” The Chicken or The Egg “

  • Not The Only  One!
  • Post # 59              29Dec 22
  • “The Chicken or The Egg”
  • Hey family , welcome and  as usual thank you for dropping in. I  know that as the new year hits, there will  be  millions of  people  all across  the  globe, that will  be  seeking  a  fresh start on the New Year .  The truth  of  the matter  is that  many people will  be making  resolutions to partake  in all kinds of new endeavors. I believe the usual  New Years Resolutions,  runs about seventeen  days , and then  we shrugge our shoulders, and  resound  ourselves  that somehow we will  be  in a better  position next year. ☺️☺️. I  am by no means trying  to slam or shame anyone,  because  change is hard. This  is a little  bonus, if you are indeed  interested  in making a change  in your life. I will  recommend a book, its a paperback and a  easy read. The name  of the book is “Two Degrees” and  the  author’s name is David Platt. The book  talks  about  most successful  changes in our lives are made in  small  increments,  such in as two degrees at a time. The thought  process is  not to take such a big bite out of life, but smaller, more manageable and  attainable  goals, and to build on it from  there. We have  the usual  goals of to eat better,  to exercise,  or exercise more. Some people  want  to save  money.  Some want to  travel  more and work  less. And of course  there is always the hopeful of  wanting to  put down  some  bad  or harmful  habit , be it smoking, putting  down  some addition, be it comfort eating late at night,  some drug use, a porn addition, and here is an unusual  one and that is to be less of a helicopter  mom or dad, and  that is  really  going  to  be  a tuffy, especially if  you  are  in  a codependency relationship with you child. I  may deal with  codependency  somewhere  down  the  road,  but not today.  I  want  to talk a little bit  about how we live our lives at the speed  of light,  and most of us, have  more on our plates than we can handle.  This post came to mind from  a  fairly  recent  trip to the Midwest to visit another one of my single  friends.  This person is  a small  business owner. They  employ about a  hundred people over a four state span. As you would  suspect they are highly  functioning in the business  world and would  love some carryover to their  personal  life. They have on numerous occasions posed the question are they single because they  work so much or do they  work  so much because  they are  single, thus the chicken or the egg.  They  have  been  divorced for over a decade  plus , and  Just to complete the story, there are two adult  children and  several  grandchildren.  The  high functioning professional life and the personal,  not do much!,, is not a new dynamic and  quite common these days. I  mean on the  surface it  would  truly  suck to be dysfunctional on both fronts.  I  know for myself and  many others that  our employment offers us an escape from returning home to  an empty nest.  Yes, there was a  time  when we were desperately looking forward to  an empty nest, but  the assumption would  be that there would  be someone to  come home to , with  a reassuring hug, and perhaps a glass of wine and a quiet dinner.  However that is not  exactly what  life is offering us at this  particular point and time . I almost hate to be the one to point this out, but  we all enjoy the occasional win. The point here is that  for many of us in our careers and  professional lives,  we have  success built upon  more success.  Often  this  comes in the form of  promotions, more money,  increased responsibilities and  all kinds of  upward  mobility.  I  guess you could  say that is our wheel house,  we are confident,  acquiring new tools,  gaining  experience and  the all so important praise of a job well  done.  We gain a reputation in our field as someone who knows there stuff  and  has their professional crap together,  job well done. When  it comes to  the personal front, it’s almost the  complete  opposite of  that, its some place where  we have  not had a degree of proficiency,  and  I  base that  on the broken  relationships in our lives. I know, some of you  want  to  get cute and  point to  your relationship with  your  kids, coworkers,  the other  soccer moms, or the guys you smoke  cigars with,  and that is  great.  However the hardest of all  relationships to maintain is the person who  gets to see you day in and day out, the one who is  acutely aware of all  of your  flaws,  the one who knows that you need to  clip your  toenails more regularly ☺️☺️☺️. This is the arena that  we haven’t  found  that  same level of  success as in our professional lives . The one area has been a  constant continuum with  increased positive mobility and  the  other  not so much!. This is  attested to by a divorce,  perhaps more than one like myself and the  ones who never marry don’t  get  a pass either with the occasional  change in  dance partners.  The truth is  these breaks in our romantic relationships leaves us just a little more unsure of our footing  each time out, and a little  jaded from time to time. Each time we start out with a new  dance partner, we have a  joyous expectation of  success and at the same time a little reservation in the back of our  mind as to when  will the  other  shoe drop. It’s almost as if we are setting ourselves up for failure.  We  think that  we can,  but we can’t  live in  both arenas  simultaneously. . Its like people who  say that they are  people  of faith, yet they  live in constant  state of worry ,  the two can’t exist together in a  genuine reality. This is further  complicated by two  very  real hard core rock solid truths. One is that most of us are set in our ways to some extent and aren’t very  willing to  make  real  and hard changes, because  let’s be honest,  that’s just down  right  uncomfortable. ☺️. The other also impossible thing to  escape is our baggage and  that is  extremely hard especially if you  were hurt, abused,  cheated on, or possibly  just  had all of your  needs unmet and  unfulfilled in the  relationship.  I  mean I’m talking about some very  real  deep  painful things here ,so why wouldn’t we want to  spend more time in  our cubical or office,  or out in a field somewhere? The picture has been  painted and it’s not a very pretty one , and  I  am keenly aware of  how hard change  can be, especially if  it’s honest, sincere, and on some level  transcend. Most of us in our late forties and up are fairly  functional when it  comes to  health,  finances and having  flexibility about where to  focus free time. Some of  us are aware that  we are becoming our parents and  thinking, Oh God, please not that☺️☺️. If I  can, I want to  draw a  picture for you and  no, I have  no idea where all of the art analogies are coming from. ☺️☺️. When I  was younger,  much younger I thought it was cool to smoke,  it’s just  what the cool kids did. I  thought that I was cool and this would  just add to my self proclaimed  swagger.  ☺️☺️. I  truly tried, but something in my body saved me from  that because I  couldn’t  run. Yes, I’m talking, physically running.  Whether it  was sports in school or  later in the Army,  just  wouldn’t  work  for me, others did it, but just not for my body, and  honestly I  have  no regrets there with  that. Ok, so again it’s one of those,  what’s the point  moments.  Well,  when  I  was self proclaimed cool, later in life pulling  one of those little  oxygen  tanks behind  me, that would  be one of the furthest things in the world away  from  being  cool. Ok, so let’s connect a few more  dots, I want  to  say have  some  foresight,  we all decline as we get older, no exception to that. If you are  on a dating site and whether you are  aggressively or  passively in search of a  partner,  then  that means that you  are  aware that  there is more to life  than  just  being  comfortable and  hunkered  down in your bunker. Many can  state that  life is  great and   the only thing that is  missing is that  special someone. See! , here lies the problem,, we have  created  for ourselves some sort of  utopia and  we want someone to  come along who will fit perfectly into  our  world,  when the world is  made  up of imperfect people.  Hear my heart here, I am  by no means and never would encourage anyone one to “Settle “, but what I am saying is maybe we go over our list, you know the one I’m talking  about, ” the must have ” , like we are shopping for a  car or a home. We  should  be  honest  with  ourselves and  admit that  we  aren’t  the catch that  we once were ourselves , but our list says that we  are.  I  think  sometimes we jettison potential  high quality  matches for ourselves based on  some blotch that someone  has on their  resume.  First thing  I  want  to  say is  that you should  congratulation them  on laying it out on the table in the open, because some people are really good at hiding things and  yes sometimes it can be something that they may be unaware of or blind to  such as  commitment issues, but  for the most part people are aware of their  short comings.  I said it before sometimes people want to split hairs over a person being  married more than once and  I get that,  but you should have a conversation and see if they  have  learned something other than to never  do it again ☺️☺️. A divorce is  a  divorce,  and  if you have  only done it  once  that doesn’t  make you  superior to  someone who  has  done it  more than  once, after all  the goal  is unto death,  so you fail short as well.  This next one is  a little  tricky and sticky and  some of what I  just  said, applies here as well and  that is  for people who  have a criminal record . Yes, exercise precaution but don’t totally disregard them because they made a mistake somewhere in their past. I  said  it may be  worth a conversation to  see  if they  learned something,  have  remorse, because obviously they have paid their debt to society.  Sometimes bad people do bad things and  sometimes people find themselves in places they  never suspected to be. If you  are wondering if I could cross that  bridge,  I  can  honestly say that I  don’t know,  but hopefully  I  would not totally disregard them  based on a mistake that they made, as  I  said  proceed with  caution,  who knows they may be a diamond in the rough. My point here is that we can be far to critical of others,  while we  expect someone to  offer us grace. If we aren’t  willing to  make some concessions,  we will  forever be alone and  again not settling,  but being a  little  broader minded about what could possibly work for us. Remember you aren’t going to  get  perfect with  imperfect people,  you may come close to someone being perfect for you.  When we  get older and  dragging that little oxygen tank  behind us,  it may be nice to  have a  partner to help you with that. I  get that may  not be your thing or reality,  but how about someone to stand with you as you bury a parent or a tough health  diagnosis,  or a hundred other things that can  blindside  us in life. I don’t have a crystal ball, and this may sound crude, but I  will try to  soften it.  You can  have this wonderful person in your  life,  and possibly a husband or wife,  but they  are  mostly  great,  you have  a lot of fun together,  laugh a lot, problem solve well together,  but it can  be  one or two  things that aren’t  just  perfect,  remember imperfect people,  and  one of them  is  something you  want  sexually  in the bedroom and  it’s just not there. So you are unhappy,  a personal problem,  you can not put your personal  happiness on  your  mate. So  you go in search of this one or two  things,  do you not realize that you  are throwing  away  the 80 to 90 percent for  the lesser,  the ten or fifteen percent? Who does that? Stupid  people,  yep everyday,  come on, work  it out . There is this thing  called  compromise,  it’s incredible,  give it a try.  I’m,  once again trying to  paint the picture of life isn’t  always  perfect with  a bow on it.  Ideal  can  work and does work  for  many,  remember you aren’t  always  a prize yourself,  and wow, I snuck in another  art analogy ☺️☺️☺️ . My dear, dear friend  out in the Midwest who prompted this post, loves what she does for a living and  it feeds her like peanut to an elephant.  She knows that  her long hours are taking  a toll on her health as well  on her mental  psyche.  I  can’t  tell  you  what the breaking  point is,  if nothing  else I’m an extremely  observant person and  try to  look at things  from  all sides. I  give her bunches of kudos for  always  making  time for  family,  especially her grandkids.  While  she  makes time  for family I know that  she has deep  anguish over not spending more time  with  her elderly  mother and  a substantial amount of  guilt that it falls on her siblings, but she truly wants to be there,  but unless she can  be  cloned or become  omnipresent like God, then  it’s just not going to  happen,  regardless of the best intentions.  Making  payroll and all of  demands of  running a  company is  enough to  exhaust anyone.  I  can  tell  you that she is not a unicorn,  but a unique  pattern  that is often  duplicated  many times  over. I  know that  when I  was much  younger,  my wife  and  I  set down  and weighed our options with  child care  verses  her working and things are so much more  expensive now. We talked  about  her wardrobe for the office,  gas, wear and tear on vehicles in addition to  child care and  you make a  decision  based on the data on hand. What does  that  look like  for  my non- unicorn  friend, well,  we pay  for  someone  to clean  our house,  someone for lawn  maintenance and  from  time to time  a part time chef. None of these things are bad or somehow horrible.  I  use to love to working on  my  personal vehicles,  but with  technology,  that  has become  increasingly  harder to do, but there is just  something about having a  personal  awareness of  your  vehicles to make sure  you  aren’t  being  taken advantage of.  And  don’t  even get  me started about having an honest mechanic and how he or she is worth their  weight in gold. I use to enjoy  getting  down there and  changing  my own  oil, but  now days I’m just  happy to  pay someone else to  do it, part of getting  older I guess ☺️☺️. One way to  look at this is , that my friend runs a highly successful business and then  she further  contribute to some services jobs in her personal life as well, so she is great for the economy, but perhaps  not so much, when it  comes to her personal  life . Ok, let’s wrap this up,  if we can. I  always  want to  be careful about  making  judgment calls,  especially if you aren’t prepared to  step into  someone else’s  shoes. I  have no brilliant  deduction for you on whether it was the chicken or  the  egg  first, biblically speaking,  it was the chicken,  probably  not what some  of  you wanted to  hear, but  as for my high powered Aries friend  out in the Midwest, I  can not make that call,  and will  not  make that call.  I  think that  she is an incredible person  with  a  huge heart, much  smarter than  myself and  some where,  some how  she has  figured out  how  to  put in fifteen and sixteen hour days on a regular,  with  all  of  the  other devotions  in life and  still  find  time for  a  significant other.  She is  going to  have  to  answer that question as  to why she is single for herself,   to me it seems  obvious,  but I’m not  her and as I  said , she is  way smarter than  myself. One last  art analogy for the road I guess. When  we  draw a circle  around  ourselves  and  our individual lives,  I believe that  we all make  choices every day about  what is important to  us and  how we  will  interact with  those  choices.  Some of  us  are  highly  functional about what we want to  achieve in  our  careers.  My challenge to  you guys is to  have that same  zest for success in your personal  relationships.  Most of  us  have  been  up for  a  promotion at some  point that we didn’t get  ,or a job that we thought we could  do  better than the  person who was  currently occupying that chair. The point is,  we didn’t  let it stop us from  our pursuit of  next time was going to  be  the one. I  hope that I didn’t say anything that  you guys are choking on or having trouble swallowing. ☺️☺️☺️
  • Till Next Time ✌️peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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