” Secrets “

  • Not The Only One!
  • 19 Jan 24
  • Post #116  
  •                              ” SECRETS”
  • Howdy,
  • Once again  welcome. We are closing out week  three of the new year and  I  was wondering  how some of you guys may be progressing with  those new year resolutions?, it’s a  rhetorical question, so no  need to  raise your  hands☺️☺️. I’m  not looking to  put anyone to shame, but just to encourage  you  guys to hang  in  there, because the winter  months can  be  brutal for trying to  stay motivated.
  •   What do you guys think about when  you  think about  secrets?  I don’t know about  you but the first thing  that  runs across  my mind is the  government ☺️☺️. They  always seem to be conjuring  up some misinformation for the American people as  if we are to slow to keep  up. There was recently a  bag of cocaine found  in  the  White house.  Of course this prompted an investigation, but the details, the time line , and even  the forensic evidence itself, all were in a constant  state of Flux. Personally, I  really  don’t  care about that, and feel as if we have  so many  other  bigger fish to  fry, especially  with  all that has been going on in the Middle East , of late. I’m not sure why we should be  wasting man power  hours and tax payers dollars , just  because  someone  lost their  party favors in the  East wing somewhere.☺️☺️  I  think  it  would be  naive of us to not think that those sort of things  take place.  The government and not just  ours, but across the  globe are known for  scandals that come and go. I  think in our minds we think  that  elected officials  should  be just   a cut above, but they are  just  sinful  people  just like  all of the rest of us. They  just  try to keep  a tighter lid on their  dysfunction  more than most☺️☺️.
  • I’m not a conspiracy nut  guy, and I  really  don’t  give  much thought about  what has or has not taken  place  in  the  dessert at the famed  ” Area #51″ . Perhaps  you  are  unfamiliar with  area #51, but it’s all things Extraterrestrial , UFOs , aliens and  flying  saucers, you name it. It’s the place that you would  probably  find Molder and Scully ☺️☺️, that one may take you back  aways ☺️☺️. There is probably  nothing more obvious about the  government having  secrets  than the amount of  redacted documents  and files all over the place. I  mean I believe  that  somethings  should  be  kept  secret  such as military  capabilities or insights  that  we may have  into  terrorists organizations and their  evil  schemes to take  innocent   life. However those are the very things  splattered  all over the internet….so much  for secrets ! ☺️☺️. I  don’t know  why we make  certain  information  public  knowledge and other  things, not so much! Maybe  it’s  meant to  be  some sort of an deterrent , to tell  opposition forces  not to mess with  us as a powerful  nation, but me as a chess player , I just  sees this as You eliminating some of the guess work for them, so they  can  redouble their  efforts In other  directions.
  •   So, I’m not saying that  all  secrets are  bad, I believe  like  most things in life, there is  a  time and a place for  everything. Now!, when we get up close and personal, everyone on the face of the planet  has secrets , well  at  least   if you are over five years old. We just  never  have to teach our kids to lie, it’s just  something birth  in  all of us.  Secrets, depending  on what they  are and who they  belong to can be quite debilitating.  Secrets  sometimes  can  be like a cancer, it can  do weird things to  our physic . When I  say  weird things, it will often  eat away or gnaw at a person’s  self confidence and  self worth, making  them feel  as  if  they  are  not  good enough  or somehow  don’t  measure up. This is most often  accomplished by  secrets  very close friend known as shame. The  two of them  together  can  land a real knockout punch. If we give  it any thought  at all , secrets are  like an extortionist or a master blackmail artist that keeps us from  being  our best  self.  It makes us  coward and  we are always  looking  over our shoulder, being  afraid  that we will  be exposed.  Secrets  only  have  the power that we give to  them to control us. Maybe  that’s why they  say that confession  is good for the  soul ☺️☺️.
  • It’s funny or odd depending on how you  look at it, but what some people  may  feel  shame over , to  someone  else  it may not even be a hiccup. What may make  it even a  little  bit more hilarious, they may be proud  of it and wear it as  some kind of a badge of honor.  One of the things  that  pops into  mind is a  promiscuous   person.  Some people will  do anything to avoid the  walk of shame, others strut around  proud as a peacock that they are  adding  notches to the  bed post ☺️☺️.  We all have  something tucked away  in some dark corner.  It’s just  an endless list of dysfunctional things with  varied degrees and  with  all sorts of twist and  turns.  All  to  often  we find ourselves  some place that  we have  no idea how we got there . When , and I mean  only  when, because  it’s not an automatic and  everyone  doesn’t  always get  there, but all to often when  we get  a little  distance  between  us and our predicament, we  ask ourselves  what the hell was I thinking?☺️☺️. How did I get here or wind up there?. I  have  had my fair share of  blunders and  if I’m completely  honest  ,  I have  made enough  mistakes  that led to  becoming  secrets for probably another  half dozen people or so.☺️☺️ The kicker  is  some  of  them, I’ve done  more than  once, which  would  lead you  to  believe that  I’m a little  on the slow side and  honestly the  jury is still  out  on that one☺️☺️.
  • Most of our secrets are  relational in  origin, and usually  falls  into  one of two categories and they are people  whom we have  hurt and  injured   in  some shape form or fashion , or people  who  have  turned the tables  on us either  willingly or  by happen stance. A ton of these secrets gravitate  around sex or some kind  of  abuse. I  am honestly just  shocked by the number of  people  who  have  had  some form of  inappropriate sexual contact and or  abuse.  Some statistics has the numbers  for females   up over  seventy percent, and much  of  this while  they  were  a  minor and  with  or by someone who  they  knew and trusted, often  an authority figure, shame!, shame!, shame! The data isn’t  significantly  different  for males, however  they  are  less likely  to  talk  about  it , report it, and often just  live in the  denial and shame of it. When  it comes to  what  people  call consensual sex, it gets  even  crazier.  I have  done  some study in to psychology and I  think  that  we just  keep  renaming  things to make  them  sound  more  sophisticated than  they  actually are.  No knock on  stay at home moms, it’s a really  important job and  I wish that more people  could  afford to  do it, but do you remember when  they  became  ” Domestic Engineers “? My point  , now we have  people  who   are  supposed to be  Polly amorous, but isn’t  that just  sophisticated swingers, but  we want to dress  it up  some how with  emotions.  If you  truly  understood  what  love is, you would  know that  it’s not something that can be  shared with  multiple partners, well at least   not in a true and loving  relationship, but go do you and good luck with that !  ☺️☺️. Most people have  had some  kind of  an indiscretion with  someone  at the wrong  time and place. There is being  horny, but I’ve also  encountered people  who  have felt  deprived  for one reason  or the  other.  Many  years locked In a bad marriage or relationship and they  are  having a  coming out party, as in let’s see what I’ve been  missing out on☺️. No one wants to  admit to being a  slut  puppy, but most have at some  time and place, and the truly  fun part  is, it’s  the people  who  You would  never  expect, because they  are to dignified or just  have  their  crap together, not so much☺️☺️. Most of us get  an itch from  time to time and  we really want  it  scratched☺️☺️. Another  piece of  the  puzzle is  the number  of  women  who live with the  secret of having  had an abortion.  Talk about  crippling and  debilitating, horror  story  after  horror  story, and shame really  does an incredible  job here. This  kind  of  reminds me of  when  I  use to work with  the local  food bank giving  out food. Everyone  had a story and it was usually  not what you would  expect or thought that it might be.  Yeah, the bottom  line  is  the termination of an unwanted pregnancy, but many, many different  roads as to how they got there. I  just  want  to say that as a society we show so much  more  concern for when  someone  puts  down  a pet , but we have  absolutely  no compassion for  these poor women and what they  have  walked  through. They  often  live with  regret  beyond  belief and  often they  find themselves as  feeling  it was the only  option that they  had at the time.  I could probably  write  two dozen  or so post about  sex gone wrong, but if I did that, then  some of  you may get off the hook and think that  your secrets aren’t  important to  me ☺️☺️, and  I  assure  that is not the  case. ☺️
  • Moving on. Here is another  doozie  that maybe you  can’t  relate to, but when I  spin it perhaps you will  be  able to.  Many people have the secret of having  been  incarcerated.  If they  aren’t  at an AA meeting  where everyone is  just  broken and sharing that with  the  room, it’s not something that  they  are  going to  pull out on a first date☺️☺️. They  did something  misfortunate* and  had to pay a debt to  society.  Ok, not your cup of tea, well  I use to know  someone who  use to hire people and her immediate  shame and  secret was that those people  were  immediately  disqualified  and never  given any consideration regardless  of the  crime.  It was just  a  hard no. I  believe  that  we  need  to  proceed with  caution, but You just  can’t  throw  people away  because of a mistake , because we all make them , and  I mean  like  everyday.  We lie to get  out of a speeding  ticket, unless  you  have  a nice pair☺️☺️. We ding cars in the parking lot and not leave a note. Some cheat on their  taxes. Some have  had a one night  stand, while  being  married  and out of town.  We gossip, back stab and  connive to get  what we  want, anything  for that corner  office ☺️☺️. We cheat on test and falsify documents for various reasons.  . We compete, when  we  should  share in others  happiness and  success.  Ok,  let’s just  wrap this segment up with  saying  that we have  all lied, taken  something  that  didn’t  belong  to  us and probably broken all other  eight  commandments along  the  way.  Yeah, you may  want to  stand up proudly and  say not me man!!, yeah you, me and everyone else.  Jesus said  if you look lustfully at a member of the  opposite sex  then you  have  committed  adultery with them  in your heart, so just  go a head and  check that box☺️☺️. Ok!, I  will  give you  that one…but murder, no way man!!!  Think back to  a time when  you and your  girlfriends crucified some one’s  character, because  they were different In some way different  from  your little  click. You don’t  have to  go or think  all the way back to  high school or college, because it  happens  every day  in lunch rooms in office  buildings all across  America. Maybe it’s the  smelly homeless guy outside of the  place you get  your morning coffee, you know  nothing about  him, but you  pass judgment on him, and that’s a dirty  little  secret as well.
  • Ok, I’m probably  not  going to  do this  justice, but we must forge ahead. Secrets are like  roaches that scurry around  In the dark.  When  you cut the lights on they disappear, and secrets are very  much the same, when  exposed to the light of  day , they  disappear and loose the hold that they  have  on you. You  will  discover a freedom  that has wanted to  be present  in  your life for  a long time. I’m not saying that it will be easy or without  some pain and discomfort, but think about it  as a band aide and  just  yank it off. What ever your secret and shame is, I  can  assure you that you aren’t the  first  person with that exact  same  story, or something with  the  storyline  pretty  close. It’s not always easy to put on our big boy pants and  be brave, but it can  be so  rewarding with the  freedom of not having to  carry it around and the fear of  being  exposed.  If we share our shameful  secrets ” in the proper setting ” , it will  encourage  others to do the  same and  we can  help  one another to   heal, and remember the opposite of  that  is to be judging  others, which you have  no authority to do. Secrets  makes us tell  lies about  ourselves to others to cover some  embarrassment. When we do this we misrepresented the truth of who we actually are.  We care way to much about  what other  people  think about us , when  we  have  an ultimate judge and we should  care so much  more about  what He thinks about  us.  He is the only one who can  forgive us and free us from  our  secret shame and  pain. We  must  remember that  we are completely bare, undone and transparent to God. He knows  what you think  no one else knows. We can allow  these things  to  fester in our lives and many choose that path  for their  entire life, talk about  taking it to the  grave ☺️☺️. There is an alternative, and it’s to confess it  to  God and to ask for healing and forgiveness.  God says for all who do that, there is no condemnation . Ahh, another  piece of the  puzzle to go along with  secrets and shame, the feeling of  being  condemned.  I  am a prime example of a  person  who doesn’t  always  take the easy path, but even  I , after  years of doing it  my own  way, came to understanding that  those things  will  actually  crush the living  life out of you. We seem  to always  want  to  carry the burden  alone and  honestly we were  never  designed for  that, and never  God’s  plan  for  us. We know that when  we  have a pebble  in our shoe that it causes  us  discomfort, so we stop and take  it out, but we will  allow a secrets  to continue  to  pierce our very souls. It just  doesn’t add up or make  sense. 
  • I  need to  wrap  this up, but I want to  address the  issue of  penance . We do things and believe  certain things , and sometimes we  believe that we can  somehow  fix our secrets , or make up for some past transgression by doing  good things.  I  can  assure that  it doesn’t work  that way.  This is not one hand washes the other, or the more common  belief that  as long as  my good out weighs my bad, then  I’m some how good.  What a clumsy and  flimsy  argument.  It’s laughable, if it wasn’t so sad. First of all  who would  be  the  judge of  that, and how would  you  keep  up with that and how would you  qualify it. Talking about a  tangled web☺️☺️. The more  moving  parts, the more  it  falls apart. ☺️ Sometimes the things that  we think are  undercover and out of sight, is not always  true. I mentioned how we are all undone and  completely bare before God and  God’s spirit  lives within  every  born again  believer and sometimes, not always, but God will  give people  discernment into people’s  miss deeds. I  wouldn’t want to  live in the  fear that  every  secret thing  will  become  known, but God says that will happen.  I  don’t know when, where or how, but He said  it and it will  happen, maybe today or  tomorrow and  maybe  not until  judgment day, but it will  become  known. There is freedom in Christ from  every  secret that holds you captive, which you just can’t  ever believe that You  could  ever break free from , but it’s possible.  Sometimes we just  have to  come to the  realization that  God is good  and big enough to  handle  our dysfunctions, and that will have to be  enough.
  • Till Next Time ✌️Peace! 
  • Sandy The Southerner
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