- Not The Only One!
- 14 Dec 23
- Post# 109
- ” Charlie Sheen”
- Winning!
- Howdy,
- Welcome in again. This is just another weird brain moment. I don’t care who you are, or what you do, most times we are judged based on our worse moments in life. Many people have many different opinions about Charlie Sheen and to what kind of person he is, judgement calls on his abilities as an actor and as to whether he has any talent at all. If , I had to guess, I would think that the highlight of his career would be the sitcom “Two and a half men”. It was wildly popular during its airing. Unfortunately the popularity of the show was climaxed with the huge brawl between producers and Sheen and he pronounced that he was “Winning”!, whatever that was supposed to mean. The show brought in the heavy weight of Ashton Kutcher to try and save it, but the storyline just got weird, and viewership declined until the show was eventually canceled. I think like for myself, many of our last memories of Mr. Sheen converged around him declaring that he was winning and it definitely was not his finest moment. At the time of the shows original showing, both the viewership and the amount of money that he was paid per episode, was staggering and enough to choke several herds of elephants ☺️☺️. The show had a who’s who of guess stars, beautiful women and it launched a few careers as well. Again, it’s not a pronouncement on Mr. Sheen, but such phenomenal success and to have the exclamation point to be “winning “!, just doesn’t seem fair or have things in there proper perspective. He has a new show coming out soon, which he is not the lead in, but will perhaps give him an opportunity to reinvent himself and to not have the previous exclamation point, have the final say on things.
- Life is just full of highs and lows, but for most of us, the human brain will gravitate toward the negative and all the other stuff will be pushed into a corner as if they never happened. I don’t know if this is part of the cancel culture or what. I’m going to say no, and that is just who we are and always have been. We want people to be perfect and we wrestle back and forth in our brains, because we judge them from a stand point of perfection and at the same time we know that there is no such thing as perfect people, still we want them to be. How is it that I can say the name Bill Clinton and your brain doesn’t immediately run to Monica Lewinsky, worse moment. I could list an A list of celebrities and famous people and each time we would lean toward the negative or the none shining moment in their lives. I almost want to say universally across the board, I even remember an interview with Mother Teresa and they had to point out her deformed feet, that’s right all of her saintly work overshadowed by bad Piggies☺️☺️ Maybe it was thrown in there to boost her up, I’m not sure. The woman had bad feet, because she always thought of others first, and would never wear shoes because she always saw others in more need, so her feet took the hit.
- We all want to be shining stars, that is not who most of us are, but we want to be seen in that light and we do our best to present that to others. I sometimes wonder if we were more honest about who we are and what our short comings are, would it not be such a far fall from grace, when we miss a step or two. If we were more genuine in our portrayal of who we really are , perhaps, just perhaps there would be more grace at our disposal. I get not wanting to be known as the fumbler, and people’s characterization being, “that just who they are”!. Then we have to balance it against, well ” I didn’t see that coming”, or “I just can’t believe that about them” . How many times have we turned on the news feed and seen some awful story and people were just totally shocked, by the neighbor that they have been living next to for over twenty years, with no idea, that they had started a pet cemetery in their backyard☺️, or it’s the person at work, who has the cubicle next to you for the last five years and what you thought was a bold move considering their odd shaped head, but to find out that they are actually a skinhead ☺️☺️, they masked that one really well ☺️.
- I guess for me , we should just enjoy those pinnacle and on the mountain top moment, because that is just today and we know that we don’t knock it out of the park each and everyday. It’s probably much more significant for us to remember that we are so much more than our worse moment in life. We all make none wise choices, part of being human is to be prone to making mistakes. We all have times when we fall down, nope!, not just toddlers and old people, ☺️☺️but we all have a tendency to stumble in life. We all have scars from bad financial decisions, picking poor or the wrong people to do life with, big glaring fails in parenting, career choices and probably a hundred and one other things that I’m not going to take the time to mention. As , I said we all have experienced epic failures in life, it could be a divorce of what looked like a picture perfect life and a picture perfect family. The important thing is to remember that these things do not define who you are as a person, and regardless of how colossal the disappointment was, and it’s fallout, it just one blip on the radar and it’s not the end of your story.
- We all need to be comfortable with who we are and not let others force us into something that we are not. I was just looking at a story about six famous women and some of them married multiple times to men, but that’s not who or where they felt that they should be. I think about how much life they missed out on because they were trying to be who other people felt or was telling them they needed to be. Life is short, quick, fast and in a hurry, and it’s over before you know it. It goes by way to fast to be living it according to others standards. When it’s all said and done, a long list of doubts and regrets is not the way to go out. I believe that we should be concerned about what our Maker thinks of us first and foremost and then may be the other significant relationships we have in our lives and after that, its a take me as I am or leave me the hell alone. . I have a friend who is constantly up in arms about the things that things that people say and do, who say that they represent God. My response to this friend is stop looking at people and look to God Himself. He is not hiding and He actually wants you to come to Him with all of your questions and doubts. I always tell people that God can and does speak for Himself, if we actually want to know what He says and thinks about things, all we have to do is stop and make the time to listen.
- I’m not going to play down the roll of social media in our lives, personally I think we could do with a little less, because it really does controls certain people’s lives, but that’s another post, for another day ☺️☺️. Ok, so a couple of things that I took away from social media this past week. The first is that a majority of people say that they want God in their lives, but absolutely have no time or space to fit Him into their already crammed tight schedules, now that’s a problem! The other thing that I saw this week was a cartoon of someone under a gay pride flag and over them was standing other people shouting at them and the caption read ” if your religion causes you to hate people, then it’s time for a new religion. Wow!, what a mouth full and well said. I will add this, all religion, regardless of what banner it hangs from or under is man made. It is man doing his best efforts to garner God’s attention, praise or whatever. We can just try our damnedest to earn God’s approval, and no matter what we do it will always fall short and be insufficient, it just doesn’t work that way from my understanding of it.
- When I look at the landscape of religion, I just see a bunch of dos and don’ts. Do this, but don’t do that, and they can’t even come into agreement about what those things are ☺️☺️. Maybe that is one of the reasons that everybody just does what seems right to them , not saying that it is right or wrong, but what just seems right to them. I know that the prevailing wind, may say perfect!, that’s just perfect!, you do what works for you and I will do what works for me. If we all lived in our own tiny little bubble or on the planet all to ourselves, then maybe I could declare prefect as well, but we don’t and we have to interact with other selfish human beings, just like ourselves , so Anarchy!
- So, the bottle neck or choking off point is who is actually right? At the end of the day, you can believe whatever you want to believe, that doesn’t make it true or relevant. All things can’t be equal. Just because you can’t see electricity in a plug in the wall, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, if you stick a fork in there, it will make you a believer really quick and probably leave you with something to remember it by☺️☺️. If you think that two plus two is eighteen, well you can believe that as well , I just hope that you don’t have a job dealing with money, because you won’t be employed long. ☺️☺️. And my absolutely favorite is you don’t have to believe in gravity but if you step off of a cliff, it will make a very convincing impression on you In a matter of seconds ☺️☺️. So….just like the electricity that you can’t see but is very real, so is God. Again, if it comes down to who is right, and who and what to believe, I’m going to throw my chips in with God. Do you ever have those things that just make you chuckle inside your head? One that gets me every single time is people who don’t have a problem with God until He says something that they don’t agree with, or like. It’s hilarious to me because, just because they don’t like it, He some how cases to be God. It’s like being a little kid demanding ice cream for dinner and the parent says no, does that some how disqualify them from being the parent? , and you holding your breath until you turn blue in the face, doesn’t change the situation one iota , except for getting me to turn up the laughter ☺️☺️. God said it and that settles it, I don’t have to believe it or like it, but it doesn’t some how excuse me from the reality of that truth. There are lots of things that God says, that I don’t care for, but it doesn’t make them less relevant because I don’t care for it, it’s not like He is saying have some broccoli, and I just get to say no thank You ☺️☺️
- Our biggest problem is that we think every thing is open for debate, discussion and various interpretations, and sometimes, it’s just not so much! . We like to choose and be in control, which is actually very laughable, because the more you actually try to control things, the more it’s open to go airy. I think that when we sit on the thrown of our lives ( hearts) , there is no room for God there. It’s us saying hands off, I got this! I think that just great, that we have it all under control, well of course until we don’t. By a show of hands, who has ever cured someone from cancer,….no takers, how about resuscitating someone back to life after they were clinically dead for over twenty minutes, what still no takers?? Well, maybe You are just the person who tells the sun to shine every morning, or the person who tells the ocean that it can only come this far, or a bazillion of other things that fall uniquely under God designed and driven, but somehow, once again in your very own little corner of the world, you scream ” I got this”☺️☺️
- We started this off with the fact, and yes it’s very factual that we are so much more than our worse moments in life, regardless of whatever they are. We walk through life with moments of kindness and moments of compassion, hopefully for others, other than just those who we are close to. We are designed with a spirit that hopes at all times for the best to come out in us and in others, but we have a dual identity running at the same time that is bent towards self interest that often has very little regard for others and we do our best to beat it down or lock it away, but it’s constantly persistent to rear it’s ugly head at the most inopportune moments. Those are the moments that others wish to judge us by and that we horribly want to forget and wish that they had never happened. Those are the moments that want to define us and hold us hostage, and to shame us into believing that is who we are. While we are so much more than our weakest times, we are not God, and should be so happy that we are not. When others try to remind us of failures, God is say that there is no condemnation. I don’t know about you, but for me that is good news, especially for a person who has a hard time forgiving myself. The good news is that you don’t have to carry all of your baggage and failures. God is still in the business of making beauty out of brokenness and I mean the most beauty from the most brokenness. The word for today is to seek Him! Seek Him while there is still time and He promises if you seek Him first all of the other stuff, the toys, the relationships, the success, the notoriety, will be added to your life, because if He is first all of those other things will fall into their rightful place and you will use those things to bring Him glory. Chase in vanity or live in peace and tranquility , it’s completely your call.
- Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
- Sandy The Southerner
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