” Behind The Curve “

  • POST # 33
  • “Behind The Curve”
  • Howdy! Hey, gang thanks again for  checking your in box.  My mind is prone to wonder on so many fronts, and sometimes in odd ball  perspectives.  I  was wondering if any of you guys remember back in the  day  when a teacher would grade on a curve? I can’t  remember a specific situation,  but it seemed to be when  the majority of  the class did poor on a test or exam.  Even some of the sharp kids didn’t do well,  but of course,  it’s always has to be that one or two who seem to knock it  out of the park. When the majority doesn’t do well,  I think it maybe makes the teacher doubt or reexamine their process on this one particular case. Behind the  curve means that you aren’t where you  should be,  or not in the average or trending upward.  I  remember some of  my high school  days ,  even though it was over 40 years ago. I  will  reflect on  a class reunion many years later, and  while at the bar, I  ran into one of those super hot girls from high school,  that just seemed unattainable then, but as we are older now, with more self confidence,  you  strike up a conversation and do a little reminiscing. She was the girl who most wouldn’t dare approach because of  her  hotness and we made ourselves feel better by  telling ourselves that  she was  probably  dating some college guy, and that she was out of our league anyway.  The conversation at the bar painted a  much different picture as to how she had esteem issues,  because  no one ever did step up and  ask  her  out. She figured that there must be  something  wrong with herself and  couldn’t figure out what it was. I  guess we  could write it off as a  misunderstanding or a missed opportunity,  but it basically came down to  perception.  Most of  us thought that she had way more going on then she actually did. This isn’t  probably the best  example of  being behind the  curve,  but its the one that first popped into my head.  So, less make it a little more  personal.  I  have always been  one of those people,  that people thought had way more going on than I  actually did .I’m  not trying deceive anyone,  but it  probably  has more to do with how I carry  myself,  confidently  , or maybe even the way I  can  carry on a conversation.  There have been  many things contributed to  me, that I  don’t think I have the nerve to fathom.  Don’t get me  wrong, I have done,  said and participated in  a  bunch of idiotic things through the  years, just  not some of  the  ones a credited to  me, and when you  try  to deny it or correct their presumptions,  it come across as  being  modest, or not kissing and telling,  which I  definitely don’t do. I  always saw it as immature to brag about conquest.  Let’s just say if I  was one of those kids having sex with the hot school teacher,  I  would have taken that to the grave with me, and no one would have been  any the wiser,  after all,  why mess up a good thing and  her career at the same time,  enough said about that. I have encountered people on multiple occasions who have thought me to be a ladies man , or the ” player”, and nothing could be further from the  truth. Yes, I have dated a bunch before I  was married and  some since my divorce,  but nothing on the level that  people want to believe about me. I  will  say that I  have  learned the hard lesson of being  caught up  between two or more women at a time, did that in my youth ,and I  would like to accredit that to women being  more cunning than men, women  just own it. Perhaps me being a  little gullible at times, and there is always getting caught up in  past emotions. Nevertheless some things  did  happen and I  allowed it  for one reason or the  other,  being it selfish or  just  horny, take your pick there.  I  will  take responsibility for  my actions and  have  learned some  major life lessons along the way,  such as  , don’t get involved with people from work,  can become very  sticky and  awkward.  That may seem like a  no brainer, but not so much when you are young and  have more testosterone than you know what to do with. :)I have  also learned the importance openness or transparency and the need for good communication skills.  There are other things that I  have learned along the  way, but that is not what we are here for. We are  here because I find myself  behind the curve. So we are going to  talk about  my deficiencies.  I  haven’t always been one of those people who  try to  see the glass as half full,  or to see and believe the best in others, however that has been a  change in my  life,  that came along with  maturing.  I even think that  people who have been convicted of crimes , must  have some redeeming qualities unless they are a  complete psychopath.  I  will  go as far as  to  say that I  trust most people until they give me a reason not to trust them. Some of you by now, have to be wondering where I am going with all of this. Well,  in one of my much earlier post I talked about how  dating had  changed while I  was  married for all those years,  and I  don’t think that  any one can  deny that. So,  I’m  thinking on the back side of things, there must be some rules of engagement,  either spoken or  unspoken that I’m completely unaware of.    You know like in baseball,  they have those stupid unwritten rules that you are just supposed  to know,  like  if the pitcher hits the batter with a pitch,  then  you know when the opposing team  gets on the mound, then they are just going to return the favor.  I know that  people say and do things online that most would never have the nerve to say face to face.  People online are , shall we say less than  genuine,  which I  find extremely ironic since they are trying to  find some kind of a partner or mate , and many are thinking or saying till the end. Let’s face it  at this stage of life, you never know when  that may be. I’m looking at this through the  lens of my time that I spent with Ms. Annomuis,  and I’m  beginning to  think that I  may have been to hard on her, and it’s all because I was unaware that I  was supposed to  be shallow and  tell  people what they  expect  to  hear. I’m beginning to  think that the only winners out  here are the people who own the websites  and raking in the money ,and that the rest of us just engaging in a game of  cat and  mouse, and you really don’t want to be the mouse. Let’s see what I have learned or observed.  Number one,  you should always just  know,  not assume,  but know that they are talking to  a number of other people,  and that number will vary based on  their  ability to  juggle and multi-task.  You should further know that  there is a lot more  going on than they are sharing with you.  There is  also,  almost on  a weekly  basis that you  will  have conversations with people from  different parts of  the  country about getting together,  that will  disappear quicker than the  morning fog.  I have been  amazed as to how some have a system for this.  Some are very direct, while with others it can be a slow painful process,  because you can  carry on intelligent conversation,  while  many men are missing  that from  there arsenal.  You should further know that loyalty is a lost  art form, when it comes to dating.  I  think  some have  gone back to that old Isleys Brothers  song, ” love the one  your with” , even if it is not  the right person  for them .People will  chat you up from out of the middle of nowhere for a week or two,  or maybe even a  month,  and then  vanish, as if abducted by body snatchers. And of course the  scammers, what a way to scratch out an existence,  by taking advantage of the lonely, and sometimes elderly or highly vulnerable.  People like to be flattered and  that seems to be  their number one go to. I  say all of this because I  was completely unaware of the process of playing your cards close to your vest and  learning the art  of bluffing. There is such dishonesty and deceit in  online dating that I’m  amazed that there are ever any real  success stories.  It’s almost as if  we revert back to  being  children again and  people want to hammer you with their  accomplishments and  possessions.  Talking about  completely missing the point.  People at this point in life have  become extremely selfish and  everything is  about  themselves.  I  don’t know how anyone can  navigate these murky waters, in the current climate.  I must confess that I  find it a little alarming that the  baby boomers have taken this stance, especially the ones who never invested in family themselves ,  such as having kids, of their own.  Again our kids watch us, so some of them are observing their parents lackadaisical approach to  committed relationships,   and they may take the same approach to  taking care of them when the time comes. So, the greatest generation,  may have given birth to  most  selfish generation. I’m not wired that way,  I don’t know how to superficially invest in a relationship or to half heartily make commitments that I have no intention in following through with.  I  think  Ms. Annomuis gave me a speed course in this, but its  just something that I  can’t  sign on for. It’s almost like a  shell game,  except there is nothing under any of the shells.  People  need to  just fess up , if they want to  play around,  or sleep around,  or whatever it is that they are doing,  that is something less than a committed relationship.  If you are just looking for  companionship,  then  you  should say that and not waste people’s time and energy , when you have  no intentions of  being  anything more than a  part time  fling. If you go to the urban dictionary and  look up to curve someone it means to  reject them and  to veer away from  their  romantic gestures in  a non confrontational way or  Aka  ghosting,  which  Ms. Annomuis also had down to a science.  Well ,  In case you aren’t getting the picture here, I  was the mouse. This one is completely on me and people like me , who were unaware of the  rules of engagement at this phase of life. I  think  some have missed their calling in life as career politicians or that used car salesman,  who makes a living off of selling clunkers as reliable automobiles. This is a  place that I can’t follow suit with, on my worse days I don’t believe that I  could stoop to that level.  I  think my choice is to  remain behind the curve.  Whatever happened to  treating people the way that you want to  be treated, ?  and perhaps that is  hitting the  nail on  the  head. Perhaps someone has treated them in this manner,  and they believe that  it is except able behavior.  It is completely true that people who have been abused , become abusers themselves.  Hurting people,  hurt other  people.  The buck stops here with me , I refuse to  conduct myself in such a  careless and noncaring way.  As ,people in  our fifties and beyond,  we need to do a much better job,  with our treatment of  others,  and learn to   more clearly to express  our intentions and  what it  is  we are actually  seeking.  If  it’s a booty call,  then  say that, there are other people out there seeking like kind, but don’t  dress it up  and call it love , when  it couldn’t be anything  further from the  truth.  Yes,  a little bit of  hateoraide,  and I’m not  apologizing for it.
    • Till next time , peace !

Sandy The Southerner

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