” Bullet Proof “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #75
  • 13 Apr  23       
  •                        ” Bullet Proof “
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks again  for  popping in  for a fresh edition of, let’s see what  pops up! . If you think  that  this has anything  to  do with  Kevlar , or anything to do with  firearms at all ,then  you must  be new to the show, and  I  would  like  to welcome  you  into the blog….welcome!. So this one  was kicked off , by a friend of  mine,  by the name  of  Joy. Every  second  Sunday  of the month,  I  get  to serve  at  the coffee  bar at my  church.  It’s a  four man team, so I  get to work  with  Joy and her husband  Tom, and  a retired  marine  by the name  of  James,  who  is  still  a  full  go, as a marine,  even though  he has been out for a few years, early  forties. We  have  rush times, but  during  the  services,  things  slow down  a bit and we get  to  chat and catch  up.  Tom and Joy have  four adult  sons, and  I  believe  the  last one graduates from  college  next year. Tom and Joy are probably  closing  in  on  forty years of marriage.  Joy is  a  high school teacher and  Tom retired  early  a few years back,  and then  decided to  start a little  landscaping  business,  just  to  keep  himself  busy, which  has grown  into  a  monster.  He now employs a team of people,  and he says that it’s all word of mouth  referrals,  and he has a hard time  telling  people  NO!☺️☺️.  So as we are joking around,  Joy and I  end up in a conversation about  personality types, and  how her and Tom balance one another out, and  I  believe that to  be true  for most  successful marriages.  Then the conversation  moves  on to the off spring  and   who takes after  whom.  So, the way Joy tells  it , Tom is kind of authoritative ,and I  guess  she considers herself  more laid back , and she really  is the social  butterfly type. Some how we land on  son number  three, and about  some of his life style  choices,  and of course since  misery  loves company, so  I  add my son to the mix.☺️ There is just  something about  having  been  around  the  block  a few time , to get you to a point,  to say, this is probably  not  going  to  end well ☺️☺️. I  mean  to be honest,  it’s probably  a generational thing,  where we think that our parents  are  dumb as a rock,, or at least  out of touch with  reality.  There is just  something  about  knowing  way better  than  our  much more  experienced parents.  This  mentality  is  partially what makes us ” Bullet Proof”,, and if not that, then  something  pretty  close to being the  Teflon kid. So the folks aren’t  real happy  with  his choice in a dating  partner, and I  have  been  there, done that, and brought a T shirt myself ☺️☺️. His girlfriend  is  setting  of red flags for mom, and she just  cringes at the  thought of  her possibly  being  thought of  as  daughter in law material. I  want  to  say,  just  incase  any of you  guys out  there are on the engagement  track, you marry  the whole  family ,it’s not just  your fiance,  but  the whole  kitten kaboodle, so make sure that  you  see it all, and as much as  you  can,  before  saying  those  “I dos”. Well, kid number  three  graduated from  college  and  landed a supremo  job,  which  I  understand that  he enjoyed  and had a promising  future as far as upward  mobility was concerned.  I  don’t  remember Joy  saying  how the two  met, but  sometime after they  were  dating  for a while,  he quit his job and went  to  work for the new  girlfriend’s  father…red flag number  one. This is the personification of  sticking your pen in the company’s  ink ☺️☺️. Relationships  in and at the work place are almost  always a  bad idea, and with  the boss’s  daughter is a double  whammy. Red flag number two  is  that she is high maintenance and  very  much  spoiled and use to having and getting  her way. As a general rule,  people who are use to getting their way all of the time are not usually known as people who  are willing to  make compromises or to meet someone  half way.  I  believe the word that sprang forth from  Joy’s mouth  was  intitled.  I believe like  most good mom’s,  Joy tried to point out  the pitfalls of that being  who she is, he could  only expect  more of the same  or for it to become worst. People  don’t  usually  change  when  they  are  trending in a particular direction.  I  mean in the grand  scheme of things,   her son  could  be making  far worse  decisions than  these, but it goes  to the the foundational truths of  what the relationship is going to  be  built  upon and  the longevity of  what it will  extrapolate out to in the  future.  When  she sees  some of the interactions  between the  two of  them, it’s pretty  bad. She points it out to her son and he counters with,  but when  it’s  good  mom, it’s really  good.  I  was thinking,  have I ever been  there? You  know  one of those  toxic  relationships,  that runs  from  one extreme  to  the  other,  ….oh yeah, you bet!. I  also  remember  that  being  code for the sex being  pretty  hot and outstanding.  Guys will  put up with  a lot in a relationship if the sex is hot. The problem  is  that  it is  not sustainable.  At , some  point you will  figure out that it is not worth  all of the drama that comes along  with  it. The truth  is  you will  come to understand that  you can  get what you need  somewhere  else without   the emotional  roller  coaster. We all for the most part know  certain  things  about our kids that they  can’t  always  see about  themselves. Joy knows that  her son sees some of  the  dysfunction,  but he also believes that  he  can  save her from  herself and  who she is on tract to become.  This is  a  quality that is much more  associated with women.  They  think  that  they  can  change  a guy ,or rescue him from  some emotional  baggage of his past.  Nothing  like a good old project,!  and  all I can  say to that is, good luck with  that ,because  Your going to  need it. I  can’t  even begin to  tell  you  how many people I’ve known over the years that  have died on that hill. This is  just  an extension of  that  Bullet  Proof  mentality of being  invincible. When  we are young,  we have  the world  by the tail. We have  that bright  light in our eyes and  most  things  are  seen  as an opportunity for  us to change the world. The point  his mom wants him  to  get  is that compatibility  is  important, and  I have had this very  same  conversation with my son .I  think  on some level  , certain people  take on the characteristics of a chameleon and  they  want  to  blend in and be what the other  person  needs. This is  a great  quality to have,  but if it  goes against who you are at your core, it will  be disastrous or lead to  loose yourself  in that relationship. I have  seen  this  first hand  in my life, and  also   in my son’s life.  He has  recently  broken up from  a  decade  long relationship that wasn’t  going anywhere,  and everyone could see that  except  him, not a good  place to  be.  He took on just  about  all her identity,  until  one day he didn’t  recognize the  person  standing  in  front of the  mirror.  Is it true that  there is someone  out there for everyone?, I think for the most part that  is  true if we want  to  exhaust ourselves with  finding  just  right  ratio of  crazy, but not to crazy ☺️☺️.  That  equation is  different  for  each and   everyone of  else. We are all a little  weird in some way,  and we just have to  find  the person who  has  a similar amount of  weirdness for it to be a match. Again  compatibility is  important,  I think  as we get older and the light in our eyes is not as bright as it once was,  we are  much  more eager to say  ,  that  this is not my circus ☺️☺️.I  mean  as you  get  more experienced and hopefully wiser, you  should  be  able to  see through some of the camouflage of people’s wounds and  scars. The Bullet Proof  mentality goes way past the  point of  matters of  the heart.  It truly is a full blown  life style as to pushing the  limits of our minds and  bodies,  without  much thought as to the consequences of our  actions and decisions,  may cause  us, let alone  other  people. There is  a  reason why the military recruits young  men and women,  they  have  that  gun ho mindset that  believes they can  make it happen. As we go through  life and experience the pains of failure and disappointment,  we become  more reserved and less  resilient at the same  time. We become  much more  thought  provoking as to what we will  invest  our resources in,  as in time and energies. I  mean  if  you  have  ever   found   yourself saying  to yourself that  you  had  wished that  you  learned  some lesson  in  life  many moons ago, or wishing  that  you  could  go back  in  time  , but be able  to  take all of the  knowledge  and  wisdom  with you that you have now  , then  you  have  experienced  the concept  of  working  smarter  and not harder. I  think  as agents of the bullet proof,  we only  know of one way and that is with the  throttle  wide open.  Sometimes  it’s  work  at a ridiculous level as we try to establish ourselves  in  some field of  expertise.  We  may forgo the  basics of eating  properly,  exercise and  getting  proper  rest.  It may sound a  bit  sarcastic or  even  morbid,  but  there will  be plenty of  time for  resting  when  I’m dead and gone.  It’s not  just  in our dating  choices and the work environments that we create, but it can  be permeated through  family life as well.  If your career  prevents you from taking  time off to go home and  visit  your  parents or close friends,  that you had from high school or college,  then  you may be sacrificing the very support  system that  you  will  need to  draw on , when  you hit that wall, or are experiencing  burn out. Bullet Proof  doesn’t  just  plague us as young singles,   it also  wreaks havoc during the  years of  raising  children.  If you are  one of those  people  who  has a calendar on the wall, just  trying to  maintain and keep  up with  all of your kids  activities,  which  days are soccer  practice and  which  days are games,  ballet recitals, piano lessons,  karate lessons and  whatever else, you determined  that your  child  may need to be well  rounded,  then  you  are living  the Bullet Proof  life style  on a treadmill ☺️☺️. I  have  the ultimate question for  you,  when  was the last  time you  guys  all set down around the  dinner  table,  cell phones  off, made eye contact  with  one another,  had a  meal  together and  enjoyed some conversation together? I  want to  give you  parcel  credit for  having  dinner together,  but if there is a single  cell phone at the table,  then  someone  is checking out. I  think that Joy’s  thought  was wouldn’t  it just  be great  if  you  could  Just some  how open  your kids heads up and  pour knowledge  in. Indeed  that would  be  awesome,  and solve some problems,  but probably  create  others  than we hadn’t  given  much thought to,  and besides  we know  that  life  doesn’t  work that  way  and we  all  have to walk through this  journey of life  and  figure out  what works for us  and what falls into  the  not so much category.  There is just  something about  being  or believing that  we are  bullet proof,  that has us thinking  we have  all of this figured  out,  even  when  it goes against the  prevailing  winds of conventional wisdom.  I  think at some  point we have  all been  there at some  point, where we  think  certain  things  don’t  apply to  us,  or we will  circumvent the system with our superior  intellect. I  mean  there have  been  great innovations  uncovered by individuals wanting to  find another way  of  accomplishing something that has been a long time  standard,  such as a better  mouse  trap. There are just  somethings  that are time tested and  never failing.  I  think  that  we have  done all of the social  experiments with  families and  children and  nothing  has even  come close  to  kids being  raised by  the  two parent dynamic in a loving  home. I  mean  if we  are going  to  look  at what has proven  to  be time  tested over and over again,  then  we must  acknowledge  that  Father  Time is undefeated and  if that is  true,  then we must  further accept and acknowledge that  none of us are bullet proof,  no not one! I  mean  we burn  for what is actually a  very short  period of  time.  Some burn extremely  bright  as in the lime light,  perhaps  a pop star of some  sort.  There have  even  been  game  changers such as  Alexander  Bell, or the Steve  Jobs of the world.  There have  been   people  who have  amassed great  amounts  of wealth and  fame, and even  perhaps  political power,  but they  all eventually  burn out, and  the  light  that once shown so brightly is no more. We live at a pace that cannot  be  maintained until  the  end,  and it may be the most extreme of  all  cliches,  but we need to  stop and smell  the  flowers.  We  take  so much for granted and  make  so many  assumptions that  we  just  ot not to make.  None of us  know  the exact amount  of  time  allotted to us, but sometimes  makes  plans as if we  will go on forever,  but none of us do.  I have  been  once again   reminded that all of our lives are  unfinished  symphonies.  The music  plays until  it stops  and  the  toiling  ceases and the symphony in all of its brilliance is  suddenly  silent and no more. I  always  try not to leave on a down  note. The hope is to always  leave  them  wanting  more. This  started with  the  concerns of  a  mother for her poor unexpected son of the  pitfalls  that are waiting  to  devour him  in life.  I  want to  say that youth is not always  synonymous with lack of experience and  wisdom or good judgment,  but we have to ask  ourselves,  what  is the source for that, and where does it come  from. In actuality many times  it  is  from  our parents  if we  aren’t  to  proud  to  admit that  we don’t  have  it all figured  out,   or at the same time  discount the years of  wisdom  that God has granted to  them. So this started  with  a  mom, but it ends with  a  Dad, as in a loving  heavenly  Father.  The giver of the lives that we choose  to  do various  things with,  some good and some not so much!  I will  always  stress the importance of  a personal  relationship  with  God,  because  He is  the  giver of it all, and I mean  all,   from your next breath  to your ability to  earn a living and support a family.  We are not bullet proof,  but God through His son, has made a full proof way for you to enjoy  eternity  with  Him ,once your symphony ceases to play  here, and  they all come to an eventual  end.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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