Epidemic !

  • Not The Only One!  
  •                     09Dec.22
  • Post# 56
  • Howdy!, and once again I  say welcome.  In recent years we have all become  more familiar with the  terms  pandemic and  epidemic. It speaks to  something  that is spiraling in  a non positive direction.  Sometimes we encounter things that  have  a surprising  by product  to it. Early  gasoline  production was a by product of the fuel  they use to use to light the  street  lamps in  major metropolitan cities back in the day. I have  been  on a few dating sites,  as most  people have,  trying to  find that illusive one. The laughable thing here is  that the majority of  people on dating sites  are  people  who  have  already said I do to someone in their  past.  They  wanted to  be single  or at least  free from the  one that  they  had previously  made  vows with.  We all have  baggage at this  stage of  life,  but many  can’t  face up to  or own their  garbage. When  I  say all have baggage,   I mean all. The never  married,  the divorcee,  and  yes even the widows. Its different for all, but all have  something hanging  up in the closet.  ☺️☺️When you  are alone at this  stage  of life , it is slightly  different for a various number of  reasons.  These  reasons  vary from  the dating  pool just  being  smaller as people  die out or die off.  People at this  stage of life are less likely to  change,  so a little  set in their  ways.  It’s is almost as  if we revert back to  our childhood and  are less  likely to  share . The  sharing  can be anything  from  time,  to space,  to shared interests.  It’s extremely  ironic that  on one hand we say that we are looking for  someone to  share our lives  with  , but do very  little  to open  our hearts and  minds up past , what works  for us. I  guess  that   also makes us selfish  as well.  I  understand  that  many of us have  been  on our own for a significant amount of time,  and  on some  level have  become  quite comfortable with the  status quo. If  we are searching,  then  we  want more and  know  that  there  is  more, but the formula illudes  us and  grows in complexity with  each passing day.  I am  by no means suggesting  that I  have the solution here, but I  have  been  an observer from  all sides of  the  puzzle.  There are times that are worse than others,  it could  be  as we see other  couples out holding  hands doing  a little  Christmas  shopping. It maybe as you walk into  a  worship  service alone, and it seems  as  if  you  are surrounded by  couples of all ages and many with  family by their  sides. Even  the simplest of  things,  such as going  to  a  movie  alone, or partaking in  a  meal at  a dine in restaurant. I  have  noticed that many of   us  have  given  up  on eating  healthy or cooking  all together,  just  because it is  easier to  hit a drive thru, and scarf down  something in the car on the way home after  a  long day at work. When we do break down  and grocery  shop, we find that  some of what we  purchase  is a waste of funds,, because  it expires before  we  get through  it. Some of us push through or try to  cover up the  loneliness by diving  into our  work,  or by investing  heavily in to our grandchildren.  Still  there are  others  who  don’t  have  that luxury , due to retirement or other factors,  such as no children, or their  children  choosing  not to invest  in  kids of their own.  Many will  seek   the path of travel and choosing to see the world, and while  there are a great  many  options , this can also  be a lonely  endeavor.  Still  others  may find  themselves starting  inadvertently ,careers  on Facebook ☺️☺️or  combing through  endless  dating  profiles on a lonely  Friday or Saturday night.  I  think sometimes we sabotage ourselves  by being  to closed off, or unavailable, other than , on our terms  and on our timetable.  We may choose to  watch  a sporting event over giving  that time to someone else.  I get that we all have  priorities,  but they may need to  be  occasionally  reviewed and  possibly  changes made if we are serious about not being alone,  at what use to be considered the ” golden years”. Earlier,  I spoke of  things that are a byproduct of other  things. In my quest, I  have met some  wonderful  people.  Many of them are  exactly where I  find  myself,  looking  but not finding  that needle in a hay stack. The byproduct  for me has been,  while  in the  search of the one ,I   have  made a  few new friends, some I have  had personal contacts with,  and others,  not so much! The prerequisite for  friendship has become about  those few , who  have chosen to  be open and vulnerable . They  have  allowed me to peer in and  share in their  pains and  struggles,  and to point blank to let you know that they don’t have  it all together and  that life can  be hard at times.  I  have been  cautious not to over sale and under deliver, and what I  mean  by that is, those dating  suspects who want you  to  think that they have it all together , when they  don’t.  The point is  none of  us  do. I spoke  of  epidemic and  the one that I  am referring to  is the vast level of lonely people in the world. This is found at every demographic,  race, age, social  economic,  or whatever the category you wish to measure  it by. There  is  a vast  number of  lonely people  spread out  over  the landscape.  I  have a  friend who  has two  adult  sons, and  incase you  are  unaware of  this  fact, boys are different  from  girls.  Men  aren’t  usually  nurturing,  at least  not  on the same  level with  women.  So, as she is aging,  she is keenly aware of her son’s lack of interest in being  there for  their  mom. Men  usually go where  ever the woman in their  life goes. Reader, pay attention if you have sons, you  might  want to  try extra  hard to be  good and  friendly  with  your daughter in laws. ☺️☺️ This very  same  friend,  reached out on a  weekend  night,  all alone and in the pit of mire and self pity.  She  had settled for a relationship with a man,  who wasn’t  respectful and  didn’t treat her nice, and the kicker for her was, that  in addition  to the baggage,  the sex was bad☺️, and  now she is weighing that against  being  alone.  You  would  think  on the surface,  it would  be  an obvious  choice,  but I  have  learned to never  judge  unless you are prepared to  walk some miles  in their shoes. Things are never as convenient as we would  like  for them to  be and  being  alone can  play  havoc with your  mind. One can  feel  unlovable,  undesirable,  and  when  you are isolated,  the brain  can  run to some pretty  dark places.  Often  times I feel for people who  seek after and try to  find  fulfillment in  social media.  It’s like one of the worst  things  ever. Many people have  friends  and  followers,  and have  no idea of who is on the other  end of that connection.  Sometimes it  is  like  they are performing for an anonymous  audience and  they  get paid or rewarded  through  likes , that  good  old thumbs up ��. I think some of the  saddest for me are the ” celebrities “.  In a previous  post  I  spoke about  influencers and  some of these pseudo personalities.  They  aren’t  famous for making some great  contribution,  but they are just  famous for the  whole purpose of  being  famous.  I  don’t  want to  paint a gloomy picture here,  but  by  some estimates up to sixty percentage of our adult  population lives alone and  has meals alone on a regular basis,  so their  norm. This statistic is based on  the  western  culture,  which has more influence and expendable income, so less likely to  share living space out of necessity.  This  goes far beyond eating  meals  alone and having  no one to snuggle with.  When  people  spend  more than  eight hours a day alone,  it can  present mental health issues,  which will  often  manifest itself  in  physical ways. I have a  new friends out in Tennessee who  was asking me  about reconciling holiness in our lives.  I  first  believes that  speaks to  integrity . The things we see, say ,and do when  no one else is  around.  I’m not  going  to  call anyone out  here , because  most  of us have  something,  that could  be  considered a secret  sin or indiscretion.  Some of them  may seem  harmless,  but what I have  come to discover is  that  we don’t  live in a vacuum.  The Bible  says that no man is an island  unto themselves.  So, whether  it’s over eating on comfort  food, definitely  guilty of  that one,  or it could  be a dozen of other  things, from drugs, drinking,  watching  porn, and even  benge watching an  Inoculus show,  which can  lead to inactivity and  probably not keeping our minds sharp.  I’m not trying  to hit all of the  hot buttons,  but if you just  sit  around and comb social media and  are envious  of others in your critique of  them , then that is something that  can  lead to bitterness . We allow  things  in  our  lives in these alone  moments that  make  ourselves  let’s attractive to ourselves and to others as well.  How did  we get  here? Oh, yeah, being  alone. I’m not a big proponent of  people’s  self  esteem,  but it  comes into play as to how we see ourselves.  I  think  that  we need to  know  our worth,  but it helps if it’s supported by  others in our lives .  I’m not referring to  egomaniacs,  or people  who have so much  self confidence that  it comes across as  arrogance brandished with  pride and  their  heads can hardly  make it through the  door way. There should  be  a  healthy  balance  between  that and thinking  of yourself as  trash or damaged goods. I have  gone on the record that I’m not moved much by words of affirmation,  but who doesn’t  like  to  hear that they are  loved?. That  is  affirming,  so I  guess  I’m going to have to  make an exception.  Those three little  words are so important to  children,  so I  hope  that  is something you   are spreading  around  a lot if you  have  kiddos. When  we live alone we don’t  get  that, and  it doesn’t have  to  be  expressed verbally,  but just  some one doing  a kind act, such as putting  a  blanket on you after you  fall asleep In the recliner. Covid super charged  an  already  not high quality of life when  it  comes to  us connecting with  others.  I’m  not  sure  that we will ever  recover from  years of social  distancing .I  have heard people  express that  they  just ache from  the  loneliness. The  mental health of  Americans hangs in the  balance.  If you  have  been  to almost any  health  professional, no matter  what there field  of expertise is,  they are being  encouraged to ask  patients questions about  mental  health.  It’s a little  odd to have  your optometrist ask  you if you are thinking  about  hurting  yourself,  probably  a little  more  appropriate from  a dentist ☺️☺️.  I  jest, but for many  it is a real  consideration and  if you don’t  believe  me, try and get  an appointment with  a psychological professional and  see if they  can  get  you in the office  sooner than  ninety days, hope you can  hold out that long.  The suicide  rate is at some of its  highest levels  in history,  and  you may be surprised or alarmed by those numbers when  it comes to our armed forces.  There is just such an air of hopelessness, seems  in no matter  which  direction you  turn.  There is another  thing  that we should  bring into play here. I often  say that  think are a two edged sword,  but perhaps a little  milder maybe  it’s a bitter  sweet  thing , and that is pets. First of all, I  want to  say thank God for those who have  them and they help  in the field of  companionship.  I  have met  people who have credited their pets with  amazing  accomplishments,  up to and included saving their  lives.  We all know that  people  who have  pets live longer than  those who don’t.  There are  also therapy  dogs who make the rounds at the hospital and  nursing  homes.  I  would  be  remised if I  didn’t  mention the ever growing trend of emotionally support animals,  and yes in sometimes  bizarre world the emotional  support  animals have an emotional  support animal for themselves, which  I  think is just silly,  but its about whatever works for you I guess☺️☺️. I  said bitter sweet, because to some these animals represent way more than a pet that you throw the Frisbee to. Some  refer to  them as their kids,  and many sleep in the same bed with them.  My caution here is that they  can’t  take the place of  human interaction.  Are animals  usually  more trust  worthy than  people, ? absolutely,  but they  aren’t  going to  dial  911 for you, do chest compressions or  give you mouth to  mouth.  Yes,  bitter sweet,  but please  don’t completely loose focus of  reality. I  need  to  wrap  this up,  even though I only  got half way through my notes ☺️☺️,,I  don’t  really have  notes,  but could have  said  a lot more  and could have  been  much more gloomy with  illustrations to match,  but no need  for  that. I  don’t want  to leave this on a down  note, so let’s  see if we can  find that silver  lining. I  know  that  we live  in a crazy world and  we  never  know who to trust ,because  now we have eighty-five year  old grannies packing  heat, guns for the less cool☺️☺️. However,  I believe that  we are all mostly  capable  of  sharing a smile and  saying  hello to  someone that we don’t  know.  I’m not going to get  into  comfort  zones, but  Im just  saying  ,you will  get out of it, what you  invest, and if you invest  nothing,  then  you should  expect  nothing  in return.  There are  way to many  charities to get  involved  with  to be sitting  home alone,  and we are at our best when  we  are  serving  others,  because  we  aren’t  focused on  self. There are also  countless  opportunities to mentor  youth,  perhaps  if you invested and got to know  them,  then  you wouldn’t  be so afraid of them  when  you see them  out wearing  a  hoodie. Yes, there has always  been and always  will  be  unfriendly  people  in the world and  I suggest that  you  pray for them  as you try to navigate around  them  in avoidance ☺️☺️☺️. Now I  want  to  talk about a super power that  some of us possess,  but not all. That  super power  is the Holy Spirit  , which indwells all believers. If you  are  a follower of the Lord Jesus  Christ,  then  you  are  never truly  alone, some of you will  get  that, while  others  will  be  thinking….what!!!. The body of Christ is supposed to  be  the hands and feet  of  Christ,  that being  said… Many years  ago  I  had a Bible teacher by the name of Ralph Smith,  he was a West Point graduate, so the utmost  respect  for  him.  He said something  over  thirty years  ago  that I  thought was so profound and  that  was that from  time to time  we all need  someone  to  be “Jesus with  skin  on,” just let it set in and think  about  it , if you get it  great, if you don’t,  you can  ask me for an explanation.  Remember if you  are  a child of  the  king then  you  are  never  truly alone.
  • Till Next Time ✌️peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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