“Rebel Heart”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 03 Feb 25
  • Post # 178   
  •              ” Rebel Heart”
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks once more for checking in. I have  been  on the record several  times about my love of history.  I think that it’s important to know  where we come from and to learn  from  our mistakes and  hopefully  not to repeat them. As human  beings  we have  relatively  short  memories and  attention  spans☺️☺️.  Sometimes something  will  look slightly  different  from  something that  we  have encountered before and  we will  fail to recognize that  it’s a trap door that we have  fallen through  before. So! , learn and remember and be better. 😀 I’m not going  to bore you with  history  today  but hopefully point  to how things  repeat  themselves and  that we can use that to build  on and hopefully  become  the better in the present and the future. 
  • Most people are familiar with  our history here  in the U.S. but as a country and a nation we are relatively babies compared to  the world  as a whole.  We have  less than three hundred years under our belt and that’s pretty measly compared to  other  cultures and  countries that  number  in the thousands of  years.  If there is one thing  that connects us all and through out all history  is revolution. We can  point to wars and the over throw of the powers at be, not just  here, but around the globe, and no century has been  free of some human  element  fighting  for freedom  or some kind of change to the status quo. Looking at conflicts, both  armed and otherwise, is a Hallmark of  humanity and  is as old as Cain and  Abel. We can  always  find something  to be discontent about, and often  rightfully so. The mere suggestion  of conflict means that there is opposition and  more than  one perspective to  be taken  in account. These things will  often  revolve around  some kind  of rights  as to basic human  rights, and or other  social issues that point  to something of an uneven  playing field  or disadvantage.
  • We love throwing around the term grass roots as in its something  that basic ordinary people  should  be  able to get behind, but we are all so different and we often  have to make compromises to sweeten the pot for other  who may not be fully  on board with  our agenda. We are  hoping  for  the grass roots to become  a ground swell, that will eventually become a loud cry for change. In this country we  have the ability, privilege and  right to peaceful  demonstration, but that is not the case in much of the world, and cries for change can be met with  brutal crack downs , often by military might. So !, yes we are talking about  oppression and  it’s a real thing. We mostly  think  of oppression as a bad thing and for the most part it absolutely  is, but there is an exception to the  rule and let’s just  stick a pin in that for now, we will  double  back….promise!
  • I have heard the moans and groans, and they are not of a  sexual   nature 😊😊.  They  aren’t  even  of a quiet  whisper, but grumblings that would  drown out any  hungry belly or the strongest  hunger pains, and they are  absolutely political  in nature.  Maybe it’s my social  media  feed and it’s just  bad, but it’s just  loaded with  people  unhappy with  all of the recent  changes in  our government.  It has caused some to pack up and fly away to  other  countries or places, and the boarder of Canada  seems  to be a popular  destination for many . ☺️☺️I don’t  know how we got here, or where it all started, but it’s a report card of sorts and it’s about  how much  business does an incoming administration  gets done in it’s first  hundred days.  I believe that Mr. Trump hit the ground  running and  had much time to plan out different  strategies.  Still  the belief of  some is that it’s just  to much, to fast, and to soon, and of course  some just  say it’s just  down  right  wrong.  ☺️This is one of those opportunities to pull others in and show them what’s  in it for them  to join your ranks of dissension . A huge part of making  changes   is to  sometimes working with  people  that  we may not like or have very  much in common  with. 
  • Change is inevitable, it’s kind of like the weather.  If you don’t  like the weather , just wait and it will  change.☺️ All change is neither  good nor bad, but the process to  either  extremes can often  be painful.  I don’t know  if you have  ever  known someone  who had a broken  bone and it healed improperly and  they had to go back in and reset the bone, but it’s a painful  process and  very  necessary.  There are similarities between that and what is currently  going  on  in our government.  There are things  that have  been  in an improper way and some changes needed  to  take place.  I’m not saying that Mr. Trump  is some kind of surgeon, but certain  things  need to be set back to some kind of standard.  It’s mostly  and usually about  money and  this is no exception, but it’s falls  across the  board , and if not all, most will  feel  some pain from the decisions being made  now. Hopefully  there will  be some healing on the other  side.  I said early on that history has a way of repeating itself and this is not the first time that  we have been  here, and not so long ago. If you  go back and retrace the early  days of the Reagan administration, you will  see very  similar patterns, the difference this time is that the pacifiers  have been taken away  and replaced with  megaphones, no social media in the eighties ☺️☺️
  • As human  beings we can  always  find  something to  be dissatisfied about and to war against, and it can  be from our coffee  being too  hot, bad service  in some establishment , complaints about  being  unappreciated at home or work and  maybe  both☺️☺️. There is always the weather or something in the news ,  to be miffed about.   I still  think and believe  that many  of the things that we complain  about are actually  blessings in disguise, be it our kids, job, or maybe  a spouse.  Let’s just  face it, we aren’t  happy  unless we  have  something to be unhappy about ☺️☺️. It sounds sad , and it is, but it’s absolutely  true.  I think   what we need  is some kind of  universal  scape goat that we can just  pin all of our miseries  on. I don’t  know  who or what that would  be, but a real  popular  choice for an end game seems to  be  God.  I mean, He can  control  the weather,  right?☺️☺️. Unfortunately this is just  another  opportunity for us to show our rebellious streak . When  it comes to God and some hearts it’s a straight up war. It’s the worse kind of war, because they  don’t  understand their  defeated before the clash begins . Still  they gear up with intellectual arguments, unreasonable expectations and  logic that is a few fries short of a happy meal ☺️☺️. I mean  who hasn’t  wrestled with the  whole  concept of  God being  both  justice ,  fair, and loving all at the same time and not having  favorites.  It’s just  sounds  like an impossible  task, and I believe that it is, only  we are talking about God who doesn’t  have the  same limits that we do, so all things are  possible  with  God.
  • I sometimes will  like  to flip the script  , and just  a little  bit today. ….another  promise, I haven’t  forgotten the first one☺️☺️. This one is going to cause me to whip out a scripture  verse and watch what takes place with  it. I’m not going to  quote  it , but make reference  to it , so that you can  read it for yourself, but it’s 2nd Corinthians, chapter four, verse four. It basically  makes reference to  how certain  things  are  hidden  from  certain  people. It actually  says that they  have  been  blinded . Just  for a moment  imagine  having  twenty-twenty  vision  and not being able  to see something  plainly  in front  of you. ☺️This is the exact  picture  of people  who can’t  see or receive the  goodness of God. These are often  some of the most intelligent  people that we will  ever run across.  They  have  absolute  brilliant minds and if it’s something  in geometry, no problem.  Something history, boom, the brain recalls it, no problem.  Chemistry, physics , the most complex  equations of the universe, and boom! No problem. God’s  love and sovereignty… pump the breaks!!!, say what?? I can’t  follow  or see that one! Sometimes  in the  dark  we may feel  around  for a light switch, so we are seeing  with  our fingers. Sometimes we may be  in a store or at a friend’s house  and  we smell  the most amazing  chocolate  chip cookies and  we follow  that smell  to the kitchen or wherever, so we are seeing  figuratively with  our nose.  There are certain  things that  we can  only  see with a soften  heart, and without that we miss things that are plainly  in front  of us. Maybe  that checks the corny box for you, but the same is true every time  we walk past  someone  who has an obvious need in their  life and  you just  walk on by. What is worse is even  knowing that there is a need and still  just  not take the time or making  the effort.  Stop holding  on to your wallet or purse, sometimes a person’s  biggest  need is just  a  hug
  • . What kind of  blinders or tunnel vision are we talking about here?   Well!, it’s still  about that rebel heart. These are the people  who have  constant push back  about anything  or anyone that has any infringement against  their own  self rule. I will  take one for the team here , and I mean squarely  on the chin . I’m almost  certain  that there have  been  times  when I  have  given  people  the wrong impression about  my commitment  to Jesus  Christ.  I’m human and  there are certain  things that  God has just  stripped away  from  me such  as course language and  a whole  host of  other  activities, but a bad attitude  at times and  impatience , some days just  a struggle.  I’ve always  had a low tolerance for  certain  behaviors and  I may occasionally  let someone  know  that, and probably  not in the nicest way☺️.  As I have  said before, I can fix stupid , but its going  to hurt☺️☺️  See there I go ☺️☺️Yeah! , I’ve probably  laughed  at a joke or two , that I probably  shouldn’t  have  laughed at.  What I’m trying  to express is that my humanity  wrestles with  the  spirit that God has deposited inside of  me. So if I’ve ever given  anyone  the wrong  impression  that I’m not all in on the Jesus  bus, that would  be a gross misrepresentation.  If it has ever looked like  I was just  going  along with  the crowd and that was OK, again  my bad, and sorry about  that one as well.  When I  mess up , I have  someone  to go to and repent or turn away  from  those actions, ….what about  you? I hate to  think  about  it, but there is always  some percentage of people  out there, who worry and wonder what others will  think  about  them  for turning  to God. The loss of possible  friendships is a real  possibility, but  God has a new family  waiting for  You  that will  make the lost one’s  look  like a great choice ☺️.
  • I’m not going to  sugar coat it, some  people will  never be able to  surrender their  lives to God, and that’s just  super sad. They  are people  who have ears, but don’t  hear, and eyes but  don’t  see. They  hear the message, but because of the  hardness of heart the message can’t  be internalized, take root and bear good fruit. We all bear some kind of fruit in our lives, but it’s not all good☺️☺️. I think that the none classy move  here is to look around at others ,  instead  of looking internally at our own heart and  to see if it has grown  cold, dark  and  hard.  This may be a good place to get  back to  that  pin that we stuck In earlier, when  we  were talking about oppression.  People can  and may make fun of you. They  may have jokes for the biggest  decision of your life and  by the way, true friends seek to understand, not pick at you. It’s probably  fair to say that they  aren’t  going to  encourage  you in something that they  don’t  understand or will  not  allow  themselves  to see, hear, or believe ….actual death ears , and blind eyes ☺️☺️.  So, while this is only a mild, very  mild  form of oppression, even  if it doesn’t  feel  like it, trust me, it’s not anything  close to what many believers have to contend with for their  faith.  It reads like one of those disclaimer ads  for big Pharma☺️☺️, you may loose loved ones and be disowned by your family, community and those closest to  you  including  life long relationships.  You may  loose your  livelihood and ability to  support yourself . You may endure and encounter  torturous behavior to get you to recant your  testimony for Christ and  last but not least, may lead to death🥲🥲.
  • Here is a very  strange  and bizarre  results of  that telling ,  and it reads like  growth and the gospel  message spreading  like a wildlife.  God says that His word  will  not return  to Him void and that it will accomplish His purposes. This is all done from  beginning  to end by faith. Faith  is a gift from  God. None of us earned it or worked for it, it’s just a  gift, and God did this so that No one can  boast about  it. Boasting  is prideful, and we just  love  to boast. It’s usually about   something that we are good at, could  be our jobs, sports, knowledge, anything  at all because we like it when  other  people  look up to us, so that we can look down  on them….just  human  nature and  if I somehow  know  something that you don’t  know, then I’m somehow  superior, but not at the foot of the cross. All level  ground and plenty of  room for all. We can’t  be people  of God , being proud and arrogant, it’s just  not a representation  of who we say that we represent.  Christ is humble and  meek. Don’t  be fooled by the word meek, it doesn’t  mean  shy….look it up.  Tame and tenderize that rebel  heart and keep  it as fertile ground, ready to  receive whatever it is that God has for you.
  • Till Next Time ✌️Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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