” Houston We Have A Problem ! “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 52
  • “Houston We Have  A Problem!”
  • Howdy!, and once again I  say  welcome to the slightly different.  This post was originally named  “Failure “, but lets be completely  honest, and  just say that  isn’t  very inspiring ☺️. Some  of you may have  been  around  for that Awe inspiring line,” Houston We Have A Problem “, as I  was.   I was ten years old  at the time , when  The Apollo 13 mission went airy.  I’m not going to give you a complete  history  lesson here, but  have hopes that it will  inspire you to  dig into  a little  bit of rich history as we were some what at the infancy of space exploration. This mission has inspired a great number  of movies, books, including a brilliant piece of work that took place almost in our backyard  in Hampton,  Va. In conjunction  with  Langley  Airforce base. Its been  a   few years now, but a great movie  called ” Hidden  Figures ” was done about  some of the  incredible  work that took place  to get a malfunctioning  space craft and its crew safely  returned to  earth.  So,  lets just add this post to things  that have been  inspired by that mission. ☺️ I   think  most of us have  some reference to the Apollo  missions  and man’s first  landing and walking  on the moon.  The Apollo  missions lead up to the more well-known shuttle  missions, but the technology  for the time was pretty  remarkable and  it gave  our Nation  a sense  of  pride  before  we all became  so divided, and splintered.  Ok, again,  do a little  investigation and  not take my word  for  it.  Jim Lovell was the commander of the almost  ill-fated mission,  and the one who originally  made  that  Infamous   statement.  While  the mission had a change  in its priorities, becoming  about to return  the three man crew safely to earth, which was successfully  done. If  we gage  it  based on  its original  mission  objectives,  on that level  it was a failure.  When we  fail, what do we do with  that?  There is always  that old adage about when life  gives you lemons, that you should  make  lemonade ☺️☺️. I often  wonder what  separates us into in to the  two groups of people .  Those who get stuck  or give  up   when faced with  adversity and or failure,  and those who rise above the  ashes of a charred dream.  There is no doubt that the  human spirit is resilient,  and  capable  of  overcoming great tragedies, such  as  the  attacks on September  the 11th, 2001.   We all have  things that we excel at , and other things,  not so much! There are just a ton of cliches out there about failure and about  how when  you  do fail, you have  just eliminated one more possibility that  gets you one more step  closer to your goal or success.  Some of them  have  been  made  by some terribly creative  people,  many of them  have gone down  in history  as innovators,  such as Ford or Edison,  and perhaps I  should  not  take it for granted that  those names are hallmarks  to  you or carry weight.  They  have  probably  been  replaced  by Musk, Gates, and Zuckerberg,  to name a  few.  I  will try to spare you of to many  of  quotes and  thought processes that  have  made them  well  known to say nothing about  incredibly rich and  famous. I  don’t  think  that  many of us relate to  them  and their level of  success,  and  perhaps  the question  should become  ,why not?  , or how come ? We look at  the  end product  and we admire and esteem them,  but they are  just  ordinary people,  like  everyone else,  but they  somehow  managed to  catch  lightning in a  bottle and  make it work  for themselves and  their  investors and stockholders. We marvel at their  success and often overlook or are unaware  of  how many failed  projects took place  before  they hit pay dirt. So sometimes our greatest  accomplishments are born or birth through  some kind   of unsuccessful attempt at a brilliant idea.  Lets stop looking  at  the abstract,  and look at how this sometimes  plays out in everyday  ordinary life. If ,I’ve said it once , I’ve said it a hundreds of times. We are all human and broken in some way and  are prone to  making  mistakes and  having  failures present in our lives. I  just spoke of two kinds of  people and if you  have been  on the planet for  any length of time you have encountered both,  and  if you  are honest and  open,  you may  be able to  self identify your camp☺️☺️. We all make mistakes and   its extremely rare that they  are fatal and the end of the story.  We should never  let our mistakes define us . It’s like your occupation,  it’s what you do, but hopefully that is not who you are, it’s what you  do. I know  sometimes for men,  that can  be difficult,  but  hopefully  there is more to you than your choice of employment.  So, it’s  true of our faux pas as well,  it’s what we did and not who we are, if you can’t  distinguish between the two,  then  it’s the equivalent of  throwing the baby out with the bath water, or in today’s culture,  they cancel you. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I  compensate for  that by seeking after knowledge,  but hopefully not just for the sake of knowing more,  but to gain wisdom and I believe that is a gift from God.  That being said,  I  read a lot and challenge myself with  different thoughts and  viewpoints. Sometimes I  grow and  gain a new perspectives and at other times I may reject it as I don’t  know how they  drew that conclusion, or   it doesn’t  make  sense  on some primary basic level,  or it could just  be  something out on the fringes. I’m  not sure,  but some of you may feel that way about this blog ☺️☺️. Ok, I  recently was challenged by  someone who I  admire.  His name  is  John Ortberg,  he is an author,  speaker, a broad thinker, and he has served as  a  pastor before as well,  but mostly  retired now and enjoying golf. So, I’m going to  attempt to  regurgitate a  little of his thinking and  it will  probably come off   like  when  you  try to  retell someone else’s comic  material, but hopefully I will  not loose you and at the same time not loose the meaning behind the  regurgitation ☺️☺️. We all have  a  mindset,  just as we all have a  world view,  as to how we perceive and interpret things, the prism with  which  we  see and engage life.  Theses mindsets determine  our thought processes and how we conduct  ourselves in the  world   in which  we find ourselves.  We  are going to  look at mindsets,  and for our purposes  here, there are basically  two. We either  have a fixed  mindset  or a growth  mindset.  John equates  the fixed  mindset with  gifts and  talents that we were born  with,  opposed to  the growth mindset that actually  encourages you to make mistakes  in  life because   it  helps  you  to  grow,  be it through  painful  experiences sometimes. The fixed mindset is not saying  that  you  are fully  developed  with  all of your talents at birth,  but  more so points to  limits on  growth, or a ceiling. A fixed mindset does not encourage you  to  make  mistakes, because  you view  it  as  some  sort of  a  failure , that you probably  are not equipped to  overcome, and you  are  concerned about  looking  bad, opposed to  a growth  mindset , that approaches mistakes and  failures as an opportunity to  learn and grow.  The fixed  mindset, when  it encounters  some sort of criticism becomes defensive,  because  it  has already  put forth  its  best effort opposed to the  growth mindset that will  use that criticism to become  better,  they will  actually welcome it and see it as an opportunity to  become  better.  The fixed  mindset is always  concerned about what others  think of them and  they are  always  performing for approval and  acceptance. The  growth mindset is more confident that they  can  overcome any  mistakes that are made, because they  engage and are constantly looking  for  new ways to achieve better  outcomes,  noticed  that  I didn’t say a good outcome, but better,  believing that  there is always room for improvement.  When the fixed mindset  sees others having  successes in life, they become  jealous,  while  the growth  mindset  is inspired  by it and is more likely  to celibate  other’s  sucesses. Take a moment and think  about  how this  plays out in your day to day living.  Think about  how different  all of your relationships would look, if you were free to  make mistakes.  The point  is  that  we all do make  mistakes every day, it’s not by some small  chance if you will make a mistake,  but when  you  make a mistake. I don’t  want  to  breeze over the  mindset  thing because it  effects us every day,  in our thinking and  how that works out in our actions and the choices that we make.  If we can  concede that we all make  mistakes, and have failures on some level, let’s talk  a little  bit  about  self condemnation . I  know  for myself,  when  I  make a boo boo, I  can  be so hard on myself. I  can  speak  negatively to myself as  in , you should  have  known  better,  what were you thinking?, you really drop the  ball  with  that one.  There could be  many  other  ways that we can  beat ourselves up , but  what we must  remember is that  everyone has  flops in their  lives. We must  remember that  it is a chance for  growth.  Also  to remember that a failure in life doesn’t  define who you are. While  we touch on self condemnation,  let’s spread that out  a little bit.  There is something  known as  ” condemnation  engineering “. This  is  when others will  attempt  to  condemn you , to get you  to  do what they want you to do, or what  they  perceive should be the  best course of  action  following  one of your  miscalculation.  The irony here is that they probably  can’t  be as hard on you, as you are on yourself, if you are  growth  mindset  person.  If you consider yourself a  Christ follower, then you  should remember and take hold of the fact that God says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.  If  God is the higher authority and He doesn’t  condemn  us ,that  means that we shouldn’t condemn ourselves or allow  anyone else  make  us feel  ashamed or that  we are somehow less than,  because we  had a bad moment,  a bad day, or even perhaps  find ourselves  in one of those seasons in life  when  everything  doesn’t  exactly  smell  like  roses. ☺️☺️ I don’t wish  to encourage  you to make blunders,  but more so encourage you  to  remember that  it’s not the end of the world and  it will  blow over.  Great thinkers, think about innovation and things that  will  change the  world.  Lesser thinkers , will consider ways for those  applications to  be implied in life and  be made useful.  The thinkers at the lower rungs of  life talk about  other people,  so when they  talk about  you, and they will,  usually  behind your back. Remember that they will  soon move on  from  you and be looking  for  the next juicy piece of  gossip to spread around.  Feel free to  explore and learn.
  • Till next time ✌️peace
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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