” Could’ve, Should’ve, Would’ve “

  • Not The Only  One!
  • Post #126
  • 28 Mar 24  
  •      ” Should’ve,  Could’ve,  Would’ve “
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks  again for  checking in and  for being  a part. I  don’t  usually  remember  a lot of specifics about  one post  over another . However,  I  do recall a year ago writing ” CEO”, which  was  about  people  who  grace the house of God  on Christmas  and Easter  only,  and well,  it’s that time of  year  again.  I want today , to  thank God for them , at least  showing  up  then and perhaps  at some point  they  may connect the dots☺️☺️. I got a lot of great feedback from that post, and while  I’m  not  here for the kudos,  let’s see what we can  get  into  today.
  • I’m not a person  who  believes in  living in  the  regrets of life.  It’s not that I  don’t  have  some of those,  but two  points  come to mind, ok maybe  three. As we go through  life  it’s inevitable that  we  will  hurt others  and other people  will return the  favor ☺️☺️. Oh! Yeah, the three points,  first up, it’s kind  of  hard  to  move  forward or live in the present , if we are always  dwelling and  living in the  past. The second  thing is that  fear and shame  will  keep  you  from  living  out  the full  potential  of your  life.  As of my last check,  the time  machine that will  allow us to go back  in time  and fix our past mistakes,  just  doesn’t exist yet☺️☺️.  If it’s at all  helpful just  think about  it  as a lot of our renewable  energy,  more hypothetical than  actuality ☺️☺️.  Thirdly,  At the end of the day  , God says that there is no condemnation for  those who  are  in Christ  Jesus.  God forgives us when  we  screw up,  but there must  be  a huge  amount of  grace.  We have  to give  it,  but we are also  recipients. ☺️☺️ . This must also  apply to  self, because  I’m one of those people  who  has a really  hard time  forgiving  myself  when  I  drop the ball  and  perhaps  injure others.
  • Just incase you  are  unaware or ill religious,  we are smack  dab in the middle of  holy week or passion week if you prefer ☺️. This is the reference for the week  leading up to  the  crucifixion of  Christ.   They  call it passion  week,  because  He was a  man on a mission and  the week  ,  just  climaxed with  dozens  of  biblical prophecies being  fulfilled . I  have  made reference after  reference about  my love of history.  History is factual and  it takes a  hard look at  what  has already taken  place and if we are smart,   we will  take  lessons  from  what has already  taken  place.  History  will  cause us  to speculate at times about  , what could  they  have  been  possibly  thinking to make  some  of the choices that  they  made.   It’s almost like  in sports,  one decision can be  pivotal and  mean the difference  between  hoisting a trophy  over head and being  a  champion,  or experiencing the  agony of  defeat☺️☺️. This is  the  place that  will  often  lead  us to the  ” Should’ve,  Could’ve, Would’ve ” . If you would  indulge me  just  a little,  I  want  to  do  a bit of speculating.  If there has ever been  such a  thing as  an  unsung hero,  it has got to be Judas Iscariot ☺️☺️. He was one of the  main players in  passion week and never thought of as in a positive light. I  mean he was like  the ultimate  villain. He’s often  in the class with  Benedict Arnold, Tokyo  Rose,, Hitler ,and  Stalin , but he is like the  original .☺️☺️ While all of these guys and lady included have  left  there blemish on mankind,  only  Judas can  say that he betrayed the Savior of the world.
  • The word of  God  says some pretty  harsh things about  him  and  as I’ve  said  before  , I’m not going to  try and defend the indefensible ☺️☺️. However I  have  often  thought about,  what  the hell was he thinking? ☺️☺️First up,  he was a part of  Jesus’s * entourage, he was  one of the twelve  most closest  people to  Christ. This  meant  that  he traveled  with Him for the  entirety of  His ministry and saw and even  participated in  some  of  the  miracles that Christ  performed, such as the feedings of the multitudes .  We know  that  he was the treasury of the  little group and  that he was dishonest with  the  funds. I  keep  thinking to myself,  what an incredible  disconnect! It’s really  easy to  throw  him under the  bus and back it over him a few times  just  for good measure ☺️☺️, but we know that  the rest  of  them  had a  disconnect as well and  didn’t  truly  understand  until  after  the  resurrection.  All  of  that  being  said,  he still  betrayed and sold  his mentor out for 30 pieces of  lousy  silver,  not  even  gold ☺️☺️. I  want to  say that if I was standing there , when I  heard Him say ” Lazarus  come forth”, that It would have just  scared  the you know  what  out of me☺️☺️.  So! , well  this is all  comes  down to  one thing and that one thing is the  condition of our hearts. How can  we  be so hard hearted? , that  we would  see, or as scripture  says  taste and see  of His goodness and  still  stand  off from a distance and  say….nope,  I’m good!☺️☺️. I  think that Jesus was and is the  great  divider. He’s always  standing in the  middle and  saying  come to me all who are weary and  heavy laden. The religious leaders of the day  gave  Him a firm , no thank you  Sir!,  but prostitutes,  tax collectors and  other  people of disrepute said yes I  need what  He is offering. It’s been a  little bit since I’ve  done a sidebar,  but here’s one for you.  The very  people who  should  have  absolutely  got it, the one’s  in charge of  the  writings  of the prophets and  the  ” keepers of the law” the most  sure of themselves and  most self-righteous,  were the very  ones that completely  missed the  rim….that’s right,  a big old air ball☺️☺️. I  will be the  first  to confess  to  having  my days of missing the rim, but not for three years straight,  day in and day out ☺️☺️
  • Since we are speculating together,  have  you  ever  wondered  why they didn’t  just  examine the  evidence?  It’s some two  thousand  years later and we encounter  people  everyday  with  very  much  the same  posture.  It’s been  said many  times  before,  by people  much smarter  than  myself,  that there are only  three possible  options.  They  are  that Jesus  was  a complete  mad man as in being  a complete  lunatic,  or one of the greatest  liars of  all  times,  or, He was the truth  and exactly what  He said that He was and that’s, He is the Son of God. And not just  this weekend,  but He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. This is huge and I  don’t  have a  lot  of time to drill down  on it, but we know  that  sin is running  ramped in the  world,  so how did He take it away?. In the simplest terms,  it’s a case by case, one on one opportunity . It’s a personal invitation to  have  your very  own  specific sins taken  away.  It’s not a trick,  magic  pill, silver bullet,  or even   a get out of jail  free card, because the enormity of the offer is so much  more than that  and has eternal  consequences.  The best  part  is  that  it’s available to  every  single  person.  What could  possibly be  the thing  that keeps our hearts hard and  unwilling to examine the  evidence and except the offer to have my very own  sins taken away?. How about  instead of  speculating,  I  give you a  glimpse of  me in the mirror.  The number  one thing  for  me  was my pride.  We don’t  always  see our independence as a source of pride,  but it is and was for me. I  think that I  use to lie to myself and  tell myself that I  had it all together.  Well,  I  had checked a lot of the boxes that the world would  consider and tell you that you are  successful,  but deep  inside,  I  knew that something was  missing or suspected  that there was some how more. If ,I’m going  to  lie to myself,  I  might  as well  tell  myself  that I’m  a pretty good  person, and  that I  don’t  really  have  a  sin problem,  and if I  somehow do, it’s pretty much  insignificant ☺️☺️. As long as  I  keep  the facade up and others  see me as a  good  person,  then  I  must  just  be  ok, after  all I  haven’t  killed anyone ☺️☺️. I  love  this part  because,  this  is  where I  get  to  compare  myself  to  others and they  are  usually  of a lesser  standing,  so in my mind ,  more messed up than I  am☺️☺️. I  just  completely  discount the  other  end of the spectrum with  rationalizations  of them  being  lucky somehow,  or just  willing  to  put in more  work than  myself.  ☺️☺️. Yeah!, I’ve heard,  and there was a time as well  when I  believed that  faith in a supreme power or some kind  of  a  deity was a crutch, a weakness,  the thing that  keeps  you  out of therapy ☺️☺️.  I think by most accounts I’m a pretty average guy across the  board, height, intelligence, education, family,  You just  name it , and I’m pretty  sure  for most things that I would  fall somewhere around  average. This  doesn’t  mean that  I  don’t  have  things that I  excel at or passionate about,  but the point is  that my coming  to  faith in God is not determined by  anything  other than me,  not having a  hard heart ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s  get  back to  our unsung hero Judas Iscariot ☺️☺️. He by all accounts was not a good  guy, but I  often  wondered  if he somehow  felt that he was  forcing  Jesus’s hand to  show His power and might.  Let  me  explain  real quick.  When  you  look at  prophecies,  there are  two completely different  story lines about the  coming  Messiah. There are  two,  and they   completely  look different,  one from the  other.  One tells  of a suffering servant and  the  other of  a conquering King. These two very different accounts  refers to the first and second coming of Christ,  that’s right,  He’s coming again☺️☺️. We often  see what we want to  see, and  not many  of  us,  in fact  very  few would  choose  suffering  over conquering ☺️☺️. If you have  some fetish, then  that’s  a completely  different kind of  suffering ☺️☺️, and doesn’t apply ☺️. It’s a little  ,far fetch, that three years of serving and suffering would  just  flip overnight to conquering . Judas’s mind may  have  been  thinking that a few days earlier,  as Jesus rode into  Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt, with  all of the fan fare and pomp of a conquering  king, that perhaps some kind of  * coo was about to  take  place.  I  mean we see this in the  Muslim faith where they  believe that  there actions can  somehow  force the hand of god to act and show up. It’s a real  outside  chance that  maybe  he was thinking that his  decision to betray would  some how turn into a  victory….because  some how it kind of did ! ☺️☺️, but not what his thought process was ☺️
  • I  believe that  it often  comes down to  us knowing our place. Do we know  our standing with  God. ? Looking  back,  we see that Jesus  had an inner  circle,  and then He had the twelve,  which  Judas was a part of, we had the religious leaders and of course the  crowds or the masses.  Judas didn’t  make  the cut for the inner  circle,  but he was one of the twelve,  which was  a  pretty  good  place to  be.  You  don’t  want  to  be one in the masses,, by all accounts  they  were a pretty fickle group,  they  went  from  singing  His praises as the king  of  Israel and heir to David’s thrown , and not even  a  full  week  later were shouting  crucify  Him!, crucify  Him!. I  don’t  even  think that they even  qualified as fair weather  friends?☺️☺️
  • Knowing our place!, now that’s an interesting phrase.  When  it comes to God, do we know  our place?  Are we  just  one of the masses?,  far off and aloof from  God, just  hanging  around  for the benefits of  what He may  bring  our way without any real  commitment to the cause? Maybe  , just  maybe we are closely  related to the religious  leadership of the day. We are going  to try and get  by on our own good works and self-righteous. Jesus  said it like this, you look good on the outside,  but there is nothing  going  on  inwardly,  nothing  spiritually,  but the outwardly  show!☺️☺️   Perhaps you’re  more closely  relates as one of the twelve . These are the people who  know God and get  up everyday,  not perfectly,  but try to  draw into  that relationship  just  a little  bit  more  than the day before. Oh, yeah! ,The inner  circle,  these are the one’s  who are so sold out , so closely  connected to  God, that when  you  spend  time  with  them  , they  just  radiate His presence.  These are the ones who nine times out of ten act in complete  obedience without  asking the why. They answer the  bell, and  say here I am , “send me” ! I  think that  this is the place that  a lot of us wish that we were, including  myself ,but we still  have  some parts of our hearts that aren’t  as tender and  soft as they  need to  be. I  truly  do believe that  this is the place,  that if we can  get  there, that cuts down  and cuts out much of the  ” Should’ve,  Could’ve  ,Would’ve, the second  guessing  of life.
  • So the question  this resurrection weekend,  where do you see yourself,  and what is your place with  God?  There is no question that  He knows you, He created you in His image and gave  you  breath,  whether  you realize it  or  not,  so the big question  is  do you know  Him? Knowing  Him, not knowing  about  Him and there is a huge  world  of  difference. Judas is not the hero of the Easter story,  but he serves as an example to us, that people  can  be  all around  God and know  things about  God and  still  miss the rim☺️☺️, or the big picture.  This may  not be the best example,  but it’s like that  movie the ” Matrix”, and you have  to  ask yourself  which reality  are you  living in? Are you  living  in  God’s  reality  or one that follows the world and is orchestrated by you? A couple of  hard truths before we depart.  It doesn’t  matter  where you  have  been  or what you have  done, you  are not beyond  repair  as in being  to far gone.  You are never  beyond  His love and forgiveness God’s go to move is always  love. You could  never be a Judas  Iscariot,  that part  of  history  is  already  written ☺️☺️. Even  if  you  were Judas,  it wouldn’t  matter  because  Jesus  loved him to the very  end, and  that’s a really  hard  truth  that many  have  a problem  accepting. He betrayed Him and He loved him anyway and  all the way  right  up to the very  end! He loved him anyway.  His mercies are new every  morning and it’s the perfect  opportunity to  escape  the  “Should’ve,  Could’ve,  Would’ve syndrome.
  • Till Next Time , ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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