• Not The Only One  !
  • Post# 117
  • 25 Jan 24   
  •                           ” FEAR”  
  •   ” False Evidence  Appearing Real”
  • Howdy,
  • Once again thank you for being  there. I  always seem to be  working on a  post, and something  else will  come flying in  from  left field, and this is one of those.  After  last week, it may sound  as if I  have some theme that  I’m pursuing, but that is not the case at all. I  first  encountered this acronym- acrostic almost  thirty  years  ago, maybe  it was twenty or twenty five years ago, but no matter.  It has always  stuck with me and I have  just  met person  after person  with  fear and anxiety about the  uncertain world that we live  in.  If it’s not about the political culture, or wars and rumors  of  wars , then its personal  tragedy and  heart ache.  I’m not king of the hill, and probably far off from  the bravest person to  ever live, but I do  try my best to  live with  certain things  in a proper  perspective.  First thing  is, we are all inhabitants in  a  mortal  body and  some day it will  encounter death.  That is just  part of  the  equation  for all living  things.  Pets, trees, all sorts of animals, and us. We have a  shelf life  of sorts. We can  look at giant Red wood trees and  other  species of  trees  that may  live hundreds of  years, but at some point  they  will  still  die.
  • When  I  step back and  examine my  own  life and  my own  heart, the things that  would  instill fear in me most  would  be  about the  lack of control over  life. I  think  it’s a  natural  thing to  want  to  control  certain  aspects of my life . We can’t and don’t always have control over our circumstances, and many times our response to things are less than Par. .  I  think  we want to  feel  as if we have  control  over how many  kids we want to  have, but fertility  is not an absolute  guarantee, and so  many couples  struggling to  have  kids would  attest  to  that . We want to control  our careers, and yet millions of  people  are doing  jobs other  than  what they  trained for or was hoping  for. We have  the over qualified , the under qualified, the  unemployable and everything  in between.  We eat well  and  exercise, and get  plenty of  rest and  there is still  no guarantee  that  you won’t  drop dead at thirty five  or forty from  a heart attack, or just  have a  random  brain   Aneurism . I  think that  the more we just  White knuckle every  little  detail of our  lives, the more anxious we become.  I’m a little bit of a methodical person, but I  will  occasionally  attempt to  multi task, but I’m  not particularly a huge fan of  change. I  like the certainties of  life and  where things are  in position to where I find myself.  However, change  is  inevitable and  it is just  as certain as  death.  There is that thing about the  more things  change the more they  stay the same. ☺️ There is a little  truth  locked up into  both of those things.  Life is full  of  change and very  few of us will  find ourselves in  the exact  same  place that we were a year ago.  There has been  change, even  if  it’s  just  the addition of  a  few more gray hairs , and  a new wrinkle or two and maybe a  couple of  pounds or more☺️☺️.
  • There are  various things in life that  we can  put under the banner known as an exercise in futility.  If you just stop and  took a moment, think about all of the  things that  You  worried about  just  yesterday.  Would I be late for work  again  because the traffic was  bad.  I  hope that my son doesn’t  leave his lunch on the kitchen  counter again.  I hope I can  get  a good parking  space because  it’s  raining.  Did I  remember to  feed the  cat. Did I  set the parental  controls  on the cable, so the kids won’t  see something  objectionable.  Did I  take  something  out of the freezer for dinner, and the list goes  on and on  , and that’s just for one day.  Now , imagine it for the entire week or month and even a year, and then  remember  how many  of them were completely  groundless or insignificant.  Things that   never  came to fruition or amounted  to a big Ole  nothing☺️.  Maybe it’s  nature to worry about  things in life, but often  worries becomes  fears , and  fear is the complete  opposite of  having  faith in God or anything at all, other  than your ability to  worry and be fearful. ☺️
  • Fear can be debilitating for some, we have all seen  this  in a movie, where something  awful is about to take  place and the person  just  freezes, much like a deer in the headlights.  When  we encounter  immediate danger  we have built  into us the adrenalin that is supposed  to push us to fight or flight, but many will  become  incapacitated and just  freeze. Now in a movie, someone  may pull them out of the line of a speeding  car, or pull them  from  the  train tracks, but what happens in real life, when  we don’t  know  which way to  turn and we aren’t  exactly  comfortable with  just  flipping a coin ☺️☺️. Fear has the ability  to  conjure  up all kinds of no win scenarios.  It wants you to believe the absolute  worst about  every  single  circumstance and  situation that you  will face.  Sometimes  fear is just  straight up  irrational.  I  say that because, we have a thing and it doesn’t  really matter what  that thing  is, but it’s a reason for concern. There could be a dozen explanations  for why something is what  it  is, but the tendency is  to  run to the worse case scenario.  Maybe a  bad  example, but just  for a second image  that you were in possession of  some extremely secretive  information and someone was willing to  torture you for it, and let’s just say that they  were  going to  use some form  of  electric shock treatment that has ten different  levels  of  intensity, each providing  more  voltage to  your  body than the  previous setting.  How  many of us are going to  want   to  start out on the maximum amount?, probably not  many ☺️☺️. However that is exactly what  we do  when  encounter a little  uncertainty, we stress ourselves out  with  worse case scenarios.  I  get  that  one may  be just  a  little  to  far fetched, but what about an anomaly on some medical  test?  Do you run  past the possibility of human error, or an equipment malfunction, or that You may have  some  rare anomaly that  is unique to  your  body and very few other people, or are you home on the computer at WebMD  seeking  out all of the  things that it could be  including the  worse case scenario that is telling you that  you should be  making funeral arrangements ☺️☺️
  • I recently encountered someone  who’s   biggest  fear was that their  partner  in life was  incapable of change.  Now, this is one of those bitter/ sweet  things. First up, I  believe that You  need to  love  people for who they are, and I  also  believe that  the older that we  become the  harder  change is  and less likely to  occur.  At the same  time  I believe that  we must  be willing to  adapt and  make  adjustments, especially when  it comes  to  areas of  communication and caring for  others.  Love is an action word and  it has to go beyond just the  statement of  it, but it should be  poured out in acts of  demonstration and sacrificially . You prove your  love for others  by the way  that you communicate, share and care for them. It’s the action  of  taking care of  them, which  means  you have  to  love them  in a way that they feel  valued and it brings  meaning and worth to their  personhood.  If  you  find  yourself  with  someone  who likes  it a little  rough  every  now and  then, well that’s for another  post down the road ☺️☺️. I  hate to say this, but many times  this comes down  to  being  selfish, prideful, and sometimes  just sheer laziness, and not wanting  to  put in the work.  Most of us are  familiar  with  couples  growing  apart to the point  where they  usually end up squaring off  in their  own individual  corners. There may  be  a  degree or two of lack of sensitivity, and at the same  time  I would  like  to  remind  both sexes, that their  partner  is not a mind reader, which  brings us  right  back  to  communication.  Earlier I  mentioned about  exercises  in futility and this one just  blows me away, but one or the other  has something that is  upsetting to  them  and instead  of  finding a  mature way of calmly  expressing that, they  take the posture  of ” you should  just  know “☺️☺️. Ok maybe  in your mind  they  should just know, but if it’s causing  you  problems and  discomfort and  you  sit silent, then  you  need  to  speak up, because  maybe  it’s not as obvious to your  partner as  it is to you. After  all, you are the one who is bothered by it.☺️☺️. I  completely understand having to  have  the  same  conversation  over and over again and they still  not get it. Ok, countless  times I have  said how us guys can  be a little  slow on the up take, but I  do  believe that  You  have  to find a way to  express how you feel  harmed or threatened by  their  words, actions or behaviors.  We all have  baggage and  sometimes  it’s complicated by the fact that our Samsonite is  the  perfect  trigger  for making  the  other  person  feeling  unloved or cared for. I’m also leaving  room for the possibility  that your partner  could  be just  a complete  whack job  and  care for no one but themselves ☺️☺️, usually the  guy, but not always. 
  • Fears are not always  groundless, but sometimes  very  real, so let’s just  take a  second  and  unpack that. Whether  we wish  to  admit  it  or  not just about  all fear is rooted in  punishment or some kind of negative  response, or consequence.  My friend who was  fearful  about  her partners  lack of  or inability to  change  would  mean  that  she would  be  stuck in a  relationship with  someone  who  doesn’t  hear her or value  her in the way that she would  like, so her punishment would  be  to continue down a road that she sees  as a dead-end road. If we displease our boss the fear is termination. If we don’t  have  proper  income, it could  lead to a host of not good things that could  lead up to homelessness.  All of these things are  negative in  nature and  not good  things and could  have some  very  adverse effects.  I’m not going to  make  light of  anyone’s  particular situation, because  for some,  everyday  these things  move past being  a  worry or concern, and it may even  blow by the  fear  thing into  a  reality. This does  happen and those sort of things do take  place, but not at the rate that fear wants us to believe that  it does.  Fear can  often  be the mole Hill turned into  a  mountain and most often that takes place  in our heads. Fear and anxiety can  shave years off of your life In a pattern that  is very  similar to  a  cigarette  smoker, when done habitually , and that probably  took many of  you by surprise. It  can  cause  health  problems and  not just  those of  a hypochondriac in nature  kind ☺️☺️ Fear has the ability to  take the most minute* things in life and turn  it  into that thing that  would be  bigger  than the  elephant that is already  occupying the majority of the  room.☺️☺️ Fear  is  another  one  of  those  things  in life that  can  at times only  possess the  power that  we  choose to give it to rule our life and  emotions.  Fear has talked countless  people  out of  going  into  business  for themselves, out of relationships, and other  things that  could  have added  substance*  and  value  to their  lives if they could  just  push  the false evidence  to  the  side.  Fear wants to highlight  all of the negative without  any balance on the other side, because it doesn’t  play  fair and  it  really  wants  you to concentrate on the  negative.  Almost  everything  in life, at one time or the other was done with  fear as the motivator . I mean  what else can  you  call it when  parents  wrap their  kids in bubble  wrap ☺️☺️.
  • As I bring  this to a close, I  want to  reflect back on  some of my ROTC training.  It  may  sound  like an over simplification, but  we control  the things that  are within  our control and  we know that  all things are not within  our control.  We can  worry  about  those  things  or we could  plan  a contingency for  when things  get sideways, notice that I  didn’t  say if, but I  said when,; because  very few things in life are flawless and that  includes  diamonds at times☺️☺️. I’m in the field and I  see something  on the map that says there is intermittent water way ahead. ( pre satellite imagery) . That  means  that  sometimes  is passable and at other  times  it may be  under water. I  won’t know  the  outcome of  that until I  get  there. The wise old saying, I will  cross that bridge when I  get  there. We should  stop forcing ourselves to  worry and be fearful about  things  that may never  materialize or present themselves as a problem for  you.
  • Very  few things in life don’t  have  a  spiritual component to  it  , and fear is  heavy-duty in the spiritual  realm.  All through out scripture  people’s  first  encounter with  the spiritual  is met with ” Do not  fear” or be  afraid ” . Again  we mostly  fear the unknown and  that is partly  what gives fear its power, it’s ability to  be unknown.  Not that fear is unknown, we know that all to well,☺️☺️ but the certain  outcome  of  any given  situation, and remember  we are fearful  for punishment, or not having a  favorable outcome.  We have  to remember  that  we  weren’t  designed  to carry  certain  burdens  in life or through  life, and God always  provides a  solution for  that. In the book of Philippians , God says not to  worry  about  anything, and then  He gives us the solution of how best to  achieve that. First  He says to pray. God wants  to  hear about  everything that is a concern for you, doesn’t matter  if it’s big or small, if it’s a concern for you, then  He wants you to  bring  it to Him.  Then , He says to make petitions, which  is  to do the actual  asking for whatever Your  needs are, bring  it honestly, humbly and sincerely, because  God hears all of our prayers, even  if it’s no more than ” God help me”. Thirdly  we are to praise God and thank Him  for  all that He has already  done, is doing  and  will  continue to  do, that is what builds  faith . There is always  more if we want it and are willing to receive it. If we are fearful, and fear is rooted in punishment, then God says that the antidote for that is love. It’s not  just  love, but a perfect  love. Since none of us are perfect, then we know that  it’s about  how God loves us  because  He is  perfect and  good. We have to trust that  in every  situation that God has our best interests at heart. It may not look that way on the surface or at first  glance, but  a deeper  introspection  will  usually demonstrate some kindness of God. This  can  be  so  hard  to see or believe when  we see some  tragedy or injustice  taking  place, but we have  to  trust that God has got this and you as well.  He works all things together  for good , for  those who love Him and  are called according to His will. The bottom  line is  that fear is” A LIAR “, and it will  do anything  and everything  to discourage you, if you will  allow  it  to. 
  • Fear is a big fat liar and  you should not  let it have your  ear. I  said earlier about  how fear will  keep  us from  venturing  out into  opportunities, such as relationships, business  ventures, and even  try and beat us up about  taking  rest or a sabbath.  Sometimes when  we  walk pass or for go these opportunities, we will  occasionally  throw  away  people as well.  God sees  value in every  living  soul that was created  in His image and He doesn’t  create  junk, so maybe  we should  be  more  cautious about  throwing the baby out with the  bath water.☺️☺️  Sometimes  we need a  power  source  or the thing that makes things  go, so I’m going to  end this with  another  acrostic that came along around  the same  time  as the first one that I shared and that is GRACE…GOD’S  RICHES AT CHRIST’S EXPENSE!. We all need  it and we all need to  learn  to  give it away.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner

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