” Miranda Rights”

Not The Only One! 

Post# 132

9 May 24

               "Miranda Rights"

Thanks again for checking in.  This is a  last minute  " Hale Marry". I  was working  on something else  and even  with my self diagnosed ADD, it was going in to many  different  directions for me☺️☺️. This is something that  I  started one Saturday morning in my men's group. One of my  very  good friends "Alex" is a retired cop. I   was wondering what he knew  about  Miranda rights, after  having  read them  to so many people  over the  years.  Well, I'm not throwing  him  under the  bus because  he's  not  a  history  guy, like myself. He knows the rights and  what they  are for, but not it's  origin or how long  they  have  been  around.  Now, just  about  anyone  who  has  ever  watched a  cop show on TV  is familiar with the  right to remain  silent, and the whole  spill about, if you give up that right, the things that You  say can be used against you in a court of law. It goes on about  how a lawyer  will be provided for you if you can't  afford your own attorney, so desperately  wanted  to throw a lawyer  joke in there☺️☺️.

Just a  little quick  background  on Miranda rights.  We may think that  it's been  around  forever, because I  remember  seeing it  on" 1ADAM 12" ☺️☺️,back in the day, but  it  actually  started  back  in 1963 from  a  case that went  all the  way up to the supreme court. A man by the name  of  Miranda was arrested  over an eight  dollar  crime initially, and some how after being  badger by  police for hours, he confessed  to a kidnapping and a rape.  Anyway  from that whole debacle we got what is known  as  Miranda rights. It's the readers digest version, so now you  are all caught  up.  Ok, here's the  real  skinny, a confession of  sorts. So  the night before my Saturday  morning meeting, I  had a hot date scrolling on social media.  Yep, I'm just  tearing it up on Friday nights ☺️☺️. So , there's this comic, extremely  vulgar and I  use to  find him completely disgusting, so I  guess  maybe  my taste buds have  changed slightly☺️☺️.  I'm not going to give him a shout out, but I  had seen  him  years earlier with  Jeff Foxworthy on their  blue collar comedy show.  Any how, this  person was talking about having his Miranda rights read to him.  He said that he had the right to  remain  silent, but he didn't  possess the  ability to ☺️☺️. I  guess there is  nothing  like a good old bar fight and being  drunk and belligerent ☺️☺️. I'm not exactly  sure why, but for some reason  I  thought that  was  the funniest thing  ever.  Ok , I know, I  know, where is this going? You are probably  thinking that  I'm so far over the cliff that  there is no rescue for  this one here☺️☺️.

If I'm being  completely honest here, I've probably  done just as much  to  chase people away  from  the  kingdom of God, as I  have  to  welcome  them  in. I  know!, how sad.  The point  being, I  have  never  shied away from talking to  people  about  God, as if I  had some Miranda right  that would  incriminate me  for uttering  life saving and life giving  words to anyone.  Yes!, there have  absolutely  been times  when  I  have  done that in a less than humble and respectful manner, again, very  sad !. As far as faith and  religions go, I'm often quite perplexed by  them  all in different ways.  When I  survey the  landscape, all religions are  based on "Do". Either  its do this and don't do that. If you are  doing then  it's something that  you have a say so in , and there for you have  a say so in the outcome, which  means  that you  are  working for your prize, call it salvation, heaven, paradise, or just the great beyond ☺️☺️. If you are working  for it by all of the doing, how will  you  know what is a sufficient amount of  doing? We see this in Judaism with  all of the ritual surrounding  foods and  customs about  keeping the sabbath.  Islam has a specified amount of  prayers that you must  do in a day, and I  think that  every other  religion  except one is about  doing stuff, doing  something to  be acceptable to  some deity, that requires doing, but doesn't  deliver the  goods.☺️ The one exception is  Christianity and  its an exception  because  it's  not a  religion, but it's a  relationship with  an all knowing and  loving God, who invites us to  call  Him father.  When  all the others  say do, my God says "Done"!!

If you had the cure for cancer, would  you  keep that good news to yourself?.....of course not.  Well then, the gospel of Jesus Christ  is good news, and it's something that  every single  person  needs to hear and know about, because if you  don't  have  cancer, the odds are extremely  high that you  know  of someone  who  does have  cancer. God has done all of the heavy  lifting and  made a way for us to connect with Him and  to have a  friendship with Him. There's  no more trying  to  measure up or being  good enough, because  we just  can't  and never could be. The question is, what kind of God wants you to worry about  if you are accepted or not? No!, really  think about  it, as a parent, do you want  your  kids to wonder  if  they are  loved or not, or do you want  them  to  be the most secure  kids on the planet ? in knowing  how much  you love them and  how you would  do anything  in the world for them.

"Anything  in the world ", what an elaborate expression!  Well, God spared no expense in the elaborate and extravagance of  His love for us, and He did that by the  Sacrifice of  His one and only  Son. He loves us so much  that He cared to send and give the very  best, long before  Hallmark had rediscovered that☺️☺️

See, we get  so caught up in the  doing, that  we sometimes  forget about all that God has already done for us. I  know that the question is, if God has already "done" it all, then  why do we bother  doing  at all ? Well the answer to that question should be  gratitude.  We do and give, because of what God has already done for us.  There isn't  some score card about  who does what or how much  they did or gave.  It's supposed to be  freely  given as it was poured out on us and freely given .  I  will  be the first to  admit that  I  can  be a grace hoarder☺️☺️. I  don't  always have  grace and patience with  people, like God does with me, but I'm not condemned because I  sometimes drop the ball.  It's not  just  me, not you, not any of us are perfect,  and we all occasionally get it wrong.  Some more than others ☺️☺️.

This is something that  God has been pointing out to  me, I will  often  treat  or love people in the way that I want to  be treated and loved, and God says....frankly  that's just  not good enough!  He wants  me  to  love others the way  that  He loves me. That is a lofty standard that I  fall far short of every  single day.  I  fall short, but that doesn't  mean  that  I'm not supposed to  try and  keep  trying and  hopefully  getting  a  little  closer every day to what has been  modeled for me.  It's an incredible  high standard.

Here is the  rub for me. If God is awesome, which He is, and done all of these amazing things for us, which He has,  especially  providing a way for us to communicate and fellowship with Him. If He is the cure for spiritual cancer , which He is, why are we talking to  people  about  everything  under the sun , except  God.  We  can talk about  working  on  our swing with  the  golf pro. We can  share some dandy recipe  we found on Pinterest. We can  even  talk about  some neat trick  that we taught to our dog. Don't  even  get  me started about  sports teams. 😝☺️ We can  talk about  our kids, our work; our hobbies and  believe it or not, we tell  people  cute stories about going to  church  and  never  talk about  why we are really there in the first  place....and that's so sad. All these things  are great in there own right, but none of them, not a single  solitary one cures  spiritual cancer. We carry on as if we have  been  read our Miranda  rights and  anything  that  we say or do will be used  against us in a court of  law. This may sound  harsh, but if you  haven't  lost one friend, relationship or acquaintance over your  faith, by the way that You live, the things that You  believe to be true, or how you believe that  everyone  is created in the image of  God and  has worth and value; then maybe  you  should  take a  nice long look in the mirror and see if the person in the mirror actually has that relationship or is it all about  working and doing, because  it will  never  get you there.

Ok, let's put a spin  on the Miranda rights.  Over two thousand years ago a man bore a cross, that was not His own.  He knew  every  disgusting and despicable thing that  I  was ever going to do  and  say, and I  wasn't  even  born  yet, and instead of blurting out all of my mistakes and  wrong doings, He kept silent. The  long list of charges against  me, condemned me to death  and I  was one hundred percent guilty. I'm a horrible person, but I'm in the company of   other horrible  people, every  single  person  who has ever trod the earth, every  man , woman, child, ethnicity, all ages,  creeds, genders and any other way that you may  want  to divvy up the pie.☺️☺️ He knew  my sins, and He knows yours as well and  He just  kept  being  pressed by all of the sins of the whole world.  All of the murders, the lies, the rapes, all sorts of deception and  crookedness. All of the abandonment, disappointments , genocide and  for all who have  just  flipped  someone  else the  bird☺️☺️, it was there on that cross as well.  He could have  called for ten thousand legions  of angels to come and rescue Him  from  all of the pain, agony and torment, but He remained  silent . He Remained silent, so that we wouldn't  have to.  We would  have  had no excuses  standing  before  a holy and mighty  God.  We would  have  been  pronounced guilty !,  no words, no flimsy excuses  or rationalizations, just  guilty!
He remained silent, when  He had every right to point an accusing finger and pronounce judgment, but He didn't do that. The Word of  God  says that He remained silent as a Lamb before  the  slaughter.  We  don't  usually like to  think  about the  brutality of the cross, we choose to  water it down or disregard it all together.  It was the most brutal and  Gruesome and horrific death of all times and we want to some how sanitize it for our own  comfort.  Two thousand years later and we have disdain and contempt for the cross and our connection for placing Him there.

The cross was and is the most sacrificial expression of  love that there has ever been.  It demonstrates the  heart of God and that it is only  filled with love towards us . I  want to  say that not much has changed  in two Millennium. People  stood at the foot of the cross and some jeered and mocked. Some  stood by with  disbelief in their  hearts, some were waiting for  something  miraculous to happen and it did, but they  completely  missed it, because it  didn't  happen  in the way that they  thought it  should, so it didn't  meet  their expectations.  Still yet, there were others  standing there with  broken  hearts,  as they  stood and watched all of their  hopes and dreams come to a close. And here we are two thousand years later and we still  have the skeptics , the ones standing on the sidelines waiting for something miraculous to  occur, but the invitation has  already  been  given and it was given  at Calvary.  It was the truest expression of love ever given.  The righteous for the unrighteous, the innocent  for the guilty, the perfection for the imperfect.  There is only love in the heart of  God and I hope that you haven't  missed that. He hung on the cross as a testament of His great Love for us.

So, don't be silent, give up your right to be silent and  tell  others about  the great things that  God has done in your life.  Give  them the cure for spiritual cancer and let the great and awesome wonders of God to be proclaimed. Tell them of the freedom, forgiveness and acceptance, that you have  found in a personal relationship with  God.  No judgment of fear or rejection, just a heart  full of  love and  compassion.

Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!

Sandy The Southerner

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conqu

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