eventually came  around ☺️☺️. It’s just  amazing what  grandkids  can  make us do☺️☺️☺️.
  • I’m not done yet, so there must just  be a  few more hard things ☺️. If we can  learn to control that tongue of ours, then  the really  hard thing  shows up. It asks  the question  can  we be genuine and transparent in our lives  that we would  be attractive  enough  for someone  to listen  to us as we tell  them  about the  bridge  being  out  just  a head? I  know  first  hand how Christians can  be  some of the biggest  hypocrites  on the face of the planet. It’s something that we can  be oblivious to and  often  as we push through life  with a  Bible  in one hand and  a  wrecking  ball in the other, it’s something that  we often  don’t  want  to  see, let alone  own up to. Again  no perfect people, but when  you represent a King, people  just  naturally  expect  more☺️☺️. I’m not sure who’s  quote it is, but  your actions are screaming so loudly that I can’t hear a single word that You are saying.  In other  words, don’t  just  say that you  love  people, but demonstrate it with  your actions, and if you aren’t  sure what that looks like  or how and where to get  about that, start with a  healthy dose of humility and  serve someone.  Respect  other’s  choices and  yes, sometimes that means  letting  them  drive off of the bridge if that’s  their  choice. Wait! , I  know  that  last one sounded  harsh, but it’s just  a  reality of life. Some people, sometimes  will choose  destruction and there is absolutely nothing you can  do about  that.  I  want  to  say that it’s Biblical.  I  know, I know!, how is that?  Well when I  look at scripture I  see Jesus , I  see His disciples, and  then  I see the crowds. The crowds were people  who  were intrigued by  Jesus’s  teaching and  miracles and  His healing power.  They  came, they  saw and they  disbelieve, or went  unchanged. It’s the difference  between  auditing  a class and taking  a  class for credit.  It cost us nothing  to  audit a class, but to take  a class for credit  requires  a  level  of  commitment  to doing  the studying, the assignments, the labs , the homework and  to prepare  for  test and quizzes.  They  at some point  wanted to  take Jesus  by force and make  Him king over Israel, which  He already  was, but merely  six days later, not even  a  full  week later ,  and  that very  same  crowd  was screaming and shouting…crucify  Him! We are a fickle bunch to say the  least. I  have  admitted  often , when  I  read scripture and  try to connect with  the  characters, I  frequently  see myself  on the wrong  side  of  things.  ☺️☺️
  • I get  and understand that sometimes  we get  to  a  point  that seems to be glum or fruitless, or just  lack positivity.  I rarely  like  for that to be the place where we  part ways. Life  is just full of hard things and if we are once again  honest  they are usually  things  that fall outside of our  control.  All through out scripture there is this theme of planting and  harvesting or reaping.  We know that  the  in-between part it takes  watering and fertilizing and  other  favorable  conditions in the form  of  sunshine, and even  with  all off that , it’s still  God who makes it grow, not us, or who  tells the sun to shine ☺️☺️. All of that being  said is to say  that we need to  do our part , and let God do the things that  only  God can  do. Yes, live your  faith  out loud, but make  sure that  it’s genuine and  can with stand the scrutiny that others will give it. Sounds like  a  recipe for disaster and falsehood  or faking it, but that will be seen for what it is and be snuffed  out quicker than you  can blow out a match. ☺️☺️It’s an invitation to  be authentic.  If you are who you say that You are and God is who we know  Him to be, then  some of the hard things In life will  become  less of a struggle.  The people  on the edge of the bridge, God never  said to follow  your heart, in fact, He said that the heart is wicked and deceitful, and boy can  I attest to that one ☺️☺️. And for the ” testers” , He never  said  to find your truth, but that He is The  Truth, The Way, and The Life. We need to  remember where God has brought us from.  Let’s not forget our own personal  history, when  we  are tempted to be none  compassionate about  people  who are choosing to  go their own way and to do their  own thing, remember that we were once a sunrise  worshiper ourselves ☺️☺️. Jesus died once for all people and we all need Jesus, even  the ones who don’t  think that  they  do or see a need for  Him to transform  their  lives.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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