“Separate But Equal”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 133
  • 16 May 24  
  •          ” Separate But Equal ”
  • Howdy,
  • Hey  gang, thanks for tuning in once more.  I’m going to  start off with a  prayer request  for  any of you with  a  like  mindset. I  have  this one that I  keep  working  on  and  keep  passing  over. I  ask for Your prayers in that my heart and mind  will  settle in  and not be so conflicted about  what needs to be said. Thank You in advance for your  prayers😇😇
  • Well a little  bit  of  a history  lead in before I  get to the  point  as usual ☺️☺️. Some of  you may be  familiar with  this  as an old supreme court case over segregation in the public schools.  They are the highest court in  the  land , but that doesn’t mean that they  always  get  it right.☺️☺️  I  think that  history will show that they  got it wrong, but it’s not a one time  occurrence…sadly ☺️☺️. Ok, so we can’t  move forward  until we know where we have  been.  Ok, readers digest  version, because I  don’t  think that they  actually  teach  this stuff  in schools  any longer. We have  two  different  decisions by the supreme court over fifty years apart.  In 1896, the supreme court  ruled that  it was not unconstitutional  for schools to  be  segregated as long as they were  equal in quality, laughable and a joke. In 1954 , it was revisited in  the case of Brown vs. The Board of education  in Topeka   Kansas, in which  they  reversed  themselves and found that Separate But Equal  was absolutely  not constitutional.  Point  in case last  year the highest court in the  land  did a very  similar thing  and reversed Roe vs Wade. They  gave  the whole land of America  a black eye with  that one, and again  it took  them  fifty  years to get  it right.  They  did not out law abortion  as many  people  may want you to believe.  All they  did was return  a high jack right  back to the states, where it should have  been  all along.  I know that You may think that I’m here for this one, but not so much! ☺️☺️
  • The idea of Separate But Equal really clicked  in my head about  men and women.  Nope! , not a debate about  gender  or  anything along  the  lines of  battle of the sexes.☺️☺️  I  just  find  it  odd or funny how we pair up and square off. I  do believe in creation, so I  believe  that  God had  a  very  specific  purpose in  how He put us together.  I  mean  coupling is fascinating in itself  outside  of  how God put us together.  We are all a calibration of weakness and strengths.  In an ideal  setting, I would believe that the  perfect  setting  would be for You to  be with  someone who  off sets  your  weaknesses and  that you  would  do the same for  them.  In that way you would  compliment one another.
  • It’s not a hundred  percent thing, but You  will  normally  see an extrovert  paired with  an introvert.  There is usually  a  saver and one that likes to spend  money.  If there are children  present, one is usually  the ” fun parent ” and the other  leaning a bit more towards  responsibility or the disciplinarian. We have  just about  all heard about the  battle  over who is messy and  who is the clean one, the traditional odd couple ☺️☺️. One of my all time favorites  is  who is the super emotional one and who is logical and  pragmatic. I  know that we want  to  rush to the woman being  the emotional ones , but but I  want to   caution you on jumping to that conclusion ☺️☺️. Men can  be  extremely emotional depending on  what you are dealing with, and I  want to  say season  of life. Men seem to get  more sensitive with  age, and I  don’t know  if there is a correlation between men and a fine bottle of wine☺️☺️. I never got into the whole  Ying and yang thing, but I  believe  most of these things  point  towards  some kind of harmony and balance  within  the  relationship. 
  • We just  came  off of mother’s day and  are quickly rounding the corner towards  father’s day.  Talk about two  things  that are a world  apart and  have a vastly  difference of perspectives. I  think that  mother’s day is only  bested by Christmas, when  it comes to the greeting  card business  and  father’s day  falls somewhere around  fifty- third behind  what I  think  is  officially  happy groundhogs day☺️☺️. I  want to  say that us fellas just  have to  own  this one here. There are a ton of men out there who do a great  job  and are incredible  loving dads. I  want  to  say that a few bad apples make it bad for the rest. The problem  is  that  there are so many more than  just  a  “few”. In fact the family  courts are just  overwhelmed  with  dead beat dad cases. This is unfortunately one of these cases where the negativity overshadows the  good, and we as a society just love to focus on the  negative or the not good things.  We don’t  celebrate the  good cops, but we show over and over again  the  one’s that get  it completely wrong 😪. , leading us to believe  that the majority of them are  bad, and that’s just not the  case. The  Same  may be said of dads.
  • The Separate But Equal thing  goes to us being  hard wired a certain  way . I  know that as a culture we  have been  pushing for something  close to a gender neutral society and  all I can  say about  that is ,good luck with that ☺️☺️.  We have  certain things inherently built  in  regardless  of  how  hard we try to deny it or feminize men and  masculate women.  It just  goes to design. Men are meant to be protectors.  It’s a roll that we shun for various reasons. We want  to  believe that  women  can  do all of the things that  men do , but it’s just  not  true  and  the same is  true  of  men, we can’t  bring  children into  the  world  without  the  other  half  doing  their  part. Regardless of  how  hard we try or want it to be, we can’t  get  around  needing an egg and  some  sperm and that’s by God’s specific design. 
  • I watched a movie the other day  ago and  it  impressed me on how things  use to work, or how I remember that  they were  supposed to  be  opposed to  what we have now. The movie was  set about  thirty-five  years ago and  a lot has changed in  less than  in forty years.  There was a  man  attempting to  lead a rather  large family, seven  kids…ouch for that uterus☺️☺️, I digress, but everyone  had a roll and a place.  The beautiful  part of  it was that they endured  all things together, both  the great and  the failures and disappointments as well.  They  were in it together and  when  things got tough they  got closer.  It reminds me a little  bit  of  our relationship  with  our heavenly Father, when  things  are  tough, we are supposed to  run to Him and not away  and  try and figure it out on our own. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of  having a  parent or a heavenly Father. Again the roll of the mother and father  were distinct  rolls that complimented one another and  it brought a system of  checks and balances with  it. Men are usually  stronger than  women physically, but it’s off set by women’s emotional strength, which  many men never ever dare to dance with☺️☺️.   There is something  God inspired and God honoring, when  we conform to what God had intended for us.  I  know that many of you think that  conformity  is a dirty , dirty word, but look where we have ended up  left to  our own  redefining of so many  things  that  we think  that  we  can  improve on, but the ticker tape is just  not proving that out for us. 
  • Let’s just  turn  the page.  We for the most part judge everything  through  the  filter of our own life experiences and  things that we have  observed.  Often  we  have  a  copy cat mentality with a  few minor adjustments that for the most part are insignificant.  The size of a house, the style of  car, right  down to  education achievements and  number of  kids. We aren’t  as radical  as  we  would  like  others  to  believe that we are. ☺️We live in a global  economy, but often  act and behave as  if  we have  the answers for the  ailments of the  world, when we  actually don’t.  Other  cultures  throughout the middle east and  far east far out surpass  America in the things that  really  count. Sure!, we have  one of the world’s  largest  economies, which pisses away  more money and natural  resources in a single  month than  some places  do in a six month or year span.  We are a world  leader  in most of the negative  indicators such as crime, divorce, suicide, single  parent  homes, people  dealing  with  depression and anxiety and of course loneliness. What do we have  that is so  great that we  should  want to export it around the  world and please  don’t  say democracy.  Our government  is so dysfunctional that  it might  as well  be run by primates.  If they  didn’t  do a better  job, it would  probably be  just as equivalent to  what we have now ☺️☺️. My son  who recently  moved  half way across the  country  always  reminds me to  leave things  on  a  positive  note, so let’s try and do that.☺️☺️
  • Globally, outside  of  the  West, we don’t  see so much  emphasis put on equality when  it  comes to  the sexes.  There are places  still  today that  women and children don’t  have  basic human  rights and  are often an after  thought. Extremely  sad, but true and  I’m not advocating for  that way  of life, because both  women and  children have  tremendous  value  and  worth  are often  the very  people  that  Jesus  sort out and elevated in a culture where they  were no more than often  property and something  to  be bargain  with.  If we look at Jesus  inner  circle, outside of  the  twelve, there were a lot of interaction  with  women, which greatly  went against  social  norms of the day. I  believe that  it was  an ad for a  cigarette called  Virginian Slims , and it was targeted at  women and  the ad was” You have  come along way Baby”. I  believe that  it was  an extremely  successful  ad campaign, because it  drew  a lot of  women  into the  area of lung cancer.  Wait! , was that the goal? I  don’t  believe  so, but it allowed  us to burn  bras and  somehow  declare that we have  arrived….have they? Or was it a great  deception that kept  them  from being  valued for who they  were  designed to  be. This isn’t about  the  cry of feminism, which  for the most part, because  it was DOA.  Women  gave  up way to much  for what they  actually got in return, but we aren’t  here today for that either ☺️☺️.
  • The point  here is that in the eyes of  God, men and women are  equal and yet separate, but  women  are  not seen or viewed as less than.  I  believe that God holds  men more accountable, because of  design as to be protectors and  providers, and I  also  believe  that  there is a heavy  price to pay for shucking that responsibility.  God has deliberately planted unique  things  within  men and women that  are  separate, but designed to  work  together  in a collaboration of  unity and harmony.  It’s another  one those things that  we get  sideways when  we  attempt to  use them  in a way that they  weren’t  designed to.  I’m  not saying that  men can’t  be good  at nurturing and  raising  small children, but I’m saying  that  they  were never designed to  take the place of a mom and her softness . The  same  is true of women, I’m not saying that a woman  can’t  teach a  kid how to throw a football, it’s  just  that they aren’t  dads, regardless  of  how  badly they  may want to be. Please  don’t  write  me because  you  are  a single  parent  for whatever  reason  and had to step up, that’s just  part  of  life, be it divorce, death or some  other  unforeseen circumstance.
  • Men and women  are  fundamentally different, there! . Yep I said it. We are different in how our bodies develop and mature. We are different  in how our neurological  pathways  work, which  effects  how we think  about  things.  How we attempt  to problem  solve.  It even  affects the  way  we  prioritize  life. Sure, you can  run across  an odd ball guy talking  about  his biological  clock ticking, but trust me, it’s just  not the same  thing 🤣☺️☺️. I  can  only  speak  from  a  heterosexual perspective  but, I think that  most men  are  glad that they aren’t  women and  having to deal  with  some of the things that  women  deal  with, and once you get past penis envy ☺️☺️, I’m pretty  sure  that  most women are  happy that they aren’t  men. I  don’t  believe  that  God made mistakes as people  who  are  changing  their  gender want us to believe….regardless!  The thing is , the battle  of the sexes or actually the inequality of  one sex over the other is just  another  thing  to  divide us, just like  race, social  economics, and political  parties.  It’s something  to  keep us at one another’s  throats instead of  living our best life, or as God would  say ,” the abundant life “.  We need  to  embrace our God given calling and design , instead  of  trying  to  figure  out  what else  we can  do  with  it. Solomon  said it so eloquently over three thousand years ago, ” Nothing  New Under the  Sun”, only  if we grasp that  truth and  if You are  hung up on technology and  the latest crave, then  you  have  missed the  point  and need to  see if you can  adjust  your  focus.
  • Until Next Time,  ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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