” Pull The Plug”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #121
  • 22 Feb 24    
  •            ” Pull The Plug “
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks again  for  being  here with  me on this little  journey  of ours. I’m going to  ask you guys to settle in and a plea for patience. As I  have said before that there are three  topics  that can be divisive, and they are sex, religion and  politics.  I’m not sure if I’m going to get the trifecta , but I  can  almost  guarantee  two out of the three today ☺️☺️. I’m going to  make  a  lot of you guys angry and  pissed off, and remember  it’s better  to be pissed off than on….unless that’s  your  thing…..and if it is… then just gross!!☺️☺️ . There will be so much here that I  don’t  have the  time to dive into  all of the intricacies , but let’s  just  see if we can  sufficiently stir the pot☺️☺️.
  • I  remember  back some twenty  or twenty five years ago when  I  use  to  be  an avid talk radio  listener, yes the evil  and dreaded Rush Limbaugh or the likes of Bill Maher  or Stephen Colbert.  I  want  to say pick your poison here, because  regardless  of which  side of the political  landscape  you  land, they are just  like  politicians.  You could  put them  all in a bag and just  draw one out, and it would  be  clear that they  have an axe to grind and an agenda. I  want  to  tell  you, for all of my faithful  listening that I  was awarded with the booby prize of high blood  pressure ☺️☺️, that’s right, it would  get me angry, upset and it would  make  my blood boil ☺️☺️.  This eventually  had me come to my senses and  I  ” pulled the plug”. I  am by no means encouraging  anyone to  not stay informed, but there will  be  a real hard push  here against  laziness. Some of us, not all of us are familiar  with  not being  forgiving and holding a grudge, and all the while, allowing the perpetrator of said offense to live in your head rent free ☺️☺️. The same is true of these talking heads, you allow them  to  steal  your  joy and peace. I  don’t  know  about You, but for me, to allow  them  to  steal the peace out of my life  in exchange for  high blood  pressure, didn’t  seem  like  an adequate  exchange for me☺️☺️. Most people  now days are aware of the detrimental effects that smoking, drinking and some  recreational drugs can  have on your  health  and well-being, and most of us will try to avoid smokers and the sort, yet we willingly invite stress and toxic thinking  into our  brains . Many  people  walk around  with  a  chip on their  shoulders , and for what?  just to be   miserable, burdened under the weight of the  political  climate  in our country. I  mean  some people  are just  so mean spirited , when  it comes to defending  their  views, it’s almost  as if they  take the position that if they  saw you on fire, that they  wouldn’t  take the time to wiz on you☺️☺️
  • My formal  training  was in the area of accounting, so I’m familiar  with  inventory  strategies  such as FIFO, which  is first in, first out, but we often  miss the connection with  our brains that if you put garbage in or allow  it to infiltrate you  thinking  , that garbage  comes out on the other  side ☺️☺️. We become, what we consume, and that applies to  more than  just  fast food that You like  to super size☺️☺️.  Ok, watch your toes, because  I’m getting  ready  to  step  on them.☺️.  I said a hard push against  laziness.  I’m going  to  call  you  out here!  We will  so rarely dig in and do some investigating and do some fact checking, but be so willing  to  take someone’s  else’s  word  for  what they are saying, and I’m  here  to  tell  you that the mainstream  media  is  not  a trusted  source.  If  you  don’t  look it up for yourself and  know  it to be true, then  it’s the equivalent of  spreading  gossip, which I know  that  we all like to  do.  ☺️Best  case scenario is  that  You  are  being  someone’s else’s  Flunkie   and helping  spread  their  propaganda.  It’s a softball  for you when  it comes to politicians, because  You  know  if their  lips are moving that there is a  high  probability for a lot of something  other than  truth  coming from their  mouths ☺️☺️. We can  take a sound  bite and talking points and run with it  like we are Paul  Revere talking about the  British are coming ☺️☺️. If  a doctor gives you a diagnosis, you are on your smart phone looking up WebMD lickety- split.  I  would  suggest and recommend this for almost  every  aspect of  life.  Know  it for Yourself  to be true, and not taking  someone’s else’s word for it, the quote , unquote ” experts.☺️ Especially when it  comes to  areas of Religion, finances, and health, not just  politically.  And by all means  don’t  take  my word for it either, even  though  much of what I  espouse* here is bound up in  common  sense, which  is  in very  short  supply  now days☺️☺️.
  • If your toes aren’t  sufficiently smashed yet, well  I’m not done☺️☺️. This past week  we had the Superbowl, which  I found  disgusting and  offensive, and I’m not someone who offends easily. I  think that  it was an absolute cluster that two  of  the  NFL’s finest teams was shrouded in such a Webb of political  correctness that I could  barely  keep  from  throwing up in  my mouth.  The game  it’s self was really good.  The money  making  machine that is the NFL is another  story  all together.  I want to  give them  a pass and  say that they  don’t  know  any better, but they  are  just  blinded by the color green  as they  just  rake in the the dollars  ☺️☺️. I  don’t know  where to start, but let’s just  start with the  ” Black national anthem ” OMG!!, are you kidding me? I  have  just  had it with  all of this  crap with  the  Hyphenated Americans.  You have  your heritage and  that’s great, the Superbowl is not the place  to  be  singling  out one ethnic  group  over all others. Hyphenated Americans… I don’t  care!! JUST DON’T CARE !! . It should  be  like  don’t  ask, don’t  tell! This pisses me off so much  because  we want  to  celebrate  Dr King  and his legacy and we should, but at the same time  we are doing  everything  in our power  to  undermine his impact on the culture.  He truly  wanted  people  judged by the content  of  their  character and  all we constantly  deal with  is  race…shameful!! Why are we trying  so hard to separate ourselves? Am I  the  only one  to notice that  the more  culturally  inclusive and  diverse that we  are, that the more we are divided?
  • There is always  more, or what Paul Harvey  use to refer to as the  rest of the story ☺️☺️ . We need  to wake from  our slumber as a nation and  see what is really  going  on  here. There are think tanks and  foundations  out there  with  the  soul purpose of trying to influence your thinking and to get you to believe  that  your eyes and ears are deceiving you and that you are  loosing your  marbles.  If we win more flies with  honey  than  vinegar, then  why is there just so much more  vinegar all over the place?  People  want  you and  they  want you to pick a side . They  want  you angry, frustrated and  militant.  They  want  us  divided  above all   else and firmly  dug into  our respective  trenches. They  want  you  emotional and for the most part irrational as well. There is definitely a  disconnect  of sorts. My eighty-six year old mother can get  so upset  and wrapped around the  axel  about  some  of the culture and the way that things  are going, especially about  trans- athletes.  She gets her panties  in a bunch, but it’s what she voted for☺️☺️, blind allegiance to a party.  I  don’t  believe that  you would  ever find a person  or a politician that you  will  a hundred  percent  agree with  , unless  you are  running for office Yourself☺️☺️. So again  it comes down  to  doing  your homework and researching instead  of  making  emotional  decisions off of sound bites. I’m not done with  the  Superbowl and  its slick or sick advertising.  It’s been  decades  now since  certain  elements have found  their way  into  the public school  system and we can  definitely  see the results of  that, not good! The process of  indoctrination of our children  is  not going fast  enough and the fact that a significant  number  people  are  opting out  of the public  school system , so now it’s a full court press for every  human being on the face of the  planet.  This will  not be the last time that  we will  see overt political agendas in the sporting arena. Based  on  the  success of  the campaign, you can  almost  be sure that  it will  be coming to movie theaters and any place  else  where they  feel that they  can  brain wash  people  on a large scale and that is exactly  what  the  Superbowl  presented  for  them. 
  • Ok, so let’s get  to what is really  sticking in my craw☺️☺️. The Superbowl ad   about  ” He gets Us”, in reference to  Jesus Christ.  It came to me like a  slap in the face and  deeply  offensive . One of my friends said that they  thought that I  would like  the ad  because it was Christian and some how showing  unity….more of me  trying  not to vomit  in my mouth ☺️☺️. That ad  was only  Christian  if you don’t  know  Jesus and the word of God. There was very  little about the  ad that was Christian.  If it was a legitimate  ad , why would  the people  putting the ad  forward  hide behind  immunity . I believe that the main goal of the campaign was to bring  added confusion to what many  already  don’t  understand about  the  gospel  message.  First  and foremost , the gift of  Salvation and  a  personal  relationship with  God is a free gift and there is absolutely  nothing that you can  do  to  earn it or deserve  it.  It’s not a reward  for  the  good things that  you  do  or some  how a prize for the” special  ones”. It’s available to every single person who walks the planet, regardless of  race, creed, gender, nationality, and any other  wall , divider, or distinction that you  may wish to  throw at it, so totally inclusive.  The commercial took different  social  issues and  wanted to  wrap them  in  something  other  than the true message of  the  gospel . The message  is  simple and  open  to  all, but they  are attempting to  do is add to or subtract  from  that message, which  is  a distortion and confusing . Does God love gay people? , absolutely!  Does God love people who  have  had an abortion or is a provider of  abortions? , absolutely!  Does God love transgender people?, absolutely! Does God love  crooked politicians?, absolutely!  God loves  all people and from  every  walk of  life, because  after all, we are all sinners, and each  have  a  unique  brokenness to us, that only  God can  address. 
  • The tendency that we have as fallen creatures is to some how make God to be like  us, and He just  isn’t. Yes we are created in His image, but we don’t possess His holiness.  He is holy and we are sinful. These two  polar opposites  are  only  bridged by the sacrifice of  Jesus Christ and  that is the exclusivity that  many object to. We can’t  compare our messed up selves to  God , and some how image  that it’s apples to apples, because  it’s not. I  think  what actually  takes  place  here is, we want  the blessings of  God, without  having  God to behold to for said blessings.  Bottom  line  is that  we want  God on our terms and  it just  doesn’t  work  that way. ☺️☺️.  If you  take a can of pure white paint, and put one drop  of any other  color, it ceases to  be white. It may still  look like  the original, but it’s not.  And so , it is with  God, we can’t  change  it from  what God has already stated that  it is. These Suttle  changes are  the  things  that  cults are made of.  The omission of or the addition of makes something  a half  truth, and what we don’t  like is,  that a half truth  is  a full lie. The reason  why we gravitate  towards the  half truths or the distortion, is because  we love wiggle  room to carry out  our wicked and evil schemes. No!, they are not considered wicked by us , because  it is about  us and the things that  we want to do. Much  of this  comes  down to or is about  truth and  what is true.  Most  now days , want  to  be  believe that there are different  truths. No!, those are opinions and  yes  we can  all have  different ones of those, but truth  is  something that universal and  applies to  every  single  person.  It’s like  gravity, no one is exempt from that, and  no one is outside of  the  love of God or His justice.  The problem that we already  have  is  every one’s  interpretation of the  truth.  It’s like  five people  witnessing  the same  car accident and  each  one of them  will  bring  something  different to  the  table  from  their  perspectives. Some may  have  the tendency to exaggerate to make  it some how more horrific, and others  may  play it down  and not to see it for what it truly  is,; and maybe  some of the unseen  damage.  If we can’t  even  agree that there was an accident, how can  we  agree on the details of the  event . So, some say that there is no God and some  say that there is but somehow  irrelevant to  them  and their  life or lifestyle and both  are mostly  indefensible  points of view; I want to  say foolish ☺️☺️, but let’s just  leave it at indefensible ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s put an explanation point  on ” Pull The Plug “.  We have to come to terms with  certain  things that we just  don’t  want  to own up to or believe.  The simple  truth  that while  we may  allow  our blood pressure  to  surge over the injustices in  the world, there will  never  be an end to  crooked  leadership  in the world.  We will  not eradicate world  hunger, slavery, human  trafficking, racism, and  a whole  crushing  amount of  social  issues which  only  get  much  bigger over time.  I’m not saying  that  we shouldn’t  war against  these things, I’m just  saying  that they  will  always  be  a part of fallen humanity.  All to often  we  are angry and  irate without  taking  some kind of  concrete  action to some how  make  things  better.  No!, we may  not be able to  save the world, but we can  all do something.  Don’t  just  be angry for the sake of being  angry or  you are a part of the problem, instead of  being  part of the solution.  If you are truly  dismayed by all of the problems  of life, get up and go serve some one else.  You don’t  have to  go half  way  around  the  world, you don’t  have  to  pick  up  a  picket sign, or March in a protest, and this one may come as a complete surprise  to  You, but yelling and  screaming  at  your TV is of little  consequence ☺️☺️. Do something  other than being  enraged, go read to some kids, get involved in a literacy program, go to a nursing home and let them tell you their stories.  There are just hundreds  upon  hundreds of  volunteer  opportunities  out in our  communities that will  elevate stress , contribute to  society  in a  meaningful way and  get  you on the road to  pulling the plug. If you  are  waiting  for  all of the legislation to  kick in to make  us forget  that  we  are  racist or prejudice  against  some  segment  of the  population, it’s going  to  be  a  long wait , because  You  can’t  legislate people’s hearts and minds, regardless of  how hard you try. They  may go through  the  motions, but you have  not won them  over and never  will  with  coercive power, that can  only  be  done with  love, and you will  never  be  sorry  for  loving on other  people, and you can  take that to the bank. So! , just  pull the plug on the negativity.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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