Love Is ……..

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post#95
  • 31 Aug. 23
  •                          Love is……
  • Howdy,
  • Welcome aboard again.  Another  week  and  another  post push out by something else. I  don’t  watch  a lot of TV,  not sure really  why, it use to be a staple  in my life,  but not so much!, any longer. I  know  that  part of the equation is that  I  no longer have  a  DVR, and  so I’m a little  spoiled because I  detest all  of the commercials and I  find much  of  the content objectionable,  accompanied by  my low tolerance for  political correctness,  normally  leaves me on Amazon prime,  where I get  to pick and  choose,  and  that is exactly where I  found  myself on the last  evening.  I  ended up  watching a movie  called ” Three Thousand Years of Longing “. I’m not recommending the movie,  but for some reason I  found  it  captivating  enough to  trade it for  some of my sleep ☺️☺️. On some level  it was dealing with  love and our need for it, even  when  we  try to bury  that desire  deep within  ourselves. What is love  to us?  It can be a mystery.  It can be a  many splendid  things,  but at the root of it , it is freely  giving  yourself  to  someone  without  inhibitions,  or as my friend  likes to say, being  with  someone,  where you just  feel  safe. You know  that  they  have  the best intentions towards  you  and  that  they would  never intentionally  hurt  or harm you . You would  just  assume  to  loose a body part or some vital  organ,  before  willingly  causing them  some sort  of pain. It’s the thinking  of  and putting  forth  someone   else before  yourself.  It’s taking the  second  position  willingly and not being  felt made a fool because of  it, and if you do look or feel foolish,  that you are completely ok with that. Why is love something  that we all so desperately  crave,  desire and  need  and is all so illusive at times.? I  guess  I’ve had my share of loves and  lovers as well.  I  have  both  won and loss at love.  I  have  both  been  the dumper and the dumpie when  things  didn’t  work out and go according to  plans. I  have  hurt people and  have  had people  hurt me as well.  There are different  kinds of love and  I truly  believe that when  it comes to  unconditional  love  it’s something that we  usually  reserve  for  our off spring,  or how God loves us and  how we  hope that He  loves us  with  some of the scrapes that we find ourselves in at times. I  count it a blessing  now, but not at the time  to truly  know  what it is to love  someone  unconditionally  besides my kids, and  it came at an extreme  price,  which  I  would  never  have  chosen to  pay, if given  the choice on the front end.  It’s something  to know  what it is to recklessly  abandon yourself  to someone and not  have  that returned in kind.  That is how God loves, and  we will  get  back to that  in  a  few. I do believe that  this kind  of  love  can  grow  in   a relationships that spans  four decades or more. I  mean  at this point  in  life there have  been  so  many  ups and downs,  good times,  bad times and  in between times, that it doesn’t  almost  matter  anymore. We are so on the road of what doesn’t kill  us,  makes us stronger. In some ways love is like and seriously connected to the  tongue.  It  can  lift us up,  inspire us and  encourage us to new heights,  but the opposite is  true  as  well,  and love  can  make  us a little  cray cray at times.☺️☺️ I  mean  how else can  we explain  stalkers and  people  who can  become  so obsessed that  they  are  persuaded to  hurt someone else  or even  themselves.  I  mean, like  enduring love,  once you get  past the lustful  stage, and you would  still  be  willing  to  give them  a  kidney or take a bullet for them ☺️☺️,  can be something  special and amazing all in the same breath.  Lust can  be  a  very  powerful  emotion and  it’s extremely  sad when   someone  can’t  tell  the difference.   In this day and age with  the  hook up  mindset,  I get that  it can  be confusing for some. It’s not  an easy feat to  get past  the  heart wanting what  the  heart  wants,  even  if it  may  be something  or someone else in the next forty eight  hours or so ☺️☺️. I’ve been  on the third rock from  the  sun for a bit and have  observed quite a few things,  and there is no universal  magical formula for  what works and what doesn’t.  I’ve heard  some  say that love  is  sweeter or better  the second time  around,  and then  there’s  that third time  is a charm  thing. I  know  that  for others  it is  just  that one and done  thing, where they  met their  match and  it can  truly  be  for better  or  worse.  There are  people  who  marry once for  life and  when  their partner  passes on, they  refuse  to  get  back out there because they feel  as  if  they  have  already  had that  once in a lifetime love, and they  don’t  believe  that  it could  ever  even   come  close to  being  duplicated.  Still  others  will  marry  and monogamy and matrimony  leaves such  a  sour taste in their  mouth, that they  just  swear it off for the rest of their  lives.  We all have  needs and  beyond  the  basics of food and shelter,  it comes down to  having  a  place  where you belong,  which  often  means a loving  environment, or some  kind  of  relationship,  being  it family  or  romantic in nature.  Some people will  talk about  the gift of singleness and  I’m not going to  discount that, but  it  doesn’t   lessen their  needs  for  meaningful interpersonal relationships and  contact in their  lives.  There have  been  a great  many  jokes about  people  being  single and  then there  is the  debate about  there being  someone  out there  for everyone,  and  when  push comes to shove, I  do believe that  to be basically true. I  mean  men can  be pretty  disgusting at times and  can  function at such a base level,  it’s almost as if they  are trying  to intentionally  live off of the grid, and  fortunately or unfortunately, I’ve encountered  women  who would  match  up with  them pretty well ☺️☺️,,not exactly the girl  I would  bring  home to momma, but different  strokes for different  folks, and at the end of the day, it’s all about  what works for  you.  I  even  have seen  down syndrome people  get  married and  be in committed relationships,  so wherever  there is a hand, there is a glove, made for it,  it may take a little extra searching,  but anything  and all things are  possible when it comes to love. I  think  all to often  we let Hollywood dictate what love is  supposed to  look like, and if you are only  looking for  a  ninety minute or  two  hour relationship,  then  that may be the correct formula for you ☺️☺️.However if  you  live in the real  world and  want  something  genuine and sustainable,  prepare to roll up your sleeves because  love and relationships are  a lot of work.   Happily  ever after  cost every  one something,  even  if  its nothing  more than  having to  supplant  your  will for the greater of the relationship,  there are no free rides, so if you ride the ride just  be aware  that there is a cost associated with it. Sometimes we ask ourselves  is  it  worth it? I  honestly can’t answer that for you, but I  guess  it comes down to  the kind of investment you are  willing to  put in and what  you  are hoping  for in forms of”  ROI,” return on your  investment.  Love can be  so  multifaceted and complex, but at its core, it’s about  acceptance. We all  crave and desire  for  someone  to  accept us with  all of our scares,  blemishes and  whatnots,  and sometimes at this stage of  the  game,  it can  be  quite the package deal  with  baggage  ranging from  kids to health  problems.  We all have  different  tolerances and  things that  make us  a little  squeamish, as in that’s  just  a little  to  much,  or  more than  I’m prepared to  sign on for. I  don’t  really  think  about  it  as  being  selfish,  but I  like  to think  of  it as us just  knowing  ourselves and  our strengths and  weaknesses.  If you are someone who  struggles  with  sobriety,  you  may  not want  to  team up with  someone who  sees  alcohol as some kind of  daily  right of passage.☺️  If you  have  lost a spouse  to breast  cancer, you  may  not  want  to  choose to  sign up for  that one again,  at least  not willingly.  I  also  know that  sometimes when  we  go the extra mile,  we can  be rewarded with some  of the  sweetest times in life that we  have ever known,  and  that is  no endorsement  to  just  roll the  dice ☺️☺️. I  once  knew a  man  who had  done  just  that, he had lost  a wife to breast cancer, and then  he connected with  an old friendship  from  high school,  who was  walking that path and  despite  her cautions to wait and see how things would  turn out , he fully  embraced  her and her condition and  it was a  beautiful love   story and  probably  helped  contributed to  her recovery and  becoming a  cancer  survivor opposed to  being   just another  statistic. We should  never  discount the  difference that  one person  can  make  in our lives and  all that may be derived from that. Again  not an endorsement to roll the dice, but I  do highly  recommend prayer and reflection,  before  jumping in the deep end of the pool. I know that  there is a  fairly  high  degree of  commitment phobia out there and sometimes   it’s  understandable,  but I think that the majority of that is  rooted in fear and or selfishness.  I’m not going to take the remainder of our time with that,  but circle  back around to  reckless abandonment.  I  don’t  believe that  there has ever  been a more  clearer  example of  this than  the  cross of Calvary.  If you  look at it for what it was two  thousand years ago and  is still today,  a straight up  rescue  mission. I  probably  count  myself as  one  of  billions  of  people  who struggles to wrap  my mind around that kind of  love. There are certain  things I know  to  be  true and  some of  them  are just  honest  evaluations  about  myself.  One is,  I know  myself and  who I  am.  I  will  often tell  people that I  know  how to be nice and  kind, but I’m not  a nice person by any stretch of  the  imagination, sometimes  not  even  on what I would  consider one  of  my best days,  and frankly that’s  a little  sad and telling.  Secondly,  my son and I  have  a relationship that  requires a  lot of  work at times,  I  have  mentioned before that  he really got  caught up  in  his mother’s and mine’s mess while we were going our separate ways ,and  the effects have  lingered longer than  one would hope  or possibly image.  None the less,  I love my boy, and  I  could  never  even  begin to  think  about  making   him a sacrifice for  others,  especially  others  who  do not appreciate it, or acknowledge it and the one’s who  do,  often  take  it for granted.  That isn’t  just  reckless,  it’s radical,  it’s Him knowing that  we needed a  surgeon to eradicate a  disease in  our souls that  only  He could  provide. So, provide that He did , and He gave and He bankrupt  heaven  for a person  who  isn’t  nice, even  on his best days.  I’m so thankful  that God isn’t  fickle  like  we are.  We love  this  or that and then  we  can  move on from  it sometime without  giving the least little bit of  thought to the damage that  has our names and  finger prints  all over it. I  still  find  it  so fascinating after  all  of  this  time that  we  really haven’t changed that much  since the  garden.  When  Christ  walk the earth,  there were just  mad crowds of people who  followed Him around.  They  craved  the  what can  you  do  for  me,  or what have you  done  for  me  lately  mindset.  They loved  the feedings, the miracles  and  what some just  saw as inspirational  teachings in stead  of  it being  the very  words of God. He wanted so much  more  for them  than  just  the  physical  manifestations that He brought to  the  table,  but He wanted to  heal their very  souls and  He still  longs that very  same  thing for us today.  I  don’t  think  it takes much  to look at my life and  see that I’m a wretch and  God desires  for me to be so much more than  just  a  beautiful mess, and  He wants that for you as well,  so if you have  never considered the ” who so ever “, which is an open  invitation to all , all walks and creeds, ethnicities,  genders, and  who ever else  might  be  lurking  outside  wanting in, He’s waiting for you. He  accepts all, and  it doesn’t  matter  where you have been or what you have  done, He just  wants you to  openly  confess your  need for  Him. Before  we part ways today,  I’m going to  give you a  kicker  of  sorts. We all   are made in the image of God and  His likeness and  we only  have  the faintest idea of how to love, because  He first  loved us and had mercy on  our sometimes   pathetic  selves.  So here you go,  you have  some one in your life that you are blessed to  love and hopefully  you take  care of  one another.  If you  stop and  think  about  the ways that  You  show love and appreciation for them,  why are  those  same  attributes  not present in  your  relationship with  God?  Hopefully  you  spend  time  with this person.  Hopefully  you  have  two way communications  with them.  Hopefully  there is time  when  you  just  silently  sit and enjoy  their  presence.  Hopefully there are times of you openly  sharing  your  appreciation and  gratification for all that they  do for you and in your life. Hopefully  you  tell  others about  the great  relationship that  you have  with Him, just  like  you brag about  your  husband  or significant other  getting  around to the  honey do list. ☺️☺️ God appreciates  it when  we treat Him as if we love Him as well.  I  spoke  earlier  of things  that I  absolutely know,  and couple  more is that God loves broken  people and He always use the one’s  that  others think  are to damaged to be useful  for anything.  God calls us to love others  in the same  way  that  He has loved us, and we can’t  do that, if we are to all  about  self. We are created in His image and  we  are  to reflect  His nature and  He resist the proud  and often  times arrogant.  And since we reflect His nature and  character,  we  also  have  a  tendency to  pull  away  from  proud  people.  People  who  think that they have  it all together and better  than  other  people and  if you think  that  you  can  do life without  God, then  that person  may be you. I’ve mentioned before  how my intentions are to  write  about  one  thing  and something  completely  different  comes out. If you don’t  believe in divine intervention,  explain  how  I was working on a post about  pedofiles, and  then  ended up here. ☺️☺️
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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