“Don’t Look,! Ethel”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 144
  • 18 Jul  24     
  • \    ” Don’t  Look ! , Ethel ”
  • Howdy!,
  • Welcome aboard and let’s see what kind of trouble  I can  get  myself  into  today.  I don’t  have  to try hard, I  just  seem to have a knack for getting  myself  into  hot water, probably  a good thing  I’m not a Lobster  or  crab☺️☺️. This will be a history  lesson  for  some, and for others just  a reminder as to how long you have  been  on the planet ☺️☺️. Some of you may have  been  exposed to  a Time or Life magazine  back  in the day with  a picture  of  Woodstock  and a reminder  of all of the free love, drugs, sex and  rock and roll that characterized the  sixties and  early seventies. It was a  magical  time  for some and there were other  whacky things  that  took place, and one of those things  was something that became  known as  ” Streaking” . I believe  that  it originated  on some college  campus somewhere, but it was basically  people  running  around  naked in public.  I’m not real sure of the purpose  once you got past the “Wow” factor.  ☺️☺️It still  take places  now days occasionally  at a sporting event and  people  chasing  after  them across  the  field, hoping to  tie them  up with  one of those little  dinner  jackets that ties up in the back ☺️☺️.
  • Well if craziness  doesn’t  breed opportunity, then I  don’t  know  what does ☺️. That being said, a man by the name of Ray Steven’s turned  it into  a  song and video  that did quite well  on the charts . One of the famous  lines from  the  song, was him yelling  at  his wife….” Don’t  Look  Ethel “. It continues with, it was to late, she had been  mooned and  got an eye full. It’s kind of like one of those things that once you  see it, you can’t  unsee it. Reminds me of a story  when  I  was  in my early twenties.  I was visiting my  grandparents and  my grandmother had gotten  ready for bed, I went to tell  her good night and noticed that  her knockers were  sitting  in  her lap. I didn’t  even  know  that they  could  do  that.☺️☺️ .I saw it and couldn’t  unsee it, it still  haunts me to this very day☺️☺️.
  • Well the summer  is heating  up and  flying by and  before  we  know  it , it will  be  Labor day and we will  turn the corner  to  what I’m sure will  be  one of the craziest  election cycles ever!!. ☺️ Normally, people  are  usually  busy vacationing and  trying  to  keep  their  kids busy with  different  activities, but this summer  is  slightly  different.  People  are  plugging  in and paying  attention earlier and many find the hair on the back of their  sun burned neck’s  standing on  edge, much like  in a good horror  film☺️☺️. I’m not here to pick or promote sides.  I’m not here to point  out  political  differences.  I’m not here to talk about the  pendulum swinging  between  the  red and blue states.  I’m just  conducting a  PSA, and reminding  everyone  to just  breath. ☺️. We may be the most divided that we have been  since the war between  the  states, but we are still  families, neighbors and  communities that have  to  live together, whether  we are a nation under one flag and  God or not. I think  that  I  remember  a time when  we  were  all Americans , before  it became  US against  Them☺️☺️.  I don’t  know  what  your  particular  division maybe, whether  it’s race, political  parties, by age, sex, some religious  affiliation, nationality, or some unbeknownst gender reveal  to be named in the future ☺️☺️. I may not know  what  your particular  beef is with  being  blessed to live in the most free and prosperous  society  ever , but I  do know  that  history  tells us  that a house….or country  divided can not stand and survive. Whether you  believe  in  end time prophecies or  not about  the United  States, not  being around, you have  to  recognize  that we are headed to some place  not good . Some sort of a revolution and  revolt for sure. We kicked the British  out, and then  we fought  amongst ourselves  over slavery and  a few other  things as well, but slavery  was the major  driving  force. I’m not sure, but this one maybe  over common sense opposed to  anything and everything   goes.☺️☺️
  • I really don’t want to  comment  on last Saturday night and  what took place, but we have  some really deep cutting  issues at hand. I  don’t  know  what  else to call  it, when  we are so furious and beyond the  pail, when  it comes to any kind or sort of coming together  or compromise that , we would  consider  an assassination as a viable  solution.  There have  been  polarizing  characters  before, but I  don’t  believe  any has garnered the kind and amount  of  love and  hate that  Donald Trump has generated. I’m not going  to  call  him  the most misunderstood  person  in  America, but people  just  don’t  get  him and he makes people  just fearful.  I believe  most or some of it to be irrational, but there is that whole  thing  about where there  is smoke☺️☺️.  I was just  recently  telling  a new friend  that I  don’t  excuse bad behavior and  Mr. Trump has a boat load of it , overflowing  onto  several  large barges☺️☺️.  At the center of this is the heart and  soul of a nation, so the stakes are extremely  high. The dividing  line is quite clear and  both sides are up in arms. One side sees it as a  glimmer of hope to restore  and maintain  our status as a super power and world leader, but  US first. The other  side sees it as a threat to  life itself. What exactly  is  this love and devotion to  a man who clearly  on several times has violated  both  the  spirit and  the  letter  or rule of the law?. A convicted felon has only added to his popularity. How can  such a person be  trusted and  set up as the leader of the free world?
  • I hear one side screaming that he is a threat to democracy and  that may  very well  be, but the founding  fathers were wise enough  to  set us up with  a democratic republic, not a democracy which  is equivalent  to mob rule in many parts of the world.  I believe that  much of this can be contributed to  when  we get things out of order or turned on  it’s head☺️☺️. The founders were brilliant men, who set up a government  of checks and balances and we are now  everything, except  that ☺️. We have  gotten  ourselves in  trouble for  over the almost  fifty  years with laws being  created and implemented through  the  courts and  by Executive Orders. The founders believed  in and trusted the American people.  They  didn’t  put their  faith  in the courts or some off shoot of a monarchy in  the  oval office.  ☺️☺️The founders  believe  that “WE THE PEOPLE ” , could  be trusted.  We have  become  a  nation lead by we the elitist.  ☺️☺️ Our freedoms  are constantly  being  eroded away and  “WE THE PEOPLE ” , didn’t  get  a  say in it. If you want to  understand  one of the magical draws of Mr. Trump, that’s it, he gets that people  are sick and tired of being  sick and tired and having  their  liberties bulldozer over.
  • I much admire  the  life of Winston  Churchill.  He was another  man who was hated on multiple  sides, yet history  views  him favorably.  Will that be the legacy  of  Mr. Trump?, I don’t know, only  history  will  tell  that story.  I want  to  throw  another name  out there, that  most are probably  unfamiliar with  and that’s Joseph McCarthy. He was another  person  depending  on  which  side of the argument  that you landed on was extremely  scary.  I think  maybe  we would  have  to go back  to  some of the witch hunts that  took place during  the  colonial period of  this country to find something  that compares.  It’s absolutely  true  that  we fear the unknown  or things  that  upset  our apple carts and make us uncomfortable 😐.  Violence  against  leaders is nothing  new, but it just so not the answer.! McCarthyism was real back  in  the fifties, and again  something  mostly  on the irrational side of things, but in the end we survived, truth  ruled out, the hysteria  subsided and the sun continued to  shine  as it had in days past.
  • If there is such a thing  as the heart of the matter, than maybe  it comes down  to individual rights.  Everyone  is always  taking  the  moral high ground  talking  about  their  rights.  Well, I believe  that your personal  rights end when  they begin  to  infringe upon  someone else’s  rights.  So , I guess that means  we have to introduce  and have a level  of  respect  for other  people’s rights.  There are those on both  sides of  the argument that believe  that  your rights, especially to free speech  ends when  you  disagree with  their  perspective. There is this attempt to  bully and intimidate those who  see things from a different  point of  view. It’s a tragedy  that  we don’t  try and seek middle ground, but to cowardly  insult others from  behind some random  screen  on some  social  media  platform, in a dark room somewhere☺️☺️.   We continue to  escalate things and the rhetoric  until  it insights some to violence, with a high powered rifle  on the roof of a building  somewhere.  The saddest of all is that why they come out with  statements  to  condemn  the action, because  it’s the right thing to  do, they  secretly  had wished for success.
  • This is my wooden  nickel  of advice, and it’s much like the way we started off. “Don’t  Look Ethel “. If you can’t  on some level  control  your emotions and  the rage that it leads you  to, then perhaps  you  should  just  unplug  and not watch. We were never meant to  be ruled  by  our emotions, but that’s all that some  know and to what end?  They  make  their  negative  post on line, maybe  a sign in the yard and  they don’t  realize  that  they  are  having  the  same effect  as  the person  standing  on  the  corner  with  a  sign that says turn or burn….just  the best invitation  to  heaven….  ever!!☺️☺️. I really don’t  even  think  it’s about  winning  others to their  side of the debate, it’s just  about  their  right to be pissed off about  something and not having  any place  else to release  all of the negative  pent up dark energy, constantly turning  into  never ending  rage. I’m not saying  to not be informed, but I  am questioning the process  for which  you receive  the  information  that you intake and  how You allow  talking  heads to live rent free in your kingdom. I’m sure that the rage  is making  all other areas of your life an absolutely  paradise ☺️☺️. Maybe  it’s not your fault and  you  have  some predisposition to  it from  your upbringing.  Most people  are  aware  of the  bad formula it produces  to drink and then  get behind  the  wheel of a car, so they  choose not to do it. The same may be true  for certain  people  who allow  the news to send them  over the edge☺️☺️. There is nothing  wrong with  and no shame in saying  that  the news and media  is not Your friend. We all have  different  things  in our lives that represent Kryptonite☺️ . If your first  and primary concern with  people  that disagree  with  you, is to shut them down and  to make them  coward from  what they believe, then  you may  have a problem in this area of your life. This goes beyond the  hypothetical for me, I’m speaking  from experience.  I saw the person  that  talk radio  turned me into and it wasn’t  pretty, and to say nothing  about  the  nice uptake to my blood pressure ☺️☺️. So , I  choose to refrain  from it ,  and you can as well, and again, no shame☺️☺️
  • I would  be absolutely  be negligent if I  didn’t  acknowledge  for some that the heart of the matter is just  ” Fear mongering ” . I’m not sure why  certain  people  are not   living  their  best life ,unless  they are  somehow  feeling  oppressed  by some external  power, be it the government, their  employer or maybe  even  a spouse ☺️☺️.  If there is not a boogeyman, then  we will  create one  in our minds. If you slowly  connect the dots from  earlier, it’s just  a continuation from  the discontentment from  earlier. This is not a diagnosis of  something psychosomatic . There are a ton of people  who  make extraordinary amounts  of  money  for  keeping the  masses feel as  if  the sky could  just  come tumbling down at any second ☺️☺️. While  we are being  busy about  worrying about  what’s around  the  corner, let’s not forget these two  fundamental things. The first  is the good old days weren’t  always  as much  fun as we romanticize them to be. They  were often  full of challenges and  obstacles that we choose to  overcome.  The second  thing  is  that the future  is  probably  not going to  be  as scary  as we have  made it up to be in our imaginations.  It will  be another  segment of  life  filled  with  joys and pains.
  • Politics  has been  framed in the context of a sporting event, so in the spirit of that, regardless of  who wins and takes home the most electors from that college, let’s be good sports and gracious  losers , and I  can  promise  you that the sun will  rise the next day. ☺️Let’s congratulate one another  on a hard fought  victory, and to do our best to regroup and to look forward  to  the next contest  wherever  the battle  lines are drawn up. It’s funny, but so many  anxieties over the first and second  amendments that You would  think that there is all that there is.  Most people probably  couldn’t  tell  you how many constitutional  amendment there are or what they are, so again  I  say….don’t  forget to  breath☺️☺️….27 by the way!
  • I think that one of the most important  things that there is in life is  family, so I  want to wrap  this one up with  family . We  are a people who are divided and I’m really  put off by and shocked by the number  of  believers who are taking  part in the feeding  frenzy on both  sides of  the  story 😳. Frankly I’m  just  blown away by * “yeah of so little  faith”. If we have  a  cancer diagnosis or some other  event that’s to big for us to handle , we are down on our knees  pleading with  God. Yeah, yeah, it wasn’t  your first  option ☺️☺️, but some how, God is to small to handle  the  mess that is our political system.!  Actually  , He is the only  hope for a nation  who has turned their  back on Him. I believe  that He   lived and died and rose again  so that we wouldn’t  have  to  live this way and hanging  all of our hopes and dreams  on a broken  and corrupt political system  that falls clearly  under His control.  Trump is  not  bigger  than  God !! and that’s  for both sides of the political  isle☺️☺️. “Don’t Look Ethel ” is an invitation to return  your focus, your gaze, your devotion  to  God and not a political  party , which  is  like  so many other  things  in life that over promises and  under delivers.  Sorry  the gloves are off, but sometimes  it’s necessary   even  with family.  Somewhere you should be able  to  point  towards  something or some  place , where God has demonstrated His faithfulness and  be able to say no matter  what….God is good and  in control.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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2 thoughts on ““Don’t Look,! Ethel””

  1. Round the world

    I think the shock of reality vs. the bubble of propaganda we’ve been fed over the years, due to government and media, is overwhelming. People are waking up to the lies and just don’t know how to handle it.

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