“Do We Not All Bleed The Same?”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 21 Nov24
  • Post #163
  • ” ” Do We  Not All Bleed The Same ? “
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks again for  checking in. I honestly don’t  know  how this one is going to go or where it will  end up, so I’m  just  going to  put out the caution  placards☺️☺️, not for young children . We as human  beings, have a great abilities for many things.  We have the ability to feel and to love. We have the compacity for a wide array of emotions, and sometimes they  come upon us with   great vigor and passion  and yes sometimes out of control ☺️☺️. Oh how I wish that I  could  control it all, and that there would  be no need  for  anything  along the lines  of crimes of passion. ☺️ There are just times when I  don’t  understand us. We can demonstrate such  compassion and  empathy for one another and  that same drive can carry us to some of the most  deepest  and darkest of  places and we can  hate with  such a  zeal  that we become  something less than  our best. Something  more a long the lines of animalistic and  demonic. It’s been some forty years now and I  still  remember this great line from a star Trek movie and  it was ” From Hell’s  Heart, I Stabbeth Thee”. Some how we can  get excited about  reciprocity and we think about  revenge being a  dish best served cold. It’s who we are , an eye for an eye, probably  more so now than ever before .
  • Turning the other  cheek has never really been  much of  a thing for us as our hearts have  grown cold and  a little on the stony side☺️. Maybe, just  maybe one of the biggest  heart moves is being able to  step into another’s shoes. It’s almost absolutely one of those things easier  said than  done, especially if we have  no point of  reference for that.  It goes so much  further than  saying that I don’t  know how to parent  because  I  don’t have  kids, because  it’s something that  you have  thousand of reference  points for just  walking  through life.  It’s one of those things like crawling up inside of  someone and being able   to look out through their eyes and see the world the way that they do. Being able to  feel  all of the things that they  do from  sunshine  on their  face, to heart pain caused by being  called a vicious name. Now !, this may read like some people’s  relationship status and they say that ” It’s Complicated “☺️☺️. I want to say whatever!! ,  that  means, but I’m fully aware of  some of the messes that we find ourselves in with relationships, and honestly sometimes, Complicated, just  doesn’t do it justice ☺️☺️
  • I think that there use to be an old game  show called ” Who’s line is it ” and maybe a twist of who’s  life  is it and who am I?  I was born  into  some strange  dynamic that seems to  set  me apart from  most of the population and  under the designation that has become to be known as  “Gay”.  I think  it a little  strange of a word, since it use to mean to be happy, and I’m just not  to happy  now days. I just  think  of myself  as  an ordinary person.  I’m nothing  special, I just  have  hopes and dreams  like  everyone else, but somehow and for some reason  I’m seen differently and with  some kind of stigmatism. I just want to  belong  just  like  everyone  else  and not be seen  as some kind of social pariah or like the  strange monster from the  black lagoon☺️☺️. I look like  other  people, have all of the same needs  and wants as other people, and I have the desires for comfort , but somehow since one of my desires  for comfort  are with  someone   who is not of the opposite  sex  ,I’m told that I’m some kind of freak.
  • I didn’t  have  a  coming  out party, I  didn’t  see the need to advertise my sexual  preferences, after  all people  hook up all the time and it’s  really  not  a big deal  and  actually  no one’s  business  but our own. I don’t  go out of my way to rub my relationship  in other people’s  faces , we just  want to  be  treated just  like  everyone  else.   If we are out  in public and  my boyfriend  gives me a kiss, I don’t  need some mom putting  her hands over her kids face to block them  from  seeing  us. That’s just rude and offensive.  I  don’t  like  to label  people  with  the label  of being homophobic, but it’s something that  I have  experienced more than  you might think.  Sometimes  people  are  so uncomfortable around  us,  that  you would  think  that they  just  ate some bad shrimp and  that they  were breaking out in a rash with hives☺️☺️. There are other  people  who  are  mostly  cool or they  do a great  job  faking it, pretending to  be progressive☺️.  I’ve always  known that I  was a little  different, but not as in strange. It’s just when we watch a romantic  comedy, we have  to   try hard  to see ourselves  in it. It’s gotten  better and  there are  movies about  couples  like us, they  just  aren’t  well received. 
  • One of the things that  makes my head want to explode is the religious fanatics . There are countries that we can’t  visit  without putting  our lives at risk , because they  are so backwards in their thinking.  It’s like they  are stuck  in the middle  ages or something.  They  don’t  have  much  respect for  women  either, and sometimes  it’s not safe for women to  go out without  a male escort. It’s really  like  they  are trapped  in  time. When  I think about  all of the restrictions, I  wonder why we would want to  visit those countries  in the first place . Things are better  here in the states, but still  a lot of prejudice towards  us. I don’t  know  if  it’s all Christians or  just the ones with  the  designation as evangelicals,☺️☺️ but they  are some of the most confusing people on the face of the planet.  They say the most unrealistic and irrational things of all. They  say that my lifestyle  is a choice.  They  make  it sound  like I’m at Walmart  picking  out produce☺️☺️.  It’s just  ludicrous, why would  we pick out and choose something that’s hard, difficult and goes against the  grain?  I’ve never  wished that I was straight, honestly that’s the part that’s weird for me, I guess it just  goes to our wiring. ☺️
  • Just think about  it for a second, why would I  choose a life of bullying, getting  beat up, name calling, and probably the worst, being  rejected  by family  members and  the really  close ones like my dad😪. This is no exaggeration but I  can  think of a  thousands  of  other  things  I would  choose besides this.  It’s not a choice, it’s just  who I  am  and  I  don’t  know  why people  just  can’t  except me for who I am. I get  further  confused  by them  telling me that God loves everyone, but somehow there’s  an exception when  it comes to people  like me. They  don’t  say that , but every fiber of their  being says it for them.  They have  these amazing pointing fingers.  Reminds me of when  I  was  younger and  my grandfather use to take  me bird hunting and  his dogs would  point like that☺️☺️. They  point out and talk about  sin as if we have  cornered the market on sin☺️☺️. I don’t  know  much  about  religion, but it seems  kind of jacked up. They  say that God made me, which means  He knows  who I am. They  say that He doesn’t  make mistakes, so I’m supposed to  be who I  am, but I keep  feeling as if I’m being  penalized for me, just  being  me. There is this other  strange  contradiction, they  say that all are welcome  in there services, but for some reason I  feel  like  they  roll up the welcome mat, when I  want to come in.
  • My boyfriend and  I  look like we could  be siblings.  People  mistake  us for brothers all the time. So there was this  one time that we went to a church.  The invitation of God’s love just  sounds  amazing. They  say that God loves us just  as we are,  and unconditionally… amazing!! We slipped in and set in the back. The guy who was doing all of the talking was really  good  at  speaking and I guess it was a story inside of  another story.  He was sharing about a real life experience of someone who was kind of like  us, the less desirable. Then I  think  that  he was talking about  some Bible  character and  made a very  strong  comparison  between the  two and  talked about  how  God had redeemed  it . I wasn’t  really  sure what  that word meant , in that context,  so I pulled out  my phone  and googled it.  I  got a vague idea from the  definition, but not totally  clear on what it meant by to  be brought  back. My fella, thought that  it was lame and the waste of a perfectly good Sunday  morning that we could  have  been at the farmer’s  market☺️☺️.
  • I can’t  tell you that  it made complete sense to  me, but something  registered with me, as the guy who had been  doing  all of the talking, prayed before the end of the service.  I could  tell that there was something  different about the  majority of  the people there . My first thought was that it’s  very cultist☺️.  Maybe that  was some of my insecurities lashing out, I don’t  know  maybe that’s what it looks like to be a true believer in God. If I’m being  completely honest, it haunted me a little bit, I’m not really  sure why. I think some of the terminology, just  left me in the dark. It was sure enough  different, but a little  intriguing.  My boyfriend and  I  were holding hands as we left the  church and  got some stink eye☺️☺️. We saw other  couples  holding hands, but somehow  we had crossed  some invisible line in the sand. I think  this is my whole  problem with  religion, they  say and preach  one thing, but do another.  If these people are  God’s kids, how can I  trust that God is just  not like  them, waiting to pull the rug out from  under  us?
  • This was all brought  on by a coworker, who had been  inviting me to church and now more than  ever my suspicious side is wondering if it was done to try to shame us. My coworker  knows that  I’m gay and has heard me refer to my boyfriend  on numerous occasions. I can  be a little bit  of  a  deep  thinker and I’m wondering  if there is something  else at play here other than the  obvious. I wrestle with this idea of ” original  sin”. I want to  just  disregard it, but it just  continues to  roll around in my head. If this narrative about  Adam and Eve, and that apple thing  has any merit at all, then  who and what I  am must have  rolled  out of the garden when  they  opened  that Pandora’s box. ☺️As I said I was intrigued, but I  don’t know  if  it’s  enough to  make me want to go again.  If I  have  to change who I  am  to be accepted, then  that’s a no go for me. I can’t  change  who I am, it’s just  who I am.  I’m not going  to  apologize or act as if I’m something  less than because I  don’t  fit into  their  cookie cutter perception of who I  should  be.  It’s just  so hard to accept that God loves us just  as we are, when  we are met with  sly looks and  snarky comments behind  our backs.
  • I’m kind of an informed person and I see all of the division and divisiveness in our society.  The political, and racial  divides are deep and cutting, and I  can’t  but help feel that the culture  is  also divided when  it  comes  to  same sex relationships.  My take on it is that we have  always  been  here and we are not going away.  So , somehow you are going to  have  to  deal with  us and  all we are asking  for  is to be treated  just  like  everyone else, no special  treatment, just the same as others. I just  can’t  bring  myself  to  make  the comparison  between our struggles and  what African Americans went through with  the Civil rights movement back in the sixties and  seventies.  There are  some similarities, but the differences  far out weigh the other side of the scale.  It wouldn’t  be fair or accurate.  There is just  something about  the  human  existence that there are always some injustices and looking back  over history,  it  will  probably  always be that way, I just  don’t know  .
  • A turn of events of sorts. My coworker, Stan , doubled back  around  again  to invite  me to church  once more.  I told him that we had attended and he wanted to know what we thought.  I really  didn’t  know how to answer that question.  My mind was thinking, what can  I  say to keep  him from  asking me again ☺️☺️. I tried to  be some what honest and say that it was OK, but a little  confusing, and I wanted to say that we felt  a little  less than  welcome  based on the piercing eyes as we left. Stan began  to tell  me his story and how his journey had played out. I wasn’t  prepared for  what he had to share and actually  found  it  to  be very  unbelievable.  He told me that he had also  had  a boyfriend in the past and  my mouth was  on the floor . It may  sound  like  a racist  stereotype, but I thought that  we  all knew who one another were, maybe  just a  vibe and  he didn’t  have  it☺️☺️. At this point I  was  thoroughly confused, as you probably could  imagine .
  • He had shared about his struggles and him misunderstanding things about the church and  the people who attend church.  He told  me horror  stories about some who were just  over the top and went out of their way to point  out the  obvious.  They  are the  one’s  who  tell  obese people  that they  are  fat, as if they  don’t  already  know  that.  The plan  is to keep  the spot light  on you and off of their own discrepancies ☺️☺️. Church people get it wrong all of the time, just like everyone else.  However, they  didn’t  represent the  majority of the people, even  though  some were obviously uncomfortable with  who I  was.  I had to stop him in his tracks , because it’s just  so  unbelievable.  What happened I asked, and what happened with  your  boyfriend, seemed like a  legitimate question? Well it was a legit question and it started with  two guys who befriended him  and all they  wanted  to talk about  is what he wanted to  talk  about, no hard sales, and honestly I  didn’t  feel  like  they  had an agenda to  change me. We started and began  a genuine  friendship. Of course at some point we had discuss the  elephant in the  room.☺️☺️. Well my boyfriend just  kind of dropped out of the picture, I don’t  know if  he was jealous  or thought that  something else was going on, but he made it clear that it wasn’t for him. Well  when  we got to some of the really  hard conversations, it got to be about who I  am  and  comfortable being.  After all, I was born this way.  Stan the guy from work was one of the two  guys who befriended me and  maybe that made it a little bit easier because we  already  knew  one another, but his story of him once  being  exactly where I  find myself just continues to  wreck my brain.  ☺️☺️
  • He told me that  someone  explained to  him how we are all born with  predisposition towards all sorts of things, such as being  stubborn; being  selfish, being  prideful, being  born  with  attractions to same sex relationship and  even some being born with  a predisposition towards pedophilia.  Stan said that we are more than the things that  nature tells us that  we are and that we don’t  have  to  act out upon  them  all. These things are  like  temptations  to us and  they are  not good or bad until we  act upon them.  Jerry, my other  friend  confessed to having  anger issues and that he can  explode on someone  with  little  notice and  sometimes  over the most minor of things. Jerry  thinks of it as an addition that he tries to beat back, one day at a time.
  • Ok, this is a lot to take in and honestly on some level it sounds like a bunch of pie in the sky or just  some good old fashion malarkey ☺️☺️. You guys are telling me  that I actually  have  a choice, and it’s to deny who I have  known myself  to be my entire life, not much of a choice  if you  ask me. I asked  Stan  point  blank, how did you  make this incredible  change  in your  life? He told me that  it started with believing and acknowledging that the word of God is true.  He said that he encountered a  God who loves him  more than  he could  express with  words. Hear me out he said, I still  have urges and attractions towards  other  men, but I became a member of  a  support group of men just  like  myself and  we encourage  one another  In our celibacy, not an easy life. I know all that God did to reach me by giving  up His son for me, so I can  be celibate to honor  Him. It’s one of the hardest  things that  I’ve even done in my  entire life, but totally  worth it.  See , God says come as you are, but He doesn’t say stay as you are. The changes have to  come from  the inside  out, and it’s just about  your personal journey with  God. External pressures  will  just  not cut the mustard☺️☺️.
  • I want to tell you  that there  was some happy  ending, but I’m pondering and  checking  the sincerity of all that has been  laid out for me, so I just  say , stay tuned.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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