“The Book Report”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post#149
  • 22 Aug 24   
  •             ” The Book Report”
  • Howdy!,
  • It’s story time again, and once again  I’m reminded that the story  isn’t  always about myself and  that in fact , even  most of the time  when I think that it is, it’s still  not about  me.☺️☺️. I find myself at a place and time, where I’m learning  new things about myself and they  aren’t  always beautiful things  , that I’m just dying to  embrace ☺️☺️. Often  it comes  down  to  knowing  who we are. This  may not be the best example , but take Christianity for instance. The majority of  people  can   tell you what we stand against, but not what we say that we  believe and stand for. It’s like we have  taken a  page from the  democratic party play book and,   we can scream and shout against  perceived evils, but no fresh ideas about how to  get  things  moving in a more positive direction, in the form of solutions.  I don’t  think that is an alignment that we wish to be associated with ☺️☺️.
  • The truth be told this is very  much a pattern for  our individual lives as well . We have a  belief system as to who we are, but it often comes down  to  much more about  who we are not. I think that  we may have  some boundaries in  our  lives  that define us. In some cases , depending on the  person, it  may be flimsy in nature, or they  could  stand as a  defiant wall, much like the one that use to divide  Germany for decades. These boundaries are often  based on  some core value or belief that we have.  These are often  about  places we could  never see our selves, or based on some experience that we most definitely don’t  want to  be repeated ☺️☺️.
  • Sometimes they  may be governed by some religious beliefs or perhaps by the advice of a wise parent. When  it gets right down to  it, it’s about  things that we can’t  see ourselves  doing, but judge others for when  they  don’t  posses the same , what we perceive as a moral fortitude. It can  be almost  anything.  We see someone  standing on a corner with a  sign panhandlng, and we think  to ourselves that  , we  just don’t  know  how they  can  do  that? . It’s maybe a  little  bit  prideful, but it’s so common and wide spread that it produces a  lack of empathy in us, because we just  never  know if the need is legitimate or not.  We tell ourselves that we would  never  get  involved with  a married  person or slip into something  illegal such  as acquiring funds from our employer in an unscrupulous manner. In fact we have all sorts of things that say  who we aren’t, and even  the  best of us, if there is such a thing , as the best  of us☺️☺️, will  occasionally find themselves in  the deep  waters of a scandal or some place that  we never  dreamed that we would find ourselves. Our lives are much more often defined by who we aren’t than who we are or want  others  to believe that we are.
  • In my experiences, I have encountered plenty of  people who  do not know  who they  are  themselves.  They  know  their  hopes and  dreams.  They  know the person  that they  want  you to believe that  they are, whether  that is confident, successful, self made, or just a good all around  good person.  There is part of ourselves that  we will  never know  until we  are forced into  certain  situation.  We like to  think of ourselves as  brave, but we don’t  actually know  if we will  run in the opposite direction in the heat of the battle.  I will  often  think  about  those brave souls who are asked to deny their  faith or face certain death, and what decision they  will  make.  It doesn’t  always  have  to  be  so dire, but seeing  someone  broke down on the side of the road, do we stop, or do we prioritize our  safety or some other  time restraint first.
  • I mean  it probably  sounds  absolutely  crazy that we don’t know who we  are to ourselves.  I will try and give a short  synopsis of  my story as an illustration , but first , think about  how many daily  decisions we make just  to impress others . Keep in mind that the things that I’m sharing are from another  world ago, when  things kind of made more sense and we knew what a woman was and was not☺️☺️.  Most people  fall into  one of two  categories and  that would  be  the arts or the sciences. We will  see people  who dabble in both and have  a  level of  success  in both, but it often  goes  to  something that is hardwired inside of us.  Knowing which  one of these that you fall  into can determine  the level of success and  satisfaction that you may experience in  life.  When  we do things that we are passionate about  or hardwired to do, we are less likely to  experience  burn out.
  • Ok, on to my illustration. I was a pretty  good  athlete  growing up and  all through  high  school until I  experienced an injury that basically  sidelined  me my entire  senior year.  So, I  kind of fell into the  jock category and  there were kind of unspoken  rules as to what was and wasn’t  expectable back  then. I came close to being a  band geek, but You can’t  be in two  places at the same time and I chose being on the field over the band room. Some of the guys that I played ball with  ended up in Choir, but that was only  because  that is where the  girls  were, so it was  a  covert operation☺️☺️. There were hard sayings  back then  and one of them was that ” Men were Men”. Now you can  run a lot of different ways with  that, but Men use to  do the hard things and  gender roles were more defined.  There was  push back, when  certain things were  considered  “woman’s work”. This is like  certain things in the Bible, I’m just  telling  you  how it was, not that I  some how condoned it.  Women were much more  concerned with  raising  children  instead of  flying  fighter jets☺️☺️. I never took a typing  class in high school, because it was not thought  to be masculine, and it’ was a short sighted decision that has occasionally haunted me over the  years. I have an accounting  degree that I  do not use, and never really  given  much thought to  the fact that I’m not an indoor sit behind the  desk kind of guy. I  have done it, but it’s not one of the things that  makes my soul soar☺️☺️. I think the decision to pursue  accounting was driven  by money, more so than the things that  drove passion in my soul and  spirit.  There is something to be said for making the right  choices  for  the wrong  reasons. 
  • Looking  back, I  can  see where many  times I have denied my giftedness, in favor of  being  something that I’m not. If you  aren’t  familiar with  going  against the  grain, then  this would  be  it☺️☺️. I believe that  God gives us glimpses and sometimes  great passions as to what paths our lives should  take. I have  always  loved to cook. Even  as a second  grader I  remember  going to  the library and checking out cook books.  I still  remember  one of my first  creations and  what a disgusting  mess it was as my mom trying  to choke it down and  tell  me how delicious it was.. ..tough  being a  parent  at times☺️☺️. I can  most of the time taste something  and tell  you what is in it , and even  probably  come pretty  close to reproducing it without a  recipe.  We look at Chefs differently now, from  the  way we did back then ☺️☺️. I’ve  always  had a keen  ear for music. I choose the field  over the band room and  that was just  another  example of  denying my giftedness. I’m not going to  tell  You that  I  was great  with  the  Sax, but if I  had put the time and energy  into  it  as I did  with  athletics, who knows.!  I still have a  great  love for the instrument and  it  still  stirs my soul. There is nothing  like hearing a new piece of music that  you have  never heard before, and being  completely able to identify the  artist based on  things that You have  heard from  them before.  Lastly, let’s just  consider this current  format.  I don’t  think of or consider myself to be a good  writer or anything  close to  it, but there are those out there who disagree and have a  slightly  different  opinion ☺️☺️. It doesn’t  give me a big head , because I  have read great  writers and I’m so far removed from that and Secondly anything  that I  pen is more so a God thing , than a me thing.  There is nothing  like experiencing romantic   love for the very  first time , and when I  was in high school, I  wrote some of the most heart felt poetry and  love letters, that you would  probably  never  imagined came from a teenager . Again, not one of the most masculine  pursuits, and by no means am I telling you that I  missed out on a Pulitzer ☺️☺️. It’s something about being able to  feel and experience  something  so deeply, and then  being able to  put it into  words and to share it with  others, and for them  to  have some glimmer of your experience.  I guess that is mostly what song writing is  about. 
  • I was  one of those kids who  could  take a book report and follow all of the steps of having a  rough draft and foot notes and the whole  nine yards and fail miserably.  If I  did it at the last minute, let’s just  say the night  before and threw it together, it was always  an A plus. Don’t  ask  me how or why, it just  was! People will sometimes talk about  performing  under  pressure…perhaps!
  • A book report is so much more than  just a  telling of a  story.  It should be about an experience without  very  few exceptions.  It should be  a  place where you enter into some semblance of  what it is that You are  reporting on. It’s OK, if it’s not, but it’s like you didn’t  have the full experience and left something on the table☺️.  Even in  some scientific experiment  manual, there is much to be taken  away about  gravity, the speed of light, or some mysterious black hole and about   how it came to be. I get that we don’t all have a literary calling in life or orientation, but we all still  have to  give and turn in that book report. 
  • The Book Report  is  on life and  what you did with  the  most precious gift of life. One day we will  all give an account, and our ability to  articulate and  summarize will  be  somewhat important to extremely inexcusable. We all make  mistakes and  it’s just  a part of the human experience, but were we kind in our failings in dealing with  other  broken  people  like ourselves, or did we us it as an opportunity to  feel  superior and to  make others  feel  small?  The question, may be , did we use our words well as into  build  others  up, or did we make them  feel  small as if they  should  be  under a rock somewhere? The one thing that  absolutely none of us can  survive without  is grace. There is a story in the Bible about a man who was forgiven of a huge amount of  money, something  that he probably  could never have  paid, but the  debt was  forgiven.  He shortly  there after  encountered  someone  who  owed  him a much smaller amount, and instead of  demonstrating the same grace that had been  shown to him, he demanded  payment.  Do we just  hoard grace and act as if it’s something that  we  are  saving for a rainy day?☺️☺️ Depending on the  story that we have decided to  live out, we may see things very  differently  as we get  closer to writing the summary.  We may wrestle  with  if we were generous or not. We may  grapple with  how we spent our time and if the things that we pursued in life were worth while or not? There was  that one time when  I  hit a hole in  one on the golf course.  Maybe it was getting into a  cage and being  surrounded by  great white sharks, that really got the old heart racing and  the  blood pumping 😚😚. No!, wait I know it was giving  that speech as valedictorian at your college graduation.
  • I don’t know your story or the things that moved the meter for you in your lifetime, but will they still  hold that zeal  of passion when you get  to the end. ?We live in the age of the bucket list, and I would  be straight up  lying if I  said that I  don’t have one☺️☺️. We so often view things differently as we  get  older and often  it’s about what the body will tolerate after a lifetime of  wear and tear☺️☺️. We search for things with  more genuine  heart felt meaning in  life opposed to the  adrenaline fed, heart stopping jumping out of a  perfectly good airplane ☺️☺️. It’s the times of reflecting on the birth of our children, regardless of  how  traumatic that experience may have been.  It’s the times of our last few cherished words as we sit by a hospital bed, holding the hand of a parent, spouse or  some other  loved one as they  slip off into  eternity. The summation of the  book report  will often  come down  to  did we love well.  Did our lives  exemplary demonstrate  love and not just to our children and  those  closest to us in our circle.
  • As in any good story, often the end will  often  point  us back to the beginning  or some highlight reel  from  days gone past, that was more important than  it may have  appeared  on  the  surface.  It may come up like a pop quiz or something that you diligently  studied for, but when  handed the test, your brain immediately  went  blank and  panic quickly pursued.☺️ The bonus and the surprise  for you, is that there are only  two questions on the exam and  they  are, did you love God and  did you love others?  Did you  love others in a way that it was evident that  you  know God?  Did you  go the extra mile in loving  people  when  it was really  hard and most  definitely with the really  difficult  ones, because  those are  the  one’s  who need  the love of  God the most. I don’t think that  there has ever been a  more higher and difficult questions, than being to honestly answer those questions in an affirmative!  At the end of days, there  is  no  corrective action to be taken, no rewrites, no adjustments and no more second, third, or hundreds of  chances to get  it right.  The final  chapter has been  poured in , and the book is turning the final page before  it closes out, and there is only  one  thing left and that is , will you hear, ” well  done my good and faithful  servant or child if you prefer 😀. 
  • Finally seek God while  there is still time  before what you thought was a heavy novel  like “war and  peace” turns out to be a paperback with a lot of missing  pages☺️☺️. Don’t  deny your giftedness or  the gift of being able to  have a  personal relationship with God
  • . Till Next Time ✌️ , Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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