” James Bond 007″

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 113
  • 31 Dec. 23
  •                 ” James Bond 007″
  • Howdy!,
  • Welcome  aboard  and let’s see what detour my brain can take us on today.  I’m not sure how you  guys  feel  about  The Bond franchise, but in years gone by, I have greatly  been  a  fan. Over the last  few films, the producers have  gotten away  from  the  things that  made it a classic  original.  I  think  that  Bond has become  softer and gentler, in an attempt  to  be more politically  correct and more inclusive.  The franchise  has injected gay characters, made Bond less of a  ladies man , cut down  on the amazing  gadgets, and just  made the Bond character   much more touchy Feely.  Bond was known  for a  great openings that were usually  the climax of the previous  mission that he was on, and then  it rolled  into  whatever  the new thing  was  going  to  be. I  think  as they  attempt  to  bring  in a broader and more diverse   set of viewers, that they  alienate   the old timers like  myself, who had become  accustomed to  a formula  that  worked  time and time again.  The series included  some of the most striking  beauties  that had ever graced Hollywood and  they  became  known  as  the coveted ” Bond Girls”. They  were often  in bikinis or some other  scantily  dressed outfit  that showed off their  figures, and gave  the lure of amazing  sex appeal.  Some of the earlier Bond women, became  known as  their  best roles , and sometimes  had issues  of trying  to  escape  the  Bond stereotypes.  Still there were others, who were new faces, and the films help to build  their  careers. 
  • The movies, were so much  more than  just  beautiful women and gadgets.  The franchise  was also  known  for some of the most luxurious sports cars that anyone  ever had the pleasure  to  plop their  butts  in. Yes, fast cars and fast  women, was that it? No !, not so much ! The Bond series  was also known  for  some of the most haunting and alluring  original  soundtracks  and scores, again  sung  by an A list of who’s who  in the music  industry , from  the  Beatles, to Carly Simon and  Adele, just to name a  few. Many of the songs from  the movies  went  on  to be number  ones on the  pop charts and  went  on  to  become  classics themselves. It would  almost   be inexcusable to talk about  007, without  mentioning the  sometimes fantastic  performances  given  by the villains. I  was watching  a clip  off of SNL , a little  while back  and  they did a spoof piece  on  the Bond villains and  joked about  how they  would  always  divulge their entire  evil  schemes  to  Bond in great detail almost  as  if he was MacGyver, or a member of  a  seal team, and you could  almost  see the steam  coming  off of Bonds brain  as he was feverishly working the problem to have  a  solution to save the day or the world, let’s not cut Bond short ☺️☺️. The villains  usually  had some dastardly plan to take over the  world, or to cause  some harm  that couldn’t  be  tolerated  if the world was going  to  survive. 
  • I  almost feel  as if  I’m  getting  a head of myself, probably  a little  caught up in the  excitement ☺️☺️. The James Bond 007 character was created by a  man  named Ian Fleming, back in 1953.   I  believe that  he had served  in  World War II. Having being  a  first hand witness  of war and destruction  done to England in the war. I  think  his thought  process was  wouldn’t  it  be  great if  there was a  champion who could  do undercover  work  and some how prevent or avert    a world war with  so much  death and collateral  damage.  I  think  it  was a  little  bit of  a  Gladiator  mentality with  finesse and  class. So , out of that we got a super  hero in the  form  of a spy, who was  most comfortable and best known  for being in a tuxedo, and a Martini , shaken not stirred☺️. Someone  who could do Espionage, and do it for  country and the  Queen  to make it  some  how  honorable☺️☺️. Most countries  now days have  something  comparable to  our CIA, and for the Brits, that is M16, and Bond was  born.  Earlier I had referred  to  the  franchise as a classic original, and that may be a little bit  of  an exaggeration, because  your best champion  or agent , against  our best agent actually  goes all the way back to  David and  Goliath.  If you are familiar with  the story  then you know  that every  day the Philistine giant would  come out and called to Israel to send  out their  best player, in a winner takes all contest. Israel’s best player turned out to  be  a  kid armed  with  only  a slingshot and five stones. People  often  wondered  why  David  picked up five stones, and my best guess , is that Goliath  had four other  brothers, but that  is often  over looked in the story.  It’s a fascinating  account, which I  would  encourage you  to  dig into, but today  we are here for Mr. Bond.
  • A little more observations  from  the  franchise before  we bring  it home☺️☺️. Bond was known  for  very  colorful and  timely   one liners. He may have  just  finished  choking  someone  out , and say that they were  all choked up.  He may have  pushed  someone  into  a  lions den, and then  say that they had to run. I’m probably  not doing as great  of a job conveying the humor, but you get the point.  Two more for you, thus far there have been  seven  distinguished  gentlemen to play the role of Bond and  currently the  search  is on for number  eight.  It seems  that everyone has a favorite  based  on some preferences that they have.  Daniel Craig  was the first  blonde Bond and for some  that was a huge revelation.  I  was kind  of  raised on Roger Moore, so he is probably my favorite, since he caught  me  at my teenage informative years☺️☺️. I  don’t  believe that anything   makes the films more iconic than  the  names that they are given.   They are usually  short and snazzy, and at the same time weighty.  ” Gold Finger”, ” Live and Let Die”, ” Veiw to Kill”, ” Skyfall”, ” The world  is  not Enough “, and the list goes on and on because  the franchise is now seventy years old, and has brandished  a whopping  twenty-six films and counting.  Oh!, and my personal  favorite  was ” The Spy who loved Me” , great soundtrack and  who could  ever get  tired of listening  to  Carly  Simon and  watching  Barbara Bach with her great cheek bones ☺️☺️excellent  film  in my estimation. 
  • So today, I’m stepping  in with  a title, a would  be  script, and I’m parking  myself  in the producers  chair.  Perhaps some day it will  be  iconic , a classic, or just  maybe  the  lining for a kennel ☺️☺️. This one is going  to  be called, ” Never Loved”. It’s got a  kind of Bond type  ring to it☺️☺️. So this  is how we are going  to  work this.  If you  read this over and  think  that  this part is written  specifically for you, then  please  feel  free to  apply for  the role   of leading  man or leading  Lady. We will  just  call  it  open  auditions ☺️☺️. So the leading  character  is  on the plus side of forty, but we will  definitely  consider  younger  candidates, if You  can really  sell the part.☺️ This character is  someone  who  has probably  checked  a lot of the boxes off in life.  They  may be married, but most  likely  not, and  probably has a long  list of failed relationships and perhaps  marriages  as well.  They  are  or may be highly  successful in  their  professional  life, and just  not  quite able  to  put their  finger on why it doesn’t  translates  into  their  personal  relationships. This is a person, who if you encountered them would leave you scratching your head as to why they are single.  They look like a great  catch. The outside gives very few clues of all of the damage and brokenness on the inside.  They  maybe  well  traveled.  They  are  probably  a home owner.  They  are  probably  highly  looked  upon  by others, because  after all, they are a nice person.☺️ More times  than  not, they can  be  highly  self righteous.  They are  highly  opinionated, even  if  they are reluctant  voicing it around  people  who don’t share their  perspective, but that could  probably  be  said of most of us☺️☺️. They  may be  just  slightly  impulsive and  jump  into  things before  thinking  them through.  They are  probably an above average person  when it comes to  earning  money, intelligence and  intellect. They are  a person  who very  much  knows what they want  in life, but it constantly illudes them.  The things that they  do manage to achieve, just  never  seems  to  satisfy or let’s just  say  , hits the spot.☺️ They know  how to make  commitments, but just  can’t  seem  to  see them  through. As they  grow  older and  have  pursed  many  of the things  that  life told them  would satisfy and didn’t,, they  will usually  resound themselves to  some of the simpler things in life such  as  pets or binging on  Netflix. They  may  be  a  great communicator, and this may  shine professionally, but it’s just  one more thing that  doesn’t  manifest  itself  in  personal  relationships.  When  we look at the family  dynamics, they  may have half hearted relationships  with  those closest , such  as  kids , siblings and  parents and  will  often  take  the path of least  resistance to  just  maintain the peace. They  will  be  in this constant  state  of  feeling  as if they are put upon, and they  will  compensate  for this  by being  rough  or stern with others, because  they  can’t  muster up the courage face the real bullies in  their  life . They will often attribute this to other things such as their gender, race, age, or something else that leaves them constantly feeling disrespected . There is so much more, but I  think  that  you have  enough to  get into  character.  The two  main  big take aways  should be, is that they  have  always  felt  like  a  victim  on some level.  The victim  mentality prevents  them  from  truly  letting  anyone  inside  of their pain. So much pain and  hurt  and it’s been  smoldering just  beneath the surface.
  • This leading  Man or Lady  would  be  the  picture  perfect  example  of  what it looks like to have  walls and  boundaries, so Impenetrable, that very few would  even begin  to  think about  attempting to  conquer them.
  • While the above  description  may sound  something  closer to an FBI profile,☺️ these individuals  are  not  hard to find  because  they  are  everywhere and  believe  or not, you are probably  way more likely  to  run into one of them  before    an alien, a millionaire, or a social  media  influencer, ☺️because  they  are just  everywhere and  all around  us each and every day. Now, they are plentiful, but difficult  to  recognize them  for who they are, because  they  hide behind  a shroud of ” I have  it all together “, when in actuality nothing  could be  further  from the  truth.  Many  moons ago I penned a post about  things and people  who are hidden  in  plain sight, and this is the case for them.  If I’m  correct in my summation of these individuals, then  it would  certainly  sound  like  something  that  is on the verge  of a  national  tragedy.  Tragedy  indeed!, and   would  account for  such a tale gripping  horror?  Well  for the answer to  that  question, we don’t have to  look any further  than  to the title  of  this  future classic, and that is they  were ” Never Loved”. I  know, I know, how can  someone  have  so many  attributes and  so much  seemingly  success in life and  never encounter  being  loved?
  • I’m just  going to  call  this a unisex roll, however, while  the end results  are the same, the carnage very similar, it looks a little  different  for both  sexes, and  if you are a third choice  in the gender debate, good luck with that one ☺️☺️. It’s not that they  have  never  been  loved, it’s more  so that they  have never  been  loved  properly.  They  have  never  experienced a  real  genuine love  where they  were truly  free to be themselves, yes  unconditionally, but for them a safe place, a place  where they  felt  protected  from  all harm.  We know  that there is truly  no  place  like  that, but as a child in a loving  home, you should have  experienced that before the world  began  to  make major  courses  adjustments ☺️☺️. Now, for the sake of time, I’m going to  just  cut to the chase.  I’m going  to  lay this one squarely  at the feet  of  fathers, dad’s, poppa, or however they  may  have  referenced you. I’m not saying  that  all moms are spectacular, but for the most part they just  love, not perfectly, but they are  just  somehow  so much more tied to something that  grew in their  bodies for nine months or so☺️☺️. Often  we will  find Father’s  love to be much  more  conditional and  maybe  even  performance based.  They usually have that little  hiccup, whether  they  are  aware of  it  or  not. When  it comes to conditional love , kids are like a metal detector on a sandy beach.  Children adapt and  adjust  quickly and  without  much direction, are keenly aware that they  have  to hit certain  mockers  to achieve  dad’s approval. All to many  times this is the template which  sets them  off on a quest of looking for  love in all the wrong  places.  The messed up part is without  knowing what  love truly  is, they  often  spend  a  lifetime  accepting  something  inferior, a cheap replica and  not the real McCoy. A cheap  knock  off that leaves them deflated. . It is  like they are looking for  something, not fully  aware of  what it looks like, but with  just  a yearning that they  have  never  had it. This on the surface doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but I can promise you that it will play apart in every relationship that they have and especially in the interpersonal one on one relationships. 
  • There is a reason  why things are called or referred to as  a  tragedy, and that is usually  because it normally  has some unseen far reaching consequences, and  that is certainly  true here. What we will often  witness is a barrage of  keeping the  negative  in and the positive  out. The thing  that  they  think  is  a  strength, such as those impenetrable walls, actually  keeps  all of the hurt and  pain inside and it keeps  out anyone  who would  offer  them  love in the correct way and  something  closer to  unconditional, because  after all there are no perfect people. They lock the healing out and the chance to find what they have been desperately searching for. It’s almost  as if they  become  their  own  worse enemy and the things that they  think of as strength such as being  able to  cut off emotions, and feeling numb, are the very  thing that keep  them  locked in to a perpetual  circle of being  unloved and  not trusting of people.  They  are  so damn quick to point  fingers and  never  look in the  mirror  and  see what  they  bring to  the  party themselves.
  • Wow!!, I can  see and feel and almost  hear  so many of you  getting  into  character ☺️☺️. As they  say, ” it ain’t  over”. Ok, so here is the rub, the huge tragedy  beyond all compare. This lack of love from your  earthly  father. This lack of parenthood #101, will make these future  leading  men and ladies, the most resistant ever to a loving  God. They  all,  throughout their lives  will  struggle  with  the concept of a loving heavenly Father.  The  psychology bound up in this is simply  amazing but it’s also undeniable.  When  we don’t  get  it  at home and early  In life, we are often the dog chasing our own tales☺️☺️. Just  because  you  had less than an adequate father  figure, or none at all, doesn’t  exempt or exclude you from a  relationship with God.  He is that safe place that you have  been  searching for  your entire  life.  His love isn’t  conditional and  He loves  you  just as you are, with  all of your wrinkles and  flaws.  I  know that  as we reflect  back  onto  sometimes  what was a difficult  childhood, we may have the tendency to  transfer  all of the anxiousness with  our earthly dad to our heavenly father and  they are not one in the same.  Many of us  experienced  a father  who just  seemed like  they  were  pissed off at the  world all the time   and  always  mad at us, and I  want to  ensure you that God is not mad at you, but mad about you.  He created you and  he thinks that  you  are pretty  amazing.
  • I don’t  know  if  I’m ending  the year long , or beginning a new year long, we shall see. Ok, note to myself, I think that  I’m  going  to  close the  open  auditions for  this role, because  I  might  just  be  the perfect  person  for this role.  Remember  that we were never designed  to be ” Never Loved ” and especially not by our dads. God  has open arms and is calling for you to do something  different from  what you know, and that is to trust Him.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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