• Not The Only One!
  • Post #148
  • 15 Aug 24   
  •                   ” Mutzs”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks again for checking in and seeing what’s new or fresh out of the hopper of my spiraling cortex ☺️☺️.  In this country we love our pets and what use to be predominantly cats and dogs  has just  expanded and exploded to a wild variety of  exotic animals. Our expenditures of cash on our pets is like third , behind military  spending and housing and  personal  living expenses☺️☺️. As many would say,  they are just like a part of the family☺️☺️. That’s an incredible statement  in itself, but not , are we  just spending  large amounts  of money  on gourmet pet  foods, toys and grooming, but on the purchase of the pets themselves. If , you own a pet, then  you  may be familiar  with  having to  take out a second  mortgage out  to  pay vet bills….  can you just  say ouch!! ☺️☺️It’s not that the day of the pound puppy  is  over, but they are not the  preferred choice any  longer. We are so much more refined and  sophisticated and  our furry babies have  to  reflect that ☺️. We are spending  thousands of dollars on  all kinds of pets in the price range  that use  to be confined to buying a quality  used  cars or an elaborate vacation.☺️☺️
  • The pet market  has also been  expanded now by a segment known  as ” emotional  support animals “. It gets  a little crazy at times when  people have  emotional  support animals for their  emotional support animals ☺️☺️☺️, yeah! Go figure that one out. The support  animal  makes sense, for years we have  had therapy  animals  in hospitals and  nursing  homes, and we can’t  deny the calming  and healing  impact that animals have and bring to bare. Still we have  couples  who are choosing to  forgo the traditional path of having  real children and find animals  as a trendy alternative.  Over the years we have  heard about  people  leaving  crazy inheritance to their  pets with  some kind of guardian appointed to  oversee the estate. Just imagine enough  money to trade in your kibble for  T bone steaks  every night ☺️☺️.
  • I love dogs, I  find them to be extremely  loyal and  more so than people.  I know that  there is a bunch of you guys out there who feel very  much the same as I do. You may wish  that your  spouse or mate was as loyal as your  pets. If you  could  teach them  how  to  make  dinner, fetch a beer or conduct a quality  foot message, they  just  might  make  your partner  obsolete ☺️☺️. I wasn’t  really raised with  pets, being one of six kids, when it came  to  feeding one more mouth, that was a  hard No for my parents, plus my mother  always  played the allergy  card.☺️☺️. Now, with  cats I play  that very  same  card☺️☺️. When I  moved out, I  always had dogs and fish.  I had a couple of  Shepherds, and one of my uncles use to breed  them.  I had a  gorgeous blue eyed Husky.  I don’t  think that the warm weather in this area is  their  friend☺️. The last dog that I  had  before I  met my wife was  a Rottweiler. A beautiful animal, his name was Maestro…he just  loved Barry White☺️☺️
  • . This is sort of about mutts, so some thirty years ago or so , I had a friend talk to me about  man made breeds. Honestly I  didn’t even  think about it  being  such a  thing, but it’s  so  popular now, you would think, how could I not know about such a thing ☺️. Well my friend had spent time in  Germany in the Army where he was  introduced to  Boxers.  I had seen  them, knew what they  were, just thought  that they  were  cousins with a  Doberman . I didn’t  realize that it  was the intentional  cross breeding of a great Dane with a  bull dog. Oh yeah, now I see it☺️☺️. Readers digest version we got one and he had separation anxiety and  he made our house  look like the war zone of downtown  Beirut ☺️☺️. Needless to say the Mrs. wasn’t to thrilled with  that  one. We settled in  on Black Labs and  we  had a total of five of them  over the years. Really  great  with  the  kids, protective, love the water, just  great animals  all around  and  highly  recommended.  All of ours were females they just  seemed to  be  easier to train
  • . I talked about us  being more sophisticated, but we are also  more knowledgeable when it comes to  pet dander. We are cross breeding  all kinds of animals, mostly with poodles. They make some pretty interesting animals, mostly  cute, but not always ☺️☺️, but then again  beauty  is  in the eye of the beholder. Regardless of  your preference, it’s mostly done because they are more hypoallergenic friendly for  people  who  have  allergies, like my mom, but still want to  be pet owners.☺️.
  • I’m always reminded of King Solomon’s bold proclamation that there is nothing new under the  sun, but some how we always come up with  new things, or maybe we should  just  call it rebranding ☺️☺️. It’s to take something that has been around  for a while or sometime and we repackage  it . If you  didn’t  know that  it had been around  before, then  for you it was new☺️. It’s like when  people  try to reinvent themselves.  They  may  be  able  to  market  themselves differently or tweak a few things, but it’s not new.  I’m not here today  to burst bubbles, so if you  say it’s new then  it’s new☺️☺️.
  • Ok, that was a round about  way to say that we have  always  had cross breeds and  we usually  referred  to  them  as  mutts. Just as housewives became domestic engineers, we have redefined mutts as some kind  super breeds.☺️☺️. In my experience, they  were usually  more intelligent than  some of the ” pure ” breeds that we often  pay so much money  for.  Randomly  put any two breeds together  and  sometimes  you get  lucky and  they  are cute and smart as a whip, but not all the time and not consistently enough where we are just  dying  to  have  what is sometimes  referred to  as a Heinz 57, because we don’t  exactly  know  what  they  are but we can  see certain  characteristics such as a Pitbull square head or  a Chihuahua ears. Now it’s not just about  the physical  characteristics, because  dogs have  personality  traits  just  like  people  do and some of them  are  known  for  bad things  such as being aggressive or  known for biting.  Other one’s maybe known  for more desirable traits  such as being  good guard dogs or the  things that I  said about  our black Labs. It all matters, especially if you are letting them snuggle up with you  at night, you might not want to  wake up  without a face in the morning ☺️☺️ .
  • Supposed you end up with  an animal that is cross bread with two distinctive  undesirable  personality traits. ? Something like a Jack Russell  terrier, high, extremely  high energy and  then  throw in that separation anxiety of that Boxer….nightmare ☺️. Since it has separation anxiety, when  you  are relaxing  at home and the animal  is right  by your side on the couch, all is calm and  right  in the world.  There are no signs of what  looked  like the Tasmanian devil that went  through  your kitchen  earlier that  same day☺️☺️. How do we reconcile the two? Bitter/ sweet, the loving verse the psycho ☺️☺️. It can  be a real  dilemma, that might  best be solved with  some kind of crate☺️☺️☺️.
  • Let’s just  leave that there and turn  the page. I have  seen  a very  similar  behavior in  my  own  life, and if I  go around  and start sniffing  butt’s, feel  free to find a crate for me as well ☺️☺️. I’m not alone here, and please let me try to explain myself, but not just me, but perhaps  yourself as well 😊 ☺️.  We totally get that we can’t  be in entirely  two different  places at  one  time , but we absolutely can have  multiple  personality traits  and things going  on within  us at one time.  No!, I’m not talking about  having some kind of multiple personality  disorder, ☺️but  something  much closer to  having  dual citizenship.  That’s when  you have right  standings under two different Nations.  We get  people  here all the time with  dual citizenship.   This is the thing that makes me look and sound crazy at times, just like a Jack Russell terrier ☺️☺️. Imagine myself  going to some foreign country and  expecting that my mother tongue would  also  be theirs.  It could  also  be  me walking around in my current community, speaking  French and just  expecting for  them to  know what I am saying….a little  ridiculous expectation ☺️☺️.
  • This is the thing  that  baffles many and adds to their  confusion of trying to  understand Christians. We have  dual  citizenship.  We are citizens of this world, but also In and of  an eternal kingdom.  We often  find ourselves speaking the wrong  language in the wrong  kingdom.  We also  often  operate with the  customs and  behaviors of  one kingdom, when  we should  absolutely  be practicing and  carrying  out kingdom values.  The Beatles did a soundtrack for  a  James Bond score, I believe back in the late sixties or early  seventies and I  think the name of  it was , “Live  and Let Die”. In the progression of  things one does follow the other, but it’s kind of a laissez-faire approach to  life , that life just  happens and  that it doesn’t  much  matter  how we conduct ourselves  here, ……but nothing could  be  further from the  truth…it all matters!  Maybe, just  maybe it makes more sense to say that we live as, “When in Rome “☺️☺️. That’s the clique of  giving what we receive and to behave  like the culture around us, and just  go with  the  flow. I see Christians walking  around  with  their  heads down, trying to  fly under the radar and the absolute  last thing that  they want to be known for  is making  waves☺️☺️. I find it also contradictory from  what God has called  us to. We are supposed to  be salt and  light.  Salt is  a preservative and we need to  ask  ourselves  exactly  what  are we preserving☺️? The reference to  light  , is that we are  supposed to  be illuminating and  pointing the way for others  to have a  real personal relationship with  God. I say that it’s contradictory , because  God took twelve  very ordinary  men and used them  to  turn the world on its head, and it’s still  impacting  lives every day, some two thousands years later.
  • The  contradiction and  strife is within  us. The confusing parts to ourselves as well to others, is that we continue to  try and force a square peg into a  round cylinder☺️☺️.  We desperately almost at epidemic proportions at times to try and fit into a  world that  is not our home. We pretend to  be something that we are not. We portray peasants , when  in actuality we are princes and  princesses.  We are  the kings kids who just  way to often  identify with  an identity  that should  make  us uncomfortable and  drive us to our knees. It is our words and  behaviors that leads those  on the outside to say that they  see no difference  between  us and them. I get  it, we will  sometimes  use the same filthy language.  We tell  all of the same lies. We crave all of the  same carnal pleasure, without a  kingdom approach or mindset  towards  them .We see God’s blessings in  our lives as a chance  to hoard , opposed to  sharing with the  less fortunate. We on some level, make a mockery out of Christianity ourselves and  then  we are somehow  offended when a comic  or someone  else  uses the Lord’s name  in a negative way. If we want it to  cease then we need to  lead by example ,and show our reverence for God on the outside of our lives and stop playing the  part of the court’s jester. ☺️☺️ I don’t  understand!, it’s  just  like the “N” word, we are offended by  it, but we are primarily the one’s  keeping it alive….stop!!  and just  let it die.
  • Let’s just  call  it a hiccup and not so much a dilemma, but dual citizenship comes with  two natures.  The Bible is  very clear on its depiction and  teachings  about  the  constant  battle  between  the  flesh and the  spirit. We can  posses and have very  strong  wills and motivations on our own and the battle  being  waged with  in us is like a turbo and it super charges the  energy that just intensifies all of the emotions  and stinking thinking that we will  often  engage in. I don’t  much look at it as an excuse, it’s just  is what it is, and it’s something that  we have to contend with  each and  every day, as long as we are on this side of eternity.  The vile and often perverted  thoughts  that just  randomly  pop into  your heads aren’t  going anywhere or away, I know  bummer ☺️☺️
  • No, that’s not a cliff hanger, or the final word on the matter. God says that temptation is common  and something  that everyone has to deal  with  from  time to time.  It’s almost as  if temptation is living  in  our heads, and that’s because  it actually is☺️☺️. Yes, it knows you and your weaknesses, but a loving  God always  provides a way out for which  we can  flee. The truth  be told is that we don’t  often  want to flee from  temptation . We  want it to be one of our closest friends and  we just  want to hang out, like a couple of  Buds ☺️☺️.  We need to learn  to flee , whatever  it is, or it will  trap us in a cycle of  shame and regret.  I honest to God think that  sometimes that we think that we  can play with  fire without  getting  burned ourselves.  You need to name it and rebuke it. Yes, it can be the most delicious piece of  chocolate cake that you have  seen  in a long time😉😉. It can be that new  young  hot intern, and you can swear by just  looking at her that they  must be loading them  with new and better options, than the standard  equipment on the older models ☺️☺️. It can be gambling, porn, an emotional affair at work or even  just  being a shopaholic.  It’s anything  that  we just  know  better, but somehow  lack the will power to say no or flee from it.
  • The war within us is what the apostle  Paul said keeps  us from  doing the good thing or the right thing. We want to do the right  thing, but often  do the complete  opposite. This may sound  like an over simplification, but the more  time that you spend with  God, the less temptation will come chasing  after you and calling  your name , like you are a pair of  college  frat brothers ☺️☺️ His holiness is  to powerful for our ungodliness.  It’s like a snow flake on a ninety degree day, just can’t  simultaneously  exist.  God is our ever present helper. We have to stop jumping up in the mornings  and rushing  out without God and His armor that He gave  us for the  battle at hand . Pray and seek Him, while there is still time.  Time with  God is the cure for temptations  of all kinds. Speaking of  time…
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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