“Falling On The Sword”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 134
  • 23 May 24   
  • ” Falling  On The Sword”
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks  for  checking  in  once more. Buckle up! This may be a tough one.  It’s not for everyone, but it is  for some, and I  will  apologize  up front to those of you who find it hard to follow along. Falling  on one’s  sword was  thought to  be  an honorable and valiant thing  and it took a little  bit of the sting out of being  captured, tortured  or even  worse. I know that some may think   what could be the worse part, but if you were made to watch bad things happen to other people that you love, it could most definitely make you wish for the sweet release of death . It was in all honesty done to take the bragging  rights  away  from  the  Victor. If you  were fortunate or perhaps unfortunate  enough to  be the  armor  barrier , your  fate was  usually  sealed  with  your   master’s and  most times followed  suit. It was a mindset  that  few relate to now days, especially in the west, where we will  do almost  anything  to  escape or avoid  pain   suffering, responsibility, and yes to postpone  death  as long as possible ☺️☺️.
  • As we head  into  Memorial Day , take some time to  reflect  on  those who  have  gone before  us and sacrificed  much.  The deployments  have  gotten   longer over the years and  time away  from  family  is just  more  added  stress to one of the most  demanding  things  that  someone  can  ever offer, and that’s service  to  its Nation.  The saying goes, all have  given  some, but some have  given  all!. So, as you heat up the grill, lather up with  skin  protection at the beach, or attending a  parade, don’t  forget those who  have  made the ultimate  sacrifice to  protect  freedom.
  • Ok, back to the whole  sword thing.  It’s like  a lot of things in life and   it has another whole  side to it. It could  be  seen  as  an honorable thing to  do, but I  would  reserve that for people  who  sacrifice  themselves  for  others.  The other side of  the  coin is that its a cowardly act. It could be  seen as  a  way of  ducking  responsibility, or just  not wanting to  face the music 😐. Honestly, that has been  me , not wanting to  face the music  or to come clean, so it’s  my turn  to fall  on the sword. This is my shameful and  shameless confession.  As Christians we are called to  love people.  All kinds and sorts of people, because  Christ died for all people and all people are important and  a priority to and   for Him. I  think  personally  for myself  it’s easy to love or say that we  love someone , as long as we don’t  have  any  skin in the game. What I mean  by  that  is, it’s easy to serve a stranger on the street or at a soup kitchen  somewhere.  It gets  a little  bit  more tangible  when  it’s taking  care of an elderly parent, I mean  they  put their  time  in  with you, and it’s just the right thing to  do. ☺️The last one is a huge challenge, and at times it’s like  someone  is holding you under the water and you  not being  sure if you’re  going  to  be  able to come up  for a breath  of air😵‍💫. These are the situation that  often  leaves us dazed and confused.  If we aren’t  that then often  much worse and left bruised and scared in places and ways  that it doesn’t  show on the outside.
  • These are the  times  and places where we cross the line and  engage  with  individuals who  don’t  share our world  view, values or  love for God. I’m a very  extremely  strange  bird here, and some of it goes to my wiring.  See!, I  will  put a lot of similar  things in the harper and try to  make them  work together.  Often what I will  end up with  is  a  couple  of  broken  eggs, some un-sifted flour, some melted butter and  sugar  all over floor….but no cake, which was the desired goal☺️☺️. I  know that  made very  little  sense, so let’s  see if I  can focus  these binoculars just a bit☺️☺️. First up, the primary  gift that  God graced me  with  is  evangelism, so my hearts desire  is to always wanting to  connect  people to  a  relationship with  God. Then I  read in the new testament about  the  apostle Paul, being  all things  to all people.  He wasn’t  changing  who he was or his message, just  meeting  people  where they  were, so to have  more  of  a connection with them and  presenting  things  in a way that they  would have a higher  probability of  understanding what he was trying to  convey. Two  things  to note here is that I’m not the apostle Paul and  this isn’t  first  century  Christianity.😝☺️  Paul  could  step into  a  town  and see that they had a shrine  to an unknown  God, and explain who that is, but some  two thousand  years  later, most people  have  heard and picked a team, even  if it doesn’t  lead to life or the fulfillment of  life.🥲🥲. The last piece  for me, well  maybe  almost  the last piece ☺️☺️. I’m supposed to be able  to  love people  exactly  where they  are, and simultaneously not sacrifice  truth, or the message that Paul was heralding some two thousand years ago.  Again!, without  skin in the game, this is seemingly a  no Brainer. It’s probably easy to become a  little  indignant when  the average person  rejects what you are  presenting to them. I  can  admit that  I  have  shrugged  my shoulders, walked away  and  thought their  loss, not mine.! Sure it’s easy  to  have the mindset of” turn or burn,” or to soften  it with maybe  I was just  planting seeds or watering  along the  way. I  know the truth  of them  not rejecting myself, but the Lord and God , who I say that I  serve . I  believe  all such encounters just  break the  heart of God.  He cares when  His kids don’t  care enough and when  people  don’t  believe and accept that He has already  done all  the heavy lifting.  ✝️
  • Yes!, they are rejecting God, but it doesn’t  feel  that way, it’s a lot more personal and  it does come with  hurt feelings.  This is  where I  forget  how to tread water, or even  how to just  float and  see where the current  takes me. I  become  that overly  optimistic  person, usually  a woman ☺️☺️, but not always, that sees this  as  a  project or something that I  can  run out to the home improvement store, come back and fix this☺️☺️. Once you love someone, really  love them, with  your heart and not just  head knowledge, it’s a completely  different  ball game. The stakes just  became  extremely high.  It doesn’t  matter  if  it is  unbelieving  parents, a prodigal child or  a  partner in a romantic  relationship, the stakes are high and  you  don’t  ever want  to  think  about  them  in  an eternity void of God and his love and mercy. I  will  admit that I  don’t  do well  with  the  tight  rope  thing, my fail safe is  always  going  to  be  God, because of   His Spirit  indwelling within  me. It’s like  a homing  beacon and  it always  points true  North, regardless  of  how  hard , I may wage against it or not want it to ☺️☺️. It’s like  putting a  chip in your dog or cat, and there is no place  that I  can go and God not know  exactly  where I  am  or what  I’m doing.  That’s probably  not the  best  analogy, but it does  paint  a  picture ☺️☺️.
  • How do you tell  someone that they  don’t  have  what they  think  that they have? I  know  that  we aren’t  suppose to judge and you never  know what personal  decision  someone  has  made  in their  life , but sometimes  they  make  it real obvious  for us to determine that  based  on  words, actions,  and the things that  they  stand for. This again  isn’t  just  about volatile or  abrasive topics.  I  can  tell  you  that  I  believe  and have  met born again  believers  who believe  that it’s perfectly  fine to terminate a pregnancy, even  right  up until  late in  the term. Perfectly  healthy, but unwanted for one reason  or the  other, they believe  it, it’s there right  to and its my right  to  believe  it is  extremely sad.🥲🥲 With  the  amount  of  diversity in the  world and  with  Satan  working  overtime, as his time is growing  short, we shouldn’t  be  surprised that the  same diversity  is  within  the  body of Christ. 
  • If anyone  ever tells you that  Falling on a Sword, or any sharp object  , for that matter , is  pain free, don’t  believe  them , honorable  or not ☺️☺️. Well  !, unless  you are  really  slow, I mean  the turtles  are passing you and leaving  you in the dust☺️☺️, then  you  know that I’ve been  talking about a romantic relationship that  can leave one feeling  less than adequate. It’s not  in any of the ways that  you usually  may feel less than, say stamina, finances, intelligences or  just  being  emotionally unavailable,☺️☺️ but some how We  failed to  represent  God well.  It’s like I said it’s a personal thing.  So something  about  ourselves  did not leave   the sweet  aroma of  Christ  in the air. It’s not my first  rodeo and  I  know  that  I  absolutely can’t  save  a single  solitary  person, including myself. I  know  that  it’s a deeply  personal decision to follow Christ but,…..when  you  see and witness the  trauma, the bad history, both  in  and  outside  of the church first  hand, it’s more than  just a  tall mountain to climb, at times  its insurmountable.  When  people  have  knowledge about  so much tradition and  falsehoods, it’s difficult  for  them  to  see anything  but what they  have  always  known, even  if  it’s  not  the  truth and  beneficial for  them. They  think  that  they are all the same and interchangeable, and if they  are, what difference  does it matter. ? I’ve  never  understood holding on to some religion or rituals  that  have  only  for the most part  been associated with  pain and hurt.
  • Back to the  guy that gave  us  most of the new testament. He once stated  that he would  sacrifice  himself, if  it meant  that  they understood  what was  being  offer to them.  He would  receive and take there punishment, if they would  just  open  their  eyes  and  believe and receive  God’s free gift of salvation.  Most of  us  get close  to this if we have  a  sick  child and  you would  take  their  place in a heart beat, just  so that they  wouldn’t  be suffering anymore, you know what  I’m talking about.  And why would  you  take such  drastic  actions? , because You  love them and  sometimes  more than  life itself .I  know  that  there is no way for me to take the place of  another, even though I wish that I  could.  If I  could  do that, then  maybe  I  could  get the  proverbial horse to  drink when I  lead it to water ☺️☺️.
  • I believe  that  we all have  holes in our lives to some degree.  There are things that  we  wish that  we could  improve upon  for various reasons.  Some based out of need for health, self improvement or just the  general  betterment of a  situation.  Some and maybe a great deal of our holes are selfish in nature.  The question then  becomes, what size are your holes? Are they  something that  a small tweak  here or there would  remedy it as whole.?  Is it  an ozone size hole and something that  you could  push a Mac truck through? ☺️I  think  for some as in this particular case, it’s a God size hole and  it’s something  that  swallow up galaxies and the entire  universe.  The irony  here is that this humongous hole can  only  be  filled with  God, and then  it miraculously fits inside a human  heart ❤️. We chase after  all sorts of adventures, sky diving, scuba diving, bungee jumping, and we wonder why they  just  never leave   us  feeling filled and content. Maybe it’s power, money, travel,  possessions, and even  relationships and the results  are  always the same, some different  level  of  misery☺️☺️ It’s one kind of pain to sit idly by and observe  this in a  coworker, or perhaps a relative or  a  personal  friend, but it a whole  different  world  of  hurt when  you  have skin In the game. You would  do  or give anything to  get  them  to see, just another  perspective.  Noticed that  I  didn’t  say a slightly  different  perspective, because  following  Christ  is radical and  it changes  everything.  He is the  light of the world and  you don’t  have to  go  around  trying  to  make your own  light, that  will  dissipate over time. I  have  to  have  the  next cool Facebook post so people  think that I’m cool, or living  my best life, or just so they  don’t  forget  me and  think that  I’m pathetic and lame, yeah but, you have  that momentary light.☺️☺️
  • When I  was  with you, I prayed with you and  when  we weren’t  together I prayed for you  as I still  do till this  day, all this time later. When you  were here, I  took you to church and  when I  was  there, we found a church and we went  together  hoping to  arouse or  spark  some  interest.  When  we  were together, I  treated you with  dignity and  respect and always  took care of you.  I  tried to be a gentleman and contrast myself  to  the usual round of suspects.☺️☺️ I  made you laugh and  you did the same  for me. Did I  do all of these things  perfectly? , of course  not, but I  made a legitimate try at making  you feel  special and  different, because of the love I still have for you in my heart ♥️
  • I’m going to  close this out with  this. There is a story  in the old testament of God speaking through a  donkey, I laugh  every  time  I  think  about God and His sense of humor.  Well I  was listening to a radio station the other day and the DJ on there was telling  a story.  I’m not really a fan  of  hers, because she has way to many  words, and I  know that  it’s not about  me  and someone  else needs  the encouragement and all of that sunshine ☺️☺️. She comes across  as  to churchy, which  some of you have  said about me….so I  get it☺️☺️. She was telling a story about  a friend  of  her ‘s and  her husband.  A guy friend  who  was  asking  them  their  thoughts on  the  woman that he was dating and contemplating marrying.  They  told him their  thoughts and  that they thought  she wasn’t  the  right  fit for him , but to pray about  it. Well  if God can  use a donkey, then  He surely  can  use a DJ that I’m not to crazy about ☺️☺️. The final  piece for me in the harper  is  God. He is the wild card and He changes hearts and  minds  every  single day.  I knew that the difficulty that we were experiencing was  our spirits  being at war with  one another.  It’s the darkness  trying to  extinguish a light that can  never be  put out. Let’s just  make  sure  that  the  sword  goes  all the way through.  I  lied to you.  I  told you that you  didn’t have to  change, I just  didn’t  know  that  you were  going to  take it as a personal  challenge ☺️☺️. It wasn’t to change for me or what I  was  hoping you would be, but I  was hopeful  for  your sake.  It’s no fun going  through  life  with  all those  fears and anxiety.  The worries of am I  good enough, am I  loved  and accepted? And all of the other  insecurities that  come with just  being on the planet.  Life is full  of  uncertainty, but not when  you  walk with  God. We always  have  hope in the things  that  matter  most in life.  Sure there are  times  when  it’s  in short  supply, but it’s never completely out and gone, and I  mean  never!!  God wasn’t  using the  DJ to tell  me something  that I  didn’t already  know, but it was a reminder, and at the end of the day, I  still  had hope , because  God is  awesome!! I know that  He can do for you  , what He has already  done for me. So I  lied to you. Sorry…..not Sorry!!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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