” P F Fliers “

  • Not The Only  One!
  • Post # 67
  • 23 Feb 23
  •   ” P F Fliers ”
  • Howdy,
  • I  hope that this post finds you  guys living the best life that you can.  Today I  want  to  transport us back to  the  late 60ties,  to when I  was  in  the  2nd or 3rd grade. If you  remember the movie,  ” Hot Tub Time Machine “, it would  be something   like that, but probably nothing  so elaborate.  Instead of a hot tub, we would  probably be  traveling back in time in something closer to  an old dune buggy, but  it  is  like, whatever gets us there ☺️☺️. And,  yes, I’m seriously dating myself with  this one here. So,  back in the  day  , way before anyone ever thought about  an Air Jordan, or  any other of the well known high end athletic foot wear, be it Addis,  Under Armor, Puma, Nike and you just  throw your favorite in there as well,  because there are just  more well known brand name  sneakers out there than you can  shake a stick at, and whatever that means ☺️. This is the one area, where you can  get  straight  men to be like women.  We may own a  pair or two  of shoes, but when  it comes to sneakers,  we have  to have  some for every  occasion , and  color  coordination is  important ☺️☺️. When  I  was  a  kid growing up  there were two  acceptable choices if you were going to  be  cool and  fit in under the  peer pressure.  The first was a pair of  Chuck Taylor’s  converse and  they  are still around today and   in more  rainbow  colors than  we had  options for  in days gone by.  The second and more superior choice was a pair  of  P F Fliers, and  I don’t  know  what  happened to  them,  but they  were the bomb,  before the  bomb was a thing.  They  had commercials on TV and  these kicks were guaranteed to  make you run faster  and  leap higher, than you could imagine or ever  think  possible.  These were  the shoes that put you in  the  same league as  Superman and  you could  leap a tall building in a  single  bound ☺️☺️,  boy were we gullible back in the day☺️. There was  so much  false or fake advertising in the sixties and  seventies, and  if you think not, can  anyone tell  me  what  ” magically delicious ” taste like?☺️☺️. The advertisements today are  just as bad, but wrapped in  much more  slicker and  well  dressed  presentations. I  guess that the old stuff just didn’t  hold up  well,  and it looks like  something  from a  B movie, or it aged poorly  because of technology or there is just to much information out there to believe all of the outlandish claims. Tennis shoes made a statement back then  about  status or lack of,  and I  guess the same  is true today with  people plopping down  hundreds of dollars  for something that  looks nothing like a  fine pair of leather  Italian dream wear, you know the stuff  made for  fashion shows on runways.  I  think  someone  played a cruel trick on us, buy rebranding some old kicks as vintage and  charging up to ten times the original   purchase price,  but I  digress.  Well,
    • ,we live in the age of the knock off, you guys are familiar with  this,  it’s when  you intentionally get something that resembles  the real  Mccoy,  without  the  elaborate  price tag. I mean it could  be  a Gucci  purse, or a Rolex,  that is not keeping  very good time. This can  also  be incidental, sometimes people are  duped . Did you see the one with  the  couple  sitting  Courtside at an NBA game,  and the team’s  mascot was walking around with  a  diamond tester that  can  tell  if diamonds are  real or not. The gentleman was trying  to  wave him off ,and his now ex fiance wanted it checked out,  right  there on the jumbo tron, for all to see, well  let’s just  say that it was extremely  funny and  embarrassing at the same time,  but you can  Google it ,it will  live on forever ☺️☺️. Then  there are the things that are so fake, that we have to make up a whole new word for it, you guys may be familiar with the  word  pleather, that’s right  fake leather goods ,  something  much  more like plastic than leather.  So, there are knock offs and  of course now days  we live in the age of the upgrade.  It doesn’t  matter  if  we are talking about  the  latest iPhone or those plush seats in first class over  being  packed into  coach,  most of  us  enjoy the  finer things  in life, what is the cliche ? , wanting a  Mercedes on a  Chevy or Ford  budget,  and that’s not  even so much a thing  anymore with  people now wanting to get a Lambo  ☺️☺️. We can’t  be talking about  high end sports cars or  an iPhone , because  those things  didn’t  exist in the late 60ties,  and that is where our dune buggy is  still  parked.  Have  you  ever  heard the saying that  things could   always  be  worse?, well  of course you  have.  I  told you what the two primo choices were  for sneakers back  then,  but there was a  third choice,  I don’t  remember what  they  were  officially called  , but the kids referred to  them as” Bobos “. This  is  the equivalent to  something that  your parents may buy you off the rack at Wally  World now . They  look kind of genuine from a  distance,  but up close they  weren’t  fooling anyone.☺️. There is always that upon  closer inspection thing,  and all  though the  kids would  sometimes take  a permanent  marker to the shoes,  they  just  didn’t  cut the mustard.  I  don’t  believe that  anyone  in my audience,  needs a refresher course on just  how cruel kids can  be  at times. They  have  no problem on calling you out on your weight,  four eyes if you wore glasses, train track teeth if you wore braces, and  the list  is  just  endless and at times they can  be quite  creative.  So, this is  how it went  down  one day,  and isn’t  it just  always amazing how  we can  remember our bullies stories ☺️. So we were walking home from  school one day and  this  girl  , Janice Johnson,  called  me  out on my Bobos,  and the girl  had jokes, way beyond,  what you might  think that  a 2nd or 3rd grader might  be  capable of.  I  mean  her material was on the same level as  these  professional  comics who do these roast of other famous  people,  well  at least that what it felt like  to  me anyway.  After about  a  block or two,  I had ,had enough  of this future  inspiring diva comic. I  want  to  tell  you  that  she sent me home in tears crying  to my mother,  but nope,  that  wasn’t  my  course or choice of  action.  I  took the high road  and  pushed her  ass down  to the ground and  told her to shut  her pie hole, that’s right,  can’t  take crap from a girl ☺️☺️☺️.  I  know  very little  about  physics,  but I’m extremely  familiar  with every action is accompanied with  a  reaction,  or should  we say  a consequence.  So, this may have  been  my very  first  black eye,  but I  can  assure you that I  took the lesson to  heart.  Janice had  an older brother,  named Marcus,  I can  still  remember  this kid ,all these years  later. While  I  only  pushed her to the ground and  yelled at  her,  her brother felt as if he needed to  take things  up a notch or two. ☺️☺️ I  don’t  believe that  he was that much  older than myself,  but he was a really  big kid for his  age. The one  thing I  always  remembered  about  him, wasn’t  the  black eye  that he gave me, but  how could  a kid that big have absolutely  zero  athletic  abilities  in that big  body of his☺️☺️. I  may have got joked for  wearing  Bobos, but I  was never the absolute last one picked when  we were  playing  sports.  I  just figured that God had a sense of  humor  and  was getting  him back  for giving me  a  black eye ☺️☺️☺️. Those were the  good old days,  when  we handled  our skirmishes with  our fist, and we live to see another day.  And as crazy as this may sound I remember people  taking  guns to school ,but it was in plain sight In a pickup truck,  for hunting after  school,  I just  guess we had a better  hold on human life back in the  day. As Paul Harvey  would, say, let’s get to the rest of the story.  When you go home with a black eye , you better have a  really  good  excuse for  that, and walking into a  door wasn’t  going to  cut it. If you  have  kids around the age of my kids, and raised  in a similar environment, you may be familiar  with  Veggie Tales.  This is an Christian off shoot of Sesame Street and  designed to  teach valuable  life lessons   , I guess in a non-threatening manner.  So they  had this episode about the  rumor mill. Anybody up for some juicy  gossip? In my neighborhood it was called,  bad news always  travel fast, and  yes faster than a speeding  bullet☺️☺️. What I’m trying to  say is , that the folks already knew  how I had acquired my shiner. I  don’t  know  when  the whole  thing  started about  snitches get stitches, but  this clearly  must  have  preceded that  event☺️☺️. I  have on occasions talked about  being  raised with tough love,  so I  didn’t  walk into the  house to any poor,  dear, dear. I  must have lived in  some crazy warped  period  of  time, because  people  were  definitely  unfamiliar  with  double jeopardy.  I  wasn’t  expecting  compassion and  I  received none, instead I  got my very  first  stern talking to  about  how boys were not supposed to  hit girls  under  any circumstances, and I  mean  we were talking  zero  tolerance.  I  couldn’t  plead my case , about  if they hit first,  or if they were really  super  annoying and  deserved  it,  it was a  complete  non negotiable subject.  As a  2nd or 3rd  grader, I  got the lesson,  and I  want to say that  it served me  well.  I  want to  say,  but it seemed  like  one of those double standards,  that  I’ve never  been to  fond of, they  can  hit us, but we aren’t  allowed to  retaliate….hmm. My first wife  must have  been  read in on this, because she took turns between me being a heavy bag to my head being  a speed bag, those are  both boxing  terms and if you are unfamiliar,  look them up.  She was an angry woman and  it would  be  years later, long after we had parted ways, that I  would  become aware of  her emotional  baggage.  Again  I  digress.  On that faithful day of acquiring my first  shiner ,  and my mother  reading me the riot act about how boys were bigger and  stronger than girls,  accompanied by  the  fact that  sometimes girls  emotions get the best of them,  and they can  act out without thinking. They can  act out without thinking,  but we are not allowed that luxury ,, again to the younger me, felt like a  double standard,  and  we know where I stand with  that.  I  spoke about a  warped  time  period and  the lack of awareness, when it  came  to  double  jeopardy.  It  seems  like such a  foreign concept,  that I  could  be doing  something that  I  probably shouldn’t have been,  and  probably have  known  better,  have  one of  my neighbors or another  random parent,  give me corrective punitive discipline, and receive a  second  dose from my parents for  bringing shame to the family by showing a lack of home training . Well,  in this  environment,  I guess it makes perfect  sense to  be beat  up by a girl and  not  being able to  hit her back. ☺️☺️. I  will go one better for you,  any time a teacher sent  something  home or made a remark on a report  card, I  was guilty,  there was no discussion about,  whether the teacher was  right  or  not.  It was the complete opposite of  our justice system,  you were guilty,  unless proven  innocent,  boy have  we come  a long way ,away  from  those days. My parents were definitely  not  interested in  being  my friend.  They  were more  concerned about me becoming a  responsible adult and some think the jury is  still out on that one ☺️☺️. If nothing else,  I greatly  appreciate the  lesson  on not hitting  the  female  persuasion.  I  from time to time talk about something known as   a ”  twofer”.  This is like  killing two birds with  one  stone,  and  as a parent myself I  did  pick up  on the concept of  teachable moments.  I  can  also tell  you , to   this very  day, that both of  my kids absolutely hate this , as I  did when I  was  in  their shoes. The same will  probably  be said by their  children  down  the  road  because you never  stop  being a  parent  regardless of  how old they  get, you  just  frame  the lessons and  conversations  differently.  We have all at some point as a kid probably  had something  set in front of  us for a meal that we were less than pleased with.  We got the whole  conversation about  starving  children in  Africa or China, which was  followed by  , could  you send it to them,☺️☺️  which  was usually  followed by  a  slap to the back of the  head, or go to bed without  dinner,  and depending on  what exactly dinner was,  possibly could have  been a  blessing.  And as they  like to  say “There it is”, yep the blessing of having a meal and  something to eat, which I  was taking for granted.  I  know that some of  you  are thinking,  what was the twofer?  We can  call this one the lesson of the Bobos, while  I learned that  boys weren’t to hit girls,  my mom also  spun it into  , why give  so much  thought as to what  other  people thought about  us. She said, that they aren’t  doing anything for  you, so why care about  what they  think.  This is another  one of those sticks and stones things, and  I  have said before,  words carry  weight,  and at times can  be  more painful than broken   bones, and last much longer in life.  The point  being,  my mom was right,  but what she left out  was the fact that  it would  be  a  life long battle to not let  yourself  be gaged by others and  their  thoughts and opinions about you.  So, I say, let them  talk and judge , because  that is what  they  do, and my mom’s  thinking all these  years later is still  holding  true,  they aren’t doing a damn thing for  me. They  don’t  put money in  my pocket,  food on the table,  or anything else  that requires a  significant thought about what they think.  I’m going to  end this with  an eternal  lence or perspective and  for any of you who are  kids of the King, know  that you are always loved, you  are  chosen,  you are spoken for and  that  is   something that  you  should  give  great thought too  and be filled with  gratitude about. 
    • Till Next Time ✌️, Peace!
    • Sandy The Southerner
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