” Not For Us All”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 20  Dec 23
  • Post # 110     
  •         ” Not For Us All”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks again for  checking in.  We are just  mere days away  from  Christmas.  There is just  something  so special about  this holiday, especially if  you  have  young  children in your  life.  Kids, just  seem to have this amazing wonderment about them and it often  reflects in their eyes, and it’s a sparkle, that becomes a  little  less bright with  age. Most of us are familiar with  Christmas taking  forever to show up  and  get us out of school, so that we can  work  on that all important  wish list for Santa ☺️☺️. Now, on the otherside of  that as adults, you realize  every time you turn around  and  blink, it’s Christmas again.  There is just  something so humorous about  paying  off all of the Christmas  debt, just  in time to run it up once more ☺️☺️. I  know  that  some of us are still experiencing hangover  mode, from  a couple of  Holiday seasons with  the  dreaded social distancing , but I  think for the most part, that is  in the rear view mirror.
  •   Most of us have some special  holiday memory, or meal, or something that  we are hoping to  craft into a  new tradition, or just  something that  will  stick in our hearts and minds for a lifetime.  When I  talk to a lot of  people, about  special  memories, oddly  enough it is in times of  what we may  think of as a difficult season.  It may be when they were just  starting  out on there own, or in times of leanest, so whatever they  did have  was just  that  much  more  special.  I  have  heard of tales of  people  who  have  had  sick family  members, and they  knew that they were experiencing their  last Christmas together.  Yes, a sad picture, but they  did everything possible  to make it memorable, so that they  would  live on long after they were gone. Ironically, I’ve heard of the  opposite being true as well, and that’s when  everything  looks picture  perfect, lots of presents under the tree, everything decorated just  so perfectly, yet something  being  off,  such as a pending divorce.  All in all the holidays are just  full  of  joy, parties and food, and family, and perhaps a little  of living  in the excess. I  almost feel if you don’t have  some warm  memory that involves your grandparents, then  it sounds  like the Grinch hijacked  part of your childhood ☺️☺️.
  • I  want  to  say that for myself, online  shopping has taken  some of the fun out of it for me. Don’t  get  me wrong, I’m extremely  grateful for  Amazon, and yes the prime  component as well ☺️☺️. There was a certain  joy associated with  fighting for parking spaces at the malls.  There was the running  into  old friends who were home for the holidays.  If you, just if you were lucky, you could  see a good old  fashioned  fist fight  over the last one of  whatever the hot toy was that year☺️☺️. I  know, I’m a little  twisted.  ☺️Grocery stores  were packed, because  we weren’t  having  them  delivered, or having  someone  else  bring  them  out to our car for us.  I guess  people still  drive around and  look at holiday  lights displays and  some of the more swanky  neighborhoods  just  go all out.  Still  there is just something about  all of the food  surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Cookies, pies, cakes, you just  name it and you could  feel  the extra  pounds  coming by just  inhaling the aroma ☺️☺️. So , the tree is up, and  it’s just  all so dazzling with  the  angel or star on top. The stockings are  hung, house  all decorated and  you even  remembered to get a  little  something for your  mail carrier, so you are feeling  pretty  confident that things are  going  according to  plans. It’s crunch time  now and you have to  figure out the seating arrangement for  dinner, so that your weird uncle or aunt  doesn’t  share to many  colorful stories with  the  kids☺️☺️. The kid table  would be the  perfect  place for  them, if there weren’t  any  kids there, ☺️you know  it’s kind  out of the way. ☺️. I  think  for  some  people this  is  the  most  stressful part of the  holidays, dealing with  family.  We love  them,….well  we have to, they  are  family, but certain  ones, and you know the ones I’m talking  about.  Well, let’s  just  say that  you aren’t  to upset if their  flight gets  delayed or  even  better  canceled ☺️☺️. Again, just  a  little  twisted.  I  know that  it still  happens, but have  you  guys experienced the carolers going around  the  neighborhoods like  they are adult trick or treaters ,  singing one of your  favorite  Christmas carols, just  in six different  keys,☺️ I guess  there were no auditions for that,  you just had to be willing to  walk  around in the cold  and  make  a  joyful  noise ☺️☺️. Whatever your thing is for the holidays I hope that  you  enjoy it to the max.
  • Now, all of that stuff  is the exterior, or should we  just  call it the gravy.  We must  not forget or miss the  reason for the  season, and that is all about the birth of a King. Christmas  is  and always  will  be  about  Jesus.  In fact  to remove the  baby, the incarnate from the  equation ,  there would  be no Christmas.  I  know  first hand  how easy  it  can  be to get  caught up  in  all of the shopping, the gift giving, the parties, the food, the glitz, and holiday cheer, and completely miss  what the holiday is  all about  in the first  place.  I’m not above  the  occasional  cheap shot, so for all of my none spiritual readers, spiritual  doubters and slightly  confused,☺️ for all of my fans of separation of church and state , make no mistake about it, this is a religious  holiday.  I  have  yet  to see  the long line of people  who  are  sayin ,nope!, I’m not a believer and I  think that I shouldn’t  get  paid for this holiday and I  want  to work  clean through the  holiday because, I’m  a firm, yes, extremely  firm  believer  of separation of  church and  state. ☺️☺️Oh, and by the way, it’s a Christian holiday. I  don’t  mean to  be brash, but I  think  that  gets  lost somewhere  in  the  conversation on occasion.  Christmas is a  universal holiday and  celebrated around  the  world . Other  countries  have  other  days that they  celebrate  for their  independence, and Thanksgiving  is exclusively an American  thing ,  and the Chinese even  have a  different  new year from  most. Even the  countries  that  it’s illegal to  be Christian, there is still  a  stop and calm, over the greatest story  ever told.
  • So, Christmas cheer and  Holiday  sprinkles are just  filling the atmosphere and  all is right and  as it should be, not so much !.  HA ! HA!, that’s a far, very  far cry from the truth!. I  just  mentioned the stress that is associated with  the  holidays and  family.  It’s not a great  mystery, but this is a time of  the  year when  the suicide rate has a tendency to  spike. We are currently  experiencing an epidemic of  loneliness and  more people  feel  more isolated than  ever before  in our history.  We  may have  seen  just  one to many  Hallmark movies and  we believe  that  everyone  in the world  except us , is experiencing some magical  holiday  experience, and that their  lives are full , and it’s just  not  complete without  that special  someone.  If it’s not Hallmark, then it is  all of the social  media post, with  the  all so perfectly  crafted tree, home decorated and  enough  baked goods to give Martha Stewart a run for her money ☺️☺️. Often  these things  can  leave people  feeling  as if they  just  got kicked in the nuts, or my daughter’s  favorite, punched in the throat ☺️☺️, no idea where she learns such things ☺️☺️.
  • I’m not encouraging anyone  to curb their  excitement for the holidays, but we should be  both careful and  sensitive.   How would you  feel  if your joy was the thing that  pushed  someone over the edge into   making a dire decision.?   Sometimes it is just  straight up  hard to share in other  people’s  happiness.  We are  all human beings, so it’s hard  not to run the comparison game  in our heads.  We  just  never  know  at any given  time  what someone else  is  walking  through.  There are  times when  the holiday season, brings  up  painful  memories.  Death  is  part of life, but it just  seems  to  be  extra cruel at what is supposed to  be a joyful time of the year.  Many  people  have  stories  of loss around this time of the year, and it’s  a painful  reminder of  having an empty  chair at the table.  Life  is  compiled of various  seasons of  life and  the  word of God tells us that  there is a time  for each  one of  those  seasons  in our lives. We laugh, but sometimes we  find ourselves in a  season of  mourning and  it just  happens to  fall around the  holidays. It  doesn’t make you a looser just  because you  don’t  have    going  on  in  your life, what other’s  have  going on in  their’s.  We walk through  corridors and sometimes they are  filled with  shadows.  And yes!, sometimes  those things  snowball  on us and seem to come as an unrelenting torrent of  misery. 
  • It was just a  little  over  two weeks ago  that  I  told you the story of me loosing someone  who  I thought of as a bonus  mom. This was followed up  by  a  phone  call  from  one of my oldest friends in  the  world.  She was told  by her doctor to get  her  affairs  in order and  she was  given  six to nine  months to live, talk about  a dagger to the heart.  We actually  go all the way  back  to  first  grade together.  She became  my first  girlfriend, we were  thirteen and  fourteen, our birthdays  separated by  a  few months.  We have  always had  a  special  relationship and  if I’m being  honest about it, she probably  always  put way more  into it  , than I  did.  My mom, never liked her, and use to make  constant  reference to  her being  from the wrong side of the tracks ☺️☺️.  Her family  moved to  New York and  shortly  after  that  to the west coast.  She has been  in California for  almost half of a century.  We  both  got married and  raised  families, but we have  always  been  the people  that  we could  share anything  with, and for the most part  free of judgment ☺️☺️. We  had a spat or two, one that got pretty  serious, but we were able to  recover.  She had a bout with  Cancer, we weren’t  speaking at the  time and  then  God tapped me on the shoulder and  reminded me  that  some years earlier that I  had  loss someone else  very  special to  me, and they left the planet and our last words together were not kind. I  just  want  to  say, if you have  any of those  relationships out there, that are unresolved  or hanging  by a thread , like the Hatfield’s and the  McCoy’s☺️, just  say that  you  are sorry, and patch it up, before  it’s to late. Many times we will  hold a grudge and  never  even  remember what it was about, happens a lot in families…sadly!. She always  considered  the east coast  home, and would  often  make  trips out this way, and sometimes  for business.  I  was the very  first  call that she made, and she  was trying to  muster up the strength to  tell  her  four kids.  If I  had  to  characterize our relationship, we were always  one another’s  biggest  cheer leaders , and unconditional love, with  the  most amazing  support.  It’s both  sad and ironic that  we were both  married to  people  that  we couldn’t  say that about.  Needless to  say that I’m  going to  be planning a  trip  to  California soon. There are no guarantees  in life, so we never  know what  is  coming around the  corner for us, but if it is her , who leaves first, she will  be  sorely missed and not just  by me, but kids and  grandkids, and all whom lives she has touched. 
  • As if that wasn’t  enough, two days later  another  friend  who has been  waiting for  a  kidney  transplant, has  decided to  give up the fight and decided  to  enter  into  hospice.  I mean I  get  it!, when  it  is  all said and  done, it’s about quality of  life.  We have  only  known  one another  a couple of  years, but she has done a deep  dive in the  friendship  pool. I  have  never  met someone In my life who  has been  so  full of life and  just  living it out everyday through the  prism of  pain. She  said that  she can’t  take  one more medical  procedure  and the awfully  draining  dialysis.  She has other  health  issues as well  they are just  ganging up on her.  She is another one  who will be  drastically  missed. She has an absolutely wicked sense of humor, often says that she can’t be trusted with sharp objects☺️☺️. I’m not trying to  make it about me, but the one’s  left behind, are the one’s who mourn.  I  feel  as if  God is pruning my life back, and thus  far I’ve done a  pretty  good  job of that myself ☺️☺️. I’m a person  who  never  learned  how to do casual, so my friends are  real  genuine people  who  I  have  been  vulnerable with and  they  have  with  me. What most people  call  friends, I would  refer  to  as an acquaintance.  I  keep  a closely  knit circle and it’s not something that I  approach  casually.  I  find it hard to trust  people and to find trust worthy  people, but when I  do, they  earn  the designation of  friend.
  • Still, it’s Christmas and it brings  a certain joy and weight with  it.  We are charged with to go tell it on the mountain, that  Christ , the Savior of the  world is born. Emanuel, God is with us, and what an incredible gift and mystery that is. I  hope  that not a single  one of you miss the miracle of  Christmas.  We should be  completely  captivated by the Extraordinary thing that  God has done and is continuing  to do in a very  ordinary way.  He sent  His Son , a King, pure royalty to embody flesh and  bones. He sent  His Son to a pair of teenager parents and his crib was a feeding  trough.  The announcement of  His birth  was  proclaimed to the least in society…Shepherds.  He was  not born in  a palace, not to rich nobility, not to people  who  had servants and attendants, but to the lowly, the ordinary.  God  didn’t  want  us to think that  He was out of reach to us, so He came to the least of us, to prove His love and  availability to us. God  came and gave so that we could  be healed and forgiven.  The miracle of  Christmas is that  God came to humanity and  chose to  redeem His creation from the  powers of hell.  He’s not done yet! ,
  • The greatest gift that was ever given, was the Son. God wants You to know Him and  to enter  into  a personal  relationship with  Himself and  that is both  the  gift and the miracle.  If you are struggling this holiday  season with  loneliness, brokenness and  the disappointments that sometimes comes with  life, know  that  God  is  here for you and  He is both  available and attainable.  Today, you will  do life and  you can  do that  with  God or without  God, the choice is  yours, but we all encounter things that  only  God can handle. Faith is not about  containment, but it’s about  possibilities.  Faith  is  skin on skin closeness, affinity, relationship.  In order to  get there sometimes  our certainties need  to be shattered.  Our formulas for life interrupted, and our questions  unanswered.  That  is the place  in the  depths of  relationship, that we not encounter a list of religious  cliches , but a person, and that  person is  Jesus- the Christ.  If you are a ” Not For f Us All”, just  know that  You  are  not alone this holiday season. Depression is for real ,and it needs to be taken seriously.
  • Suicide  prevention # 988- suicide, or just text #988
  • Till Next Time ✌️Peace!
  •   Sandy The  Southerner
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