“Like Mike !”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 96
  • 21  Sept.23
  •             ” Like Mike!”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks again for  checking in . I  got to travel  recently and  to spend  some time with  some new friends.  My brain  can  be  a bit   weird at times and  this post came about  from  a  conversation that we were having  over  dinner  one night.  We live in the age of the goat and also the  age of the copycat.  If  you  are  unfamiliar with  the phrase the ” goat” , it stands for the  greatest of all times. There are people  that we  idolize and  put on pedestals and  then there  are  others who  attempt to surpass  them  or  to out do them and to become the new ” goat” ☺️. We usually  associate  this with  sports  figures such as Tom Brady, Michael Jordan,  or maybe  Muhammad Ali. I  think  that  there are probably  other  places that we  could  apply that, such as , with CEOs  who run  fantastic  organizations or who has the biggest  pay checks☺️☺️,,or maybe  with Presidents, for instance FDR, served four terms  before  they  passed  a constitutional  amendment  limiting them to two terms,  so no one is ever going to  top that one. It would  be a novel  idea if we  could  apply  that same  practice ” term limits “,to  the  senate and  congress to  eliminate  career  politicians,  but I  digress ☺️☺️☺️. There is no doubt that  being  the Goat ,inspires others  to try and accomplish great feats, or to be the person to pull the  platform  out from  under  the current reigning  Goat. There are other  considerations to apply to  the situation,  which  will  probably  come into play to ensure that  the  current reining Goats will be in  place for some time to come,, and  those  are  free agencies and  salary  caps.
  • Michael Jordan has built a  tremendous  brand and some would  say  empire,  and now decades after  his  playing career is over  he has inspired  countless  kids and  adults as well to want to be ” Like  Mike “!. We often  gage greatness by the number of  championships  won, or in Ali’s case how many  fights won , or how many  times they  were the Champ or for how long reigning. We have  seen  LeBron  James  switch  teams, more  than  three times to try and  catch Michael  Jordan’s  number  of six   championships.  I’ve probably  mentioned on countless occasions about  us comparing ourselves  to  others  and the consequential damage that can  be  done to one’s  physic when  not quite  measuring  up. It can at times  feel  like an  exercise  in futility  or lead to the road of destruction and or depression. 
  • There is a flip side to that coin and  it  is  when other  people  set a standard or some threshold that they  wish for us to  obtain.  Now! ,, maybe  your mind  ran off to your  job, and  things that  may be in or out of your job  description,  and  that could  certainly be one. However I’m thinking about  those situations that  are  often  more  implied than actually  expressed.  This is almost  exclusively in the context of  some kind  of  relationship.  It can  be  when  a parent  has more than  one  child and the expectation  is that the subsequent  siblings  will  hit all of the same  markers and achievements as one of the earlier  children.  It may be  something  hinted at or around,  and sometimes  expressed  in a negative  fashion , as in ” why can’t  you  be  more  like  X”, or you feel in the blank.  I  can’t  think  of  a single solitary  parent  that doesn’t  want to see their  children  excel and be the  opposite of  ordinary. ☺️If we are on the outside  of  this and if we aren’t  vested in a very similar situation,  we can  quickly  point  out the potential  for this doing  harm, becoming  destructive and  spiraling  out of control,  and  sometimes  for decades to  come and in some extreme  cases, over a lifetime.  If that one doesn’t  resonate with you,  think  of any social  setting  or organization that  you  are  a part of that comes with  some sort of responsibility attached to  it.  There is always  this one person  who  isn’t  pulling  their  weight  or doing their  fair  share. Maybe  it’s the person  who  bolts after  a  neighborhood  block  party.  When  everyone  else is cleaning up and  putting  things  back in order,  they are off to catch  the latest episode of  the  Kardashians, and  you are  thinking….really??☺️☺️. We see this way to often  at work,  whether  it’s someone  who  fails  to  clean up  after  themselves in the breakroom,  the person who  drives the  smallest car, but still  needs a space and a  half to park  their  car, the person  who  will  not put  more paper  in the copier,  when  they  knew  that  they  just  ran it out of paper or ink, and  sometimes both , and the worst  of all is the person  who  takes  credit for someone’s else’s work or ideas.  The common  thread here is to hope that  people  will  step  up  and  do  the  right thing.  That all being  said and  done,  there was an expectation there that wasn’t  met or miserably and  completely  ignored☺️☺️.  This  is  the  thing  or the rub, yes, there is totally  something about  doing the right thing,  but we make  it  about  ourselves.  We immediately  compare  them  to  what  we would do, or what we think  should  happen.  We think  or believe that  our kids should  reward  us by graduating  from  college  and  being  successful  like  their  older siblings,   after all  we  did our part, whether it  was  saving  for fifteen years  or  so,  or signing or co signing for those  student loans. ☺️☺️. We want  our neighbors to  do their  part and keep  their  lawns clipped  or whatever and we definitely  wouldn’t  take  up two parking  spaces on a rainy day, close to  the  building,  or not clean up behind ourselves in the breakroom,  paper  in the printer or a hundred  other  little  things, and it’s all based  on  what  you would  do personally,  or think  that  you would  anyway. Maybe  we  would or maybe  we wouldn’t,  but at least that is what  we wish to  think of ourselves….high standards ☺️☺️.   Well!, here is the shocker or shocking  part, other  people  aren’t  us and  they  never  will  be  because  we give ourselves a ton of grace, while  we  are  off judging them to the tenth degree  and thinking ” how dare they”, or ” how don’t  they   not get  this?”. A little  more  for you to munch on ,  not only are some of them  not there yet, but some of them  never will  be,  and if you are in a place of employment,  just  be glad that  they  don’t  just  up and  quit ☺️☺️, because  I  hear that  is a thing now☺️☺️. Now ,I  know that  some of you  are just  happy  that you  weren’t  having  dinner with me,  and when  it comes to  putting  dinner with  Sandy on your bucket  list,  that’s  just  a  hard  NO!, or not so much!☺️☺️,,and I  get  that.  The conversation over dinner  actually  evolved from a  conversation about  spiritual  growth or maturity.  Someone  at the dinner  party  had encountered  someone  else in a  spiritual  conversation and whole  heartily expected  for that person  to  be  the  same  place as  they  were  in their  walk or relationship with  God. And  just  for the record,  I  was not on either  side  of  that conversation. ☺️☺️ This  is  the  stupidest thing  but my brain  immediately  registered  with  both  sides of the debate. I  think  unfortunately that I’ve been  the snooty person  who  said or thought, ” how can  you  not get this “,, or at least  I’ve  been  told  that  was me, so if someone  perceived me  that way, I’m going  to just   own  it, it’s my junk. ☺️☺️At the exact same time  I  thought  how absolutely  ridiculous.  We, In our culture  agree on nothing,  and i mean absolutely  nothing,  very  few things in life ,and that covers a wide gambit of  things  including  what color  the sky is☺️☺️, or what is a red state or a blue state.  I  want to  say on the surface,  that two God fearing,  born  again  believers  should be  able to  agree and come together  on certain truths and I  have  certainly  experienced that…..but…I have  also  seen  the  opposite of  that as well  which  perplexes me . I  can  be a little  concrete  in my thinking at times and  I can  also  enjoy  the  abstract,  but  if we are all in the same  army,  wearing  the same  uniform,  stained   by the same blood of the same Savior,  isn’t  a right  face,  a right face,  I mean  you can’t  turn  left,  when  everyone  else is going  right…..right??…can  you?  The dinner  party  discussion  didn’t  become  heated and for the  most  part  played out in my head and  on the  words in this post,  but why would  we make a  broad  assumption about  where someone  is  spiritually.  If we want to  play the card about  us surrounding ourselves with  people who look and think  like us, that’s fine.  However,!!!, however!!, one of the main places that we congregate with  people  who  look like us and think  like us is in churches  all across America each and  every week.  This comes with the  very  sad indictment that  churches  are  flooded with  people  every  week  who are Christians  in name only.  People  who  are  doing  their  very  best  impression to fool themselves and others  as well. Remember  ,,God is on the outside of  this and  can’t  be fooled, because  He looks at the heart, and believe it or not, knows your  heart  better than  you  know your heart.  This means  He both  sees and knows  the  ulterior motive of everything that  you do and say,  even  if  it’s not clear to you or others.  Hold  up!!, stop the presses!!,, you want to  know  how I’m so insightful and  so sure of this,…..well, I’m just  going  by what Christ  said,  He said that we would  be  known  by our love, but also  by our unity,  which  makes perfect  sense , because while  the  gospel  message  is  about  love and forgiveness,  it’s about  reconciliation.  We who know  God , have  been  reconciled to God. So, just  step  back and  look at all of the love and unity amongst  God’s kids…yes,  I’m being  extremely  sarcastic ☺️☺️. Well,  of course  we  are all  along  at different  points  in our journey  with  God and  for some that starts very  young in  life,  do I  believe that  a five or six year  old can  grasp  the  concept of  sin and forgiveness,  well  God talks  about  us having  a  child  like  faith,  so why it may be rare, it is totally  possible. Some  of us   are a little  later in life,  and  that can  be  anywhere  from  today to  laying  on  a  death bed,  but the  thing that  must  be  present is  a relationship.  I  just  wrote a  post on cynics  and  critics and  you say how does a relationship happen  on a death  bed,  I can’t  tell you that  I fully  know, but there was this  dude on a cross to the right of  Christ and  I  fully  expect to see him in heaven someday.  We can’t  expect  other  people to  know  or relate  to  God exactly  as we do , one day  we  will,  but on this side of eternity,  we are all at different  points of light.  I’m not sure  if  I would  be  offended by someone  making an assumption  about my personal  walk, but yes it would  clearly  be  off putting.  I  think and believe that the longer we walk with  God the harder it becomes  for us to remember  what it was like before  that gift was  accepted and that relationship  put into  place.  I’m not saying that  we some how  become  magically  brain washed by God’s grace and mercy,  because  God wants  to  use that pain and hurt  to reach others.  Survey the landscape and  you will  find Christians engaged  in  all kinds of activities, both  some we should  be  and other  things, not so much!. Again!, what makes me  so insightful? Well,  again,  what were the things that  Jesus  did , taught,  places  He went  and the people  that He hung out with . I  know that  is a broad list  of  people  , places, and things,  but at  the  core of  things it was about  announcing and proclaiming about  the  kingdom of  God.  We can  be so all over the place at times and  yet  God  simplified  it for us, and made it about  two  things,  introducing  others  to  God’s  one and only  Son and  making  Him more known,  that’s it, drop the mic and  just  walk  off the stage.  That being  said,  when  you  see us out there doing  a  lot of things  other  than  that,  it just  means that  we  are off course,  sometimes  a little,  sometimes a lot,  and sometimes, no clue that there is a course ☺️☺️☺️. I’m not going  to  be limiting into as to how  that happens,  because  that is really  super duper broad. It can  be someone  sitting  in  a  rocking  chair  at a hospital  comforting a  new born that showed  up early  and  under weight.  Someone  staying after  school  to give a struggling  student  just a  little  extra  help. It could  be  a  retiree  volunteering at a library,  hospital,  a battered woman’s  shelter,  or even  helping  out with  a  little  league  team. It’s not always  so much about  a pastor  in a pulpit or service man  or woman  probably  wearing  this nation’s  uniform proudly,  it may be or could  be, but totally  not necessary . The moral  of  this  story  is  that  no matter  what  your job is, teacher,  garbage man,  or student, God has a plan and  a  purpose for  planting  you exactly  where you are. All walks of life and  everywhere in life. I  think that  we like  to  resolve ourselves  from  the  fundamentals  of  what God  called us to do and be,” salt and light”. He may be, but its rare to ask someone  to  sell all that they  own and  move  half way  around the  world  to another  country  where they  don’t  know the culture or speak the language ,it happens  , but not that often.  The thing that  happens a lot, probably to  numerous to count ,is us interacting with  broken and hurting  people  each and every  day, at our jobs, schools,  the grocery  check out,  and  even  that guy in traffic  flipping you the bird☺️☺️, and  if that’s not your cup of tea, way to many  times we  have that within  the  walls of our very own homes. God is not asking  You  to  be  Batman,  or superman or any other  ” superhero “, because  honestly it’s just  not within  us or who we are  at our core.  However , He is  asking  us to be kind,  compassionate, patient and  understanding.  When  we  look like and act like  just  like everyone else and  again  to be honest,  a lot of  people  who  don’t  have  what we have and know  what we know and haven’t  been  given  what we  possess,  just  do a better  job  than  us. Let’s put this  in  context,  we are Chic Filet, and  we are  letting  other  people  out chicken  sandwich us…..really??, you must  be  kidding ☺️☺️.
  • There are genuinely good and moral  people  out there, and that’s great  that  they  aren’t  out there  killing  ,raping and  pillaging  other  ,what appears to  be  innocent  souls,  but  honestly, there is just  no such  thing or person.   We  have  all sinned and  transgressed against  God. See,, if you take  the  time to  talk  to  the majority of  these seemingly  good and moral  people and if they  are  honest.  They  are  usually  following  some idea of the golden rule, which  is  usually  like  ninety-nine  percent of  the  time  is based on  their  good deeds  out numbering the days when  they  aren’t  actually  what you would  call  pristine,   than  Bob who cheats on his wife, or you don’t  yell at your kids like Amy does,, or if you don’t  even  let the occasional  four letter  word slip across  your  lips when you bang your  toe on the corner of  the  bed,… that’s great,  but the standard  is  can you walk on water??.. come on  people,  let’s just  stop fooling  ourselves about  how good we are,  because  we  aren’t,  and  that’s the bad news.  If you  can’t  acknowledge who you really  are, then  you will  never  be able  to  see the  need for  your deepest  need  for  a Savior.  As Regis use to say…final answer! Yes, final answer, seek Him while  there is  still time.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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