“OH !, Bless Your Heart”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 18 Apr 24
  • Post #129
  •   ” Oh!! Bless Your  Heart “
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks again for  taking the  time to help  me with my mental  health  crisis ☺️☺️. I  don’t always  know  how certain  things  or topics  get  brought to the forefront . Sometimes  it maybe  something in the news, or a dream, but most  often  from a  conversation or by just  doing  life. If you have  been around  for  a while  or raised  in or somewhere around the  south, then  you  know  that  ” !Oh Bless Your  Heart ” is one of the most sly insults that can  be  offered to someone ☺️☺️. I  know that  I’ve been on  both sides of this  saying and probably  had it said about  me , more than  the other way around.  First up, it’s a knock on your intelligence , as if you didn’t  know that you weren’t  supposed to  put blood in the  ocean before  taking  a  swim  in the ocean ☺️☺️. Then  there  is  always  playing with  something  electrical  while  standing in a  puddle of water ☺️☺️. It more often takes the stance that  its general  information that the whole  world  knows and that you somehow played hooky from  school  on the day that information  was  covered in class.  ☺️In there  heart  of hearts they are thinking  to themselves, where were you on the day that God was passing  out brains,? because someone else  got Your  share☺️☺️.
  • I  recently had the opportunity to  connect  with an old friend and we were discussing their business.  I’m like the furthest  thing in the world from  being a  multimillionaire or any other  kind of  millionaire, but I  know  of a few people  who fall  into  that category and  they  are one of those. She deals with  other  tycoon types, and many of her peers are people who  epitomize  the cut throat  mentality  often  associated with business.  I  think that  it’s like anything  else in life and  people  believe that there is a wide array of  approaching things.  And just  like  almost  every thing  else in life we get  ourselves in  trouble  when  we  are  not on the  same page  and  moving in the same direction, with  like  minded goals and people.
  • Many things in business  have  safe guards In place when  it comes to  ethics and or a code of conduct.  Often  these things  are  put in place to ensure stability and  a consistent way of making  sure that others  are  treated  fairly.  Regardless of how big the  pool maybe, there will  always  be  a  certain  segment that  will  try to  bend the rules, skirt around the  edges or seek out loop holes. My friend  is a  shark , but  not a cannibalistic one. It’s amazing  sometimes the lengths and things  that people  will  do in the pursuit of  making more money . A little  background.  My friend acquired certain business  partners through a  merger, and the sale of a business, and almost  right  off the bat understood that  they weren’t  going to  be people  of high integrity and  looking to pursue the moral  high ground☺️☺️ Again  , it’s usually  disastrous when we aren’t  operating from common ground.  A little  over two  years ago my friend  made  a  concession  to her new business  partners and  they  received that as blood  in  the  water and  she has been fighting every since to keep  things above  board and within  government compliance. That’s right, you heard me correctly, their  business  falls  under  Uncle Sam’s  compliance  rules.  The  problem  is  that the way the business is  structured  , her  name  is  on everything and  they  get  to operate with  mostly  immunity.  They are  basically getting a  free ride at her expense.  When  it hits the  fan, she will  be  on the hook  with the cuff links and they  would get to walk away  with  perhaps  a slap on the  risks. 
  • I think that  you have some picture of  what is going on here, even  if  it’s a vague one☺️☺️  So….what should  her  response be? What is appropriate? When we are trying  to get out without  to many  scars to your reputation  your  name, our character and  integrity ?  I  think for the  most  part we try or attempt to  treat  people  the way that we want to  be  treated.  Even this  approach will   sometimes  be  seen and taken as   more blood in the water . In this day and age of give to get, we still  mostly  play by the rules of  an eye for an eye. It’s so much human nature to be a Donald Trump and  to take the response that whatever  you  do, I’m going to  make  you  regret that  you  ever went  there in the first  place. ☺️☺️. Most people  don’t  like  being  associated with him, but we all have  it within  us and probably go there a lot more than  we care to admit ☺️☺️. Have you  blocked, ghosted or even  unfriended someone on social media??☺️☺️. Back to my friend.  I  want to  tell you that  she took the high road and I’m not  going to  attempt to  justify anything  here, but she was treated with  a  few short  emails full of expletives and  an abrupt, ” We Are done here”! They were  basically saying or her interpretation of  it was , if you’re  not going  to  allow  us to continue to  rape you and take advantage of you at will, then  we have no  further  use for you ☺️☺️. I’m not sure what the honorable thing was here to do, but it came down to  what  was necessary and that  was to start reporting  and  getting   uncle Sam involved and awake  from his slumber  while all of this was going on. It got less about getting  even and more about  protecting  one’s self and to stop the *hemorrhaging . ☺️☺️☺️. The fines  can  get  really expensive and  the survivorship of your business  could  actually  come into  play. It’s real  easy for me to sit back and play Monday morning  quarterback and  to say that,  no good  deed goes  unpunished, but it  did  start with giving a concession, trying to  make  friends with the  unfriendly ☺️☺️. There are sharks and then there are the one’s  who  snack on their own kind☺️☺️.
  • I  know that God calls us to a higher standard , with the whole turn the other  cheek  thing, which  is  way  easier  said than  done. When we are injured, we just want to  stop the bleeding as well, or somehow  lessen the pain. When  we give  back to  people, what they  have  given to us , it feels  great  at first and completely  justified and deserved. When the dust  settles and sometimes within  moments  we realize that was not the best  course of  action, and the momentarily feelings  of joy and victory for  punching them  back, quickly  evaporates . I sometimes have  encounters with  people  who  trigger me and  I’m also  kind  enough to  return the  favor for them ☺️☺️. This  is  great  because  our communications  are as clear as mud☺️. Even  when I  think that  we  want and are pursuing the same  things, that we somehow  end up on  opposites  sides of the  map. Its a real  hard sell to end up in Detroit, when we were shooting for South Beach☺️☺️. You have  seen  this , I say one thing and they hear something  completely  different.  I  often  think  that’s  it about  where we think  a conversation is headed.  If, I’m correct here, then that means that  I didn’t  finish  listening to  what Steve  Harvey  saying  before  I blurted out my answer ☺️☺️. This is great  if you find yourself in  one of those relationships where you finish  one another’s  sentences ,otherwise, then  not so much! ☺️☺️.
  • Take any relationship, be it a business one , where millions of  dollars  may be at risk, or a personal one with just  two very  fragile and deeply  bruised hearts at risk. If they  can’t  come together at the corner of  communications, trust and respect, then  you  might  as well  be discussing  brain  surgery or quantum  physics.☺️☺️ I believe that  God takes  great  pleasure in  putting things together in a way that only He can. Things and people  who  look diametrically opposed to  one  another, fitting together like a  jigsaw  puzzle.  Perhaps it’s  another  one  of  those  places where  we are much  more  comfortable  trusting  ourselves  than  trusting  God.  If we can’t  see it, then  we can  trust and have  faith in the  unseen….excuse me!  Isn’t  that  exactly what  faith  is  , having  faith  in the  unseen? I  don’t know about You, but I  love  situations  where God steps in and turns something  on its head. Something  from  way out in left field that we never saw coming. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus  Christ  was an supreme example of this, but I  believe that  God wants to do other things of this nature if we are willing to  exercise  patience and demonstrate a little faith, sometimes  as small as  a mustard seed ☺️☺️.
  • At the end  of the day I can only  point to  my own  frailties and short comings.  I’m an all star at loving people in a way that doesn’t  make  them  feel  loved or valued.  It sounds  idiotic on the surface, but I  believe that  we  all give  love in the way that we want  to  receive it, which  may  not always be the  thing to  fills  up the other  person’s  love bucket.  This would  require an adjustment  in operating  procedures, and if you find  yourself  slow  or resistant to  change, this can  make the process painful on the behalf of all parties.  It’s like when  you  are  young and  break a bone, four to six weeks and you are almost  good as new, but not so after  forties and beyond, we just don’t  mend or rebound as fast , especially with  our hearts.
  • I have  always  loved the  workings of  the human  mind, almost  as  much as  history.  It’s amazing  with  all  of  the  study given  to it, we still  know a relatively small amount about it. The human  brain  is  complex and  its vast like the ocean, another  place  that  still holds many  great  secrets.  We depend  so much on  our senses everyday that  they  serve as censors and  all of it is run through  our brains to make  sense of the smells, the things that  we touch and feel, and hearing and sight are huge, but they  don’t  always  serve  us well  or give us an accurate  picture of  what is actually going on.  It’s amazing, just sheer  awesomeness how  God put us together.  There is some flower  or plant, I’m not even  sure what it is or what it’s called, but whenever  I’m out in nature and smell  it, it immediately  transports me back to Ft.  Benning in GA., some forty years ago. I  know that I’m not in GA., or even  on an Army post, but my sense of smell  is  tied to that.
  • I’m a deeply  damaged and flawed individual, so let’s look at how this  plays out  in other  areas of my life.  So many  stories , trouble  picking  one to share☺️☺️. Ok, so let’s just  call  this one the ” rebound”☺️☺️. Many  moons ago after the  mother of  my  kids had I went our separate ways, I was raw. Twenty  years  of marriage, not all bad or even  mostly bad, but the last few really  withdrew any equity that had been  saved up previously.  Now!, I’m not here to throw  my then  wife  under  the  bus, we both  did our share of  making  sure that things wouldn’t  see us until death   do us part, even though  there were probably  night’s of going  to  bed, when  you would wish for it sooner  than  later ☺️☺️. The point  is that  the  lady that came  behind  her, paid for all of the sins of the previous administration.  Sad but true.  I  wasn’t  trusting or actually   even  emotionally available . I  didn’t  get  that until  of course  there was just  destruction and  so much  collateral damage.  Well, !, how did this  happen and take place? It was those senses that  I rely on so heavily.  Any time  that  I  saw something  even  remotely close to what I  had  previously experienced, then it would  trigger me.  If  I  heard anything that sounded  even  vaguely  close to  what I  had  experienced, then  it would  trigger me.  I  was so broken from  being  constantly  challenged  with  the  kids, finances and  anything  else, it all was just  a resounding alarm  of disrespect.  And here’s  the  kicker, that I probably shouldn’t  share, but You  know how they  say we all have a  type ☺️☺️. I  didn’t  see  that  either  until  after  the  fact.  People  would  say that they  looked  similar, but I  never  saw it. I  mean  to me they  were  as different as  day and night.  A stay at home mom versus a career  woman  serving in  upper  management for a fortune  five hundred  corporation. She was really  good to me, but I  couldn’t  see past the brokenness of  my previous  relationship.  So every fiber of my being  was telling  me that I  had seen  this  before, which  kept  me  from  healing and  enjoying.  I’m not special  in this regard, this story  could be  a lot  of people’s  story. I  can  also  tell  you that I’ve been  on the  other side of the  ledger as well.  We want  to  hold on to our pain , because  it serves as  a  reminder not to be stupid or  gullible again.  The problem  is  the thing  that  saves us  can  often  be  the  very  same thing  that  sinks us. This is just another  example  of  not being able to get  out of our own way.  We keep  the bad stuff in and the good and possibility of healing  locked out. Oh! , I  get  it , it’s really  hard to get past our PTSD. This is  just  one example of  our senses  not being  our best friend.  I  know  that I  can’t  always  trust  my eyes and my hearing  is  definitely  on the fritz ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s just  flip it around  just  a little  bit before I end this and you can  say it  for me or to me. Say what?? Oh Bless Your Heart!  I  have been  talking about  things that  I’ve found  out about myself  later in life. These are not usually  cute or pretty  thing☺️☺️. It’s not like  me showing  off  my gorgeous  tan after  being  in the Caribbean for a  couple of  weeks ☺️☺️. I  know that for a lot of older people, that they  become  less patient with age, but that’s  not going to be me!  Well, guess what? That is  absolutely  me, but I’m extremely  selective about when I  am. It’s almost always is with  the people  who I should  have  the most patience with . It’s when  I  encounter those people  who are where I found myself all those  many years ago, just  broken, raw and super  sensitive that every  encounter  will some how transport them  back  to  a place  of incredible pain and sorrow.  It’s like I  never  even  experienced it myself  or know  what it looks like. I can  behave  as  if  I  don’t know  what it’s like to  not trust yourself, let alone  other  people,  who want  to  kick down  my carefully  constructed   barriers ☺️☺️. It can be  so  hard to give someone a  fair shake, when  your senses  are telling you to  run and to run like  hell☺️☺️.
  • I  really  hate admitting  it, but when  I’m that guy, I’m part of the problem and not part of the solution. I’m compounding the problem and telling them  that  I  don’t  care if they  make  it  out of their  den of mistrust or  not.  Just  call me an straight  up  idiot.☺️  See here is part  of  my  problem.  The  NFL draft is coming up soon and I  have  this  thing  about  the  eyeball test, sometimes things just  don’t   past the eyeball test, yes I’m talking about  actual  players, but when  they  don’t, I  don’t  cast my vote to draft them.  Well….I just  want people  to  be genuine.  If you come across  like Hercules and have the world  on your shoulders  like  Atlas, then  I’m probably  just  a little  less likely  to  notice your brokenness.  When  this happens, I’m probably a little  less likely to  tread lightly  and  maybe  a little bit more  like  a  bull in a China shop….and we all know  how that plays out ☺️☺️ . All I’m saying  is, I  can’t  buy in and walk with  You  in your brokenness  if you are always  being  cool as a cucumber and  hiding behind  a facade of everything is ok.   Truth  is , by all accounts, I’m probably  one of the less sensitive people roaming  the  earth. I don’t  get  offended easily and I’ve already  confessed to one of my favorite  catch phrases being,  ” it’s not my monkey “☺️☺️.  Is some of this about  keeping the  spotlight  off of some of my own  disfunction?, probably  more than I would care to admit. 
  • Speaking of  compounding, all of this stands  in stark  contrast  to  who God calls me to be. Kind, compassionate, understanding, patent loving and  giving, and  merciful and to show  grace, all of the things that  He freely  gives to me every day and I  fail to pass on to others.  He keeps  hammering me with  be quick  to  listen, slow  to speak and  even  slower to get  angry.  As much as I  fail at this , there is no wonder  why I’m in the slow  class and people  say to me,” OH Bless Your Heart “☺️☺️
  • Till Next Time ✌️  Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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