Joy In The Morning !

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 62                  19 Jan 23
  • Joy In The Morning!
  • Howdy!,
  • Sometimes  things  just jump out at me, and it  can  be  easy to  forget to be thankful and to have  gratitude for the blessings   in my life . That being said,  I  want to  thank  you  guys my audience, for being there and taking the  time to  read , share, and  extremely grateful for some of you  guys feedback and  encouragement.  It is not always  positive,  but that’s OK, because, I  believe it  helps to reshape my thought process on certain topics, and  it helps me to grow as a blogger, and more importantly as a human being and Christ  follower. If 2022 taught me  anything,  it’s that we , especially  myself, grow more  in  the dark and  painful  places, than in the times when  everything  is  Copacetic . People often  think or say that it’s easy to be optimistic,  cheerful,  and to have  faith when  things are  going well and that is absolutely true.  However,  it is  in those moments of the  rubber  meeting the road that you get tested, challenged and  pressed to  see what comes out of you. Is there truth that you  demonstrate in those moments when you  are  caught  between a  rock and a hard place, that there is something within  you that is greater than  yourself.  I’m going to  be  completely honest and  tell  you  that  I  have  some very real  struggles in  my  life, as most people do, so I’m not some isolated  inncodent. I  will  also  tell you  that  I  had two or three things that I  was writing about and  wanted to  bring to  the  table today,  but this  one just came  screaming to the forefront. I  don’t know  if it’s the season of  life that I’m  in, or if  God is  doing one of those things that  He has a tendency to  do,  and  I  just  vaguely catch a glimpse of   it on the back side.  I’m constantly  finding myself  in  a  position to  encourage others, and  if you know  anything  about me,  you would  know that is  not my natural go to move, actually,  probably the  complete opposite of that,  and  I believe much of  that goes back to  me being  raised with  tough love as a  standard.  I  have  said on numerous  occasions that  I  was a slow  study,  when  it  came  to  the fact that  everyone  doesn’t  respond  to  or receive well  tough love.  This is a  change of  direction for  me,  but its something that  I  have  seen  over and over again.  I  want to  say that  we live in  a  much  softer, and much  more sensitive culture. In some regards, it’s as if people  walk around with a  chip on their  shoulder , and going  out of their  way to  find something to be offended  about.  Sometimes,  they  point  and direct  others  that they  should  be  offended about  something  that  they  don’t  really  give two flips about. God has been  bringing to mind for me that there is a  difference  between  cuddling and  coddling people.  So, I’m not talking about  a physical cuddling in  the  way that  we usually  think of  it, which  normally takes  place  between to two people,  or their dog, you choose which ☺️☺️. So I’m talking about  cuddling in the form of  encouragement and  to handle with  care, as in something or someone  being  fragile. Tough love will  lead you  to say “suck it up  buttercup”,  but it doesn’t  change two main truths and that  is that ,   life can be hard sometimes  and  extremely  difficult,  and  sometimes not just for a day, or  a season,  but for a lifetime.  The other  is that God didn’t  build us to do life alone,  but in community with  others,  now whether that is in a family,  friends or  even with an adult  softball team,  we are to cultivate those relationships and do life together.  When we  see someone with  a disability and  possibly something that they  were  born with, so the analogy of  a  lifetime is a  real thing! . What do we do with that? Do we turn away as we do with some of the homeless and panhandlers on the corners? Do we a share a brief moment of empathy and  think that their  life  just  must really  suck?  Or are we moved with compassion,  to come along side  , and somehow to share in their  struggles and  difficulties in  life. I  can’t  tell  you  what that looks like  other than  to  maybe  to make eye contact with them  and offer a  smile,  perhaps  a kind  word, or  to hold a door open for  them  as they attempt to enter in or exit a building, which  may be for some medical  appointment.  There is such power in just to acknowledge someone and not to look pass  them   ,as if they were  a pane of glass, and you could  look right  through  them  or beyond  them.  I  just  named a few things that are  simple,  but could  really  make someone’s else’s  day. I  will  run to the other  end of the  spectrum and  note that some of  you  have the ability  to  donated money  or time to a charity that  could, just  possibly  be impactful in their lives. If you are already on that  bandwagon,  fantastic!. I  don’t  believe that  it is  wrong to  cuddle people in this manner , but  I’m not  called  to  be a coddler and  to render other  people as an enabler. I  get that  we are  all on  a  journey and  that  some  people  need more cuddling than  others,  but we need to  make sure that we are helping in the situation and  not exasperating the situation and  prolonging  others suffering and to keep them  from their own  independence .  So, I  briefly  talked about my place in life and God using me to encourage others and that  has come with  additional  marching  orders and that is to pray for others.  I’m not this amazing prayer warrior, but I  often  wish that I  was. I  get that telling people that You will pray  for them , has gotten to be  a  churchy catch all phrase, much  like  we say that we throw the love word around from  everything from  pizza to pets, automobiles and our significant other.  Well , I  sure hope that you  truly  know what it is to love someone and that it’s something more than your  favorite slice,  from one of your pizza joints. I  guess,  what I’m saying is to truly pray for  people.  I  mean  like right  then  and there,  if it’s in person pray. If  it’s over the phone,  pray, right then  and  there. See, I  believe that there is  mighty power in prayer, but I’m also  convinced that we talk  about prayer, more than we actually do it. Perhaps we are like adolescents  boys or young people who brag about their sexual  conquest, probably for most, more bragging than actually  happening ☺️☺️.  I  ran into an acquaintance this morning, his name is Lawrence,  and he was telling me  about  some of  his mother’s medical  issues that he was extremely concerned over. So, the moment was to seize the  opportunity for prayer.  I  have a dear, dear friend up in Ohio, who has a great number of  medical issues for someone so young, and they are being  capped by staring down the  barrel of   a kidney  transplant . We prayed over the phone and  I  believe that the Spirit of  God,  moved us both to tears. I  talked about another friend who had a  stroke at forty-seven years young. I  could  probably  go on and on , with  people  loosing parents, spouses and  yes, some have  even  buried children.  There is  just no shortage of  calamity ,  mayhem , misery and  discomfort.  It almost  feels  like  if you don’t  know of at least three people who are dealing with  some form of cancer,  that you might be  living under a rock. They say that night is  darkest, just  before  dawn and  that  is certainly true. I’m not going to  attempt to  white wash over anyone’s suffering and pain as they walk through life, because for many,  it’s just an also  true reality .  What I would like to  do is add a little  perspective to the  situation.  One of my biggest  complaints with  God is waiting,  why me? Why now? Why so long?, and of course,  why this? Let’s be honest,  we live in a culture of , it should have  been  done  yesterday,  or two  weeks ago.  I  can’t  think of  a single  solitary person  who  just  loves to wait. Some of us handle it  better  than  others,  but generally,  it’s not  something  that any of us look forward to.  We like for things to  be quick and  easy, and most importantly painless, so  that we  can  run off to the next thing that we will  be  waiting on,  this way we can  have  steady stream of complaints.  ☺️☺️Many of  us  have  amnesia, when  it comes to the  fact that we use to order things from a  Sear’s catalog and wait two weeks plus for whatever it  was that we ordered,  and  now if Amazon can’t  deliver it  in forty-eight hours  or less, then  we are having a  major  meltdown.  I think  now days to describe our culture as instantaneous is  a little bit of an understatement. It really  feeds into our  instant gratification,  that we so often  enjoy.  The problem often for myself is that I  have  a time table and  of course , the  all to important  to do list, and  God really doesn’t  so much care about  my schedule. It is not His priority,  right along with  my happiness and comfort.  I  know that may sound funny or a little  unusual for some of you,  but it is just the plain old truth.  We miss things in our busyness and  hurried life styles,  and  I  believe that  He thinks that is just not good enough or in our best interest.  We can  be  very  fickle as human beings and one day it’s this and the next day it’s that. It’s so hard to  appreciate things and I  will  throw  people in there as well,  when  we  are always off to the next thing in life. Where is the gratification in life and to whom do you say thank you?  We don’t often  give it a second  thought until it’s gone, or somehow  taken away.  Now, that will  vary  widely from  person to person.  Most of us take our health for granted,  or perhaps it’s your parents,  and I  dare say that few of us give much thought to the blessing of having  a  roof over our heads.  We always think that those things happen to  other  people and that they must have  done  something for  their  health to take a turn or to end up homeless,  perhaps and then again maybe  not so much!. Often  times than not those things are  used to  slow us down and  to get us to smell  the  proverbial roses. See,  we all have a  lence from which we  view life.  And perspective can be a huge  indicator to whether we experience joy in life ,and  the all to elusive  peace, that most people  crave in life.  Everything  changes when  you  view things through an eternal  lence. It will or should  change your  priorities.  It should effect how you  live and  the choices that you make within your life. It should  permeate every aspect of  your  life  as to how you speak and treat others,  and not just the ones closest to you.  It should  effect how you handle your finances.  Most importantly,  it should lead you to  live a humble existence and  view others as better than yourself.  I  will concede that this  can  be difficult and  one of those things that  is easier said than done. Why eternal? In the  new testament there is a story of a man who had suffered for thirty-eight  years with an ailment,  that Jesus  healed, can you imagine,  thirty-eight long years of  struggling, suffering  ,and being  marginalized. That would clearly be over half of a lifetime. I  don’t want to  underestimate the years of suffering,  but he was healed,  and while  long ago,  and very  difficult for most of us  to connect the  dots, this was joy in the morning! The Morning is not always a  physical sunrise, can be ,but often is not. It refers to a  healing,  a resolution,  a  breakthrough,  something that is  significant,  which  points  to things  being  better than they  were. I know that there are  some of  you  out there  who  have  been dealing with  things that  seem  like a forever,  whether  it’s  surviving in a bad marriage, a special needs child,  financial  difficulties that just seem  as they will  never go away and  for some the loss of  a beloved parent,  spouse,  child, or  a  really good  friend,  and you just haven’t  been  able  to  move past the  pain of  it all.  I  completely understand,  but there is joy in the morning. I’m not one of those name it and claim it people and I’m not pushing the power of  positive thinking,  because I  think that you could  be setting yourself up  for  more  disappointment.  I don’t  understand or get  God’s timing,  and there surly has been things that I’ve  prayed  for  ,for years, and  just  haven’t seen them come to pass . I will make a note that many of the heroes of the faith never saw all that God had promised as well, but it does not mean that He is not faithful, just on a different time table than we are. So if you  are  there,  just know  that you are  not alone there. We rarely  get a birds eye view of how all the pieces fall into place and that is most certainly when trust and faith  come into  place.  Do we trust God,?, and  do  we have  faith, that He has our best interest at heart? I  think it’s easy for  us  to  say yes most of the time,  but all of the worrying and  striving  tell a vastly  different story. Please,  hear me clearly,  in the  most transparent way that I  can  be and say this is that I’m there as well.  Let’s just say for the  simple sake of  argument that I’m at a  fork in the  road, and  my two choices are ” The I got this Freeway ” or ” Straight and Narrow Lane” hmmm, how  to decide, choices, choices,  choices . Well  if my memory is  not  completely failing me, then  I  can  remember multiple car pile ups on the I got this Freeway and  some with  some pretty  major  injuries.  I remember  being  lost on that Freeway many times and asking myself,  how the hell did I get here. I  would be  remised if I didn’t include heartaches and  breaks to numerous to count, and  in all honesty the last time out, wasn’t  even  a  break, felt as  if  my heart had been  ground down to  a fine powder,  just  left for the wind  to  blow it away.  In comparison,  the Straight and  narrow lane has offered  love, unconditionally without  reproach.  It has offered acceptance on my worse days. A real  biggie is eternal security and  peace.  When   I  don’t  forget the history,  it has just  been  God’s  faithfulness and  Him showing up  again and  again in all of the rough patches in life. Does this  change  my perspective on the  waiting  , honesty…NO, still  don’t  care for  it, but I know that He is using it  to bring about a  change in my life to  help me grow and  to become  more of what He wants me to be. We don’t  have the time  here for me to go into details  about all of the ways  that God has shown up in my life and the life of others. We don’t have time for me to  tell you about somethings that can  only be  explained as providential and  supernatural,  so yes, miraculous.  I  will tell  you that  He is always  faithful,  so the Marines stole that from God ☺️☺️. I  want  to  end this with a some what difficult or different  story, that speaks to  Joy In the morning and that it is not always what we want it to be, or the how we want it  to be, but it is the what it is.  I’m the oldest of  what use  to be six kids, all boys, except my baby sister, who was number six. We have  been  remembering her  birthday this week on  the  17th of this month.  She  took off almost nine years ago and  she had suffered with MS for  almost  twenty-five years.  It was hard for  her,  it hit her just as   she  was  graduating from  college.  While  she watched her friends get married and  have  kids, she came  down with  a  debilitating illness.  My sister was  strong and  a fighter,  having  five older brothers,  that’s  probably  not a surprise.  I  remember  talking to  her the day before she passed and  she  looked at me and  said that  she  was  tiered and that  she  wanted to  go home. Like  most people,  I thought about  my selfish reasons for wanting her to hang on to  a life that wasn’t the  best  for her. She would have  been  51 this year and  I miss her. God calling my baby sister home was ” Joy In The  Morning “. She is at peace,  no more pain and suffering.  No more  tears are  heartache.  As I  said it’s not always the way we want it, and  I  hope that you  understand what I  am  trying to  say  here. Sometimes people  struggle with  things  for a long time or for a life  time,  but not for an eternity.  The time that we  have  here is just  such  a  small  speck in the grand scheme of things.  I  have  no desire to  attempt to minimize what anyone is currently walking through or has been through, just know that He is faithful in all situations.  I  hope that you have tied down your eternal  security. And as always, I’m open to  follow up questions,  if I  stated something that  was unclear, vague, or  somehow unfamiliar to you. I  did this once before and  got a few positive comments about it,  so I  will  once again.  The last time I  referenced an artist by the name of Matthew West,  and a few of you looked up  his song ,”Me on your mind “. This time out  , the young  man’s  name is Tauren Wells , and his song shares the same name as this post,  ” Joy In The  Morning,  I  hope that you will  check it out.
  • Till Next Time ✌️peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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