Thankfulness !

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 54
  • Thankfulness!
  • Hey,  gang ,I  hope  that you  guys are being  your best version’s of yourselves as we prepare to dive into the festivities of the  holidays and  all that  may include for you, your families and  others that you may be  showing  love towards.  I  believe that we all have so much to  be thankful for as we head into Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is one of those holidays like  Mother’s Day, it should  be  celebrated each and  every day.  I get that all moms aren’t good,  or good all the time,  but that doesn’t  take away from  the complexity of the   job, what entails and  how it should  be  celebrated and honored.  The  same is true of Thanksgiving, we are so blessed in our lives, our communities and  as a people.  Much of what I’m going to  say here is  perspective  driven and  I  hope that it challenges some of you  in your thought process and thinking about what and how  blessed that we truly  are.  There are  things  in our lives that blocks  blessings from  being  more readily apparent in our  lives and  one of the biggest  blessings  blockers is our attitudes.  We spend  way more time complaining and grumbling than being  thankful.  In fact  many of our complaints are  actually  blessing in disguise.  We  complain about  our jobs and  we never  consider how many  other  people  don’t  have  the blessing of  a job in their lives, and  would, may not kill  to take your place, but probably willing to  go  through  great  lengths to do what you take  for granted. We complain  about  our  kids and  the messiness  sometimes associated with  them, but you can’t  imagine your  life without  them.  The same could  be said about  spouses,  significant others, friends , or maybe a  dozen  other  things in our lives that are  blessings  that we take for  granted.   We aren’t  guaranteed to  have a roof over our heads, food on our tables or  clothes on  our  backs, yet we often take it as some kind of automatic.   So much of this  is perspective and  I believe the more blessings we have in our lives, the  more we feel   or become  entitled.  The first thing you have upside  down is that every  blessing that you  have in life is  a gift from  God.  This is where we begin  to get it twisted.  We further become  delusional .  Let  me explain ,if you take  credit for or give credit to  your  talents,  gifts, intellect, hard work,  some unspecified college or university, achievement,  position,  or anything  else that  you  think solely contributed to your  success or well  being in  life,  then your thinking is  deeply  flawed. All good  gifts in life  come from  God , including that  breath you just  took.  It wasn’t  owed to you, you did  nothing to  earn it, you couldn’t  guarantee that  there would be  another one after that one, but it was freely  given to you by God. We are so head strong in  our beliefs that our accomplishments and  achievements have some how granted us favor.  We  like the, look at me and what I  have done  by rolling up my sleeves and  buckling down, and the sweat of  my brow. We don’t  like  to  think of ourselves as wealthy,  fortunate,  or blessed,  but compared to  the majority of  the world  we are, even  the people who  fall  ” under the  poverty line “, are better off than  majority  of the world.  Stop for a  quick  second and  give  a little  thought about  what  separates you  ,in your however  many  beds and baths that you currently  dwell in, opposed to some one living in a  grass hut with a dirt floor.  If you  can  come up  with  anything  outside of  the  providence of God, then  I  would  love to  hear about  it.  None of  us  can  determine when and where  we were to be born,  or into  what kind of family  environment.  I’m unaware of  a single person  who  could  determine if  they  were going to  be  born with some heinous birth defect or not.  I  get  that  on the other side of  that, that some of  you  have  been  touched by  having  special  needs children or perhaps a  sibling in your circle . In order to  be  thankful and grateful,  we have  to realize that there has been a  blessing in our   lives,  determine who is the author or giver of that blessing and  remember to say thank you  for it. I  supposed that  many  of  us  are  far to preoccupied with the scratching and  clawing for the next thing , and  yet for others  it seems to be so effortless.  I’m not going to  engage in a   philosophical debate about  why wicked  people  seem to prosper beyond  compare , while  others  suffer  greatly  or extreme anguish at times, but I  know that somehow  in God’s economy it plays out for good in the end. Again, I’m  not  saying that  all things  are  good  in life, but that  God  can  somehow use the brokenness to  bring about  transformation and  sometimes  beauty that we can catch a glimpse of.  I earlier spoke of blockers to gratitude and  I  pointed to our attitudes. Another  gratitude  blocker is the comparison  game.  We will never fully  be  able to  ascertain the fullness of  blessings in our lives if we are always looking  around and  comparing ourselves to others and  their  material  blessings, be it health, family,  finances or whatever.  This speaks directly to  contentment and  gratefulness.  It’s pretty  hard to  be  thankful and  grateful, if you  can’t  appreciate what you already have in your life.  I  get that we live in the  age of the upgrade , be it  super sizing a meal  at the local  drive through window or moving  from a  three bedroom to a  four bedroom house. I  think that sometimes we have trouble distinguishing between  wants and  needs.  I believe that we talk ourselves into things and  some  how convince ourselves that  they are needs such  as  adding that 15 to twenty  inches to our flat screen TV. It may add to the enjoyment of the  audio visual experience, but that doesn’t  qualify as a  need. If we are  going to  be honest with ourselves and  take a hard look in the mirror, we are going to  have to confess under  conviction that much  of  this goes back to  the  comparison game.  We   are often busy trying to  compete. with a  neighbor,  such as The Jones, or a sibling, who  you view as just  a  little bit  more  successful than yourself. We falsely  convince ourselves once again that we are some how a failure if we don’t  have the latest or biggest  model. It truly  is  a shame that we see ourselves as  less than,  or think that we don’t  measure up, because we  don’t  have  what  others have. We  have to believe and acknowledge that  we  are  more than the sum of things that we posse and own. The truth of the  matter is  that we are nothing more than  Stewards and  managers of  the  things in our possession.  We don’t take anything with us  when we  leave,  so it’s not like the one who has the most toys at the end wins. I believe  a big part of  gratitude is the  return of some portion of that  blessing to the giver or to others as  a thank you. The Bible  speaks of a tithe as in a tenth, , but that is not   specific to  financially only .  It can be of your time,  your talents ,or whatever you have been  blessed with . This will  look differently for everyone,  but  its something that should be  done  voluntarily and  cheerfully.  There is no fast and  furious rule that states , when we are blessed with more that  we are supposed to  use it for an upgrade on something that is more of a want than a need.  We are also not required to  bury it  in the ground like  a squirrel does when  he finds an extra  acorn on his way up the tree.  If  we truly  understand the  principle of a blessing,  it is  to be a blessing to  others and as we do that, we make space for even more blessings in  our  own lives. I get  that  sometimes it’s  hard to  see  blessings in the midst of  heart ache and brokenness,  but it is usually  present.  It is usually a  matter if  we choose to  search and look for  it in the sorrows of life. This  is  one true story among many  like it. A teenage daughter  was killed  in  a  tragic  car accident.  Yes, it’s true,  her parents will  never  get  to hug her again and her father  will  never  get  to walk her down  the aisle . Her organs went  to  benefit no less than  eight  other  people.  Someone  gets to see because of  her, someone  else  got to get off of dialysis.  A young  mother with  twin  boys got a heart that will  help  her  keep  pace with  them, and  someone  else  profited from  her liver, and  the list  goes  on.  I’m  not trying  to  somehow    lessen  the  sorrow and loss of her life,  as it just  may sound  as if she was stripped for parts. All  I’m trying to show  is that  some  good  came out of the pain and suffering.  In a way  she lives  on,  this is just  ground  zero  impacts, we have no idea  , what those retinas will read, or create or be instrumental  in bringing forth  for society or mankind. . We don’t  know what  developmental advantages those  two little  boys may be able  to accomplish  by having  their  mom for some  additional  time.  The lost of one life  tragically,  may pay  dividends for generations to  come.  This has never  been more eloquently expressed than  at the cross of  calvary.  One life freely  given to  benefit  generations into the  future.  This is the purest example of  love that there has ever  been.  Eloquently done and extravagantly expressed. Blessing  are all around  us everyday,  if we  will just  stop or slow  down  enough to take the time to notice and to be appreciative.  We live in  a  society of instant  gratification and that has also dampened our ability to  be grateful and thankful. Much of  what  I have  learned  from and about God , has been  directly connected  to  me being  a  parent  myself. I remember when  my kids were younger,  they would  frantically ask  me for different  things,  sometimes  a toy, and perhaps sometime down the road , I may find  said toy in the yard  under the deck of the  mower, or in the driveway  under the  wheels  of  my pick up . The point  is that something that carried  so much  urgency  for them, quickly  became  yesterday’s old news and insignificant for them. Perhaps  this is a kids lot in life, but I  challenge you   to look around  the house,  in those closets, or may be in the garage, at all those things that we just  had to have piling up  or probably  being  gathered up for the next yard sale. How can  we  have  hope  and be grateful  if we can think  of  it today  and  Amazon  deliver  it  tomorrow?. There are things that we ask  for  that we don’t  need or God in His Infinite wisdom knows  would just  be  disastrous for  us. It could  be  that Harley that we have been  wanting  for  the  last 15 years,  and how  many  of us  have hoped and prayed  for  a huge  lottery  win, talking about  a target  on your back☺️☺️☺️. Some are gifted enough to  handle  such  a  gift and it could  be  completely  devastating for someone  else. Today  is Thanksgiving,  how many of us can’t  enjoy  that and the true meaning of it because  it is gaged  by what we don’t  have ,opposed to  all that  we are truly actually  blessed with . This  is  not my own because  I’ve never  been  on a foreign  mission  trip,  I have  been  out of the country,  just not on mission,  so may be slightly  mine. When  you go out of the country to  third world nations or any place not as blessed as we are, they are  so much  more  happy  and  content  because  they  aren’t  caught up in  what they don’t  have. They  may have  to walk miles  to get water and carry  it on their  shoulders and  miles in the opposite direction to get  to use it and they are grateful and thankful  for  water and the ability to  get it. We just  have to go across the  room and turn  on  a tap and we find a dozen  things  to  be discontent about  as we  sloth across the  room to get  a  glass of clean  drinking water.  Historically America has  been  a  very  generous nation,  especially  in  times of natural  disasters,  be it here or somewhere else in  the world.  The question  is , are we  grateful towards God and all of his unending  favor, or is it not so much! Let’s practice  Thanksgiving,  not just  today,  but every day.  Remember  that it’s about  perspective.  Some may say, as long as you  have your health,  that you have everything,  but we know  that  is not true,  whether  your  health  is  good  or  not,  and good health  today,  is no guarantee of  that being the case tomorrow.  However  if  we look around there are always  so  many things to thank  God  for, it could  be  as simple  as  a smile  on a child’s face, or perhaps  all of the lights were green on your way into  work  that morning  you was running  late. So remember to  be Grateful and thankful and to practice  generosity and contentment.  Life is just  better  with  Thanksgiving and  it plays out in your well being as in mentally, physically , emotionally and  most important spiritually.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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