“Base Camp/ Ground Zero”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 16 Jan 25
  • Post #174
  •   ” Base Camp / Ground Zero “
  • Howdy!
  • As always thanks for checking  in and thank  you to all of you who have  been  sharing the blog with  your  friends  and  colleagues.  This is potentially  another  one just  off the cuff.  I’m not sure what pops  into  your mind when  you  read the title.  Honestly  there are just  so many possible destinations with  this one. When  I  think  about  base camp the very  first thing that pops into  my head  is maybe  some sort of military institution.  It also conjures up thoughts  of someone, not me ☺️☺️, but someone being at the foot of a mountain, and they  have  pretty  clear  intentions  of  climbing it or freezing  to death in the process ☺️☺️. I don’t  know  about  you, or if it’s just  one of my weird  things, but for me the words  ” Ground and Zero ” are  forever  synonymous for me with  September the 11th. It was  just  one of those days burned into my  memory  forever.
  • However and wherever  your mind takes you, it’s some kind  of  a  place that implies that  we get  to go up from  here, or to somehow  move forward.  We aren’t  going to  dig a hole, we are at the lowest point. Another example  may be someone  who has been writing  checks that their body’s can’t  cover. Yeah!, that’s an old Top Gun line, but  it doesn’t have to be about  fighter jets as much as  it  is about  living on the edge and you know at some point  it’s going to  catch up with  them, and secretly there is a part of  you that wants to be around to see it happen ☺️☺️. I think a lot of the time  it has to  do with  unhealthy habits.  Things such as drinking or smoking, maybe  gambling or being  the stereotypical womanizer ☺️☺️. My question has always  been, how can  we  drink ourselves into a  coma and not realize that we have a problem?
  • Well  it goes to perception and  us not having a very good  idea of who we actually  are. See!, it’s quite normal  to think  more highly  of ourselves than  we should. I mean  it goes to image and self esteem.  I believe that it’s a subconscious thing that we lie to ourselves, because  people  who go around  all the time telling  themselves that they  suck! , don’t  usually  do very  well in the game of life. Most of us  have  something  in our closet  that we aren’t to proud  of, but for the most part we chalk that up to one of those rare and not really  myself  on that day. ☺️☺️. It’s funny, because  we still  believe ourselves to be pretty  good  people, even  if  there is a pattern  telling another  whole different story all together ☺️☺️ . We really don’t  want  to  go  down the road of being  judged for our worst  moments and  for some,  they truly are  isolated one time  events.  Still, most truly  believe themselves to be good people.  So!, where is Ground  zero  taking us today?  It’s funny that you should ask☺️☺️.
  • Well, it looks like  some people  can  never see themselves as Ground zero people.  They are  the ones who push back against  being  called a sinner.  It’s a little  ironic, but our president  elect has a problem with  seeing  clearly  in the mirror, but he is not alone, and not by a Longshot ☺️☺️. I’m not picking on Mr. Trump, but I think that  sometimes  we get heady and  think that  because we  donate large amounts of money to  charities or have some other acts of  self righteousness, good deeds that we just  couldn’t  be considered to  be one of those lowly sinners.  I don’t know if it’s funny or  if it’s sad, but we would  gladly  make God a liar, just  so that we could be in the right!  Wait!! Does that mean that we would  make a better god than  God, because  we can’t  agree with  his interpretation  of who He says that we are?  We somehow  know  best or better….until we  don’t ☺️☺️. I’m not sure, but in my mind, if you can’t come along  side  and  agree with  God , then  that means that  you  are stuck  in some kind  of  ” Base Camp” purgatory.  You can’t  actually  move  forward if you never  had a  starting  point. It really  implies some kind of a loop or that hamster  wheel thing.  ☺️☺️ You don’t  just  get to magically snap your fingers and end up at the pearly gates and bargain your  way  past St. Peter, or whoever you  think  may  be manning the gate☺️☺️
  • Still, I  think  if we were to scratch beneath the surface , ever so slightly we would  see one of two things at work  here, and they  would be  pride and or  entitlement. Sometimes things  travel  together  like peanut butter and jelly, they may beg for a glass of milk  along the  way, but a good old fashioned ” choke and slide” are just  the primo of  bosom buddies ☺️☺️. So , what does pride and  entitlement have in tow? , arrogance? , perhaps, but usually  some deep  connection to  a lack of humility and  believe it or not, it’s side kick is shame. Shame is that accusation that that you just  aren’t  good enough and it takes up the position of you being  undeserving or incapable of ever being  excepted and more importantly, never loved by God. Shame knows our secret and  the thing that holds us hostage and a prisoner to the hamster wheel.  ☺️God’s love  is a direct  threat to all of your deficiencies and  especially the  one’s that  claim that you just  aren’t  good enough.  What is that one strong and annoying thing that eats away at us and tells us that, maybe  God can love and except  others, but we are that one exception? .   Why are we  that one person in  the  whole  world that is not covered by His mercy and  grace?
  • There have  been  times when I  have set across the  table from  someone and there face is a puzzling  mixture of confusion.  Their  expression is I’m strong and  I’m not a caveman.  See a caveman  is someone  who  has caved into  this whole  belief  system about God loving sinners.  It’s a line that they just  can’t  cross, because they  believe that they  are somehow  better than that. I can’t  become  the thing that I have  spent my entire  life waring against and making  fun of.  I  can’t  place my finger on it, but there is something here that’s just  slightly  creepy.  I’m not an idiot, so how can I  believe that there is something  more here at play, than what is right in front of me?.  It’s like  they  know  something that I don’t know, and it makes me feel  like an idiot, which I  know that I’m not….but what is it and why can’t  I  get  past this uneasiness? I feel like  someone  is using a word  that I  don’t  know  the meaning of, and I’m to embarrassed that I don’t  know the meaning , and I’m hoping that  just  playing along, somewhere and someway it will  become  clear along the  way.
  • It’s not my first time  being exposed to this religious stuff.  I have  encountered it more times than I  would care to admit and each time  it makes me  more uncomfortable than the last.  I have  learned  ways to  cope with my  discomfort and it’s stoic.  I demean it, I deflect it, I make fun of it, and at the end of the day, I run from it.  I have  to many unanswered questions and  things that  just  don’t  make sense to me and  maybe I’m just way more comfortable with  them  not making sense, because after all, I have  built  my life around  me and  I’ve gotten along  just fine without  becoming something that I  despise.  I know that’s a harsh word , but it’s spot on. I despise them and  most of what the religious say that they  stand for and believe.  It’s just  way to many loop holes, contradictions and the hypocrisy just  seems to  be never ending.
  • Sometimes I  may  find a comic  who is funny  with  the  whole  self deprecation thing, but I  mostly  find it offensive, when  I  hear religious types talking about their unworthiness and  how about  God has made all of these wonderful changes in their lives and about  how they  are  somehow  new people. This ” Born Again ” thing!  What a ludicrous take on life ☺️☺️. I once heard someone  talking  about  their  life and  it sounded like  it was something  across  between  a train wreck and  some kind of creepy  old haunted mansion, that  God had just somehow turned  into the  most amazing thing since sliced bread ☺️☺️. Why can’t I  just  get  it, or understand it, or see and know what they  know? There is obviously something  here….but what? I keep  coming to  this point of  belief and it’s like  this  invisible  line that I can’t  see or detect, but somewhere  deep down I know exist.  I truly want to  know what they  know, or at least  to be able to  consider it honestly or just to throw it  away  for once and for all. It just  won’t  let me do that.  It’s not something  up to me or something that I  can except on my  own terms, and maybe that’s the rub!
  • It’s about me and it has always  been about  me, and why shouldn’t it be about me, when  it’s my life, after all. I don’t  know about  this perception of it being about  someone else, this invisible God , that people says exist . I guess it’s just  some weird  terminology that I’m just  not privy to. It’s a foreign language  within a  language that  I speak and know, but it still  just  doesn’t  make  sense.  How does someone  die to self  ? I know  it’s not about  suicide, because they  are all still  here, praising  this Jesus  person, who they  all swear that He exist and have some kind of a thing they  have  going  on with  him, which they  frame in the context of a ” personal relationship “. How do you  get  ahead be taking  last place and being a servant, makes  absolutely  zero sense to me. I’ve always seen this religions stuff as a weakness, it’s a crutch for people who aren’t mentally or emotionally strong enough to accept what life throws at them. You can  call it a thaw if you want, but I  do believe that there is some supreme  power that  put all of this in motion, who knows, maybe  some alien race, that just  forgot about us, who truly knows?
  • This all represents someone who I honestly know, a real genuine person, who is not out here on this limb   by themselves.  Will you find the ” Donald ” there? Absolutely, with a whole  lot of other   prominent well intentioned people, and yes , a lot of them  faithful church attendees.  We all miss  it for a variety of reasons, but mostly because of  pride and  wanting to  do our own thing , our own way. See, that is the basic definition of  sin, doing it  our own way. We  fail to grasp that every time that we tell the tiniest of  little  white lies, that we aren’t  just  lying to someone, but it’s a transgression against God Himself.  When  we gossip, lie, cheat steal and  all of the rest that I’m just  not going to  put a name to, may be done to or against  another  person or people group, but ultimately it’s against  God. Christianity is not a forced religion per se , you can’t force  someone to  believe  something in their  head that their  heart is divorced from. It’s not a bunch of  rituals that  You  can just  check off as done! It’s not something that you  can earn, purchase or by being  the most pious in the room. It’s not a reward for the  good things that we do or have done  or will  ever do, but it’s a gift of God’s extravagant love and  generosity towards us. It’s about  what God  has done, in forgiving  us for every  mean and heinous thing  that we have ever said or done , and  will  do. Pride stands at the door, between You and  God and it has every  excuse in the world and  it’s clever. It will  mix in some half truths and  misrepresentation about  God, who He is , and  what He wants from you and  for you.
  •   I’m not some PHD type, so there are a lot of things that  escape me.☺️☺️ However I  can  answer  the  latter for you.  God  wants your heart first and  foremost, and He wants only the best for you.  He wants to  be a loving father to you and I know that  can  be a sore spot for so many and present company included.☺️  We were entrusted to earthly father’s who weren’t  always  known for  stepping up, but please  don’t  let that stand in your way of having a  real  genuine relationship with a  heavenly father, who loves you  only wants the best for you. 
  • It may sound like a  cliche, but Ground zero is a launching pad, and we can’t  ignite those engines and  ramp up those  rocket boosters , if we don’t  have  a  jumping off point, and it absolutely has to  be  about  recognizing who we are  and* agreeing with  God about  us being  eternally  separated  from  Him by our sin. It’s not God’s problem or sin , but it’s  ours  and ours  alone. It’s  across  the board, doesn’t  matter who you are or what your pedigree may be. God’s answer to our problem, was to gift wrap His son in burial  clothes for us to be forgiven.  Maybe  this is the point of  contention for you.  If you have  no wrongs in your life, then  there is no reason for the need for forgiveness or a savior, but definitely time to see a good eye doctor ☺️☺️. Pride says that I always  pay my own way , I always  pull my own weight and that I  never get  myself  into something that I can’t  get  myself  out of, thank You  California for no fault  divorce ☺️☺️. All joking a side, we all need that base camp experience to get  life in it’s proper perspective. It’s like  buttoning up a shirt or sweater and  if just  one button  ends up in the wrong  place, the whole  thing is  off.  If we aren’t  just  one more  sinner amongst  all of the other  sinners, then we see ourselves as something, someone  special.  Life doesn’t  play out for us like it does for everyone else and when  it does we have a snarky response that usually  goes something  like _ _ _ _ happens, what a brilliant response?  ☺️You may find yourself  climbing a latter in life and  missing out on in life all of the things that truly matter. The  things that  make you a  better  person  from  the inside  out, instead of  all of the window dressing for those looking in from the outside.  Things like  why am I  here? What’s  my purpose in life? And how does all of this work  together, because it  does work together, not as random as  aliens from another  universe, as cool as that may sound ☺️☺️, more Hollywood stuff ☺️.
  • If you  don’t  know for what purpose that you were created , how can  you  know where you are headed in life?  God can and has done  some amazing things with the  dust of the earth.  Before we return there, God has great  wonders in store for us, and the primary one is for us to be known by  Him , but also  for us to know  Him in the most personal and intimate of ways.  God’s truth!, you are a sinner, whether you acknowledge that or not and God absolutely  loves sinners, which I am extremely thankful and grateful for.  Today, acknowledge who God’s says that You are and start the journey to becoming a  beloved  child of the  Father’s.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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