” Crazy About You”

  • Not The Only One  !
  • Post# 115
  • 11 Jan 24
    •    ” Crazy About  You “
  • Howdy,
  • As the sign out front  says, we are glad that you are  here☺️. The New Year  is in full  swing and  according to  Wal-Mart  the next big thing  on the calendar  is  Valentines day☺️☺️. I’m in no hurry  to get  there , but I  do  have  love on my mind. I  think that I  have  confessed before  that I’m pretty  close to  being a hopeless romantic.  I  don’t  know  how I  got there.  It’s not like  I  went  to bed one night and  just woke up  the next day, ta dah !, I’m a hopeless romantic, in fact  the only thing  that  truly  works that way are old people’s  ailments ☺️☺️. That is almost  an absolute! , you feel  fine when you  go to bed at night and  you wake up  in  the  morning and wonder who worked you over in your sleep  with  a bag full of rocks or locks, which ever  works  for you ☺️☺️, but again I  digress. I guess that  I’ve always  been a  little on the romantic side, and as I’ve  gotten older it has only  grown.  I  think  it  has a lot to do with  my astrological sign, because we take  really  good care of  people that  we  set our affections on. We can  be extremely  attentive and  creative,  and believe  in the big gestures of  showing that we care , but enough said  about  that.  Have you  ever  been  involved  with  someone  who  just  went  all out   to show you what you mean to  them? Have you  ever  experienced an irrational love? , a love that is so crazy that  it just  doesn’t make sense? I have   spoken before about  men who will  put up with  crazy women, just  because  the sex was hot and steamy, and I  believe that  women are  occasionally guilty of  that  as well, but I  think  that  there is a difference  between  crazy and CCRRAAZZZZY!.  If you have  never  experienced the latter,  then consider your  self  fortunate,  and that now you  are not  trying  to  figure  out  how  to  cover up that tattoo that  you didn’t  give your  full consent to,☺️ oh ! , and of course  there was alcohol involved ☺️☺️.
  • I’m thinking about  something  perhaps  just  a  little  more on the reasonable side of things.  I  have a  friend down  in Raleigh and  she was telling  me  about  her  once in a lifetime love story.  When  she  was in college, in her early  twenties that  she  met this guy and he loved her so hard that it scared  her. She  said that she had never experienced  such intensity.  I  mean  it makes sense, if you  are  young, there are probably  a lot of first.  She said that she didn’t  truly know  what  she had until  it was gone. And I’m not just  talking  about  physical  love, but someone who anticipates  needs and then  goes out of there way to make it happen, and occasionally  exceed  expectations.  He moved ever closer , heart open  wide, and was singing that song ” ain’t  no mountain high enough, ain’t  no river wide enough  to  keep  me from getting  to  you”, that’s not really  the  name of the  song, but some  lyrics  from.  The point is ,  he was all in and pulling  out  all of the stops and  it scared her, so she ran from  the  unknown.  We are usually  a little  leery of things that  are new to us or force us out of our comfort zones.  One of my biggest  take aways  from  her tale was the fact that when  she went  into the  bathroom after  him, everything  smelled  like roses….oh! Wow! , that’s some serious  love☺️☺️. I  think  in the grand scheme of  things, they  may have  just  been  in two different  places. Forty years later,  she has never  found  another  love like that. Extremely  attractive,  smart as a whip, never married and  no kids, and only  memories of  the  one who got away. 
  • I  think  most of us probably  have  one that stands out from  all  of  the  rest.  We remember how they  loved us and  took care of us , based on the things that  they  said and did. They  say that we will  always remember  how people  make  us feel. That  can be a  little  bit  of  a  two edged sword.  If they  make  us feel small and insignificant, we remember that, and if they  make  us feel  so special, like there  is  no one else in the world  but us,  then we remember that  as well.  And one of the most special  things in the world   is if you don’t  miss your ship , when  it  comes  in , and the person that  makes  you  feel  as if nothing  else matters  in the world  but you, then  you get to  spend the rest of your  life  with  that special  someone. ☺️
  • We all have  quality  control  issues. Most women feel  loved when they  feel  secure as in protection and provision.  I  don’t  mean  that  in a shallow  or , gold digger way, I  just  think  that  it’s something that  goes to our basic wiring.  I  know  we live  in  an age of women  just  killing  it. They  are  CEOs , running  small  businesses and  doing  their  own  thing, whatever  that may be, because  they  have to , or want  to.  I  know  that  we are  a long way off from  traditional  roles, and thus  steps in the stay at home dad. I’m not knocking it and you seriously  have to  find what  works for  you. 
  • Now!, men on the other  hand are so much  more  tied to the physical attachments of life, and whether  that is  someone  who  is  willing  to  make  them a  sandwich  while  they watch  the  game, or the other  really  good  stuff and I don’t  think that  I  need to  spell that out for you, but just  in case you are a little  on the slow side , it’s that one thing that  we  would accept  for every  birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Father’s day and  every  other  day of  the  week and it just  never gets  old. If you  want  to  dress up, you can  just  stick a  bow on yourself  at any interesting and opportune  spot☺️☺️.
  • Now, regardless of  however that shakes out for you on the scale of being  loved and cared for, there is one that just  has no match. I know  that’s a bodacious claim  in our world of upgrades and  just   the more is better mentality.  I’d be  the first  to admit that  I’m a difficult person to  shop for as far as gift giving is  concerned and that’s not my love language at all. First off all ,if I  have a need or desire, I’m usually  pretty  nifty or self sufficient about  handling  those myself.  I  only  bring that  up  because  different  people  register  that whole  feeling  love thing  in a mass of different  directions . My go to love languages are  touch and time, but I  want to  share about  an all inclusive love that doesn’t  matter  what your love language is, it’s meant to  meet and surpass your  wildest of expectations.  And , yes I  know  that  some of you think  very  highly  of  Yourselves, and even  for the most sophisticated of hearts and minds this promises  not to fall short and to leave  you feeling  disappointed or disillusioned. 
  • There is a love that has lasted down  through the  ages, and in fact is the foremost  authority on love , because  He is the author of, creator of, and sustainer  of  all  love of all kinds. No! All love is not the same.  Most of  us  immediately run to romantic love, when we first  hear the word love, but there is brotherly  love , which incorporates most friendships.  Gods love falls under Agape, because  it’s all-encompassing all of the different  loves together.  The amorous love Is what  I believe  deep down that is everyone’s  deepest  desire is  to  have  someone that they  can  be completely  vulnerable with and  free of judgment and  shame, when we drop the ball. A love  that is enduring and  grows over time with more and more  intimacy and  passion.  A love that knows the real you and doesn’t  really  care that , you aren’t always  your  best  self, prettiest or having a  bad hair day ☺️☺️. A love that  doesn’t  care if you  decide to let yourself  go a little bit, but also wants to be there to encourage you to be the best you that you can be.
  •   I  have often  been  on the record about  words being cheap and that  we should  more so judge  people  by their  actions and  see if it matches their words. Love is an action word, therefore  it should  be  accompanied by actual things that we can  point out as being  loving or a demonstration of that word. I  think one of the  biggest  demonstrations of  love is to show  grace to someone.  We will  often interchangeable  mercy and  grace, but  they  are  actually  two  different  things  that  work  in tandem together.  Mercy is not  giving  someone  what they  deserve, like God has demonstrated  to me time and time again.  I  know that I  mess up on a regular, not my plan, it’s just  part of the human condition.  I think  that  a little  perspective is  important  here. When  we  hurt others, either  intentionally or  unknowingly, we also  hurt the heart of God. Every  wrong  thing that we do and say is a transgression against God. I  think that we tend  to  minimalize it , by thinking  it  was just a  little  white lie, and God knows that  we gossip everyday without  giving it a second thought.  The point  is  that  regardless of  how high of a standard we think  that we are, we  all miss the mark, some more than others, but we all do. The flip side of the coin is grace, which  is  getting  something that we are undeserving of.  I  will  just  confess that I  often  fumble here. I’m probably  not  alone, but my selfish side usually  goes to how others  actions effect me , without  having the proper  empathy to  think  about  what they may be going through  In their day.  Just that simple  careless approach is  an offense to  God.  It’s just an example of  how I miss the mark without  trying.
  • Love  is often about  sacrificial giving, when  you  are least  prepared to  give.  We usually  ramp it up for our kids, but maybe not so much for others.  Love is also about  forgiveness.  This  is as much for yourself as  for the  person  who  has  offended or hurt you. We all to often  allow  people to  live in our heads rent free. People who hurt or harm us, may be unaware and even if  they  do recognize the  pain that they  inflicted, there is no guarantee that they  will  ever apologize or attempt to  make a  mends. God created and made us perfect and in His image and then  sin entered the world and  we often barely resemble anything like  His image.  God has forgiven us so much and we should extend that to others.  I’m not saying that it  is easy or without  cost, it’s just one thing that we  can  do to reflect God to others. How about  empathy and  compassion? There is a natural  disaster somewhere in  the  world, or another  senseless  mass shooting, and just  for a brief moment, we allow those to  characteristics to flow to the front of our brains, but does it move us to action. We can’t  do  everything, but we can do somethings.  I  don’t know what that is for you. It could be  to donate money to a charity in a relief effort, writing a  letter to your  congress person  about  gun reform, but how about  just  starting with a  simple  prayer, that’s something that we all can do.  I’m constantly hammered by God about my patience level, it’s an ongoing challenge for me.  I can’t  even  form my lips for anything that  resembles  long suffering, in fact that is probably  the  number  one  thing that we  all try to avoid…..suffering! I  have  often noticed that my ability to  be  patient is  tied to my  ability to  be  kind. When  I’m in a rush to the next thing, kindness often  vanishes. It’s like a child’s  see saw, if I’m kind then my patience  increases and  when I’m not the opposite is true. They say that acknowledgment of a problem  is  the  beginning to  getting  help  or turning  things around.  I  just  know  who I  am and  I’m  kind of aware of  a lot of my blind spots. I’m  on the record of  saying that  I’m not a nice person, but I know how to be nice. It’s not a brag or a boast, it’s just  an acknowledgment of  who I  can be  at times.
  • So…..where are we now? Well, I’m at a Segway and  what I  would  like  to  say  is  that the greatest  love that has  ever  existed is God sending His one and only Son into the world to  take my punishment for  my rebellious  heart. See, that one act of love that  trumps all other love. God is all of those things that  I talked about  that we may  occasionally allow to be present in our  lives.  He is long suffering, because  if He wasn’t none of  us  would  be  here. He is kind and shows us so much mercy and  grace  each and everyday and  for the most part we take it for  granted.  How often do we  take the time to  thank God for  keeping us  safe from  harm. Every day we  are just  moments from  being  some sort of a  statistic. Just  because we can’t  see it or perceive it, doesn’t mean that  dangers doesn’t   exist. Empathy and compassion, He is absolutely full of  both.  He is always  available to  us in all of  the roller coaster circumstances of our lives.  We  can  run from  a high to a low in mere seconds, but God is always there, and while we  frail  in our emotions, God is a constant Rock. God is that Love  that we all crave at our core, that we are  constantly trying to  fill with other people, places and things.☺️☺️ God is  that judgement free zone, of you just  getting to be you without any pretense.  I  find it so laughable that we think that  we  can  hide things from  Him , or even more hilarious is us pleading our case to God about what a good person we are☺️☺️. Good people, just  no such thing, because  in order for that to be true would  mean  that  we have  never ever done not one single  thing  wrong  in  life. If that was  true  then    there would  have  been  no reason  for  that old rugged cross. Jesus  died to save us from  ourselves and  God did all of that because He is crazy  about  us.  He loves us and  wants us to be  more  like  His son. I’m not saying that  God is crazy, but He is crazy about us, the ones that He created in His image. Now!!, if you want to  talk about an irrational  love, that one certainly takes the cake☺️☺️.
  • He’s  crazy about you, yes you! and he want to  spend time with  You. I know that  many of  you  sit out there and say that you believe in  God, and that’s great, but I  also get that many of you  who believe in  God also  take offense at the name of  Jesus.  The good new is that God say who so ever, so everyone is  invited regardless of  race, gender, age , social economic status, and anything else that You can think of, come one, come all. The bad news is , Jesus is the only name that God has given for people to  be  saved. It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.  The message of the gospel, isn’t  that  there is  a  God, but that you  can  know  God  in a real personal intimate relationship.  Remember, He’s crazy about you, and He will  never  change His mind about you. Be loved in a way  that  no one else can  love you. 
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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