• Not The Only One!
  • Post # 65
  • 9 FEB 23
    • NEXT !
    • Howdy,
    • Well, welcome,  and thank  you again for  being there and for the  passion.  My last  post struck a  few nerves and  stepped on a few toes, but I  did put the warning out, and as from the  beginning, I have always said that all are welcome,  but it is not a place for  everyone. I will tell you that I  heard from  both  sides of the imaginary isles. Some have said that I sound angry and others  said concerned , but regardless of  where you are  coming from, I appreciate you  being there. Last time out I touched on  rights and  freedoms and  specifically about the  2nd amendment,  and others  brought up  our right  to  free speech and I’m completely aware of the cancel culture and I’ve experienced some of that.  It appears for some , that  you have the right to  free speech as long as  you  are  saying  something that they  believe in or agree  with , but that opposition should be  silenced or canceled.  Once again,  I  want to  remind you that I’m not  holding a gun to your head and  you have the option not to read it, so play nice, and if it’s not your cup of tea, don’t  ruin it  for  those who may enjoy  a little Earl Grey. I  think that will take care of the house keeping  for now, so let’s move on. This one is called  ” Next”, and  honestly it  could have  been  called  a  lot of different things and  I think   most of us are probably  more familiar  with  what is known as  ” The  Sandwich ” thing., or ” sandwich  generation” .This is when  people  find themselves  Sandwiched in  between their  kids and their  parents,  but  I’m going to  swing at it from a slightly  different angle,  because, while I’m still  blessed to have  my mom, I  have  grandkids of my own,  so like a lot of other people  we are doing  the four generation  thing. I  believe this  to be very  common place with  people  living  longer, due to more science and  more health care screenings.   I was having a  conversation  with  my  daughter  a few weeks back and  we were discussing her teenager ,fifteen this month,  where does the  time go? He’s  a  really bright kid and I’m very proud of him,  but some of the teenage behavior,  can sometimes  leave you scratching  your  head,  wondering if the elevator  goes to the  top floor  or  not☺️☺️.  So much  of life is about  perspective and  to be honest  it can  be a little  unsettling at first, when  you  kids start to have  kids of their own.  It’s like  this huge reconciliation taking  place,  and  it seems as  if  it was  only  yesterday that  they  were  riding  up on your shoulders,  or asking  you to come  outside and play catch with them . You blink for just  a  quick  instance, and now they are raising a  family of  their  own.  I  know  that  isn’t  everyone’s  story and  some of  you guys waited for a  long time  for grandchildren,  or are possibly  still  in  a  holding pattern, like a plane waiting for  permission to land. I  will  confess  that I  have  trouble  connecting to  my teenage years , and the world  has changed so much,  but people are still  people.  There may be a few changes and tweaks along the way. This  one right  here is a little bit of a change of  pace. When I  was  kid,  I  couldn’t wait to  get my  drivers license,  that represented   freedom with  endless  possibilities for  me,  but now days a lot of kids are  like,  it’s no big deal. Perhaps  that  should not  surprise  me so much now day with  Door Dash, Uber eats, grocery  deliveries and  everything else that is at the swipe  of a  smartphone, and Amazon  acting like a  genie in a bottle.  Some  kids  see driving as a added responsibility,  that they would  just assume to put off. This doesn’t describe my grandson,  who for some reason thinks that  he should have a  General Lee, a what??, I know,  a what, ? you heard me correctly. I  know that now days most  may  not know  the reference point  for that, but  its an old school  Dodge Charger complete with confederate  flag markings , which  was popularized by the TV show  “The Dukes of Hazzard “, yeah!!, my grandson is  a  little  bit  of  a redneck ☺️☺️. When I  was  a kid, I  wouldn’t say that I  was keenly aware that  my mom had been a  teenager in  her  life,  but she was good about sharing  life lessons. My grandson,  truly has no frame of  reference,  that  my  daughter and  his dad were  teenagers once in their lives  as well.  He says and  does things like  they are  original and no one else in the world has been across that bridge and  maybe that’s one of the great  adventures of being a  kid. He’s  a  kid so sometimes he  tries to  pull the wool over  the parents eyes, and they  see it coming  from a  mile away and he doesn’t just like doesn’t have the where with all to come clean,  so he makes it a painful experience , more so for himself than  for them.   Well, maybe  its painful  in both directions,  because you start to question yourself  about  your parenting skills,  and  that  can be painful as well,  thinking that somehow,  you failed them. He  is such an  amateur,, that sometimes it’s hard to  watch as he crashes and  burns.  I may not be able to  connect with my teenage years,  but oh boy do I  remember the crash and  burn moments. ☺️I was  recently in  a public   men’s room and  I  think  I  broke the most  basic of cardinal rules.  If you don’t know the dude next to you at the urinal, there is to be no eye contact or conversation until the  hand washing phase.  So, lately I’ve been  feeling as if my education process with my grandfather had some how had holes in my  training.  I  say that because I  have  often  mentioned how  close  my grandfather and  I  were. So in the men’s room,  another  gentleman about  my age, I  say to him, I really  loved my grandfather,  but he never  shared with  me  about  the old man bladder thing, or  about how some day, you would just  start to grow  hair from  all of these strange  places on your body.☺️☺️. It’s almost as   phenomenal  as  when your kids start to  reproduce,  one day, you are a normal person  and  overnight  you  turn  into  a freaking  Chia pet, and maybe that is true of the ladies as well, who carry around a  pair of  tweezers to pluck the random, or should I say rebellious chin hair, that would  dare show up in public. ☺️☺️. I  digress.  There is something about being on deck, as to being the  “Next” generation to be on the edge of the precipice   of passing away.   I want to  say that you never  stop  being parents to your kids,  but the role and the conversations that you  have with  them  can  change drastically. I  think on some level this speaks directly to the  kind of relationship you had with  them  as they were growing up.  I have  mentioned from time to time as to how the mother of my children and I  wanted to  have a much  more open  dialog with our kids, than  our parents had with  us. This has carried into  adulthood,  to the point  where I  believe  both of our kids are comfortable talking to us about things that may be hard or difficult  for  others who were not raised in that  environment.  I said that  you never stop being a parent to your kids but for some, that roll does get  flipped around,  as elderly  parents can  sometimes revert to  a  child like  state themselves.  This roll reversal can  be really tough,  when  it’s time to take the keys and driving  privileges away. And it’s particularly hard to witness if you had great parents who were  professional people in  their  careers and  garnered much  respect and  now you have to  try and explain and protect them  from investing their  life savings in the  latest
  • Ponzi scheme. Again I’m  skimming the surface and I  know  for  some it gets to  a place of meltdown,  when  the decision is  made  that its not safe for them  to  live alone anymore,  in a home that they  have known  for four decades plus and is filled with  all sorts of memories of  holiday get togethers and grandchildren,  and you just  name it. This is one of my interesting or perhaps  not so much,  sidebars. There should just  be  a  special place in  hell for  people  who  intentionally go out of their way to take  advantage of   and swindle  seniors.  It seems that the most vulnerable in our society,  children and the elderly have a target on their  backs. The dynamics of  multiple  generations  presents certain  challenges,  but  we should not overlook the  blessings that come along the way as well. Somedays depending  on the setting,  it can  be as hard as trying to  accurately forecast the  weather.  I  live in  a  part of the country where we can  have all four seasons in  a single  day.  Again,  probably  not so uncommon unless you  live in  sunny San Diego. I can go from playing  with  my grandkids,  to parenting  their  mother, on something  that  I  observed when  I  was  at, where she is now , to submitting myself  under the  authority of my mom.  I  know that  everyone  thinks that  their  life  is  their  own  to do with as the please, however I think that  we miss  something  here in the western  hemisphere.  In many  cultures  older people  are  revered for the years lived and the wisdom that comes along with those years. I  think  more times than  not we discount older people and see them as  some sort of a burden as we push them  aside  in the name of expediency and  progress, much like eminent domain, for a new Freeway or something.  . My grandmother made it to almost  ninety-five,  just a few months short,  but she was  just  one generation removed from  slavery and she  had lived and seen  so many  things.  She was a living  breathing  history  lesson and  I  don’t  know  how you could  ever monetize that.  In  the west , we think  and say things,  like we don’t  want  to  be a burden  to our  kids or anyone  else,  and for the most part that  is  something  unique to  the  more progressive industrialized  parts of the world.  More resources,  and less relational.  Many  parts of the  world older people are  honored, and families  looks  forward to  returning the investment that was made into  them. Again,  this  could  be  one of those  stages of life  things, but the last few years I have counted it a privilege to  walk along side of  some of  my friends and  peers with  this last phase of life  thing with  their  parents.  I  know that there are exceptions to  everything that I  may say here, but  those who chose or were forced to  plug in,  for the most part, have  counted it as a real  blessing to  draw close to  love ones before they  depart.   Often  it is a sweet  time  of connecting,  that most  had never known  before, and will stay with  them for the rest of their  days. I  understand it is a  completely different story if your parent is in some kind of  facility and  don’t  even  recognize who you   are.  It is sad and unfortunate,  but I  believe that there can  be some kind of beauty  found there,  as well,  even  if  it  is  just  being able to  reflect  on  all that they  meant to  you and perhaps your  kids as well. My  dirty little  secret is that I’m here, and sadly and honestly above all else, I’m  afraid that I’m going  to  be  one that will  be  forced to  plug in. Don’t  get me  wrong,  because I  do love my mom, and as the oldest of what use to be six kids, I’m probably the  one most like her, and  we have  had a very  colorful and  rich  time together . I think  if we were to  take a poll, it would  probably  be some what  of a landslide that  most parents  make  the most  mistakes with the  eldest or the first born. I  have  met many people who have lamented over not having their  parents any longer, and it is a monumental thing,  because  for most, this represents the  first and longest  relationship you have had while  on the planet. I’m thankful and grateful for my mom and for all that she has instilled in me, I can  honestly  tell  you  that  I  believe that  some  of  it has kept  me  from  being  a victimless statistic, and  she poured all in that she had  into to her kids to  help  us   to  navigate life, was it perfect…NO, was I perfect as a parent…NO.  There are no perfect  people,  parents and  we all have  made mistakes and  would  probably  choose to do a few things differently.  My mom, is unique  and  she set the template for  me  to  be attracted to  strong women,  whether she knew that  or not. We have  a history that has left scars on both of  us and  I  just  don’t  think out of the five remaining that I’m the one best suited or qualified for this task.  This is where  my faith comes into  play,  because I  do feel as if this is something that God is calling me to do and  whatever  deficiencies  and inability   I may posses God’s grace will  be  sufficient to  see me through.  He has orchestrated a great  many  things to  get  me to see His hand at work  here. Almost a year ago I  went  hiking  with  my  daughter and  her two youngest  boys, my daughter  was being  super  protective of  me  as  if I  was  an old man….debatable☺️,  anyway I  know that  she had been  helping  her  mom care for her father, and some of that was brought to the  table,  and  he  has since  past on. I  was showing  off for the boys and I  slipped off of a rock, while  crossing a creek.  I  hurt my shoulder in the fall and  it still has a twinge to it, but generationally after me, my daughter and  her  brother will  be on deck as in next . I  want to  say  and hope that  will  be some distant  place in the future,  but we just  never  know,  tomorrow is  not  promised to  any of us.  I  would  be  as short  sighted as  my fifteen year old grandson,  if I  don’t  look a head and see on some level that  we turn into our parents.  All I  can  say  is  God help  me and  that I  hope that I don’t completely become her. This  is  part of my challenge,  my mom has always  been  picky and  meticulous about how she likes things. She loves to be catered to and a fuss  made over  her,  I’m none of those things,  ok perhaps  a little  meticulous,  because  she influenced me, but I’ve  never  been  about making  it all about  me.  I feel as  if  God wants to  bring some healing to  our relationship that has been  long over due.  Another  dear friend  named Lawrence,  his mother  is getting  near the end,and he has shared that he and his mom have had  some sweet  times  together and  yes a couple  of  conversations  that were a little  uncomfortable,  but just  think about it  for a minute. What would  you  want  or think your last words would  be  to your child or children? I  don’t  think  that many of us would  want  to  leave  without  letting them  know that  they  are  loved , and perhaps  something  encouraging.  I  don’t  know of any impending doom of my mom’s life, but she has definitely  slowed down and is missing a beat or two,  but she’s  eighty-five in a couple of  months.  There is  something to this history  repeating itself,  even  if  it’s not good  history. I  have  a  friend named  Gabriel,  who recently lost his mom around the  holidays  last year and  he just  hammered me about what a mess it can  be,  coming in and trying to  figure out  all that your parents had going on  with  the home, bank accounts and  what not. He has encouraged  me  to have  some hard conversations with  my  mom  that I’d rather  not  have,  and honestly I  don’t  think  that  I’m up for.  It’s not  about  her demise,  I  know that  she has had that planned out for years, but the aftermath and what  I consider to  be  her love for clutter. I  get that  eighty-five  years is a while and  people  collect things,  perhaps I  will  feel  differently about it  once she is gone. Each  generation is  or has a “Next” , and  we don’t  always  get to leave  here in order,  so sometimes parents  bury children and  sometimes it’s the grandparents who  get that ominous duty. I  will  just  leave you with  love, like there is no tomorrow,  and if tomorrow does come, repeat the  process everyday until there are no more tomorrows
  • Till Next Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy  The  Southerner

2 thoughts on “NEXT !”

  1. La perdida de los padres es algo tan difícil que no te acostumbras, pues lo digo por Madre la recuerdo cada día de mi vida 😢, pues siempre mi mamá me dijo que cuando no la tuviera iba querer no perderla nunca y en eso tuvo razón la extraño tanto y el que tiene la posibilidad de tenerla a su madre viva que la cuide y le dé todo su amor.

    1. Sandy The Southerner

      I’m looking forward to hearing about your mom, I know that she is gone and that you miss her, but sometimes its just good to remember

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