“Reverse Order or Inverse Order”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #90
  • 27 Jul 23  
  •                 “Reverse order or Inverse Order”
  • Howdy,
  • I’m so grateful for you  guys  being there and  checking  in  from time to time. I have  never  truly  felt  comfortable calling  or referring to  myself  as  a  writer.  I  told you guys way back in the beginning, if it helped  you  to make  sense of  me, then  to just  think of it  as therapy for me. It’s an outlet that sometimes  keeps me  from  putting  my fist through  drywall ☺️☺️. At other  times it is  a cry from  my heart  to maybe,  just  maybe  to sound  an alarm and to get  us to wake up from  being  asleep  behind the wheel,  or to challenge a thought  process or some  prevailing trend, such  as  there are more  than  two  genders, but not chasing that one today ☺️☺️. I  remember all the way back  in high school that one of  the  first  rules of writing is  to  write  what you know,  and today on some level,  I’m going to  be  challenging that idea, and we will  get  there in  a second. I know  or have  some knowledge about  many things,  some of them  even  technical.  As, I  have  said  a few times  before,  when I  started this I  did  do research on  what  would  make  or goes into  a  successful  blog,  and I  chose to  go another way.  So, here goes, I’m going to  talk about  a movie that  I  never  saw, and to be honest,  it just  didn’t  move the meter for me, but this morning  it’s going to  be  a  reference point.  Back in 2008, there  was  a  movie  called ” The Strange  Case for Benjamin  Buttons”. If I understand it correctly it was about a man who was born  old and  aged in reverse order.  Any  way it was a twist on   a  real  life,  rare genetic  disorder called progeria, in which  it makes kids age rapidly,  not going to  explain past that, feel free to  Google. I’m not pointing  specifically to  this example,  or this movie,  but I  was thinking about  how God has such a  sense of  humor. I  sometimes imagine God sitting on  His thrown and having a  good  chuckle watching  us and some of  our self proclaimed  wisdom that often  leads to  bone head decisions. When I  think about  us whom in habit the planet,  I  can  certainly  see why King  Solomon said that there was  nothing  new under the  sun.  If we look all the way  back  in the book of Genesis,  we encounter this couple who felt as if  they  needed to  help  God out, because  obviously He had forgotten that  He had made a promise,  that  He had not kept. He had  promised  them  a son, and  since  they  were  both  very  old and  pass the child  bearing years,  that He obviously needed a  hand. Thousands  of  years  later, we still  see the results of their actions  still  playing  out today, with all of its ramifications.   I,  mean like I get  it, I’m the same and  definitely can  relate.  You give it  to God,  lay it at His feet and  we can’t  or don’t  see any action or movement on  that  prayer  request,  so  we go back to  His feet  pick it  back  up  and  just  run with  it,  been  there  many,  many times,  ok, let’s just  say  countless and leave it  at that ☺️☺️. I  do believe that  God is  always  working,  even  when  we  can’t  see it, feel it or believing in  the process.  Sometimes I  think that  we are just  comic relief  for  God with  some of our choices and  many  times clearly against  things that He has spoken  directly  to,  and  yes that  is another  place that I’m intimately familiar with ☺️☺️. If we don’t  get  there on our own  , there are just  pit falls,  after  booby traps, after  snares, after land mines, after, well,  you get the point. Let’s just  say  that life has a way of  keeping  things  interesting,  while  all along the way  providing  what my kids like  to  call” Teachable  Moments “. Now!, my kids absolutely  detest  Teachable  Moments, because they  can  often  leave  you feeling,  let’s just  say a little  less than  intelligent and  it is often  accompanied by  a  smirk that  says, You should  have  known  better! or an I told you so!! , and if neither  of  those,  most definitely the hindsight  of  “what the hell  was I thinking “.☺️☺️ Let’s start with  this one, just because  it’s one of  the most  obvious,  ” Are You  Serious “? How and why  are men and women sex’s drives on the totally  different  ends of the spectrum.  Men’s  best  times for drive is usually between  the  teen years until  their  mid twenties,  and a lot of times  women  are  just  hitting  their  stride somewhere after their  forties.  It’s almost  as if our  sex drives synced up, that is all we would  do is  hump like bunnies☺️☺️. Would  we just  never  leave the  boudoir? Would  we  be less  focused than we already are?, I mean like  what  gives with  that one? . I’m not fully sure if there is some difference  between  reverse  order and  inverse order,  is it  a preference,  or is it something that I’m loosing in translation.?. Ok,  let’s try this one  on for size. I don’t  know  about  you, but as I’ve  gotten  older,  I think that I’m more patient,  or at least I care less about  certain  things.  As a grandparent, I’m way more patient then  I  ever was as a parent.  I’m   not  proud of it, but I  surely remember raising  my  voice with my  kids as they were growing up,  but as a grandparent, it’s a mute point and completely nonexistent.  Well,  when  I  give closer consideration to  this  one,  if we have  kids later in  life when we become  more patient,   we probably wouldn’t have the energy to  keep up with  them. ☺️☺️. Maybe there is a  connection between kids draining  all of  the  energy out of  us, where we have  no option but to be more patient,  because everything  else  has just  been  exhausted. I believe that  most  people’s  lives resembles a bell curve,  and  we are usually somewhere  near  the top of that curve from early  thirties to  our mid fifties. These are the years when are  firing on all cylinders, before the  decline of  self. We are the most active,  having the  most success in our careers,  making  the most money. These are  also  often the  years of parenting children in the home. These are often the  years of building and acquisitions. It could  be  building and establishing a  home,  a business,  friendship , wealth ,or a number of  other things.   So I  talked about sex drives and patience levels,  how about  wisdom? Why do we have to  live through a bunch of dumb and not so  smart life choices to get to  wisdom.?  Shouldn’t we just  be   born with  enough  intelligence to  know  not to touch the stove  because  it’s  hot? , then having to acquire  that information  through   a  nasty burn as a reminder?  Now ,I’m  making  allowances of those  of us who can  only  learn by life applications. I apparently come from a  long line of those folks☺️☺️. It’s like as we become  older, we become  theses wisdom  juggernauts.. I  mean I really  could have  seriously  used a whole heap of wisdom and understanding when  I was  much  younger.  Now, there is also this thing about  birth  order,  which we have  completely  no control over.  So being the oldest ,kind of made  me the trail blazer, so if by my poor choices and lack  of  wisdom  demonstrated to my younger siblings that the things that I  did, didn’t  really  work out that  well  for me, was that  some how me  imparting wisdom to them?  I  think that it was  and that is a win, and I’m going to  take  it☺️☺️. They were like, nope!!, I’m not doing  that! ☺️ . And again,  there are those who  can  watch a train wreck or an implosion and still  choose to  follow suit,  well  they  are  the people  that  we  were talking  about  in the last  post ,who should  be  seeking  professional counseling or advice.  Let’s continue on, we work  our whole  lives to save  enough to travel and or to retire. I guess  the question is  then, are we  in a place of enjoyment? A friend recently  sent me a meme that  said  enjoy them  while you  have  them and  it wasn’t  taking about  your kids,  but your hips and  knees☺️☺️. Now , that  is funny,  but it is  also  true . And I’m not implying that you  shouldn’t enjoy  your kids, .. well…that could be  a  split decision now days. Many times  when  they  get  out on their own,  they  are  just  gone, but now….more and  more often they seem to be  hanging around,  or maybe  you will  get one of each ☺️☺️. I  think it was  the comic  Sinbad,  who said  if You want  to  get  unwanted  adult  children  out of the house to just  start having  sex all over the house,  and  still  there are some  that will  not be made to feel  uncomfortable by  even  if they  knew  that  you and mom had just  done it on the table  ,where they  are now  eating  their  bowl of  cereal ☺️☺️..I  know  gross, no comments  needed ☺️☺️. I mentioned earlier about the decline of self.  This is where your body decides that  it really  doesn’t  like  you that  much,  or it decides to starts  voicing it complaints over how you have  taken care of  it up to this  point.  I  know  for myself,  it was a straight up  mutiny. It started off with  me becoming  lactose intolerant. It was like  my body was  trying to  punish me by taking away  the  things that I  loved  most….ie,  cheese and  ice cream,  I’m like  really? ,Do you ever  notice  how you body never  makes you give up  broccoli ☺️☺️, or some  other  vegetable  that  may  appear  on the least  desirable  list of foods,  maybe  it’s spinach.  Didn’t  start wearing glasses until I  was  forty. It’s  just  the beginning of the  decline,  and if you haven’t  gotten  there  just  yet,  hold on there is an orthopedic surgeon some where down  the  road just  dying  to  meet  your  acquaintance.☺️☺️ This next one is really  like, come on God!!, do we really  have  to  do this one? I don’t  know what  Your take is on hormones.  They  seem  to be things that we clash with in life. In the  younger years they  make  you super horny, where you just  have this lustful desire to  anytime,  anywhere, and unfortunately  sometimes  with  just  anybody ☺️☺️. Well , on the other  end of the spectrum they   wreak   havoc with  us as well.  It turns out  that  our hormone levels, have the benefits  of  keeping  many  of life’s hard realities of aging  at bay. And as we get  older they decrease and  we become  subject  to  certain  things,  such as  brittle bones, loss of muscle  mass , weight gain , lack of desire,  brain fog, and a whole  host of other things,  such as diseases that  No one is running out and saying,  just  sign me up for that one☺️☺️. And as if that wasn’t  bad enough,  nature wants to encourage you  off to the grave. There is  this  roll reversal where men’s body’s  produce  more estrogen and  women’s  body’s  produce more  testosterone.  I don’t  want  to sound  so glum, but its like  you clear all of these hurdles in  life to end up here. Where  is here exactly? It’s where  men  become  so sensitive that they can  cry at the birth  of a  grandchild or even a  hard earned victory of their favorite football team. Talking  about  getting  moist  and  all mistyped eyed, like really? , yes really. And while  the women are  enjoying and laughing at  our new found  sensitivity,  they are growing  facial  hair at an alarming  rate ☺️☺️. If you are ever out and about  , trust me, they have a pair of tweezers in that purse to snag that long one on the chin, that has made itself  at home , quite comfortable and  is encouraging family  members to  make  an appearance as well ☺️☺️. I  mean  like  on some  level  it makes  sense  for women to  get  stronger as us men folk become sniveling pansies.  They  out live  us, on average  by eight to ten  years and  they  usually  end  up taking care of  us as we become  more  decrepit. There is a lot more science  there with  the hormones swap, and  it may  be worth you doing a little  research,  especially if you have hereditary  stuff  going on,  or have been  diagnosed with  low T . I  sometimes  think of  the hormone thing as some cruel  joke.  I  mean  who in their  right  minds looks forward to  hot flashes and  night  sweats, oh yeah,  sign me right up for  that, not so much!. I’ve even  heard of people  who  have to get  up and change the  sheets ,from  the drenching of  night  sweats.  Just think about having  to prepare  going to  bed with  a life preserver ☺️☺️, sounds like  some kind of  horror story.  Ok, it’s time to land the plane. This has been about  reversals , and as much  as  it  about  being  up on top one day, we are all familiar with  the what goes up ,must  eventually  return to  ground  zero,  even  the international  space  station has its limits.  I may have  struck a  cord or made fun of something that  is not funny to you because  it’s your life or reality.  God is  not some sick puppet master , and He definitely  doesn’t take  any pleasure in our difficulties in life. Ok, so here is the kicker or the big idea!, just  like I have  big ideas☺️☺️ . It’s about  the same  thing,  not a different  thing,  that God steps into and works through.  The things  that  sometimes  brings  us  pain and  discomfort,  can  be  the same  thing that  brings us immense joy. Some years ago  your daughter  came home from  college or whatever,  pregnant and  no father in the picture,  and you felt as  if it was one of the worse days ever. Some  years  down  the  road,  you can’t  even  imagine your  life without that grandchild and all of the joy and memories that you cherish and  will  take to the grave with you.  This is and was God’s  formula from long ago.  If you  can  just  imagine yourself walking with the Christ for over three  years and  all  of  the  things that  You saw Him do and say. The meals together,  the laughs that must have  been  shared.  The miracles,  the life lessons,  and  all at once it was snuffed  out on a Roman  cross,  the most brutal  death in all of history,  just  gone! Wiped out and erased as if it never had happened.  Imagine what must have  been  incredible  grief and  despair.  There was this darkness that  just  consumed them and a fear that they would  experience the same fate   as  there friend . The point is  the same  thing that was the cause  of such misery and sorrow, anguish and  agony, became  the same thing that  became an incredible and  uncontrollable joy and reason for  celebration, “The Resurrection”.  So , whatever  your lot in life is right  now,  change  your  focus and  look for the good, or the lesson that  is coming from  something that  is bringing you discomfort or displeasure.  It’s not a magic  genie in a bottle ,, but a change  in  perspective and to remember that  often  our complaints in life are actually  blessings in  disguise.
  • Till Next  Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
  • P.S. Post Script Someone  challenged  me on the point I made in my last post about  people  not loving  you anymore,  and me saying that  they  never  did. I  will  stand by my comment. Love is not something that you  turn  off and on. People  can say a lot of things ,such as ,I  don’t  want  to  be  with  you anymore,  I  don’t  like  you anymore,   but  if they  can  say that they  don’t  love you anymore,  then they  never  did! It may not be romantic  love, but it shouldn’t  be  the complete  absence of it either!
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