” New Birth “

  • Not The Only One! 
  • Post # 155
  • 3 Oct. 24   
  •         “New Birth”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks for dropping in and hopefully  following along. I have to tell you that the first thing that pops into  my  head  when  I  see the word New Birth is an old R& B band from the  seventies . I don’t  know  if  they  were a one hit wonder or not, but I  can honestly only remember one song of theirs and it was called “wild Flower”.  It was a beautiful  ballad  that was  flowing with  hope and inspiration in the midst  of  challenges. I know that  renewal  is usually  closer related to the spring of the year. The God factor  calls us to a fresh  renewal  each and everyday in conjunction with  His mercies  being new each morning.  So , let’s just  think outside of  the  box, just  a little and for right now.
  • This medium along  with  some other  interpersonal activities  has allowed  me to connect and have contact with people that , I probably  wouldn’t  have  gotten  to  otherwise.   Some have  allowed me to  tell and share their  stories and sometimes  disguised  anonymously☺️ , but we all carry the common bond of being  broken. Our hurts and wounds  vary; but none of  us get a pass, nor  are we  first in whatever  it is, and one thing for sure , we won’t be the last. ☺️☺️ I haven’t  encountered any one single  individual  who is just  knocking  it out of  the  park.   However, I  have met many who are good at faking  it☺️ . It almost  wants you to be that proverbial fly on the wall to see just  what they are  hiding ☺️☺️ We all have  places that we excel, be it on the golf course , academically or  in our vocations.  However we  all posses that one area in  our lives that brings us pause, and maybe  a little guilt ,  shame or  embarrassment.  It just  seems that we weren’t  designed to  make it through  life firing on all cylinders ☺️☺️.  It can  be a health issue, a challenging  marriage, or just an unending  financial struggle that seems to go from  bad to worse. I can’t  even  begin to imagine   a door  way that would  be  wide enough to allow  our heads to pass through if we were actually  all that and a bag of chips ☺️☺️
  • This juncture  often  has me thinking about  the apostle Paul. He spoke of a thorn in the flesh . He was an incredible  person of immense learning and  deeply held convictions. He was a  person that was set on a track to be what we would  refer to as the “one percent ” . He was a person who would  have  checked  all of the boxes in life as to what the world  points towards as  being a  huge success.  In today’s terms he would have been an elitist ☺️ . He was highly  educated, knew all of the right  people and  he was from  what he thought was the right side of the tracks☺️☺️.  He may have  been  a  little  smug, and  very  similar to  a boot camp experience, God just stripped all of that away.  It’s the taking  away  of pride and so many things that we use to see ourselves as better  than  others.  It’s not that those things are  inherently  bad in themselves, but they  don’t  usually have us leaning or seeing things with an eternal view point. So I guess that makes us short sighted or having  some kind of tunnel vision☺️☺️. If you have  ever met super confident people  then  you may  have  noticed how resilient they  can  be.  Almost  like  they  weeble and wobble, but they don’t  say  down ☺️☺️. It’s a little bit like having a  strong willed child. So in spite  of God just  stripping it all away , Paul needed an additional reminder of  where he had come from and where God was leading him to become.
  • My understanding  is that God gave  him a thorn in flesh and  we don’t know  exactly what that was, but it was something  to keep  him humble and  from becoming  prideful ,but more so than anything it was a reminder to  stay  connected and  dependent on  God.  I don’t  believe that  God so much  gives us thorns in our flesh  as much as life  just  happens. I just said that none of us run at a hundred  percent of  proficiency, and I  believe that  certain  things in our lives serves as the very same compacity as a  thorn in the flesh . These things can  be our kids☺️, financial in nature, or something with  career  or health  issue. Just about  all  of  us have some splintered relationship that we would  just  rather  not  deal  with.☺️ While  these things  may vary and fluctuate from  person to person, I believe that the one single  underlying truth  is that it’s something that  should  draw us in  and lean in on God with. Certain things in life should just  keep us connected and dependent on God with, such as  you should  never  stop praying for  your  kids regardless  of  how  old they  may  be or how successful or not. This world  is after our children and it wants them in the worse way possible.  Much of it is in misinformation and the propagation of  lies and  untrue  things to  confuse or dilute their  identity and the   call upon their lives.
  • Yet this  is about  new birth and it comes in a few different  forms and  it’s really not  about us trying to  reinvent ourselves as much as  it is about  embracing the  journey and  learning  along  the way.  There is something to  be said for maturity  and I  think that  it’s another one of those things that we take for granted and  not appreciate.  First up, everyone  doesn’t  get  there and there is a difference  between  maturing and  just  getting  older and  they aren’t  a synonymous thing. ☺️ My in-laws  were already divorced when I  met my wife.  My mother in law had a great  deal of  energy about  how her ex seemingly  to  blossom after  they  were divorced. He did things with  other  people that she had wished he had did with  her. He had grown and  seen things  in  a different light and  she resented him for it.  Probably a lot of other  dynamics at play that I’m unaware of, but in a way , it was a little bit of  a  new Birth for him.
  • There is and should  be more to our stories than  we got hurt and our big take away is just  to never do it again.  I think  to me it’s like waving the white flag of saying  that whatever  it is was , has  won. So! You  didn’t  get  the promotion at work and you didn’t  hide your disappointment  well ☺️☺️. You had a crummy marriage  because  you  chose to overlook  all of those red flags, that were just  popping up  all over the  place.  You got on the bathroom  scale and it laughed at you  as it was going in the wrong  direction ☺️☺️. I want to  say, just  never give up, because  there is something  positive  around the  corner for you, which is going to  represent a  new Birth.
  • There is also  something about the  gift or ability  to slow  down. When  we slow, we see things that we were once to busy or moving  along to fast  to recognize them  for what they were  or to see them  in the  proper  light or  perspective . It’s probably a two prong vision as we physically slow down, but there is an unwavering reflection of stopping to take note of how you have  done thus far. I wouldn’t  really  refer to it as a half time  because it  usually occurs somewhere late to the middle of the  third quarter 😅 ☺️. I  believe that it’s just  more than  the things  that I  enjoyed  and the  things that I  would  never do again ☺️.  It’s a seasoning thing and even the really  tough  things, you have  gain insight on how you would have  handled them differently.  It’s more wisdom over confusion and  perhaps just a  smidgen  more of empathy that allows us to step outside of  ourselves and  into  someone’s else’s shoes. It’s more than that it’s the ability to  be able to  zoom out and get a better  glance at the big picture.  It’s the ability to be able to  enjoy the  smaller and simpler things in life.  We are  definitely about  self  preservation, but there is an enhanced awareness  that everything  is  not about us,  ourselves.  Maybe  it looks like less ambition and the constant striving  , to being able to  stand firm in the storms of life, bending, but not being uprooted, tossed and  blown in a hundred different directions.  It’s the acknowledgement that kind of strength only  comes from  God.  There is always something to be  said for not being able to  take ourselves so seriously ☺️☺️.
  • Sometimes someone will  put forth a thought, an idea or something that’s sounds revolutionary, or a little  radical.  I know that  it’s a speech writer, but  there was something that struck me that way when  George W. spoke about a kinder, gentler, and more compassionate  conservatism. We are so far past that twenty years  ago speech that now it just  sounds  like  pie in the sky☺️☺️.  However, how could  that  simple concept just  revolutionize our personal, one on one every day  relationships.  When you interview couples  who have  made it thirty-five years plus or beyond they seem  to single  out the same  four letter word over and over again  towards  their  success and  longevity  and that word is ” kind” or kindness.  It  may sound  just  straight up  shallow, because  of course we know that we are supposed to  be kind and especially to the ones that we say that we love , and it’s just  amazing as to how often that is just  not the case. ☺️
  • There is something known as the ” perfect storm”, and more times than not it refers to something  negative  coming together for some catastrophic to take place.  Here the thing, it doesn’t  have  to be. What if we mix slowing down, with  realizing that  everything  is not about  us, and not just  sprinkled with  kindness, but completely  smothered in kindness….what would that look like?  Nothing  major or super hard to accomplish, but just  taking the time to  be more aware. I think  one of the funnier things in life is selective  hearing. Men get a  bad rep for it, not that we aren’t  guilty of it, but I  believe that  it may be a little  bit  more of a two way street than  we give credence to ☺️☺️. The ability  to listen and  hear what’s being  said, is just  huge, and it’s just  possible that it can  be one of the best and biggest  gift that You can  give someone.  Information exchange is  just a furious process in this  day and  age and all to often  we fill in the blanks because  we  assume that  we  know what someone  is attempting to  communicate.  Do I dare say it’s just  magical to be heard, truly  heard and then  understood.  Not what you thought that  they  were saying, but the actual idea  behind  their  words , regardless of  whatever they  may have  been.  It’s the act of being  present in the conversation.  The specialness of it actually  comes into  play  when  you can  recall the conversation  later, it really let’s them know that You were listening and  that it was important to you  because  it was important to  them.
  • Still, where is this all going? It’s so often  about the  simple things that we over look or neglect.  The run on about being  heard can  actually  be a spark to  renewal and  revolutionize an ailing relationship.  It could  be  the catalyst for revival and  renewal  for something  that by all accounts is on life support ☺️☺️ . I can’t  begin to  express how far kindness will  take us when  it’s genuine and sincere, not just checking a box. How many times in the course of a day  are we exchanging words with another  person, maybe  a child, without  any eye contact or acknowledgement that we aren’t just  interacting with  some form of AI?☺️🥲. I recently heard a man expound on so many things in life that are just  wrong  and messed  up , and  how we spend  an excess at dealing  with  surface , superficial  symptoms and  not  the root cause. New Birth  is about  taking  something that is desperately  in  need  of a repair  and  making  it  new , a new Birth.  We like to  freshen things up, whatever it may be, a personal space maybe at work or  home. We try to freshen up our relationships, or spice up☺️☺️, and of course  ourselves with  new fashions, hair cuts and colors and  some gravitate towards the  cosmetic stuff as well, but regardless of  how hard we try at some point those things are  going to  need a do over again.
  • How do we revive or freshen up something that’s  in disrepair or really horrible  shape?  Well, we live in a consumer driven  society, so the obvious answer is  to throw it out and replace it with the newest and latest model.  Here is a really  sad  thought, but do we have  that same mindset when  it comes to people? I just  go out and get  new and  better  friends , a new husband, new wife, new and different  whoever.  The pastor at church  said something that I  didn’t  like…he’s got to go☺️☺️. Sad, but often a reality of just  how broken we are and have become 💔.  I ask  the question of how do we? , and again  sadly I  believe the answer   to that question  , is that we can’t !  . We can’t  fix what is broken.  It is that story of one blind person  leading another  blind  person, that’s not going to  end well ☺️☺️ .
  • Well…is this our cliff hanger in the story and the answer  is  absolutely.?  Who , how or what can save the day?  Is there a resolution , redemption or  just  the endless amount  of trying to*  defibrillate when  there is no juice going to the paddles.?☺️☺️. I want to  say that this is all leading up  to and obviously  pointing towards  God. God is the who, the cross is the how , and the what is the salvation that  He purchased for us and offers as a free gift.  I used the  word obvious, but that’s far to often just  not the case. There are just  countless  people  both inside and  outside of  the  church that just  miss this very  basic  truth.  I know people who I desperately  love and their pride will  not allow  them  to receive  God’s free gift. They are  busy with  the good deeds road, which is actually a  dead end road. God both gives and offers a  new Birth and  it comes in the form of a  heart  transplant . Heart surgery is  always a radical  response to  something  that  is even  so much  more dire and radical and that’s to save a life.
  • A body without  breath in it is dead, and that is God’s  vantage point with us. God see us as the walking  dead ☺️☺️ . We may not look like the TV show but the reality is the same.  We are  born  as spiritually  dead  people and  God doesn’t want  us to stay in the coma induced state, so He offers us a new heart which  puts breath  into  an old body which  produces a  New Birth . My understanding is  that  this is what constitutes a second  birth  or to be born again.  I don’t want you  to get  hung up on the semantics of it all, but another  movie  illustration right here at the end, ” The Matrix “.  It’s a visual that paints a picture just  like the walking dead  analogy, and don’t  miss what is being  presented here. We have a sin problem and  we  have absolutely  zero  chance of  addressing that for ourselves.  God did  it, and His explanation point was ” IT IS FINISHED “.  No need to  strive when  it has been accomplished on your  behalf.  Your  New Birth  awaits you.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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