• Not The  Only One!
  • Post #166
  • 06 Dec 24
  •                   ” It’s A Flip”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks again  for  being  there. We are just  going  to call  this bonus material, bonus  content☺️☺️. I was thinking  about  my flawed existence, and then  it occurred to me that it’s our shared flawed existence ☺️☺️. I’m just  going  to pony up and say that this applies to me just  as much  as anyone else. I will  sometimes  have people  call me nice or say that I’m a nice person.  Depending  on  who  and where, I will  usually  correct them and  tell  them  that I’m not a nice person, but I do know  how to be nice. This isn’t  even about the  fact that nice guys finish  last. ☺️☺️. I called this one ” It’s A Flip” and it has everything to do with  our inconsistent  behavior. It’s probably  a little  bit  sad that so much  of our lives can  actually  be determined  by a coin flip. I’m not saying that  we don’t  have important and crucial  things  that need to be decided, but they  are mostly  obscure, or not as frequent.  Yeah, I’m not leaving the  amount that I  choose for a deductible on my home owners policy to  chance. That’s  one that I’m going to  weigh my options  on. When  it comes to this or that for dinner, I mostly  don’t  care , as long as my stomach  isn’t  complaining ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s  dig   in or venture on a little  bit  further before  I turn  this one on its head☺️☺️. I think that  most of us most of the time want to fit in. If we don’t  relate or are uncomfortable with our current collection of  peeps, we usually  just  go out and get  new ones. The truth  is that we most often  hang out with  people  who  are  very  similar to  ourselves.  They  do the same kind  of  work, like the same kind of music.  The same sports and hobbies, but it really  all comes together  when  we have  similar  beliefs  systems.  That’s the power base, a common  or closely  related thought  process. Yeah!, we have those chameleons  out there that just  kind of go with the  flow, but we mostly  see that from  our  politicians ☺️☺️. We are guilty of  it ourselves a lot more than  we would  care to admit. Let’s just  take fashion and  trends for example. I have  talked about  influencers  before, and they  have that name for a reason and make a lot of money  doing that.  In fact some of them  are  well  known celebrities and  that’s the only thing that they  are  known  for.  No movies, no books written, no academic  or athletic achievement, just  influencing  others  with  products and different  gadgets, and a few great  restaurants. Perhaps  some of it goes to motivation and we can be all over the place with  that one. Things that some may care about  deeply, wouldn’t  even  register  on someone’s  else’s radar. I do believe that the opposite  is true as well and we  can care to deeply  about  what others  think about  us. I will  say this. It’s is one of the great  benefits of being and getting  older, you just  don’t  care as much. ☺️☺️. Maybe  it’s the realization of how trivial so much of what people  think about us actually  is.
  • Ok, I  guess what I’m leaning  towards  is people  pleasing. I’m not talking  about  if you are a child and are trying  to be  somehow  obedient to your parents.  That’s actually  not people  pleasing, but honoring your parents  which  we are called to do.  There is this thing  called  peer pressure and  it’s a very  real thing.  It plays out in some of the craziest ways. I think  maybe  for some of us it looks something like  a teenager being  forced or pressured  to drink, smoke  or  do drugs. If you have  ever under any kind of circumstances fallen prey to keeping  up with the Jones, that is a form of unspoken  peer pressure.  We have  to be successful and  accomplished.  I get  all the more tickled when  I  see the great  links some will  go through to express their  individuality, with  tattoos , piercings, hair colors and  cuts. People are  even  investing in  expensive surgeries to change their eye color and  Lords knows that there is no end to the plastic surgery  options. We are all duplicating or emulating  some thing that we have seen  else where and said to ourselves, ” I think that  would  look good or work for me” . Absolutely nothing wrong with  that. However  we need  to concede that it’s mostly a monkey see, monkey do mentality.  As Solomon said so eloquently, nothing new under the sun.😀☺️
  • I’m afraid that we often  lure ourselves to what we think would  be aesthetically pleasing to  others. We present what we think  others  may  like  about us. If you don’t  believe that  is so, just  read a few dating profiles and  see how many women are  presenting themselves as  the sports person of the year. ☺️☺️. It would  be easy to conceive that women are  outside  ninety percent  of their  lives and are out hunting  deer and trapping  other wild game.☺️☺️. I get it , it’s a competition and  at the later end of the story, there are just fewer viable  options, and you really  need to stand out and be set apart….stick a pin in that for now.
  • I think that  there is and that we want there  to be some middle  ground. I mean that we are all mostly  familiar with  wanting to make a good or great first impression , and that whole  thing about  putting  your best foot forward. When  do we cross that line ,  of trying  to be someone that we are not, and maybe  never hoped to be?  I have  mentioned before about a lady that I  met through  a church  ministry that lost  everything, because  she was trying to  impress a man that led her down the  road of drugs and addiction. Maybe that’s to hard or clear of a case that shows the realities of the crushing  behavior to fit in and to belong. Make no mistake about it, the pressure can  be crushing
  • I have  on numerous occasions mentioned about  how comfortable that I  can  be in my own skin.  That is absolutely  true, but I also  believe that there should be  times when that is the furthest thing from  the truth. I think there are times  when I should or we should  be sensitive in our nature  towards  other  people  when  it’s comes to setting  them back in their  journey.  What does that  look like? Well, I shouldn’t  be offering a drink to a recovering  alcoholic.  I should  limit  my freedom to have a drink, to be and encouragement to  them . Any time there is a known trauma, be it daddy issues or any kind of abuse, I think that we need to reign in that whole thing about being  comfortable in our own skin.  I believe that we should  have some etiquette and  some ethics as well.  One of my big pet peeves is people  who use  foul language  out in public and especially around  young children.  They  carry  on as if everyone  communicates in four letter words.☺️☺️. I just want to say insensitive! , but there is so much  more I want  to say, but not now.
  • Here is another  aspect of the whole  people  pleasing  thing and that is self improvement.  I believe  in it and I’m all for it. I just  believe that it should be done  for the right  reasons and in a healthy way. First up , you need to do it for yourself.  Self improvement shouldn’t  be done to make  someone  else happy  and content.  I get  that there can be extenuating  circumstances when  it comes to health.  I believe that  we have  to try our best to love people  for who they are  and not so much for who we want them  to be. I can  tell you from  experience, that one rarely  works out. Some may say, quick smoking  at all cost, but it can lead to resentment down  the road if it’s under duress and  pressure.  So make it a priority for yourself, same is true for weight loss or a pair of bigger  boob’s, or even  returning to  school….do it for yourself  first and foremost. 
  • I don’t  think  that many of us want to think of ourselves as ” Iffey ” . Sometimes we  will  make a good  choice and other times not so much.! Earlier I said  stick a pin in it and  made some vague promise about  turning things on its head☺️☺️. So here we go. Are we trying  to  please people or should  we be trying  to please God? Just  let it sit for a minute….   We live in a very  real world, with  daily  pressures  to conform.   We have  expectations  thrust upon  us from  work  and  family and  other  social  commitments, which  seem so pressing  as if they  are standing at the door, arms folded and foot just  patting the  floor ☺️☺️ . I fear for many of us that its a real possibility  to go through  the entire day without giving  God a single  thought.  We don’t  wake up with  praise  for Him , but a rush to social  media, coffee, and then  out the door  we go. Our Oh! God moments come later when  there is some crisis.  A flat tire on the way to work….Oh God! Unprepared  for the board  meeting  or that presentation at work….Oh God!  Sick child at school  and  needs to be picked up….Oh God! In our busy and hurried lives, I think that  we have  turned  God into  some kind of pocket genie☺️☺️ . In this* expose of all that has been  put forth, where does God fit in or factor in , or however you want to put it. Do we think  more about  and more highly  about  what other  people  think about us  than what God thinks about  us?   Maybe  or perhaps  it just  me and more of my twisted  thinking, but  if I  have this just  right…..God , the author and giver of life, we don’t  have  time for, but all of the things  that just  completely  and utterly  sucks the life out of us, we rush and run to make extra time for. Do I  have  that one correct? Sounds  like the closing  arguments  in a criminal  defense  case☺️☺️ .I just have to believe  that if we believed  the things that God says about  us, a lot of this other  people  pleasing stuff  would just  evaporate and  disappear.  If we believed  that He loves us passionately as He does, just  maybe much of the need to be unique , seen and  set a part, wouldn’t  be necessary.  God sees you and believes that you are the pinnacle of all that He has created  and  already thinks of you as all of  that and so much more.
  • Before you  think  that I’m about  to start casting stones , I’m already  on the record  as not being  immune to this, definitely  not completely. I have  to believe  that if we feared God , as in reverence and not being  scared out of our wits, ☺️☺️that often  our choices would  look differently.  As to how different, I think  it goes back  to our walk again. I know  that much  of  what was mentioned  earlier, would  seem insignificant and in some cases impractical. God’s ways are way higher than ours and I think  often  there is missed  out on heart pain by doing  things  God’s way, than whatever  we feel  like. It’s almost like  getting a  bonus for following the path that He has laid out for us instead  of being that trail blazer, trying a little  bit of  everything  before  we figure out that it just  doesn’t  matter  or satisfies.
  • Many of you who have  been around for while , know that I try to keep from  being  to ” churchy” or being accused of trying to make disciples , so I rarely  quote directly from  scripture, but that is where much of  this comes from  either  directly  or indirectly. Today I’m going to  break that rule. I think that  it’s important that from  time to time that we examine ourselves in our walk with  God and  scripture encourages that as well.  Sometimes  we become  so bombard with  this life, that we loose  focus of what awaits us in the future.  If that’s not bad enough, sometimes  we become like  the  Pharisees and we get  caught up on the hand washing  ritual , and we miss the deeper meaning or  , sometimes we get  so far off course that what we are doing  or  believing has no meaning to it at all. Instead of being  spiritual and  connected to  God, we begin to  fake it and head down  a road of self righteousness.  It’s easy to  do. It’s a slippery slope that often  shows up as legalism.  We have  the letter of the law and completely miss the spirit of the  law and  we forget that  one leads to life and  the other to death.
  • I wish that I could  tell you  that I  live for Jesus  24/ 7, and that would  be a complete and big fat  falsehood ☺️☺️. Honestly I  get  caught up  in  self. That’s most of ours  default  setting.  I  asked the  question today, who is more important in our lives, which can  also  be asked, who are we living  for?  No, none of us  are perfect and it’s just  so dog on easy to get  tangible up in the people pleasing thing, in fact that can be another  default  setting.  Last time out, I posed the  question of what does it mean  to be Catholic or  any other  religious designation and in my weird brain I’m going to  tie these two together  today, or at least give it a shot.  As always when I  give a scripture reference, I encourage you  to  read it for yourself, but not just  read it, dig into  it, meditate on it, and by all means ponder over it. We are going to  the last verse of Roman’s, chapter two. Verse 29 in my book☺️.
  • The verse starts off with  what it means to be a true Jew, and for our purposes, you can just  drop any other  denomination or religion  right  there where it say Jew. So catholic, Baptist, you name it. It makes it clear that it’s not about a birth right  or performing some ceremony or  ritual.  It’s about  having a heart that is right  with  God. It’s not by trying  to keep  the law, which  many think  is just  being a good and moral  person, nope! It’s by a heart change that has been  produced by the spirit of  God.  A heart  like  that, which  has been  transformed  by the power of God, seeks praise from God  and  not man. It can  be so hard to  escape the  trappings  of man. The apostles  asked one of the most  poignant questions of all times when  in the face of adversity and  maybe we should  ask  this question of ourselves.  Do you  think that  God would  prefer  us to obey men over Himself? Again  just  bonus content.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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