Pyle, USMC !

  • Not The Only One  !
  • Post #35
    • Pyle, USMC !
  • Howdy and  one again welcome to the blog. If you catch the reference  from the  title of this post,  then you are getting a little long in the tooth as they say,  or you spend a significant amount of time watching TV Land or one of those other networks that  like to  show reruns  from a  time when TV was just  kinder and gentler. If you were a parent with  young children,  you didn’t  so much worry about the content.  Ok,  let’s get back to Pyle.  This was a sitcom that stared ,Frank Sutton as Sgt. Carter, and Jim Neighbors as PFC , Gomer Pyle.  Pyle was  portrayed as this country bumkin, from  Mayberry,  N.C, and he was constantly in some kind of pickle  over his naive and  trusting  nature.  He had his catch phrases, which he made famous , such as “Shazam “, and  of course there was Surprise!, Surprise!, Surprise!, and of course “Garsh” and ” Gall-lee”.  At the  time you could pretty much count on hearing at least one of those every  episode. However, I  would like to  focus in on one of his lesser known saying,  in fact,  I  think that it was  only used twice throughout the  entire series and  it  probably  didn’t originate with him. I’m not sure of it’s  origin, so it possibly is an old Chinese Proverb, or  came from some ancient Greek philosopher.  I  spoke of Pyle’s gullibility,  so from time to  time someone may take advantage of that, and when it was brought to  his attention,  his antidotal response would have been ” Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice and  shame on me”.  This reference is  for people who have a hard time  learning from life’s  school of hard knocks. I  guess we have all at some point  been on the loosing end of a proposition and left holding the short straw, as it was. We don’t like to admit to  being dooped,  especially if you went into it with well honorable intentions.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a practical joke, a business deal gone bad, or a relationship gone airy, that ended up in  dysfunction.  No, the list doesn’t stop here, there are just tons of options for the  proverbial wool to be pulled over our eyes. None the less,  they  leave us feeling a little less secure than  before.  I  think the immediate response of the flesh is to want to get even or some how retaliate,  you know the whole  eye for eye thing. If we can somehow manage to  maneuver past that, the process should move towards forgiveness,  healing and  some form of reconciliation.  I  know that this is a difficult and not always a painless endeavor.  Actually we are talking about  how do we let down our guard enough  to trust again,  and in some cases,  how do we open ourselves up again to  the possibility of love or friendships ,   with  the  full knowledge of  knowing that  you are taking another possible shot at being  hurt once more.  See, if we are dooped by a practical joke,  it doesn’t carry anywhere near  the significance of  a fractured or  broken heart. See, a friend can prank you and the very next moment,  you  guys are still friends,  and  laughing and  of course that  depends on  the nature of the prank. Some how that doesn’t follow the  same pattern for  a crushed heart in what feels like a  million pieces. Pyle is correct in his summation,  if you fall for the same sad story or step into the  same  bear trap, then,  yes you should be  ashamed of  not learning the  lesson there.  We all  have heard that the heart wants! ,,what the heart wants ! , and  yes sometimes, it’s almost as if we  are  asking for it. How do we know who to trust? and who is serious, ? opposed to  someone just  playing the  field?.  That is  not an easy question to  answer,  especially when you  have  so many  smooth talkers out there,  saying the things that you want to  hear. I’m  not  sure  what  we get by becoming   jaded,  and I’m sure if you have been out in the dating  sies pool long enough,  you have probably paid for some of the mistakes of the previous relationship,  or you have in turn been on the other end of that,  and not given someone a fair opportunity to get close to you.  It’s not easy to  let your guard down,  after being slashed on the jagged rocks of love. This is always extra painful,  when  you  believe that you  did your do diligence and was absolutely sure that this person was the “ONE”. The “ONE”, doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t ever have an argument or disagreement,  but  you  believe that you  both possess the communication skills,  patience,  and most importantly,  the experience,  to have some shot at happily ever after. I will  admit that  this  does require some level of  skill and giving of your self at this stage of life. Most of us are  very set in our ways by this phase of life, and it’s rare to find someone with the flexibility to  be able to  honestly share their world with you. This is a place where you will find many  who want their cake and eat it too . I have happened upon  many who want the benefits of  a relationship,  without actually being in one. This looks differently for each situation.  Some just want actual  companionship,  which may mean someone to  check in with from  time to  time with the occasional date night . Others may want  to kick it up a notch with a  romantic element,  and this is where it gets slightly tricky,  because for some they may  want  exclusiveness,  while  some may be more so casual,  with the  “love the one you are with” mentality.  Some  may  want to  take it a little  further with  cohabitation,  and this can  be another  balancing act. If  both have  established residents, then  it becomes about finding some solution,  which is  rarely let’s get rid of both places, and get one that would be  both ours, because this would not be eating your cake and  having it too. This  is to much like a traditional setup,  and  it make many uncomfortable, after a lifetime of  acquiring what they believe to be legacy or a possible inheritance for offspring,  which is  further complicated by both having children  that are not a collective of  their time together.  Yes, it is  a tangled web we have weaved. My personal experience has  been with a woman who wants some form of exclusivity,  with  the  occasional  kitty scratching,  but being free to make antonyms decisions,  but at the same time expecting a  level  of loyalty  from  the unsuspecting partner.  She has expressed that this is selfishness on her part,  but has stated this is cost of admission,  if you want to ride the ride or be with her.  Its a little crazy for me , because I’ve never mastered the casual thing,  and its not just casual,  but it comes with that twist of having it her way, yep!, just like Burger King,  and I don’t even think that they say that any longer.  On the surface it made me think of that old Supreme Court decision   “About separate but equal “. That didn’t  work then and I  don’t  believe that  it plays any better today.  On some level,  I’m completely  fascinated with all of the extremely  lucrative deals that  people  come up with,  and noticed  the word I used to describe it.  It’s not mutually  beneficial,  but for one side of the transaction it  has a major upside. We know in life that there are  givers,  and yes there are takers as well . This is  where Pyle’s advice comes in handy,  we need to  be able to identify who we are working with and  make sure that  we don’t  fall for the same mumbo jumbo.  I  forgot a critical piece of  information that  I  shared with  my kids when they were growing up  and that is  talk is cheap.  Don’t judge people off of what they  say, but by what they  do.  The Bible talks about  out of the  heart we speak and act. It’s very  true,  if a man  tells you that he loves you and at the same  time he abuses you,  the truth is not in the middle,  it’s in his actions.  At least  you should  think that he has a very  funny or bizarre way of showing and expressing his affections towards you.  I  think sometimes we get caught up in people’s words and have a  tendency to  overlook their actions.  See, this  is  where  we are supposed  to play,  does the walk match the talk.  We love the  affirmation and the  words sound so sweet,  because that is what we feel and share towards them and  we  want to  hear that in return.  Personally,  I’m a firm believer in  learning and taking  something away from  every experience and situation .  It’s not always pleasant and  positive,  but some little jewel or nugget of wisdom should be  redeemed from the  process. If you learn something along the  way, then you should count it  a win, even if it cost you  something and came with some considerable amount of  pain. I  learned  things about myself and  that is something that I  can  always use moving forward.  I  wish that I could say that I  learned something about the  other party,  but sadly  reaching a certain age and not knowing who you are  or what you  want  or want out of life is a   little  sad. I don’t know if  they  don’t  know,  or if they are just  unsettled and  are blown and tossed about by every emotion of , if it feels good, then do it. The one  thing I  did take away is  that I could and did a long distance relationship and at a high level,  even  if  I was  in it mostly by myself.  Prior to this experience , that would have  been a  hard No for me . So the lesson here, is to make  sure its with the  right person and someone equally invested,  or at least has the same mind set. I  picked up some  previously unused tools, such as the video chat, cards and letters,  yes snail mail  still counts and  is kind of romantic at this day and age. And nothing says I love you,  like a surprise pop in unexpected visit. And don’t underestimate Amazon,  they can  be  extremely  timely with  a rare hard to find fragrance ☺️, and of course proflowers,  they do a good  job for the most part.  See, you have to find ways to stay connected,  whether  its those long phone calls, or text messages,  throughout  the day. I will say this, I know that  long distant relationship aren’t  everybody’s cup of tea. I have  met several people who have done it and it ended up in  marriage.   Yes,  it requires  someone  who  can  communicate well,  and trust and loyalty are big key components.  Also you both have  to  be able to travel, so if you have  pets and kids, then that is a consideration as well.  I  will  further  say this, on a planet with  seven or eight billion people,  why would you  expect  your ideal and unique match to be next door, or in the city adjacent to  yours.? Its not the 1950s any longer, and more than ever , everything is  on a global scale. Furthermore,  I  would  hope that long distance, doesn’t mean  forever,  meaning you guys have some sort of plan to  get closer to one another,  in the form of a relocation,  job change,  so you can work remotely,  or waiting for the kids to leave the nest, or  retirement, and  that is the one I’m  looking forward to.  Gomer is absolutely correct, if you allow your world to  be turned upside down,  by some  smooth talking…….and you can feel in the blank after that, then yes, it’s a shame on you for  falling for the same false .  Privado….more than once.  For those of us who identify as Hopeless Romantics,  and no, I have no idea, how I became  that, we need to remember to  guard our hearts, and when we do decide to let our guards down,  that it’s for someone who is highly  qualified to take care of it and protect and nurture it. We have to remember to not become,  what we have experienced .I  spoke earlier about  how abused people  sometimes  become  abusers  themselves,  and  perhaps that is  what happened here, she had so many negative experiences,  that was all she knew and became the thing that  she didn’t like. I  guess its some form of a preemptive strike, get them before they get you, again extremely  sad ,and should probably be pitted.  See ,if we let the dysfunction to become the  norm, then it’s a little bit  like  loosing a piece of your soul and  letting Evil win the day. Gomer Pyle’s  words are wise ,,however we shouldn’t  let ourselves  become jaded,  but learn to  be more cautious,  and to watch out for wolves dressed  in sheep clothing .
  • Ok, until next time ✌️
  • Sandy The Southerner
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