” I’m Standing Right Here”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #165
  • 04 Dec 24
    • ” I’m Standing Right  Here”
  • Howdy,
  • As always I’m so thankful and  grateful for you guys being there. I’m going  to apologize from  the onset  because I  know  that I’m going to  step on toes and offend some today.  It is not my intentions to  be offensive or to inflict pain or discomfort or  anything  along those lines. We all have  a  story to tell and I  think that  often  without  trying  we can  see ourselves  in someone’s else’s story  at some point.  We may be at the beginning of their  story  as in that was a close call, and man am I  blessed not to have  gone down that road ☺️☺️
  • Perhaps some where in the middle of their  story things become a little bit  familiar as it’s something that you  have observed  in  someone’s else’s life  who is close to you.  Maybe, just  maybe  it gave  you a fresh perspective into  some situation that you could  never see yourself in ,  because you  just  view it  as  a poor choice or something that a normal  rational person would  never do, such as getting involved with a married person and  being  deeply  involved in  an affair,  that  You just  never  saw coming.  The funny thing  about  affairs, is that very  few people  just  wake up and decide that is the path that they wish to pursue, but it’s a slow and  gradual process, really  small  steps and  usually very  innocent in the  beginning.  I think of it as being  a crab in a pot of water. At first  everything is fine and comfortable  somewhat, and then  a little  warmth feels really   nice because  it’s something different  or something that you haven’t  experienced  in  recent memory, and then you find yourself in a  boiling hot mess that  you can’t * Excavate  yourself from ☺️☺️
  • There are  those who can  connect with  the end of the story, as maybe  it’s some  place that  they  have  been  before and  wish to just  never  return to ,even  if  it  means that I  have to murder  someone, because  it was just  that painful 🫤😕. I don’t  know  maybe  you are that person  who  gets  the award for best supporting role, because  you just  walked with  them  through it all and gave  them the best council that you knew how and still  wasn’t  sure that it was the best plan of action to take. It’s a little bit, just  slightly amusing I guess that  we give council for things that we have  no frame of reference for   except our own  sinful , selfish , and ” if I  was you” mindset ☺️☺️. I shouldn’t  be  chuckling  it up , but I’m  just  amazed  at  how many times  that Christians  seek wisdom and  council  so far outside of the will, wisdom  and  word of God😚😚. It’s really  not a haha thing, but actually  more of an indictment on  our walk with  God and  honestly  I’m in no position to  be  pointing  this one  out☺️☺️, guilty as charged!
  • Sometimes  we are the hook, line and sinker person ,as if it’s an exact duplicate of the road that we have  walked  and almost a  line for line reenactment, and we  wonder if  we  should  be checking the mail  for one of those royalty checks that we hear so much about ☺️☺️. Don’t  hold  your breath, the check is not in the mail☺️☺️. We live in the era of the  wire transfer, but nope!, not there either ☺️☺️. When  our world around us is just  collapsing and  we aren’t sure of up from  down  or what is true, we often  think  that we are the only  person in the world that  this*  tragedy has  befallen on. We know that it’s not true, but at this particular time, that’s what it feels  like and somehow , and for some reason  we just  want to embrace it as our own personal failure in life,  oh wait !, let’s just  call  it what it is, a pity party☺️☺️
  • So we all have  different  stories, and sometimes there is a connection there or just  something that we can strongly  relate to. I really  shouldn’t  make jokes about  infidelity, because I  know that  it’s just a  sore spot for so many, but I  don’t know if  it’s a meme or a skit or what  to exactly  call it , but it’s really humorous when  a partner  will  punish their  companion in life for infidelity that they  experience in a dream☺️☺️. I think that there is quite a bit of psychology playing out there and maybe  rooted in past experiences or perhaps  just  insecurities, not today, but definitely in the future we will  dive into  that one☺️☺️.
  • Ok, so let’s just  get  to it. This comes from  , let’s just  say a friend.  Frame  of reference, he served  for twenty-five  years as a navy chaplain, not an easy assignment, when  you  consider all of the different  points of origin of things that fall  under the  umbrella of  religion for the military now days. I guess  in my day we were just  less inclusive, because it kind  of fail to catholic, protestant, or Jewish . Yeah  I  don’t  remember  services  for Muslims, but I’m dating  myself  back  some forty  years. I just  still  can’t  believe  that I’m saying  that, or that it’s been  that long☺️☺️. No worries, now we have the Wiccans and other  tree hugger type acknowledgements in the military.  I’m not a racist or bigot just  calling  as it is ☺️☺️.
  • My chaplain  buddy was raised in one of those neighborhoods where most of the people  were from  the  same racial make up and most of them  knew each other’s  families and  the family  roots could  be traced back generations.  Well he was raised in  a  catholic  home and came from  a very catholic background, but not the usual  maybe  Irish  catholic,   that our brains  may run to.☺️☺️. He made mention  that it was customary to  be appointed  god parents when you were a young  kid. I was familiar with  this concept in my  own culture as well.  Those of you who may be unfamiliar  with  it, it’s when  your biological  parents  ask someone  close to them  and  that they  think  is capable  of raising  you, if some harm   befell  your  natural parents, let say like  if they  were  both  killed  in a car accident or  something, hopefully  not a mob hit☺️☺️. Before  joining the  navy, he was a teacher at  a small  Christian  school, which  he said doesn’t  exist  anymore  because  it had a run in with  hurricane Katrina and  the school lost☺️☺️. I either  wasn’t  paying close attention or he didn’t  disclose when  he jumped  ship and left the Catholic church. 
  • He fast forwarded to  some years in the future, when  his grandmother  was  sick and on her death bed. He came home and  was in the hospital room with  his grandmother hoping to  share something  life changing and  life giving.  I don’t know if  he felt  led or if it was a plan, it’s always the hardest with  family and  those who we are close to. His visit was abruptly interrupted by the person  who  he hadn’t  seen  in years, who was the person that  his parents had entrusted as a god father. He  immediately began to  apologize to  his grandmother for her grandson leaving the Catholic  church.  I don’t  know  maybe  my friend  has some super power that he was unaware of  that makes  him invisible☺️☺️, because  they  carried on a very  heated conversation about  him as if he wasn’t  standing  right  there in the room. Only  if I  had  been  a better  example  for him, a better  god father  and  this kind of thing  would  have  never happened.  Those teenage  years of his, I should  have  been  taking  him by the hand☺️☺️. Are you kidding  me, really, really, I I’M  STANDING RIGHT HERE!! My friend  said that he thought the role of a god parent was for him to get  an extra Christmas  present under the tree☺️☺️. He really  felt put upon an Ostracize. After clearing  his throat  so many times to try and redirect the conversation, it was to no avail, and he had no idea that the Catholic  church  had a truancy policy ☺️☺️. I make light of it but it was something  that carried  a great  heart pain for him at the time.  Years later it’s become  one of those  sad but funny stories.
  • Many years ago, when I was still  married to my kids mom, we had a couple  over for dinner.  We use to live out  in the sticks☺️☺️. Quiet country  living, nothing  like  it in the world.  As our  company  was leaving, the couple  next door to us had been  out taking a walk, and they  stopped to say hello.  We all had a military  background, my ex had been in the navy.  The couple  visiting were navy people and my neighbor a Coastie. I don’t  know what we were talking about, but somehow  my neighbor  worked  In how they thought that it was so sad when  people  marry outside  of their  race. My wife and  I looked at one another as if to say, did they  just  say what I  thought  they  said? Talk  about  not knowing  your  target  audience and  not reading the room. ☺️☺️. That’s probably  the closest  that I’ve ever come to someone  talking  as if I  wasn’t  standing  right  there. That’s  not a  Freudian slip, it’s just  rude stupidity.  Now, I know  that No one wants to put their  grandmother  in the stupidity  category, but probably  definitely  for  the want to be god father. ☺️
  • This is not a pick on Catholics  thing, honest, his whole  point in telling this story was to point out how we are sometimes  born into messed up situation and  that outside of  Jesus, no one gets to  pick out their own  parents ☺️☺️. He went on to say that the church is another  messed up place, and we do actually  get to  choose that one ☺️☺️. Hope that didn’t come as a surprise to  you  that churches are  messed up places.  ☺️The church  is  a place full of absolutely  perfectly flawed people.  In fact the church  is  supposed to  be  a hospital for the spiritually  wounded. Again  hope that  didn’t  surprise you and ,it’s a place where we  should all feel at home, because we are all spiritually wounded. If you don’t  think  so, then  you  really  need to  get  some Windex for  that mirror☺️☺️.
  • It’s been  several  years now, but I dated a lady who told me that she was catholic.  She went on a little  bit of a spiritual journey with  me, but just  couldn’t  get  over the hump. ☺️ Its really, really  hard to abandon  a faith that you have  known  the majority  of your  life  , even  if its  not working  for you. After  all we have to have that answer  ready, just  in case it ever comes up, when  something  spiritual  arises. You are armed with ”  I’m  catholic, or whatever your particular weapon  of choice  may be☺️☺️. I’m just  a little  bit  amazed  when  people  tell  me that they  are Catholic or Jewish, or even  Christian, but can’t  tell  you what that means  to them  or how it impacts  their  lives, and it’s not just a cat got your tongue kind of thing☺️ . After all faith is a deep and personal experience, but its not meant to be kept private . This one lady had issues with the church over money or the *tithing thing. Its a realization, that everything that we possess or own is given to us by God. Some just don’t have that understanding.  Its a particular challenge for those who are well off.  They  make  a declaration as to what they  identify as spiritually, but somehow  it comes across  as a birth right, or something   like  a * surname.  I’m no expert, but I don’t  really  see how that works out. They can  tell  you  that  they  are this or that, but they  are none participating  of some unknown , ill relevant religion and an anonymous deity. If they  go to a service, they  take nothing from  it. Maybe  it’s just  tradition  but it’s a real  head scratcher for me , when  they  get  nothing  out of it, but they encourage the next generation  to follow suit on all of the ritual ceremonies, such as confirmation  class, as if it’s some kind of birth right  before  you  decide  to not show up for decades  until  it’s time to indoctrinate another  niece , nephew or grandchild. Well, there is always  that whole  thing  about  misery loving  company ☺️☺️
  • Now! Hear my heart this is not a catholic  bashing  thing.  I have  met several  born again  believing Catholics and  it’s almost  like  they somehow had a pair of binoculars to see what most never  do, and have a real and genuine connection with God. This isn’t  exclusive  to any one denomination, or religion. It just  seems that it’s across the  board of people  checking boxes as if it will  somehow  usher them  into a  sweet  after life, good luck with that☺️☺️. There is no verbalization and seems to be little  understanding of faith  , other than it’s what we do , or is expected of us.  Wouldn’t  you just think  that If asked about  one’s  faith, that they  would  be  able to articulate it  on some level.?
  • I’m standing right here  is offense to most people.  People  conversing about you in front of your face and to carry on as if you  aren’t  there is probably one of the highest  level of  disrespect that one can  encounter.   Its dismissive and carries with it a level  of condescension and  maybe  flash  backs to being a child ☺️☺️ Respect now days is a big deal, because  it goes to reputation or how other people  see us. I’m not sure if anyone  wants to be seen  as weak or* incompetent . History  tells  us that if we become a  doormat, that everyone will  just  take a turn at wiping their  feet  on us,  after all, it just  goes back  to  respect.  If you don’t  respect yourself, your marriage, or your  reputation, then why would  anyone  else? In this day and age it’s so easy for people to  become  offended, and  frankly  some of it is just  over the top. Way to many  examples  to just  single  out just  one offensive thing  that has no merit  to  it . I can’t tell  you  that  I’m always a person of balance  because that would be a straight up lie☺️☺️.
  • However, God’s  word calls for us to make  allowances for  one another’s flaws and short comings. I don’t know what  to call  it when we are being  insensitive to other people and  even  when  it’s to their  face. It’s rather  hard to believe that  some people are  clueless when  it comes to offensive behavior and  words, but those people  do exist.  I think on some level it has just  become  so easy  not to care about  how we inflict wrath upon  others.  Just  one month  past some of the most UGLY things that  I’ve  ever seen posted online. We have  talked  before about  ” OH BLESS YOUR HEART” , and we are fully  aware that is not a compliment on any level ☺️☺️
  • Ok, here’s the deal , we are called to a higher standard, and this is absolutely not the time or place to feel  superior, because  God has given you an understanding that others just  haven’t  been  blessed  with.  We say blessed and we wonder  why some have and some don’t, and honestly, for me I  think  it’s about  maturity and openness.  If we think that the world  evolves around us,  and that what we have to say or do, is more important than  other  people, than one we are just  WRONG!, and  maybe  the bigger crime, is to just  be unaware.  When  you  are  out in traffic  today, you will  encounter  some of those individuals ☺️☺️. Everyone wants to get  up  on a soap box and scream about  their rights. I have the right  to say this or do that. This posture is so easy for things to get ramped  up and out of hand. Again, God’s word say a soft and gentle  approach defuses arguments, only  if we were willing  to give it a try☺️.
  • I think about our King and  all that He endured for us on our behalf , on His way to the cross , He gave up reputation for our sake, and we can’t  have and demonstrate a little patience with those who  may be just a little less spiritually mature than ourself.  We forget that  we  all come from  the  same place, when  it comes to God, not one of us is righteous on our own, and if we are , then that’s a problem and we need to retrace our steps to see where we  just  got it so incredibly wrong. If we belong  to Christ, then it’s time to put on our big boy and big girl pants on and follow, not act like it, but to actually  follow!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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