
  • Not The Only One!  
  •              ” Lopsided ”   
  •                  I Don’t Have The Heart !
  • Post # 101
  • 26 Oct. 23  
  •    Howdy
  • , Greetings  from my bunker  in the south.  I  occasionally will  mention  readers of this  blog, and sometimes people will  throw me for a loop. I think  that it now goes without  saying that,  I was  working  on  something  else and this one just  came  flying in from  left field. 
  • My daughter and I  have  this thing  for  greeting cards,  and  when  I  say a thing , I  mean  when  we share cards for birthdays,  anniversaries and  such, the  card has to say exactly  what we want  it to say or it stays on the  shelf  at the store.  You guys know what it’s  like  to  try  and  find a  card for someone and it’s only  partially true,  or it says this,  which you love and is appropriate,  but  some other  part , you wish that you  could  just block  out, because  it’s  a  little  far fetched, and  basically  it’s a reach, and  sometimes  way to far off  for me to pick it up and actually  purchase it. Bottom  line  is  you want  there to be no question about  it being  from the heart , and expressing the deepest emotions and truths that you  wish for it to convey. The best possible  outcome  sometimes is  to  make one from  scratch and  that can  be  harder than  scavenging for one  at retail  stores.  ☺️☺️The Hallmark stores do  a great job,  and sometimes  can  be a little overwhelming, and at times  way to many  choices for nailing  it down ☺️☺️. Unfortunately,  I believe  greeting  cards are  becoming  a thing  of  the past, they are going the way of the doo doo, because  of electronic  greeting cards ,and you just  don’t  have  to  leave the house  for  that one. ☺️. Still , there is still  just  something  so special about  getting  a  handwritten  card or note from  someone,  it says that  they  just  took the time.
  • I  recently  had a friend,  who got me to reflect on another  friend.  I  am someone  who  makes  very  clear  distinctions  between  friends and  acquaintances. So, while  we were  bantering  back and forth  through  text messages, they  asked me a very  specific  question about this other  friend and  our relationship. Almost  two  years  ago,  after I had crashed and burned  , from  what I  believed  to be a  very  serious  relationship, and I have the scars to prove it☺️, I  met this woman  online  who just  had  a  zest  for life. I  was doing  my angry  mad at  the universe  impression and this other  woman  had  deep  pains, scars and  emotional issues,  as well.  There is just  something  about  misery  loving company ,or the whole  thing  about  broken  people  being  drawn  to  other  broken  people.  It was  very  clear that  neither  of  us  should have been on a dating app, and  I  think  for both  of  us,  it was just  a way to get  our minds off of other  life issues,  so basically  escapism #101.   We chatted  a bit and I  discover  that  her  sister had set up the profile for  her  to  distract  her from a bunch of  ongoing  medical issues…. so in case  you  are missing the point  here, we  both  threw fishing  lines in the pond with  no bait on it☺️☺️. 
  • We would  chat most days, as you do in the beginning  to get  to know  someone.  She had just  this absolutely  amazing  wicked  sense of humor.  As we began to  pry a little  bit  more into  one another’s  lives, we  began to  bond with  one  another.  I don’t  know  why, but for some reason I  found  her very  easy to talk to, I guess  it was because  there was no pressure  and no pretense. I think  in some  ways our relationship was based on medical  miseries,  emotional  emptiness and a little  bit of a  passion for  people.  She didn’t  believe  at first  that I  was  real and genuine,  because  there are just  so many  fake and disingenuous people  floating  around on the internet.  I  guess we  both  had incredible  issues of loss, both emotionally and  physically as well when  it came to  health  struggles. I  said  that I  make  a distinctions  between ,and much  of  that  is  based on  people’s  ability to  share themselves and  their  stories in a honest and clear way.  It’s all about  being  able to  be vulnerable with each other.  I think  in the beginning  it was  just  passing  entertainment for us both,  and  you think to  yourself, what difference does it  matter  sharing  all of your  deep  dark secrets,  emotions and  hurts, because  this is some random  stranger who You will  never  meet  in person . It’s like  that amenity that many of us share on social  media  platforms☺️☺️.
  • She was very  interesting and  she had these memes of herself,  which  seemed  like  for every occasion,  I’m not technologically  enough to  know  how she pulled  that  off , but it was cute and  definitely  entertaining. We weren’t  anywhere  physically  close  to  one another,  about  a ten or twelve  hour drive.   The more we talked,  I  got to learn about  what an interesting  life she had lived. . In her younger days, she had been  quite the jock and had set a few school records in swimming, and  active in other  sports,  like  track and  field, and tennis.  I  guess we  would  refer to  those as the glory days,  because  she is  so far removed  from  that now days with  a  whole  laundry list  of  medical issues and  the need  for  a  kidney  transplant sitting  high above  all the others.   I think that probably  makes  things  a  little  bit  more devastating,  when  you  have had a high level  of  activity  in your life and  then to end up a one eighty from that.  I  remember  her telling  me  about  a party  that  she was in attendance at recently,  and some drunk guy proposition her. We both  had  a  laugh  about  it  because why she looks normal  or perfectly  fine, most days she struggles  to  make it across the  room under her  own strength.  It’s just  another  reminder that  we never  know  what  someone  is  walking  through,  regardless of the picture on their face. 
  • I will tip  my  hat to her , because  of all that she is going  through,  she tries  very  hard to not to be defined by  her ailments or her situation. There have  been  days when  she has been  crushed by to much  activity in a day, but she believes  whole  heartily in that life is to be lived,  and  not just  to  exist or watch it go by as a nonparticipant. She would  occasionally go out on a date, and  find people  who  were not understanding or it just  be to much  for them  to  handle  ,and I get that. She is rarely  in a  bad mood, even  when  facing  incredible amounts of  pain,  you know  the  ones  that are a ten out of ten.  She is a divorce survivor,  that’s what I  call people  who  put up with  an awful  lot of stuff and  did way more  giving  in comparison to  what they  received in return ,  so not a good  marriage and  she was never  blessed  with  children of  her own,  even though  she loves  kids and was a school  teacher  before  disability took her passion away.  Things are  further  complicated by  not having a  support  system.  Her parents  are  elderly with  their own  health  issues and  she feels as if she would  be  an additional  burden  to  them.  She has a sister a few hours away in another  state, but she  helps out as much as  she can  , between  her family and  job. She is the picture of  a  person who tries to make the most of every situation. 
  • So ,we had made it through a  year and a very  hard holiday season,  they can  just  be  the worse, when  you are alone,  but we  encouraged  one another through.  In March,  I  had a little  time  to  kill, and so I  thought maybe a road trip.  It was  selfish of me, because  she wasn’t  doing  particularly well,  and I  thought that we would  never  meet  on this side of  eternity.  I  took  the  drive up, and   we spent a few days together.  It was cold up in Ohio,  but  we had a good time together.  We got out of the house and  did a few things together.  She wasn’t  getting out much  then, but we hit a few restaurants and  even found a  nice church on Sunday.  There were a few times when her pain level  was  off the chart and the  number  one thing  that  helps her with  that is pot. When  she lit up, I  would  just  return to the hotel  I was staying .  I don’t  like the smell  and I’m also  subject  to  random drug screens at work,  so not the place for me. All in all ,we  spent four and a half days together, before I headed home.
  • It was so  nice to  finally  have a  face to  face,  but it meant  so much to  her that I  would  take the time  and drive all the way up just  to  meet  her,  but again I  didn’t  think I  would  get  another  opportunity,  because  of the progression of  her health problems. We did meet  on a dating site,  but we had become  really  good  friends,  based on all of the things  that  we had shared over the phone and through  text messages.  I think  that  we know  things  about  one another  that very few   other  people  knew  about  us. We had built  something,  and I  was thinking a great  friendship,  but she’s  thinking  something  different  or something  more. I do love her and  I’m  so glad that we got to connect,  but I  don’t  see us in that way,  in spite the health issues.  I think that  our personalities would  clash and we would  hate one another in a  personal relationship of that nature. I  think that  it has made me pull away  a little, because  I  don’t  want  her  to  get hurt thinking  that  this could be something  other than a  friendship.  Its not  that I  couldn’t  see her that way, but  we are just  a whole  bunch of  different,  from  our communications styles and a lot of other things as well.  We have  things that we  are  a like  in , but more that we  aren’t  in, and she thinks  it  because   she can’t  run and play  as she often  likes to say, but I  believe  if I  was  the guy,  I  could  fully  sign on and walk with  her through all of these dark times.  Sometimes I  think  it’s because  I’m  the only  one  who took the time to see past her afflictions and  her difficulties.  People  are often  much  more  than  what you see on the outside  and that is definitely  true here.
  • Back to  the  friend who kind of put this on the table and  she  asked  me  if  I  had, had a conversation with  her  about  how  I didn’t  see her in that light,  and the answer was  ,yes I  had. I  know  that  she thinks  it  mostly  about  her health,  but it’s not! Her health  has continued to  decline,  as the wait for a match on a kidney has gone from  weeks and  months to years. I  feel  ashamed that I  have  backed  away  from  her, because  I  believe  that  she thinks that there is an outside  possibility if she could  get a  kidney,  but its not about  the  kidney  for  me.  I  get  that  we have  been  a long distance  support  system  for  one another,  but  as her health  has continued to  declined,  I find it very  hard to  hear and see, because  she likes sending  pictures of  all that she is walking through.  It has made me very  squeamish . I  think that I could  look, see and listen,  if it wasn’t  someone  that I  didn’t  care about.  It’s like  being a  parent and  walking  through  something with  one of your kids and you being  completely unable  to do   one single  solitary thing  to eliminate the suffering,  completely   and utterly  inadequate. 
  • Let’s bring it  home,  I reflected on greeting cards  in the opener and the wanting  them to nail  the sentiment. Back in the mid eighties I  believe,  there was this amazing  artist with  an  even  more  amazing  range in his voice.  His name  was James  Ingram and  he  had a  song called ” I Don’t  Have The Heart “. This song  said exactly , to my sick friend everything that  I  was feeling and thinking,  and yes I  sent it to her. The lyrics are  beautiful and  absolutely  everything that I wanted  to  say.  I  know  first  hand  what it’s like  to  be in a Lopsided relationship with me loving  someone and that love  not being  returned.  I  think  that is how I  ended up  meeting  her in the first  place,  Heart broken .  I’ve been  asked  before  could I lie to someone  on their  death bed, and if you  know  me and  the things  that  I  have penned  in  this blog before,  then  you know  that  is a not so much!” I  can’t  love   you,  not the way You  want me to”,   is a line from the  song. I  don’t  want  to  hurt  anyone  and I  think  that  is a distinct  possibility  with  false hope . We all need  hope, and  hope in a Creator  who loves and cares for us  regardless of  our situation.  I  was reminded just  this week  that  hope in God is way more than  mere optimism.  It’s a  hope that looks back at all that  God has done in our lives,  and  knowing  that He is completely  faithful to  do it again.  It’s hope based in an eternal love that  is never weak , failing  or diminishing.  When  all else fails and seems the most glum,  it is a love that has proven  itself  over and over again and  has been  back up with  the  best guarantee of all times.  It’s all  that you could  ever wish for and it was sealed on a cross  over two thousand years  ago.  He didn’t  change  his  mind  then and  He never will. And while  it may be true that I don’t  have the heart to love in the way that You need me to,  God  does. I  do believe that  with  God all things are  possible.  He calls us to love like  He does,  but  our human  frailties will  often   let us and others down. Hold on to hope and a  Savior who loves at all times and surpasses our wildest  expectations.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace !
  • Sandy The Southerner

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