“Child Like Faith”

Not The  Only One

21 Feb 25

Post #181

Hey guys, welcome again, and as usual, let's see what kind of trouble I can  get  myself  into ☺️.  God is not a cookie cutter God , and I  believe that we want Him to be at times. God is a God of great  variety and  all you have to  do is look at the church and all the beauty in creation  to see that.  All around  the  world, every  tongue  and Nation, every  complexion, young , old male and female....tempted but  not going  there☺️☺️. We all read the same words in different  languages and  we encounter the living God. He just  jumps off of the pages and He gives us hope, direction and envelopes us in His all consuming love. If this is all true , then   I guess  what I'm really  saying  is that , why can't  I  be the cookie cutter standard? ☺️You ever just  wish that other  people were just  like  yourself?  Think  of all of the conflict that would  just  no longer be there, if people  just  did things the way that I  think  they  should  be done.  ☺️☺️ . And  while  you are thinking  about  that, just  think  how extremely boring life would  be ☺️☺️.

God places those other  different people  in our lives as part of the  refining process. I joke about  us wanting other people to just  be us, but there is a smidgen of truth to that.  As a former recovering type "A" personality, I'm not always a fan of diversity.  That's the  correct  word, but before  it became  a political  hot potato ☺️. It has taken  on almost a  new and complete meaning  with the  emphasis that has been  placed on it. Variety  in its self is usually a  good thing and some would even say the spice of life☺️. I both know and love people  from  all over the spectrum.  The extremely left leaners to the self righteous right.  We all have  different dispositions and  temperaments, and while  some are freaking  out  over the cultural  differences and  the  political landscape, to others  it's just  a  mere speck of nothingness.  Who's right?  and does it really  matter all that much?.   As a historian, I just  see a repeat of things that  have already  taken  place before, and it's true of just  about  every culture, and on every continent . The whole cookie cutter  thing  represents a  door that's swings back and forth on its hinges as I'm right and the rest of you people  just  need to get  it together☺️☺️. We need to be careful  with  that one there !☺️There is just  no shortage of opinions,  view points and different interpretation of truth.  We all believe and want our perspectives to be the correct one, but with  all such contrasting view points, everyone  can't  be right. 

I remember a time when  we could  disagree with  one another and  it wasn't a conflict to the death, as it is now. I also  remember a time when we had opinions, but we didn't  substitute those opinions for truth.  Truth was  a standard  and it stood  alone. It was that plumb line that everything  else was measured up against and it got a thumbs up as yes being  true or a thumbs down  as being  something  other than  truth.  We forget  that just  because  something  is close to truth, doesn't  make it true. I guess somewhere along  the way we changed our minds about wanting there to a distinction between truth and  us wanting  it our own way, so we just  made the convenient swap. It's all about having that all to important wiggle  room☺️☺️. I don't  like the standard, so I'm just  going to  change  it up. The problem  is that we loose and don't  recognize what is true any longer. There will  be subsequent changes  to what you have already changed and  the end result is a spiral  into moral  decay and depravity . Just  take  our currency for instance, we spend  millions of dollars  every  year to  defend  against  counterfeiting.  What value does your hard earn money  hold , if just  anyone can print it up at will?. There is a standard. In a relationship with  someone, just  keep  trying  to  redefine  the parameters, the  foundation  of what  your love or principles are , and see how well  that works out for you.  ☺️☺️ Ask your partner  if they  are OK with  half truths or just  things that you conveniently forgot  to mention and see if they  are  good with that?  ☺️☺️ I think that  they  may  see it as some kind of betrayal.  The standard has been  changed, and that's a problem.  That's the  main point with  infidelity in a relationship, there was a violation of the trust in the standard .  It was us , and you broke and betrayed that confidence.  It was an expectation of  trust there , and  when  that's gone, it's a shambles.  We see and recognize the importance of  truth  when  we want  to, but we have those areas where we want to flip the script because it holds us to a standard and erases our wiggle room and we just don't  like that.

This may seem like  a big old fat U turn  to some of you, but just  hang  with  me and  see if I can  put a bow on it or not☺️☺️. I get  feedback  all the time from  people  who say that I'm hard on  or pick on Christians all the time. Well, there is probably  some truth  to that, because we are  suppose to  be representing  God to people who don't  know  Him,  and  honestly we just  all to often  do a piss poor job  of it, myself  included ☺️☺️. It's not about  being  perfect  because  none of us are, but it's the just  not even  making  an effort  that I  find disturbing.  It reminds me of  a college professor that I had one time , and his opening  remarks to the class was  I got mine and you got yours to get ☺️. He was referring to  our degrees, but he took no care as to if we were successful or not. I think  many times, Christians  take that mindset with  Salvation and  it's a complete a front to  the whole purpose of the  church in the first  place.  I think that  maybe, just maybe that's   why it makes me so crazy with  all of the politics stuff, makes my head  just want to explode 🤯.  I feel  like  they  have  never  opened  their  Bibles, read it, understood  it, or even  believe the words written on the pages. If we read  it and understood  it , we wouldn't  be such a repellent to  the  world that  we  are  suppose to  be reaching out to. It's not an easy assignment , by any means, and it's something that I  wrestle with and I'm probably not the only one, but we have to  grapple  with  it and not just  check out all together. 

All to often we   get it wrong  by asking  the wrong  questions or  having a  jaded perspective, such as wanting to be powerful and  influential and God says to have child  like  faith . This one is really  hard for me and even  when  I  try to  keep  it  in front  of me, I still  find myself  scheming and  trying  to  influence  and manipulate God with  my prayers☺️☺️. We treat  kids with a  double  standard in this country.  We want to  on the outside  show that  they are  valued and  protected, by such things as an Amber alert, but then leave the back door open, by letting the really  weird ones argue that they  have a right to  use any bathroom that they  want.  I'm not sure  when  we are going to  learn that we can't  have our cake and eat it too.☺️ Children  in much of the undeveloped parts of the world are lowly and  posses no power of  their own and are completely dependent on others. They  are usually  abused or marginalized  in some way.  That's some of the picture for us as God's  kids, we should be dependent on Him and our real power  comes from Him. If you have ever been a parent  especially a dad, you probably  remember a time, when  your  kids believed that you could  leap a tall building  in a single  bound  or you were faster than a speeding train and maybe  even could stop bullets, ☺️☺️, but the point is that they  thought that their  dad was awesome and  there was nothing that he couldn't  do.  There was no limits on the things that  dad couldn't  pull  off. They  just  believed.  If I took it to my dad then it was going to be okay, regardless  of whatever  it was . He  could  fix any broken toy or put it back together  again. 

The main thing about  dad's are they  made us feel  safe. If I was up high on the monkey  bars and got scared and my dad said,  just  jump, I didn't  just  trust , but I  absolutely knew that he would  catch me. He would  slay  any monster  in a closet or under my bed and I  never felt afraid  when  he was near by  , because I  knew that  he loved me and would always  protect me. Sadly ,  that's not a representation of all fathers and  at some point  we grow up and detect chinks in dad's armor , maybe around the same time that we discover that he was also Santa☺️☺️, and it goes from  dad can do any and all things, to maybe dad becomes the person  with the  best advice in the world, so still  extremely  valuable ☺️☺️. This is the mindset that we need to  have with our heavenly Father , except that He can do any and all things and  He has no need for armor, because  He is almighty  God.  He will protect us and  slay  any  and all giants that threatened His children. He will  move mountains and destroy  falsehoods and strong holds ,  that keep  us apart from  Him. How do we know  this? He purchased us with the  blood of  His One and Only Son, and if He did that, will He not give us everything else that we need.?   He is both  protector and provider.  I will get  pushback from  people about  faith being  blind and  I  think that  is only  true if you don't know Him...God. it's impossible to walk with  God and for your faith  to be blind, it's just an impossibility, those two  things are the classic  oil and water, and we know how well  they  go together ☺️☺️

As parents we know that kids don't always  listen to us and  even  the most compliant   of children will occasionally  want to test the boundaries from  time to  time, just  to make sure  that you are there and that they  are safe ,  indeed  loved, even  if it's not framed in that context☺️☺️. Whether it's a miscommunication or  willful disobedience, sometimes  we will  hear something wrong  which  can  lead to use believing the wrong thing or having a  misrepresentation of the picture.  This can  look like  extremist who believe it's God's will  for them  to blow up abortion  clinics or  more times than  not to doubt Gods love for us because of us experiencing  tough times.  Tough  times are just  a  part of life, and why not caused by God, He uses them to mature  us, grow us, stretch us, but most importantly  to build  our faith . There may be times when we  feel  like God has forgotten  us or some how hasn't  lived up to His part  as a loving   father.

  We can  fall off of our bikes and  skin our knee,  He  comforts us , but the pain  doesn't  immediately go away,  and sometimes  leaves us with a  really cool scar that we will  tell stories  about  for sometime in the future.☺️. It's about  trusting  and getting  back on the bike again and  believing  that next time  out that you won't  somehow skin the other knee, because  God has you, metaphorically.  ☺️God gives us the things that  we need and we just  don't  always  see it that way ☺️☺️, but  most kids have  blinders on about  something , when  it comes to their  parents.

When I  think about  a child like faith, I think the first  thing that comes to mind is innocence.  There is no pretense or deception  there.  Kids are just  so much more  concrete in their thinking.  They  haven't  learned about the abstract, but the bottom line is that they  have  not experienced life and  some of the hard and brutal lessons that can  be  associated with  life. The repeated disappointments and failures in life shape us into  people who find it hard to trust and find that child like innocence. Kids just don't  have that for the most part. Yes they  get hurt and experience disappointments, I was really  looking  forward to  that play date ☺️☺️, but  they don't  hold on to them.  They  just  kind of move on to the next thing.  Easily  distracted  at times, but they don't  get  stuck in whatever it was  that made life  disappointing for them. They  have the confident belief that  someone  is  watching out for them.  It's the thing that makes little  boys dare devils and little  girls to  starting  plan their  wedding at five years old☺️☺️.

Sometimes in our walk with  God , He will  give someone a promise, a reason for hope, and it's specific  to them. It could be  the couple  who has experienced a half dozen  miscarriages.  Maybe it's the person who is waiting for  God to bring the perfect  for them  person  into their  life, or a hundred of other things that  we petition God for. I think  it's split  right  down  the middle and  some of us find it easier to believe and have child like faith when we are desperate, and then  there is maybe the rest of  us , who behave with a lack of humility, and our faith  is more like a dare. " if You are  God, then do  some God stuff"☺️☺️.  A lack of faith is a lack of trust and it's impossible for us to please God without faith.  Child like faith  is believing  that God is who He says that He is and that He will  do the things that He said that He will do. I think that we sometimes  trust with  reservations, which I believe  is OK to" some point."  God is not afraid or intimidated by our questions. At the same time we shouldn't  be approaching  God every time  out with the same skepticism, because that is what building faith is all about. He has in the past and He will  again  in the future, because  of His love for us, He is consistent   Faith  is a muscle and  it has to be exercised☺️☺️. Here's the deal, we all have something and it's different for all of us, something that's  just  not right  in our lives. It could be a spirit  of unforgiveness, some emotional or physical brokenness and  the question  then  becomes, will we hold it with  open hands, just as if it's a broken  toy and bring it before  God, knowing that if it's not right, then  Dad  is not done with putting it back together. Child like faith  always  hopes and always  believes, don't  forget how to be a kid again!!

Till Next Time ✌️Peace!

Sandy The Southerner

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