” Retro “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #  104
  • 16 Nov 23   
  •                                    ” Retro “
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks for once more  being there! Life continues to move  at the speed of  light and it just  never  seems to be time to  take a deep  breath and enjoy life, or a little  alone time, which  we all need from time to  time.  Some of my audience has pointed out that  I’ve  been  a  little on the heavy side of  late, with some of  my topics,  and I  get that.  Life can  be  so  hard at times and  we all just  need a  break  from some of the  heavy  stuff of life.  Someone had a birthday this past week, not going to  say who , or how old☺️☺️ ,  but just that it happened.
  •   Retro, `usually refers to  something that  has been  here or around before and  it  has, or someone has decided to  bring  it back  around for another  fair well  tour☺️. We most see this with  clothing fashions, or perhaps a hair style,  by a show of hands, how many of you voted for the mullet  to come back again? Who ever thought that the hair style would  be  more  popular than Billy Ray Cyrus’s career?☺️  Maybe some  picked it up from that dumb movie that  David Spade did called  “Joe Dirt”, either Way,  I’m not sure that it was worthy of being reran or recycled.  The music  industry is  not  immune either,  as people cover  some beautiful classic pieces of  music and  do what is  sometimes  known  as  “samplings “. This is  where they  will  take a  small  piece of the original and  drop it  into the  new work.  There have  been a few times  where  it has worked,  but for the most part it should be  treated as  Nancy  Reagan drug slogan from the  eighties, .and  just  say  No! ☺️☺️There should be  one single and simple rule, for remaking  music, and  that is, if You can’t  do it better than the original,  then  just don’t ! . I  know that  it is just  so subjective,  but  often it’s just all so obvious that  they  just  shouldn’t.☺️☺️. We will  occasionally see something  redone in  the  construction industry of building  things and  shortly  thereafter we remember why we stopped  doing it  that way,  and often it  goes to functionality,  or it just  not  being  very  practical. 
  • This one  is  just  a  little  sadder, have you  ever seen  someone  trying to retro themselves?  Most of us have seen the soccer mom, or someone  slightly older, who is trying to hang on to their  glory days by dressing inappropriately. They seem completely  lost to  the  fact that they are  making  other  people  extremely  uncomfortable,  by sharing  things that  we don’t  wish to see,  especially  not  close up☺️☺️. I  get that  some soccer  moms are extremely hot and attractive,  and I  guess the saying is,  if you have it, then  flaunt it ! ,  before  it gets up and flies  or runs away ☺️☺️. I’m not a prude, nor am I  the judge  of  who’s hot and  who is not so much!,  but  whatever happened to  a little  humility, modesty and leaving something to the imagination?. Sometimes it  comes down to  do people  have  any self respect
  • . My daughter is  now a resident of the sun shine state, and  she is a member of  a  schooling coop, if you aren’t  familiar with that ,then  join the club, because I  don’t  either ,  but it has  some function of a  home schooling group.  When  they  have a  outing  , boy is the dress code just  all over the  place.  I  want to  say that a lot of  it comes  down to  genetics,  all moms  were not created  equally.  Some of the  moms can  reproduce a toddler and look as if they are  ready to do a sports illustrated swim suit shoot, and  others  not so much! . The thing that I took from  this is that  the moms who bodies didn’t  recover so fast or well, you know the  ones who have everything  covered up, have  such a hatred for the ones showing everything off, that it’s so thick, that you could  cut it with a  machete and  drop it  in  the community pool and  just  watch  all the water  just run all over the place ☺️☺️. Again,  it’s like they are  oblivious to  how they are  making the other  moms feel.  My part in this little excursion,  I  was  playing the   nanny,  while  my daughter was in  meetings the majority of the day.
  • I  don’t wish for you to  believe that  men are some  how not guilty of this as well.  If the women are sadder , then  this is the most saddest ever, when  it  comes to  men. Us guys sometimes struggle so much just  to  get it together  in our prime to attract a potential mate,  that it is a  complete  utter disaster after our prime ☺️. We  don’t  know what  looks good on us and  the horrible  part is that sometimes that we think that we  do, when  we  actually have no clue what so ever☺️☺️. If you don’t  believe this to be true,  then  just  look at any guy’s  dating  profile after the  age of fifty and  if the first thought that come to your  brain isn’t ” what was he thinking?”, or whatever he was smoking  must have  been  some really  good _  _ _ _!. ☺️ And if you look at a profile and  he remotely looks put together or has some use of  the  language including  spelling,  then  you my friend,  just  may have  found yourself a  unicorn or  a  professional  player ☺️☺️. I’m not trying to  paint a  ridiculous picture of  people  who are  using  a combination of  spanks, hair dyes, hair plugs, and sometimes slick photo filters to make  themselves to look younger,  just so that they can  date someone who is the same  age  or just a  few years older than their  adult  children. I  get it , our culture is  youth and  fitness driven and sometimes there is  a  lot of  pressure out there, especially if you aren’t  comfortable in your own skin.  Some  people can  pull it off, but most can not and the more important question,  maybe,  why do you want  to in the first place?
  • When  I  use other  people’s material,  the proper thing to  do is  give  them  credit for it as you borrow or some how  make  use of it. It’s not always  possible to do that and sometimes things go In under the  anonymous author page and  this is one of those, some one sent me  this from FB, or some other  social media page,  and I  thought that  it was cute and that I would  share a  little  of it , in conjunction with the  birthday that  someone had. This  is one of these things that would have to be considered age appropriate,  or in other words,  you have to be  this tall/ old to ride this ride☺️☺️.  These are not as much about  how technology has changed our world as  much  as  it is about the aging  process ☺️☺️. We use to have  long hair, now its long for hair We use to have 8 Tracks,  now it’s about Cataracts We use to Kegs parties, now it’s about EKGs We use to be about Streaking,  now its Leaking We use to have  Acid Rock, now its Acid Reflux Staying Alive,  the song,  Staying Alive,  the goal Hoping for a BMW, hope for a BM☺️☺️ Rolling Stones….Kidney Stones ☺️☺️ Bell Bottoms…..Big Bottoms Disco……Costco Rock in roll all night,  ..sleeping through the night Think you know  everything,  think you know your name☺️☺️ Just a  few thoughts from  over the  last  forty years, and it really  is  about how we have  progressed through  life.
  • The above  before  mentioned  things has  me reflecting  on  if I  could  just  turn the clock  back a quarter of a  century or so,  and  all of the things that  were still  in  good working  order☺️☺️, you know before  we were hanging the sign that  said out of order or under construction.  If you  don’t  get the reference there ,it could be  a  new knee or hip☺️☺️.  I’m a child of  the  seventies and I  remember a show on TV, called ” welcome Back  Kotter”, it’s the place where  John Travolta  got his start ,but  the lead character in the sitcom use to refer to older relatives who use to make weird old people noises,  which  he didn’t  understand,  but he  was getting a   better  understanding of  it by the day, and  now I’m there as well ☺️☺️.  Only  if I  could  turn  back the hands of  time, before  my body started to  turn  against  me.  I  was forty years old  , when  I  took a  physical for a job,  to discover  that I  was  blind as a bat ☺️☺️. I  previously had  no idea that I  could  walk  up to complete  strangers and  say, oh! , I’m sorry  I thought that you were someone else ☺️☺️,,only  if I  would  just  put those glasses  on.  I’ve lived a full life with a bunch of  stupid  mixed  in , so to say  that I  was hard on my body, would  be  a complete  misrepresentation of the amount of  abuse my body has taken at my own hands. So, maybe,  just  maybe it shouldn’t  be a surprise to me that my  joints are  creaky.  I’m not even sure  if creaky describes  the  noise of them sounding  as if they are  doing a drum solo, when  I  attempt to  rise from  some place that I’ve been  sitting for a while.  If not that, then  something  really  close to  a woodpecker knocking on a near by tree☺️☺️.  If you can’t relate, then , just think about that cereal, you know the one…..Rice Krispies,  that’s right   , the good old ,snap crackle, and pop, and  if your body isn’t  making those noises just  yet…wait for it, because  its coming  for you. ☺️☺️. Just  one day, you will wake up, sit on the edge of the bed, and ask yourself,  what the hell  happened to  yourself.  One day you were young and full of energy and  the next day you wake up, you feel  as  if you got hit by a bus, and your wondering  if anyone  called  in that hit and run.☺️☺️
  • There is the physical,  but sometimes  I  think that  the mental is so much  worse, as you walk all the way  downstairs or to another room ,and can’t  remember what you went  there for in the first place☺️.  I’m officially now one of those people who can’t  find my glasses,  when  they are  sitting on my  forehead.  I  don’t  even  want  to  go into  some kind  of  a  retail  establishment without a  list of things to buy, to  only  return  home without  purchasing the  thing  for the trip to the store in the first  place.  Talk about  mental  fog !! I’m not real  sure  what  it is about the good old days being  connected to  when  I  could  just  send my kids to their  room, or  when they use to listen  to me and  they  thought that I was the smartest  person  on the planet and  knew  everything.  Now they  think back  and say,  we’ve seen  this coming since  middle school , and every little  misstep is  just  seen as one more step  closer to  some kind of  facility ☺️☺️. If you loose your keys or forget what  day of the week  it is, you could be on your  way to being  seen  as  fall risk. If  you take an unexpected trip out of  town without  checking with  your kids ,your face may be on the evening  news as a silver  alert ☺️☺️. I’m not sure why so many  things  just  immediately run to competency . One more before we  go,  but think hard about  trying to  Retro yourself,  before that becomes a  real judgment call on your mental  condition as well, because  if you were in your mind,  surely  you  wouldn’t  make the decision to  go to a Renaissance fair with someone that you just  met at a flea market ☺️☺️,,and most assuredly  wouldn’t  go in costume ☺️☺️. Whatever,  or in some cases , who ever you do, enjoy  life  before  it gets away and it’s all in the rear view mirror. And speaking of mirrors, make sure to look at one before leaving the house 🙂
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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