
Holding On !

Post #13 & 1/2 & #14 This is to act as a follow up to some feedback that I got about the last post that I did on Brotherhood.  In stead of doing another whole post, I’m just going to do a little post script at the beginning of post #14.  The feedback was about […]

Holding On ! Read More »

NTOO- Not The Only  One ! Post# 13 BROTHERHOOD !Howdy! And once again I say welcome aboard.  This may be a strange post for some of you out there in the audience, and when I get to the strange part,,I  will point it out for you. I  have heard some of you saying,  put on

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we all start out innocent


Howdy!And welcome into this new adventure of mine. Incase you found yourself here by happenstance,  or if you were intentionally looking for something new to plug into, I  say thank you and welcome aboard.  This will be a brief introduction and I’m sure that you will pick up facets of my background,  as we journey

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